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04/23/2001 Archived Entry: "Central Intelligence Agency and it's Nazi


I've heard that the CIA was responsible for the shooting down of a plane
loaded with missonaries over Peru. CBS, CNN, and several other news stations
reported that the CIA informed a Peruvian pilot that it was a DRUG pusher's
plane. A missonary and her baby was killed by the pilot's bullets.

If I remember correctly, the bombing of the Chinese embassy was also the
CIA's fault (due to inaccurate information).

What does CIA stand for anyway? COWARDS IN ACTION! Where is the intelligence?

Finally, we must never forget that these are the intelligence information
specialists in this wicked nation. Only in AmeriKKKa!

Now I realize what the Illuminati's handbook means when it states that

Let's look at the history of the CIA. This is very long but definitely worth
reading. It was retrieved from:

Ratlines:The CIA &The Nazis

The mention of the CIA commonly brings to mind images of James Bond spy
trillers and images of cold war warriors fighting the evils of communism. But
more times than not the reality of CIA plots are images of the gang that
couldn't shoot straight. Examples abound of the absurd actions of the CIA and
its forerunner the OSS. During WWII the OSS became wrongly convinced that the
Japanese were deathly terrified of bats. Thus to help the war effort Donovan
of the OSS decided to test dropping bats out of aircraft over the
southwestern deserts before risking planes over Japan. The only fly in this
ointment was that the poor little critters froze almost instantly upon
release in the stratosphere and shattered like fine china upon hitting the
ground. After offing a few million bats over the skies of the southwestern
desert the plan was dropped.

Harvey's hole in Berlin is another example of some rather shortsighted
thinking by our intelligence agencies. In 1954 under the direction of Bill
Harvey a 1476-foot tunnel into East Berlin was dug to install a phone tap on
a Russian communication center. After almost a year the Russians discovered
the tap allegedly while repairing a cable. What was not mentioned was the
American spies had became too accustomed to their comforts that they turned
off the air conditioning to the tunnel during the chilly midseason. Thus the
tunnel was marked on the surface by a telltale strip of bare ground over its
entire length through an otherwise snow-covered landscape.One final example
of the CIA bungling will suffice before moving on. On March 11, 1961 Kennedy
held a meeting with his assorted advisors concerning what has became known as
the Bay of Pigs fiasco. (The CIA has recently announced that the CIA was
entirely responsible for the mistakes made.) Here is a glimpse at only one of
the many mistakes made. The original invasion was set some 100 miles east of
the Bay of Pigs. After Kennedy demanded a site that would be more conducive
to a quiet nighttime landing the CIA turned to the Bay of Pigs. The original
landing site picked for what was supposed to be a secret night landing was
the equivalent of downtown Los Angeles. Over flights of the area had revealed
dark forms just under the surface in the shallows of the bay. CIA experts
determined those dark forms to be seaweed.8 Call it rotten luck, a bad guess,
a freak of nature or just damn stupidity unfortunately those dark forms
turned out to be coral reefs. Reefs that could rip the bottom out of small
landing craft or leave it high and dry for any gunners on shore like a
sitting duck.

As this was being written another bungling episode in the history of the CIA
took place. The incident came during the bombing of Serbia over the Kosovo
crisis. The mistake came in the targeting of the Chinese Embassy. President
Clinton was quick to apologize to the Chinese and in the effort to find the
cause of the error; the CIA stepped forward and admitted the error was
theirs. The problem was the maps had never been updated in four years. Maybe
we should just rely on the Rand McNally Road Atlas, huh. Later we found out
that there was much more to this than just the lack of an updated map. A
lower CIA employee had warned repeatedly of the possible misidentification of
that target site but was ignored. But this brings us to another question.
Does the CIA at times seek to embarrass a president not to their liking? The
reader should be aware of the CIA policy of passing on to higher policy
making officials documents that are less than credible. During a November
1995 Senate Select Committee it was revealed that CIA officials had passed on
more than 35 reports without disclosing the information had come from known
Soviet double agents. Between 1986 and 1994 the CIA had passed on at least 95
reports based on information from double agents without revealing the source
or the accuracy of the information.136

To understand how the CIA has evolved into a menace to freedom worldwide one
needs to look at the very beginnings of the intelligence service in this
country starting in the period following WWI and the cast of characters.
Where and when did the CIA evolve into a monster diametrically opposed to the
ideals of a democracy and who were involved? The simple answer is Allen
Dulles; evidence abounds that he was a traitor. But as with all simple
answers there is a much more that lays hidden. In the following pages the
role of Wall Street bankers and big oil along with their servant Dulles will
be shown to have been behind the subversion of many countries and the
importation of Nazi war criminals. Dulles and the U.S. intelligence community
were actively involved in helping Nazi war criminals escape from Europe; they
were assisted with help from both Britain and the Vatican.

