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News Watch
by William M. Alnor
from the Christian Research Journal,
Fall 1991, page 5.
The Editor-in-
Chief of the Christian Research Journal is Elliot Miller.

Church of Scientology Spends Millions Defending Itself
The Church of Scientology, reeling from recent media pressure
government prosecution around the globe, is spending millions
of dollars
fighting back.

But some say the church's recent campaigns against the media,
and Time
magazine in particular, are backfiring due to a variety
of reasons. The chief
of these appear to be (1) the sect's own
history and (2) the lack of
documentation for accusations made in
the counter attack.

The church, founded in 1955 by the late science fiction writer
L. Ron
Hubbard, has been embroiled in controversy since its
earliest days. But
the recent wave of criticism and legal troubles
may be the most serious
threat it has had to face.

According to a May 6, 1991 article in the foreign edition of
Time, the Los
Angeles-based church in recent years has faced
extensive trouble
overseas, including:

- A two-year trial in Italy of 76 Scientologists, including the
former leader of
the church's activities there. They are accused of
extortion, cheating
people, and evading up to $50 million in taxes.

- The indictment of 16 Scientologists in France in 1990 for
fraud and
"complicity in the practice of illegal medicine" --
arrests provoked by the
suicide death of a well-known industrial
designer in Lyons who had
become a Scientologist.

-  A 1989 Ministry of Health report in Spain calling the sect
and "pure and simple charlatanism." The report came
a year after
authorities raided 26 church centers and arrested 11
Scientologists on
charges of falsifying records and other offenses.

The article also notes that twice Spain's Justice Ministry has
Scientology status as a religion, but that hasn't slowed the

- In Canada Scientology is fighting charges that nine church
stole documents concerning the church from various
agencies. But that case has been logjammed since the
nine were arrested
in 1983 after a surprise raid in Toronto.
Scientology "legal maneuvers
delayed the case for years." Now the
church is "trying to get it dismissed
because of 'unreasonable
delay,'" the article states.
But perhaps this foreign legal opposition is not as troubling
to the church
as recent negative articles. Last year the Los
Angeles Times ran a
damaging series on the sect and in May of this
year critical stories on
Scientology ran in Time and the
influential German magazine, Der Spiegel.
These were followed by
a less critical, but probing article on Scientology's
influence in
Hollywood in California magazine.

According to media reports, Scientology has spent an estimated
million fighting the Los Angeles Times with its own media
campaign. And,
so far, about $3 million has been spent fighting

Time's article was the most hard-hitting and likely the most
damaging one.
The May 6 cover story by Richard Behar was called
"The Thriving Cult of
Greed and Power." The cover of Time
portrayed octopus tentacles reaching
out from the base of an
exploding volcano (which is a play on the
exploding volcano on the
cover of Hubbard's book, Dianetics, the main text
of Scientology)
along with a bold headline, "SCIENTOLOGY: THE CULT
the Growing Dianetics Empire Squeezes Millions from
Believers Worldwide." The article alleged that:

- Scientology is not a religion. "In reality the church is a
hugely profitable
global racket that survives by intimidating
members and critics in a Mafia-
like manner."

- The sect, despite government prosecutions, "threatens to
become more
insidious and pervasive than ever." Scientology is
trying to go mainstream,
a strategy that has sparked a renewed
law-enforcement campaign against
the church.

- "The church has only 50,000 active members, far fewer than
the 8 million
the group claims."

- Scientology buys massive quantities of its own books from
retail stores
to give the public the illusion that Hubbard is a
best-selling author.

- The sect was responsible for a suicide, the loss of a
73-year-old woman's
home, the framing and harassing of critics, and
even attempted murder.
The Time article notes that after last
year's Los Angeles Times series ran
the sect plastered reporters'
names on billboards and bus placards across
the city alongside
"quotations taken out of context to portray the church in
positive light."

- It operates a number of front organizations, some of which
are involved in
various stock scams in Vancouver, Canada.

- When the church learned Time was working on a Scientology
story, "at
least 10 attorneys and six private detectives were
unleashed" against the
Time reporter "in an effort to threaten,
harass and discredit" him.

