-Caveat Lector-


"Jill has made her life a mission to blow the whistle on the tragic plight
of babies who are left to die after living through an abortion. We should
all be whistle blowers. We should all be the voice of these young babies
who cannot speak for themselves!"

Blowing the Whistle on Live Birth
Mathew D. Staver
Founder, Liberty Counsel


As a registered nurse, Jill Stanek was taught to heal. She assumed everyone
in the medical profession operated from the same premise. She was trained
to save lives, not destroy them. If any hospital should reflect these
values more than another, she as-sumed, it would be a religious hospital.
Or so she thought. Unfortunately, Jill was in for quite a shock.

About six years ago, Jill began working in the labor and delivery
department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. As a result of her
experiences in the department, Jill has now testified before the Illinois
legislature and twice before Congress. She recently shared her story before
U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution
regarding the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act of 2001."

Jill's story is both amazing and shocking. She testified that Christ
Hospital performs second-and sometimes third-trimester abortions. Sometimes
the babies are healthy. The technique used by Christ Hospital (and some
other hospitals) is called "induced labor abortion." This technique
sometimes results in a baby being born alive.

Jill told members of Congress that Christ Hospital uses a medication called
"Cytotec" which is placed in the birth canal close to the cervix. Cytotec
irritates the cervix, causing it to open. Once the cervix dilates wide
enough, the preterm baby drops from the uterus, sometimes alive. Last
August, the manufacturer of Cytotec warned that the medication should not
be used to induce labor because it could cause the uterus to rupture and
possibly cause death. Nevertheless, this medication is still used by some

If the baby is born alive, Christ Hospital provides so-called "comfort
care." This involves wrapping the baby in a blanket and offering the baby
to the parents to comfort until he/she dies. If the parents do not want to
hold their baby, it is oftentimes left to the staff to care for it.

Jill testified that, until recently, the staff options were to hold the
baby until it died, or to place it in the "soiled utility room" until it
dies. These babies sometimes live for an hour or two, sometimes longer. One
baby lived for almost an entire eight-hour shift. According to Jill, at
least two of the babies aborted last year at Christ Hospital were
completely healthy.

One evening, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Downs syndrome baby
to the soiled utility room. She did not have time to care for the baby, so
Jill, who could not bear the thought of leaving the baby unattended, took
the baby and cradled the dying child in her arms until he took his last
breath 45 minutes later. He was about 22 weeks old. After he was pronounced
dead, the staff folded the young child's arms across his chest, wrapped him
in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue.

Jill testified about an incident regarding a preterm baby that was
accidentally thrown in the garbage, wrapped in a towel. On another
occasion, Jill told of an aborted baby who doctors alleged had spina bifida
only to be born with an intact spine. What appeared diagnostically to be a
deformed spine was actually an incompletely formed twin. The baby was born
healthy but left alone to die.

She also testified about one patient, 23 weeks pregnant, who was not able
to carry her baby to term. The healthy baby was aborted and born alive. If
the mother had requested the hospital to do everything possible to save the
baby, then a team of specialists would have provided care. At this stage of
gestation, the baby had a 39 percent chance of survival. However, instead
of providing life-saving care, the baby was wrapped in a blanket and left
to die alone.

Only three weeks after the death of this baby, another mother delivered a
23-week-old baby under similar circumstances. This mother requested that
the proper care be given to her baby and it lived.

According to Jill, Christ Hospital has now ceased placing aborted babies in
the soiled utility room. The hospital created instead a so-called "comfort

Congressional Debate

Members of Congress have been debating passage of the "Born Alive Infants
Protection Act of 2001." This bill is designed to address situations such
as those which Jill experienced. Even those who favor abortion have a hard
time justifying the heinous procedure of allowing babies born alive to die
without medical intervention.

In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court cheapened the value of human life when it
ruled that abortion was a so-called "constitutional right." The Court could
not point to any specific constitutional provision to support their Roe v.
Wade decision. Instead, the Court said the right to an abortion emanated
from the penumbra of the Bill of Rights. The penumbra is not a legal term;
it refers to the shadows that glow around the edges of a solar eclipse.

What the Court meant by this statement is that, although there was not one
place they could point to, they assumed the right to an abortion must be in
the Constitution somewhere. Their discussion of the penumbra sounds more
like a seance than constitutional interpretation.

Those who drafted the Declaration of Independence believed that government
had a duty to protect life. Cheapening life by proclaiming abortion legal
has led to the cheapening of all aspects of life, whether it be so-called
mercy killing, stem cell research and now allowing babies to die after
being born alive. Withholding life-saving medical care from a live baby is
the worst form of child abuse. This is no longer abortion; it is pure

Jill has made her life a mission to blow the whistle on the tragic plight
of babies who are left to die after living through an abortion. We should
all be whistle blowers. We should all be the voice of these young babies
who cannot speak for themselves!

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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"Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion
is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never
known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the
mother's life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise
that threaten the mother's health, the doctor will induce labor or
perform a Caesarean section. His intention is to save the life of both
the mother and the baby. The baby's life is never willfully destroyed
because the mother's life is in danger."
-C. Everett Koop, M.D., ' former U.S. Surgeon General

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