Obviously Dulles needed help in carrying out a continuing cover up and could
not have acted alone. During the war several individuals from the State
Department subverted the wishes and orders from FDR. Elbridge Durbrow and R.
Borden Reams were two people from FDR's State Department who deliberately
mislead FDR and withheld information from him. Reams withheld the first
reports from a spy inside of Germany and occupied Poland of the atrocities
being committed against the Jewish people.14 As this was being written a
report surfaced that the first notification of high government officials of
the Nazi euthanasia was a cable from Vice Counsel Paul H. Dutko dated October
16, 1940.102 It is uncertain if this cable ever reached FDR just as the later
information was kept from him. It is doubtful that even if it had reached
Roosevelt that he could have done anymore than condemn the actions with the
rampant isolationists and the anti-Jewish senitment that was prevalent
throughout the country and in congress. Their actions and the actions of
others mainly inside the State Department went beyond a simple disagreement
over policy into acts of subversion.

Recent evidence confirmed by Clark Clifford has shown that Truman was unaware
of the CIA importation of the Nazis war criminals.3 Generally the cover up
during the Truman administration was the work of James Forrestal, the
Secretary of the Navy at the time. The reader should note here that
Forrestal, a conservative Democrat could barely cover up for his Jewish
bigotry and worked behind Truman's back to block the creation of the state of
Israel and had strong ties to the oil business. Before coming to Washington
Forrestal was a vice president of the Wall Street firm of Dillon, a firm that
invested heavily in Nazi Germany during the 1930s.113 Another who was
certainly involved and well aware of the status of the various war criminals
that were allowed to emigrate was J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover protected himself
in several ways, one he removed all damning files from FBI headquarters to
the New York and Washington field offices, likewise he removed the FBI from
the background checks.15

Others were involved in the cover up at the time as well. In 1945 the navy
captured documents from the Nazi oil cartel, Kontinentale Ol A. G. Konti
headed by former Reichsbank officer Karl Blessing. A young naval officer was
assigned to review those Konti documents. Allen Dulles had personally vouched
for Blessing's as an anti-Nazi. If Blessing would have went down as a war
criminal and a Nazi, Dulles and his clients would go down as traitors. Dulles
personally asked the young naval officer to keep quiet about those documents
in exchange for financing the young man's first congressional race, thus was
launched the political career of Richard Nixon.4

Prescott Bush is largely credited with helping Nixon getting started in
politics as an early backer and in his selection for vice presidential
candidate in 1952. This is the same Prescott Bush that ran a corporation that
was seized by the United States government during WWII as being nothing more
than a den of Nazi spies. Nor could Prescott Bush plead innocence of the
Nazis in the business as he sought out help from the Dulles brothers in
concealing the Nazi involvement in this business from the U.S. government.
The astute reader should recall that during Watergate, Nixon threaten to fire
everyone at the CIA except George Bush after the CIA refused to cover up for
him. Did Nixon make the exception of Bush as a payback to Prescott or was
Nixon fearful that Bush could expose his past? That leaves a neat little
package with immense implications for the reader or another investigative
reporter to explore.