The story also detailed how litigious the church is. It has "71
lawsuits against the IRS alone." One lawyer who has acted on
behalf of
alleged victims of Scientology, Michael Flynn of Boston,
has "endured 14
frivolous lawsuits, all of them dismissed."

Scientology has reacted with anger to the article and has
enlisted the
support of clerics such as Dean Kelley of the National
Council of
Churches, Father William Cenkner, Dean of Religious
Studies at Catholic
University in Washington, D.C., and others in
condemning the article. And
the following month Scientology
unleashed its own media campaign that
featured full-page ads in
USA Today that ran every day for a month (at
$74,000 a day, according to the paper's rate card). These either condemned
or explained the virtues of the church.

Part of the $3 million campaign included a 27-page full color
supplement in the June 14 edition of USA Today, and
another 80-page
report called Fact vs. Fiction that dubbed itself
as "a correction of
falsehoods contained" in the Time article.

Scientology's response, which focuses on an alleged conspiracy

between Time and a drug manufacturing company to "plant" an
article in
the magazine to destroy the church, has mystified many.
Some are
calling it bizarre. In Joanne Lipman's column on the
advertising industry in
the June 20 issue of the Wall Street
Journal she wrote that "almost no one
in the ad business takes the
Scientologists" accusations seriously. They
only wish they had the
kind of power to "plant" articles that the
Scientologists ascribe
to Mr. [Martin] Sorrell..."

The Scientologists argue that Sorrell, a Briton who runs one of
the world's
largest advertising and public relations companies, was
pressured by the
Eli Lilly company, manufacturer of the
antidepressant drug Prozac, to
force Time into attacking
Scientology or lose a great deal of advertising
Scientology, which has a history of opposing the use of
drugs, has been battling the Lilly firm.

Lipman noted that Scientology cites "no evidence to back up
their claim,"
and that Time calls the accusations "patently

The church's 80-page Fact vs. Fiction booklet takes personal
issue with
Time's reporter Behar and claims he deliberately set
out to destroy the
church. The booklet gives its own explanation of
various allegations
brought out by the magazine.

Roy Masters-linked "New Dimensions" Magazine Draws Fire
A conservative news magazine is under fire across the U.S. due
to its
links with controversial religious leader Roy Masters.

The monthly magazine, New Dimensions, is also increasingly
finding its
way into the hands of politically conservative
evangelical Christians, as its
publishers have been giving away
free ads to conservative groups,
according to the January 1991
Cult Awareness Network News. In an
apparent push to thrust the
magazine into the mainstream, thousands of
free copies are being
regularly passed out, with many evangelical pastors
receiving them.

What many don't yet know is that the magazine is loaded with

advertisements and propaganda for Masters's Foundation of Human

Understanding, which has long been considered a pseudo-Christian

sect by experts, including the Christian Research Institute (CRI).

Walter Martin's The New Cults, published in 1980 in
collaboration with the
CRI research staff, concludes: "The basic
doctrines and many of the
practices of Roy Masters and the Foundation of Human Understanding are
decidedly not Christian. They
are certainly not in harmony with what God
has revealed to us in
the Bible" (p. 317).

A recent issue of the magazine had three full-page ads either
Masters's nationwide radio program, "How Your Mind Can
Keep You
Well," or booklets his organization sells.

Spokesmen for New Dimensions have claimed no official
connection with
Masters or the Foundation. However,  Masters is
listed in the magazine's
"staffbox" as a "contributing writer"
along with conservatives Cal Thomas
and Patrick Buchanan.
Editor-in-chief is Mark Masters and the art director
is David
Masters, both sons of Roy Masters.

Despite the denials, the Watchman Fellowship's (a Christian
group) Craig Branch has pointed out that prior to 1986
the magazine,
under the name the Iconoclast, was the official
publication of the
Foundation. And as late as the June 1988 issue
it was listed as "a
monthly publication" of the organization.
Moreover, in the mandatory legal
notice buried in the back of the
December 1990 issue, Masters's
Foundation is listed as the "only
major stockholder of New Dimensions"
(Watchman Expositor 8:6
[1991], pp. 8, 10).

