Interesting material on JFK - note his salary was $100,000 a year, and a
$50,000 expense account which he refused to accept.

John F. Kennedy was not CFR for in the first place, a President does not
sit in such a group subservient to his people who elect him.

Today this CFR is run by a man named George Manning and he is malicious
- not a gentleman as they were at least gentlemen in those days.

For you see when the two Rockefeller brothers died that year - we were
getting in good with Egypt again and Tut's stuff over here - and when
JFK was murdered, we had stuff from Tut Exhibition here too and the Pope
died that year also - some think poisoned as was the little Pope who had
said he ate like a canary but before article in Time  hit the stand - he
too was dead.

This is the plot murder the Popes - three Popes or High Priests and
Three Presidents within 10 year range.....

So interesting item these people sent me - they could not conduct a
search for me but sent the information to go into and some good stuff

NOTE:   JFK did not and would not have persecuted Cuba......who hated
JFK and Castro - well Meyer Lansky and his henchmen Zionists lost by
todays standards billons of dollars when Castro kicked that little
weasel faced bastard Lansky find out how Lansky's son got
into West Point after he was involved in this hit?

Meyer Lansky Russian Zionist no doubt used ADL for laundering of his
crooked drug money, money from prostitution and murder inc funds.


Here is the report to the people given by John F. Kennedy - note his
respect for the Steel Workers Union, for we had Manufacturing of Steel

Then consider this - Marc Rich who gave the ADl bribe money to buy a
pardon and sent in his wife as a courtesan (and we all know she wasn't
too hard to get nor was Clinton but hope Clinton got his money's worty)
- however , it was Marc Rich who tried to destroy the Steel Workers Youngstown is desolte, this once great steel town......

See how greed works?   Think Marc Rich - think JFK would have acceptd a
bribe from that pig and would have permitted the ADL to approach him in
such a manner?

The ADL and Zionists and Jewish Mafia for they are all the same, did not
like JFK and they did not like Catholics in particular as many items on
the web seems to indicate.

Anyway - this CFR this Manning in chrge now is a bum - and I mean a
crude vulgar bum.   Read up on him on the web for he is typical Zionist
ADL crap-master.

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Statement On The Steel Crisis
President John F. Kennedy
News conference
April 11, 1962
     Simultaneous and identical actions of United States Steel
and other leading steel corporations increasing steel prices by some $6
a ton constitute a wholly unjustifiable and irresponsible defiance of
the public interest. In this serious hour in our Nation's history, when
we are confronted with grave crises in Berlin and Southeast Asia, when
we are devoting our energies to economic recovery and stability, when we
are asking reservists to leave their homes and families for months on
end and servicemen to risk their lives--and four were killed in the last
2 days in Viet-Nam and asking union members to hold down their wage
requests at a time when restraint and sacrifice are being asked of every
citizen, the American people will find it hard, as I do, to accept a
situation in which a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of
private power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility
can show such utter contempt for the interests of 185 million Americans.
     If this rise in the cost of steel is imitated by the rest
of the industry, instead of rescinded, it would increase the cost of
homes, autos, appliances, and most other items for every American
family. It would increase the cost of machinery and tools to every
American businessman and farmer. It would seriously handicap our efforts
to prevent an inflationary spiral from eating up the pensions of our
older citizens, and our new gains in purchasing power.
     It would add, Secretary McNamara informed me this
morning, an estimated $1 billion to the cost of our defenses, at a time
when every dollar is needed for national security and other purposes. It
would make it more difficult for American goods to compete in foreign
markets, more difficult to withstand competition from foreign imports,
and thus more difficult to improve our balance of payments position, and
stem the flow of gold. And it is necessary to stem it for our national
security, if we're going to pay for our security commitments abroad. And
it would surely handicap our efforts to induce other industries and
unions to adopt reasonable price and wage policies.
     The facts of the matter are that there is no
justification for an increase in steel prices. The recent settlement
between the industry and the union, which does not even take place until
July 1st, was widely acknowledged to be noninflationary, and the whole
purpose and effect of this administration's role, which both parties
understood, was to achieve an agreement which would make unnecessary any
increase in prices. Steel output per man is rising so fast that labor
costs per ton of steel can actually be expected to decline in the next
12 months. And in fact, the Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor
Statistics informed me this morning that, and I quote, "employment costs
per unit of steel output in 1961 were essentially the same as they were
in 1958."
     The cost of the major raw materials, steel scrap and
coal, has also been declining, and for an industry which has been
generally operating at less than two-thirds of capacity, its profit rate
has been normaL and can be expected to rise sharply this year in view of
the reduction in idle capacity. Their lot has been easier than that of
one hundred thousand steel workers thrown out of work in the last 3
years. The industry's cash dividends have exceeded $600 million in each
of the last 5 years, and earnings in the first quarter of this year were
estimated in the February 28th Wall Street Journal to be among the
highest in history.
     In short, at a time when they could be exploring how more
efficiency and better prices could be obtained, reducing prices in this
industry in recognition of lower costs, their unusually good labor
contract, their foreign competition and their increase in production and
profits which are coming this year, a few gigantic corporations have
decided to increase prices in ruthless disregard of their public
     The Steelworkers Union can be proud that it abided by its
responsibilities in this agreement, and this Government also has
responsibilities which we intend to meet. The Department of Justice and
the Federal Trade Commission are examining the significance of this
action in a free, competitive economy. The Department of Defense and
other agencies are reviewing its impact on their policies of
procurement. And I am informed that steps are under way by those members
of the Congress who plan appropriate inquiries into how these price
decisions are so quickly made and reached and what legislative
safeguards may be needed to protect the public interest.
     Price and wage decisions in this country, except for a
very limited restriction in the case of monopolies and national
emergency strikes, are and ought to be freely and privately made. But
the American people have a right to expect, in return for that freedom,
a higher sense of business responsibility for the welfare of their
country than has been shown in the last 2 days.
     Some time ago I asked each American to consider what he
would do for his country and I asked the steel companies. In the last 24
hours we had their answer.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library - Columbia Point - Boston, Massachusetts
Tel: 1-877-616-4599
Fax: 617-929-4538

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library Foundation - Columbia Point - Boston,
Massachusetts 02125
Tel: 617-929-1200
Fax: 617-436-3395
Visit NARA
Page created June 6, 1996 updated: June 17, 2001
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Dear Ms Jones,

Here are some useful sites:

Thanks for your understanding.

Figen Sahin/IRC Director
American Information Resource Center
American Embassy Ankara, Turkey
Tel: 90-312-4688082
Fax: 90-312-4676967
'Measure a thousand times and cut once' Turkish Proverb
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: JFK & CFR

Thought this was American site for information?

Needed to know this because the fact remains this comes up now and then
- that John F. Kennedy was member of the CFR.

Will contact US CFR group - do not remember how I got your address but
was curious.   No need for a search but I do need the official
membership list for 1963 and it should be obvious why - this is the year
JFK was murdered.....was he murdered because he was CFR or because he
was NOT CFR.

That, is the question.

Thank you for your very kind response.   I do not want to put anybody to
trouble over this but I did not subscribe to CFR Foreign Affairs only
but for a few years and this thick publication did carry members at one

Am just a researcher attempting to find out IF the CFR was involved in
the assassinaation of JFK or IF JFK was assassinated because he was CFR?

Did not realize you were in Turkey,

Colleen Jones

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