This was far from the end of Nixon's aiding former Nazis. The example of
Nicolae Malaxa will serve as an example here. Malaxa was the supplier of arms
to the Iron Guard in Rumania and a business partner of Goring. He was later
convicted of war crimes in Rumania immediately following the war. In 1948 he
formally applied for permanent US residency. He then faced a blizzard of
legal challenges over his admission. In 1951 Nixon introduced a bill in the
senate that would have granted him resident status. The bill failed. Later in
1951 Malaxa formed a shell corporation named Western Tube in Nixon's home
town, in the same location that shared a mailing address for Nixon's former
law firm. The firm applied for a certificate of necessity to get top wartime
priority for its material and personnel. Nixon personally supported granting
residency to Malaxa on the grounds that he was indispensable to Western Tube.
Yet Western Tube never produce a single product in its history. Others that
aided Malaxa in his legal battles include John Foster Dulles, and former
undersecretary of State Adolph Berle.44 In a later chapter we will once again
turn to how Nixon was instrumental in setting up Ethnic Heritage groups
within the Republican Party that were controlled by ex Nazis to use in
elections. Over the years following WWII many others have been involved in
the Nazi cover up including John and Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, William
Casey, George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Many of the Nazis were admitted under Operation Paperclip to recruit German
rocket scientist. But some like Walter Dornberger first had to have their
records sanitized. Dornberger was a major general at Peenemunde and had been
sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes before being admitted to the US.
England warned the US not to admit him as he was already conniving to start
another war.5 He later rose to a vice president of Bell Helicopters. A
visible spot in the nation to be sure but even more visible after Bell
announced their V22 helicopter surprising close nomenclature for someone who
had been involved in the V2 program.

But first we need to take a look at the beginnings of the US intelligence
services and the men that developed it before looking at the many atrocities
that the CIA has committed over the years. In addition we need a firm
background into the geopolitical scene following WWI particularly the role of
the British intelligence community and its close association even today with
its American counterpart. Further we must keep in mind that all we know about
covert actions has been censored. Even Loftus's book had to be submitted to
the CIA/NSA for censorship.6 Secondly unless that information is painstaking
backed by government documents that are still classified some of it could
indeed be disinformation rather than factual. Thus we have to rely only on in
formation that is approved by the very agencies that we are trying to expose.

There is a wealth of good information available on the CIA-Nazi connection
both in the library and on the Internet. Unfortunately there is also a lot of
disinformation and the just plain nutty. In a web search one cannot help but
run across Nazi-CIA-UFOs or a Nazi link in the JFK assassination. This writer
has deliberately refrained from using the loosely linked or tenuous
connection of Nazis involved in the assassination and of other loosely linked
connections and dismissed the nutty outright. Rather this writer has stayed
with reputable sources and facts that are widely acknowledged and beyond
dispute. This writer feels much of this material is deliberate disinformation
and is part of an ongoing effort to discredit anyone reporting on the
connection. Nor should the reader dismiss all reports or articles that the
CIA or the intelligence community has labeled inaccurate. Many of these have
been labeled inaccurate only after they can find some factual discrepancy
often of some obscure point. Then in a logical fallacy they claim the entire
work to be inaccurate. An excellent example of that would be in the Dark
Alliance story appearing in the San Jose Mercury followed by the mad dog
attack from CIA assets in the mainstream media. The reader should be aware
that the CIA has admitted that it was aware of the drug smuggling drugs in
the Iran/Contra/Cocaine scandal. The report was released on Ocotober 8, the
same day that the House voted to impeach President Clinton. Such timing of
the release insured that the report would not be widely covered by the media.

The remainder of this chapter will first not only develop the connections
between the CIA and the Nazis already alluded to but to the connections
between the CIA and Wall Street as the CIA has evolved into a tool of
corporate America more than a tool to protect American democracy. Since the
theme of this book concerns fascism the focus will emphasize the Nazi
connections. An emphasis will be placed on how the CIA/Nazi connections have
affected not only foreign policy but domestic policy as well. Including a
brief look at how the CIA has subverted democracy in America using illegal
wiretaps, censorship and campaigns to stomp out any group that may be to the
left side of the political spectrum. Following that a brief survey into past
CIA interventions and the corporate American connections will be presented.

Loftus divides this century and its relationships to the Jews into three
phases; the first phase begins with the end of WWI and ends with the start of
WWII. He characterizes the motivating factor of Jewish relations as bigotry.
But nether the less this was the time period in which our intelligence
agencies were born out of. Loftus attributes this phase as being dominated by
three men Jack Philby, a British spy, Allen Dulles and Ibn Saud. All three
were known to harbor an intense hatred for Jews. Philby is perhaps better
known as an oil explorer and the man behind the scenes that placed Ibn Saud
on the throne of Saudi Arabia. Ibn Saud was the leader of the extremist
Wahhabi sect of the Moslems and the Arab leader who united the Arabian

The following quote from a CIA report to President Truman in 1948 removes any
doubt of the hatred or anti-Semitic feelings of the CIA towards the Jews.