New Dimensions has a listed address in Grants Pass, Oregon
(the same
community Masters moved to from the Los Angeles area with
members), and according to the November 29, 1990 Washington
Post, the
magazine is published in a house next to the Foundation's church building.

The magazine regularly features leading conservatives as
writers. But now with publicized allegations that New
Dimensions is
merely a front for Masters's organization, or at
best a public relations tool
in the same vein as the Unification
Church-owned Washington Times,
some leading voices have been
trying to distance themselves from the

According to the January 1991 Cult Awareness Network News,
after CBS
commentator Andy Rooney learned that his column was
running in the
magazine, he insisted it be withdrawn.

Others have been critical of Christians associating themselves
with the
magazine due to Masters's heretical view of Christ, and
his open
antagonism toward Christians. In the previously mentioned
issue of the
Washington Post, John Lofton of the Conservative Digest criticized
Christians promoting New Dimensions because,
as he put it, Masters is
"a false prophet and theological fraud."

However, in a telephone interview with the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH

JOURNAL, Christian columnist/commentator Cal Thomas said it was not

that simple -- he didn't know he was listed as a "contributing
writer" for
the magazine.

"I have no special relationship with them and no agreement with
Thomas said. "In fact, I've never even corresponded with
those people."

Thomas said his syndicated column is managed by the Los Angeles

Times Syndicate. Only recently did he find out that New
Dimensions is
one of many publications that purchases his column.
"I saw the name
New Dimensions on my royalty statement," he said, adding that he didn't at
first know what it was. Thomas added that
his listing as a "contributing
writer" might be misleading since
most "contributing writers" are in steady
communication with their

At the core of Masters's sect, which was founded in 1960, is a
reliance on
meditation, yoga, and hypnotism mixed with many Eastern
Although he claims to be a mystical Christian he rejects
the central
doctrine of Christianity -- Christ's death on the cross as atonement for sin.

For a short time there was a dialogue between Walter Martin and

Masters. CRI continues to offer a two-cassette tape of Martin
Masters live on the "Bible Answer Man" program.

In Brief...
Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada, the founder and former leader of
largest Hare Krishna commune in the U.S., has been sentenced to
years in federal prison for running an illegal business and
conspiring to
protect it by murder, beatings, and kidnapping.
Bhaktipada was the
founder of the 4,000-acre New Vrindaban commune
in West Virginia. He
was convicted on March 29 on six counts of
mail fraud, three counts of
racketeering, and conspiracy to kill
former follower Charles St. Denis.

* * *
The identity of the "channel" (medium) of the 2,000-plus page
Book was Wildred Kellogg, the adopted son of Dr. John
Kellogg, founder of
the Kellogg Cornflakes Company in Battle Creek,
Michigan. That
conclusion was published in Martin Gardner's column
in the Spring 1991
issue of the Skeptical Inquirer. Gardner wrote
that his findings were
confirmed by independent witnesses following
six months of sleuthing. The
Urantia Book, which delves into the
nature of the solar system and
universe, purports to have been penned (through channeling) by "numerous
supermortal (angel-like)
beings" working in accord with a small group of
people headed by a
Chicago psychiatrist in the 1920s. According to
Urantia literature
the true identity of the person used in the channeling
sessions was
never to be revealed.

* * *
Huntington House publishers has stopped printing copies of Troy

Lawrence's best-selling book, New Age Messiah Identified, due to

allegations that Lawrence is really Darrick Evenson, a Mormon.

Evenson authored The Gainsayers, a book criticizing Christian ministries
that evangelize Mormons. In New Age Messiah Identified
claims he infiltrated the Tara Center of London
and smuggled out pictures
of the New Age Christ, Lord Maitreya. But
the Tara Center said
Evenson/Lawrence never infiltrated their organization. "He never told us about
The Gainsayers," explained
Huntington House executive, Mark A.