>From the book:"Formation of a Jewish state in Palestine will enable the USSR
to intensify its efforts to expand Soviet influence in the Near East. And to
perpetuate a chaotic condition there.

In any event, the flow of men and munitions to Palestine from the Soviet bloc
can be expected to increase substantially." 53

Labeling a group as communist or susceptible to communism was used as a major
means to discredit that group or to otherwise demonize the group. This is one
of the many records that have been just recently declassified and reflect the
CIA concern of Soviet influence over the newly created state of Israel. The
flow of arms reflects the ban of arm shipments to the Jewish guerillas impos
ed by the western bloc. In his memoirs Truman wrote he overruled the State
Department's Middle East experts and the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the issue.

Philby and Saud both betrayed Britain to the economic masters of the region
even today, the American oil companies. Dulles was the American who helped
them when he was stationed in Turkey during the 1920s while he was
coordinating intelligence on the Mideast. These three men are responsible for
laying down the foundations of the region, the common historic myths of the
region and instigators of war. Philby and Saud both were allied with the
Nazis. Philby functioned to get contracts awarded to American oil companies.
His first success was with Standard Oil of California. In many ways Philby
can be regard as the godfather of Aramco. One trait he shared with a number
of oil executives particularly from Standard Oil of New Jersey and Texaco was
an ardent support for fascism and racism. Remnants of the anti-Semitic views
of Texaco has surfaced as late as the 1990s. Although most of the media
focused on the black racism present at Texaco, there was also additional
anti-Semitic behavior at Texaco.10

The relationship between Phibly and Allen Dulles was unique; in essence
Philby was rehabbing Dulles for the British. Dullles first attempt at spying
came in Bern during WWI. After it became apparent to the British that someone
had passed the codes to the Central Powers in WWI the British tracked it to
Dulles's mistress. He had given her the codes for sexual favors. The British
grabbed both Dulles and his mistress and in an effort to save his miserable
skin and his career Dulles agreed to help the British. Some attribute him
with torpedoing Wilson's peace proposals at Versailles. There is no question
about Dulles toeing the British line in the Mideast and Central Europe.

John Foster Dulles likewise had troubles following him from WWI. Foster
fought a desperate battle in order that Kaiser Wilhelm II assets would not be
seized by the Alien Property Custodian board. German bribes ran all the way
to the attorney general, Harry Daugherty. In the defense of Daugherty his
counsel pointed out that there was an even bigger crook behind him, that
being John Foster Dulles, who was known to seek out bribes during the

In Washington as the chief of the State Department's Near East desk, Dulles
wrote to the Bristol America's ambassador to Turkey over the genocide of
Armenians during WWI.

"Confidentially the State Department is in a bind. Our task would be simple
if the reports of the atrocities could be declared untrue or even exaggerated
but the evidence is irrefutable. The Secretary of State wants to avoid giving
the impression that while the United States is willing to intervene actively
to protect its commercial interests, it is not willing to move on behalf of
the Christian minorities."12 Here is perhaps the first direct proof in this
century that the US foreign policy was based solely on economic issues
benefiting corporate America.

In 1923 at the request of J.P. Morgan, John Foster Dulles worked out a scheme
as legal counsel to the Dawes committee in which U.S. banks would lend
Germany the money to pay France and Britain and they in turn would pay their
war loans from the U.S. bank. This financial merry go round was not much more
than a shell game but it kept the money circulating. The 20s were inviting
times for the wealthy. With the emerging auto market and the accompanying oil
industry great pools of capital were available for investment. Many of the
investments that were offered up were more on the seedy side rather than
sound. In 1926 Dulles resigned his position with the State Department and
went into private practice at Sullivan & Chromwell law firm where his brother
John Foster also worked.

The following quote from Newsweek.Com illustrates the relationship of the
Dulles brothers to the Nazis and their treasonous behavior towards the US.

The fresh look at wartime culpability may extend to other American icons. In
1940 one of the nation's most prestigious law firms, Sullivan & Cromwell,
joined together with the Wallenberg family of Sweden--famed for producing
Raoul, a Holocaust martyr who saved Jews in Budapest--to represent Nazi
German interests, says Abe Weissbrodt, a former Treasury Department lawyer
who prosecuted the case in 1946. The scam? Sullivan & Cromwell drafted a
voting trust agreement making the Wallenbergs' Enskilda Bank a dummy owner of
the U.S. subsidiary of Bosch, a German engine-parts maker, so the Nazis could
retain control. The papers were drawn up by John Foster Dulles, a
Germanophile who later became secretary of State and whose name today graces
Washington's international airport. (The scheme worked during the war, but in
1948 Bosch was finally auctioned to a U.S. buyer.) " The record is compelling
in terms of warranting questions about Dulles's motives and his own
allegiances," says historian Masurovsky. "One might say about him what
Treasury said about Chase and J.P. Morgan, that they had allegiance to their
own corporate interests and not to their country."68 Dulles derived much of
his profits and his clients' profits from investments in Nazi Germany. In the
1930s Dulles set about creating an incredible interlocking financial network
between Nazi corporations, American Oil and Saudi Arabia. Here Allen had help
from his brother Foster. Perhaps the best-known deal arranged by Dulles was
between I.G. Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey. What is generally not
known Farben was the second largest shareholder in standard Oil of New
Jersey, second to only John D. Rockefeller himself.11

Another Rockefeller controlled corporation that Dulles worked to protect was
the Rockefeller corporation United Fruit, both United Fruit and Standard Oil
of New Jersey continued to trade with the Nazis after the out break of war.

Much of the Rockefeller's dealings with the Nazis were through Rockefeller
controlled shell corporations centered in Latin America. The dealings were
facilitated by Nelson Rockefeller's appointment to the post of Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs, by Forrestal in 1940. This was the position of the
top spy in Latin America, the post was suggested to Forrestal by Rockefeller
himself. Rockefeller had proposed to Harry Hopkins that England and Hitler
fight each other to the death, regardless of which side won, the U.S. had to
be ready to pick up the pieces to increase corporate America's economic
influence. In essence Rockefeller's only concern was to safeguard corporate
America interests. His definition of totalitarian was limited to the USSR.
Once Nelson Rockefeller accepted the position he informed his staff that
their job was to use the war to take over Latin American markets. Rockefeller
also used his position to see to it, that the Nazis got anything they wanted
in South America such as refueling bases while forcing the British to pay
cash. Additionally he effectively blackmailed Britain by the threat of
withholding or blocking the shipment of raw materials and food to Britain.
Rockefeller's chief aim was to drive the British out of Latin America and
monopolize the markets for himself. In each country he set up coordinating
committees composed of reactionary executives from Standard Oil of New
Jersey, United Fruit and General Electric.41

Rockefeller never bothered with helping the war effort, by 1945 a third of
the countries in South America had not bothered to declare war on the Nazis.
Further a pro-Nazi bloc of countries led by Peron of Argentina was actively
involved in helping hide escaping war criminals. Peron was a friend of none
other than Allen Dulles.

Dulles and their firm were not the only investors in Germany at this time.
Many of the top corporations in the U.S. initiated direct investments on
their own among these are GM, ITT, Ford, and GE. Likewise other Wall Street
firms specialized in German investments such as Dillon Reed & Co. who favored
loans to the Deutsche Bank, Siemens and Frick's interests Key players at
Dillon included James Forrestal, William Draper, Paul Nitze, Ferdinand
Eberstadt and C. Douglas Dillon all of whom later served in the government.
Brown Brothers & Harriman was another such firm and of course Harriman later
served in the government as well. This was the firm in which Bert Walker;
George Bush's grandfather and father were associated with. Bush's grandfather
was instrumental in setting up a deal to take over Hamburg-America Line a
Nazi front company used for espionage. Prescott Bush hired Allen Dulles to
hide his assets invested in Germany from authorities. In 1942 Prescott Bush
was charged with running Nazi front groups and those assets were siezed.13

In just this little snippet of history we have nine individuals (counting the
Dulles brothers) all associated with Wall Street firms serving the wealthy,
who later went on to serve later in the government. Forrestal was mentioned
earlier in the context of promoting policies opposing the views of Truman. We
need to look closer at the past Directors of the CIA to fully establish the
connection between Wall Street and the CIA. Four of the past Directors inc
luding Wild Bill Donovan as head of the OSS there have been Wall Street
lawyers, Donovan, Dulles, Colby and Casey. These four have been at the head
of the CIA for a total of twenty-one years out of the fifty two-year history
of the CIA or almost half the time. The remaining Directors have all came
from the elite class as defined by Domhoff in an earlier chapter. Clearly we
have established a revolving door between the wartime government and Wall
Street as well as establishing the same revolving door between Wall Street
and the CIA.