* * *
Questions surround best-selling author Betty Malz's testimony
that she
died, went to heaven for 28 minutes, and returned to tell
the world about it.
Her best-known book, My Glimpse of Eternity
(Chosen Books, 1977), sold
about 1 million copies and is printed in 11 languages. The book tells how in
1959, after she had been in a
coma for 44 days in a hospital in Terre
Haute, Indiana, she went to
heaven and witnessed many marvels, but was
sent back to earth when
her father uttered a one-word prayer. Malz's five
subsequent books
all make reference to this experience. But recently
reporter Lorna
Dueck, writing in the June 11 issue of the Canadian
Christian Week, has investigated her story and reported it to
false. Retracing Malz's steps, Dueck interviewed hospital officials
Terre Haute, who told her Malz never died during her hospital
stay for a
ruptured appendix as she said she did. Clark Boyd, the
doctor Malz
referred to in the book, said he was surprised no
reporters questioned him
on Malz's story before. "I knew...it
didn't happen," Boyd said. Chosen
Book's editors acknowledge that
the medical records they examined
during their visit to the
hospital in 1976 to check on the accuracy of the
story did not support Betty Malz's claims. Nevertheless, they believed the
because Malz's father verified that she had a sheet over her head.

End of document, CRJ0144A.TXT (original CRI file name),
"News Watch"
release A, August 31, 1994
R. Poll, CRI

A special note of thanks to Bob and Pat Hunter for their help in
preparation of this ASCII file for BBS circulation.)

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Roy Masters: Foundation of Human Understanding
Roy Masters, founder and director, was born Reuben Obermeister to a
Jewish family in London, England. At age 15 he worked at his uncle's
diamond-cutting factory in Brighton after his father died.
As a young boy he became interested in hypnotism.  He added to his
hypnotism techniques after studying African witchdoctor rites during his
apprenticeship at South African diamond mines when he was 18.
He came to America in 1949, at age 21, to lecture on diamonds. He legally
changed his name to Roy Masters in 1954 (yet never acquired American
citizenship) and eventually became a professional hypnotist claiming he
could "save people by teaching them self-sufficiency meditative hypnosis."
The American Medical Association pressed charges against him for
practicing medicine without a license. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
He likens this "persecution" to the persecution Jesus suffered.
He is a self-described "Christian mystic" combining Eastern mysticism and
Gnosticism with Christian jargon, yoga, hypnotism and self-help principles.
As with other Eastern-oriented cults, The Foundation of Human
Understanding teaches that God is both personal and impersonal, advocating
an almost pantheistic God.
In lieu of dependence on Jesus Christ for salvation, Masters teaches
dependence on his meditation techniques. He teaches that mankind is
inherently good, thus there is no need for salvation or a savior.
All problems man encounters can be resolved through self effort.
"No form of outer assistance can substitute for inner direction. Direction
must come always from within. Moved by the spirit of intuition, we move
without excitement, effort or strain. The more we exercise our dependency
upon the Within, the stronger this relationship becomes, and we know it to
be Grace," (How To Keep Your Mind Well, p. 165, Foundation Press, 1971).
Though he claims to have been saved by the blood of Christ, he states that
"one of the biggest curses in Christendom is the false idea that Jesus is
God," (Larson's New Book of Cults, p. 233).
According to the late Dr. Walter Martin, the Foundation does not mention the
Holy Spirit in any of its publications (The New Cults, p. 310).
Instead of relying on the Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance, followers are
taught to rely on themselves (made possible through successful meditation).
During the meditative process, subjects are taught to surrender all disbelief
and to relinquish control to Masters.
The Foundation of Human Understanding headquarters is in Los Angeles,
California where Masters' self-help brand of religion is offered to an audience
of 3 million people via his national radio program, "How Your Mind Can Keep
You Well."
In 1982, about 2,000 disciples followed Masters to a 378-acre ranch in
Oregon. He holds seminars and weekend retreats at the ranch and is
currently establishing Evelyn Street School, a Foundation institute for
kindergarten through 12th grade there.
In 1989, Masters claimed to have 150,000 people on his mailing list. Over
100,00 have purportedly participated in his courses. His meditation exercise
is taught on three cassettes and a book for a total cost of $25.00.
Participants in his week-long seminars pay $1,200 and $50 for one-day
seminars held across the country. Masters says he wants to be
remembered in the same category as Moses, Jesus, the apostles, Buddha,
Gandhi, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy.
© Copyright 2000 Watchman Fellowship, Inc.. All rights reserved


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