The question of how extensive the work of Dulles was in acting, as a
middleman in setting up deals between the rich and the Nazis cannot be
answered with any great certainty. However, a document prepared by Pruessen
for the State Department totals over a billion dollars.16 Remember that is
only deals in which Dulles was personally involved in and that it is a floor
value, there may be additional deals that Pruessen failed to uncover.
Likewise, Commerce Department records shows that investments in Germany
increased 48.5% from 1929 to 1940.17 Additionally many US firms bought direct
interest in German firms and in turn plowed the profits back into the
Aryanization (seizing of Jewish firms) or arms production. Among those firms
are International Harvester, Ford, GM, Standard Oil of New Jersey and du

Before moving on this writer feels that, the billion dollars that Dulles help
to invest in Germany needs to be put into context. Today at a single B2
bomber runs over a billion dollars a copy in the 1930s a billion dollars was
real money.

Numbers given in Billions 18

Now from the table we can see that the billion plus dollars Dulles helped to
invest in Germany was considerable money. For example, it equaled or exceeded
the total private investment in 1932. In fact only in one year during the
1930s would it have been less than ten percent of the domestic private
investments. In fact in the 12 years shown if this money had been invested in
a single year would have amounted to 25% of the domestic investment on
average. Even if the money Dulles had help invest in Germany was spread over
the entire decade of the 1930s evenly it would have added one percent to the
domestic investment if invested in the US a considerable boom in the time of
the Great Depression. And remember this was just the known investments that
Dulles had help broker, it is a floor value.

Looking at the table above it is clear that these investments could only help
deepen and prolong the depression in the US. Or to put it onto another
perspective, in 1940 the Nazi war machine's budget was about five billion
marks, in effect the amount of money Dulles had invested would have been
enough for almost an entire year for the Nazi war machine.19 In effect the
rich of this country built a great deal of the Nazi war machine for Hitler.

The reader must now indulge this writer some. Up to this point we have
established a minimum dollar amount of money that Dulles helped to invest in
Germany. Additionally it has been shown that there was at least two other
Wall Street firms that competed with Dulles for clients to make similar
investments in Germany. Further the leading corporations and banks were
making direct investments in Germany has been established as well. It also
has been established that these Wall Street firms had a revolving door with
the State Department and very shortly the revolving door between Wall Street
and the CIA will be more firmly established leaving no doubt of its
existence. In many cases it was hard to tell where Wall Street stopped and
the State Department began in those days, today its impossible to tell as the
distinction has became even more blurred. In a later chapter the Reagan
administration's Bechtel's State Department and the Coor's Department of
Interior will be exposed.

Only a historical revisionist would deny that a considerable number of these
Wall Streeters worked covertly or in a deliberate attempt to deceive and kill
the policies of both FDR and Truman. The reader is urged to read the sources
detailed in the footnotes to confirm this as a book of this scope cannot give
full justice to the extent of such deception and influence in setting
national policies. Likewise it is well known the trouble FDR had in securing
government contracts with corporate America for wartime production. People
could be drafted for the war effort but capital was exempt from the draft. In
fact more wartime shortages in munitions were do solely to foot dragging or
refusal to sign contracts by corporate America than to union strikes. Other
production was lost due to corporate policies of refusing to hire blacks
until FDR issued a directive requiring firms engaged in war time production
to hire blacks. This refusal or reluctance on the part of corporate America
to support the war effort led to FDR's hiring of dollar a year men, the rich
leaders of industry and Wall Streeters.

By the time the war arrived many of these American companies had been doing
business with the Nazis since 1932. They had seen how the Nazi economic sy
stem of syndicalism worked and how to manipulate it to their advantage. The
American corporations that had invested in Germany were forbidden by law to
participate in the Aryanization program and to use of slave labor, few if any
obeyed the law. Now these industrialists were in places of power within the
US government and could effect policies that would benefit their firms.

At the end of the war the Nuremberg trials were for the most part a travesty
of justice. The author is not condemning Nuremberg for the convictions,
instead he is condemning it for its extremely limited scope, far too many war
criminals escaped justice many with the direct help of the US intelligence
and military. Outside of a few top Nazis that were found guilty, most of the
war criminals escaped justice. The Trials caught more lowly soldiers than it
did top Nazi officials. It would be a major task to list all of the major war
criminals that escaped justice. Rather some of the major war criminals that
escaped justice will be sprinkled throughout the remainder of the chapter to
illustrate the various links between the different groups and the active
subversion of justice by US officials. The examples chosen will dispel any
notion that officials were not aware of their past war crimes. Originally a
second trial at Nuremberg was scheduled to focus on those that financed and
lead German industry. The second trial was dubbed the industrialists' trial
at the time and was regarded as of equal importance with the first trial. But
the second trial was canceled after the US bowed out. Additionally the trial
of Flick who was found innocent of all charges except one, the court ruled
that corporate leaders could not be held accountable for slavery and looting
unless the prosecution could proved that he order each and every crime.20 Was
this second trial canceled because the defendants could have exposed Dulles
and his American clients? It will be shown later that Dulles had dealings
with the top Nazi officials and industrialists while he was stationed in

Here is the point for the reader to ponder. Did these industrialists and Wall
Streets subvertly adopt the Nazi's form of syndicalism? In case the reader is
a bit worried that the writer has sat in the sun for too long and is a tad
bit sun happy, this writer is not the first person to raise this question. In
fact one source is very disturbing in that he was part of the dollar a year
men and vice chairmen of the War Production Board and president of GE,
Charles Wilson. In late 1943 he made a notable speech warning against fascist
thinking among the higher ranks of big industry. By 1943 war production
peaked and declined there after, the dollar a year men in charge of
production and the military conspired to prevent small contractors whose
contracts had been canceled from engaging in civilian production. In effect
big business wanted to freeze the marketing of any consumer items until they
were free to produce the same items, thus freezing the small businesses out.
The reader will have to ask himself/herself did corporate America put a happy
face on a Nazi and gained control of the government and economy? The analogy
is much too close to be dismissed out of hand. The previous two chapters
revealed in some detail the support for fascism among various elements of
American society including members of Congress and even members of the
Roosevelt administration as by the time war broke out many New Dealers had
been replaced with dollar a year men. Additionally congress was becoming
increasingly conservative, as the Republicans had doubled their membership in
both the House and the Senate by 1943 from their low point in 75th Congress
of the years 1937-1939. Although the Democratic Party still held a
considerable margin many of these members were southern conservatives or
Dixiecrats that were more likely to side with the Republicans. The reader
should also recall from the previous chapter that in 1942 du Pont, an ardent
Nazi support launched his fascist free enterprise campaign.In fact a date can
be placed on the adoption of fascism by the elite leaders of American
business, January 1944. As by this time war production was steadily
decreasing and along with that decrease, a decrease in the profits of
corporate America. It was this month that the same Charles Wilson proposed
the wedding of corporate America to the military. Wilson suggested that every
large corporation appoint a liaison man with the armed forces with a
commission of a colonel in the reserve. Experts from his proposed weeding
follow below."First of all such a [preparedness] program must be the
responsibility of the federal government. It must be initiated and
administrated by the executive branch--by the President as Commander in Chief
and by the War and Navy Departments. Of equal importance is the fact that
this must be, once and for all, a continuing program and not the creature of
an emergency. In fact one of its objects will be to eliminate emergencies so
far as possible. The role of Congress is limited to voting the needed
funds...Industry's role in this program is to respond and cooperate.... in
the execution of the part allotted to it; industry must not be hampered by
political witch-hunts, or thrown to the fanatical isolationist fringe tagged
with a merchants of death label."Such words render the elegant debates of
Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson and others of the founding fathers and set forth
in the constitution to provide Congress with an absolute choke-reign on the
military power and spending mute. Further the words of Wilson hints at
corporate America's role in starting the Cold War which was soon to follow.
But even more ominous is the fact that before Eisenhower's troops stormed the
beaches of Omaha and Normady, the war against fascism was lost on the home
front. As Wilson's words embraced the very heart of fascism and the power
that ruled Germany, the military-industrial alliance of Nazi Germany.With the
end of the war eminent the top military brass eagerly adopted such a wedding
and expansion of the military as it was job security for them.A successful
military-industrial complex requires a large military to expend the
munitions. With the top brass of the military facing the loss of their ranks
at the end of the war, the campaign to establish the first peacetime draft
was on. The establishment of a peacetime draft would require a huge
propaganda blitz by both the military and industrial sides. And once again
the elegant words of the founding fathers of the danger of a large miltiary
making policy rather than following civilian authority were rendered mute.
Thus by the time the 1948 peacetime draft came before congress, General
Douglas MacArthur had established a public relations office consisting of 135
military men and additional 40 civilian personnel. The Chief of Staff had 44
military men and 113 civilians assigned to public relations, the European
Theater had 107 military men and 30 civilians in its public relations office.
By 1950 the Department of Defense had 1,800 persons assigned to public
relations with a budget of over $12 million. Looking at those figures does
anyone still remember the words of Hamilton expressing fears of a large
military determining policy? The full extent of the military determining
policy and coordinating its efforts with right wing groups and fundamentalist
religious groups will be taken up in a later chapter on the 1950s.Truman's
first peacetime budget called for a reduction of army officers to 115,000 and
of enlisted men to 800,000. The brass found ways to protect itself. The ratio
of officers to enlisted men had been established at one to ten but the
Pentagon insisted on reduction to only 147,000 or a ratio of one to six. No
better example of the brass protecting their positions can be found than the
out break of the Korean war just two years after the passing of the first
peacetime draft. At the onset of the Korean War the military found itself in
a mad scamble calling up National Guard units and Reservists. Despite the
peacetime draft as of July 1, 1949 there was a 1,650,000 officers and
enlisted men in the military service backed up by an additional 900,000
civilians in the Defense Department. Yet the military could only field 12
combat divisions globally totaling less than 200,000. This figure includes
those divisions stationed in Europe and elsewhere. Now does anyone still
believe that the military budget was not bloated?Additional support for such
a theory can be found in the post war period. In 1952 at the urging of
outgoing President Harry Truman, never a friend to big business the
International Petroleum Cartel was facing a massive antitrust suit by the
Justice department. The suit charged the major oil companies rightfully so of
dividing the world's oil markets among themselves, limiting competition and
monopolizing the production and distribution of the world's energy source.
The cartelization had its beginnings some twenty odd years before in 1928
with the signing of the Achnacarry Agreement. The Achnacarry document
established spheres of influence for the various oil corporations as well as
establishing the peacekeeping machinery between the various signers.The suit
never got off the ground as it faced a host of opposition. Various foreign
governments notably Saudi Arabia, England, Holland and France applied
tremendous political pressures. Additionally the Justice Department faced an
organized opposition from other cabinet level departments namely the State,
Defense, the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Many of the documents needed
to make the case were classified as Secret or top Secret and the necessary
security clearance was withheld from the Justice Department's prosecutors.
The untold story behind such subversion of justice was the State Department
and the CIA was infested with oil millionaires who were the superiors to the
midlevel public servants. In developing its oil expertise the CIA listened
closely to what the oil companies had to say on policy. CIA personnel were
routinely assigned to oil company "schools" where they were trained for their
assignments in oil producing countries. Besides the sharing of intelligence
with the oil companies the CIA also relied upon them to furnish cover slots
for its agents. Additionally a revolving door between the executive positions
of the oil companies and positions with the government in the State
Department and the CIA existed. With the door in the State Department dating
back at least into the 1920s if not before.Eventually the suit was downgraded
from criminal conspiracy suit to a mere civil suit. Interesting enough the
lead Justice Department's prosecutor has stated that Truman eventually
reached the decision not on the advice of the Security Council but on the
advice of General Omar Bradley that national security called for the suit to
be dismissed. Truman would certainly have been aware of the Standard Oil of
New Jersey blackmailing FDR just prior to the D-Day invasion with a price
hike or a possible cut off in supplies. This was at the height of Truman's
containment policy and he could ill afford a disruption in oil supplies. And
at the time the Department of Interior had stated the US did not have enough
reserves to provide for maneuverability in the opening months if war should
break out beyond the Korean peninsula. During the Korean war one general
manager in Syria bragged at his home office that he was complying with all
Syrian regulations by drilling the number of wells they demanded but making
sure he just wasn't drilling them where oil would be found. Syria as the
other oil producing countries wanted to maximize their production but was
hindered by the monopolistic policies of the major oil companies.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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