Internal documents detail NEA's political activities
By LARRY MARGASAK, JOHN SOLOMON, Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON -- The nation's largest teachers union, which reports to the
IRS that it spends no union dues on politics, spent millions of dollars to
help elect "pro-education candidates," produce political training guides and
gather teachers' voting records, internal documents show.
    The National Education Association documents reviewed by The Associated
Press provide a rare window into the internal workings of one of the most
powerful unions in the country.
    The union said Thursday it believes it complied with the law. The
documents state that the union since 1994 has budgeted or spent money from
its general account - funded by about $200 million a year in teachers' dues -
on activities ranging from recruiting teacher-friendly candidates to helping
state affiliates raise political action committee funds.
    A July 1999 strategic plan states the union budgeted $4.9 million for
the 2000 election for such things as "organizational partnerships with
political parties, campaign committees and political organizations." Part of
the money, the document said, would be spent on a "national political
strategy" that involves "candidate recruitment, independent expenditures,
early voting, and vote-by-mail programs in order to strengthen support for
pro-public education candidates and ballot measures."
     Two former top Internal Revenue Service officials said the documents
raise questions about whether the group has properly accounted for political
activities on its tax returns.
    The NEA, which represents 2.5 million teachers, reported no political
expenses on its returns for each year from 1993 through 1998.
    "When you engage in assistance in the election of candidates, once you
identify the kind of candidate you want to assist, then I think you're in the
electioneering arena," said Milton Cerny, who headed IRS' tax-exempt
organizations rulings division for 27 years. "Somewhere along the line, that
should be reported."
    Cerny, who reviewed the documents at AP's request, said they should
"certainly cause a high-level of sensitivity" within the IRS and he expected
"the service may want to take a look at it."
    Marcus Owens, who just retired as director of the IRS tax-exempt
organizations division, agreed. "Those do sound like political expenditures.
    The key is did they actually occur and did they actually occur in the
way described," he said.
    The NEA says it is confident it followed the law, noting the IRS
concluded in May 1999 that an audit of its 1993 tax returns found no
problems. NEA officials said the union engaged in similar activities in
subsequent years. "It comes down to a legal question. And that is something
that we have taken a position on that we have disclosed everything properly.
And that is what we stand by," NEA lawyer Richard Wilkof said.
    IRS questions aside, the NEA discloses its spending plans to teachers at
annual conventions and in annual reports. "We do not try to hide from the
members that we are engaged in the activities that were engaged in," Wilkof
    Those expenses include $397,461 in 1994-95 for a "Political Datasystems
and Services" project that among other things purchased voter registration
records, a November 1995 document shows. The document states the union
gleaned "voter history data" and added it to "membership files" in the
database. The union uses the information to target its communications with
members. For instance, Republican-registered teachers would get Republican
endorsement lists during the primaries, and Democrats would get issue
information about their party's endorsed candidates, officials said.
    The NEA has a separate political action committee which donates hundreds
of thousands of dollars to candidates each election, and which discloses its
activities to the Federal Election Commission.
    The documents detailing expenditures from the NEA's union dues fund were
gathered by Landmark Legal Foundation, a conservative group that is planning
to file complaints against the union with the FEC and IRS. Landmark pursued a
lawsuit that last year forced the IRS to disclose documents identifying
members of Congress - Republican and Democrat - who had asked the agency to
audit political opponents.
     "The issue is whether the NEA leadership in Washington is complying
with federal tax laws and whether it is fully informing America's teachers
and the public about the enormous reach of its political activities," said
Landmark President Mark Levin.
    The NEA has tax-exempt status as a union but must report political
expenses "direct and indirect" on its tax return. Some of those expenses
could be considered taxable by the IRS.
    The IRS defines a political expense as "one intended to influence the
selection, nomination, election or appointment of anyone to a federal, state,
or local public office."
    Among the items listed in NEA budget planning or accounting documents:
-$872,535 budgeted for "state-specific campaign ... aimed at electing
bipartisan pro-education candidates" in the 1998 election.
    -$792,422 spent in 1994-95 for "campaign assistance" to state
affiliates. The report stated that "support was provided in 34 states for
gubernatorial races."
    -$2.2 million budgeted in 1996-97 to "increase the association's
capacity to provide assistance to recommended candidates."
    Among the ideas listed in a 1996-97 "strategic focus plan and budget"
was to "recruit and support pro-education candidates," "expand PAC
fund-raising" and find new ways to "effect election results."
    The NEA also spent $310,000 in 1994 and 1995 to develop a three-part
training series "to elect pro-education candidates." One booklet used in that
training describes how to organize campaign volunteers and notes "our
association can provide valuable assistance to a candidate."
    It estimates that if a third of NEA members volunteered to help
candidates, it would equal a "$6 million contribution to friendly
    Cerny said the book appeared to be aimed at influencing elections and
its production cost likely should have been listed on tax returns as a
political expense. The documents also detail a transfer of $400,000 from NEA
headquarters in 1996 to its Washington state affiliate, which was trying to
defeat two education-related ballot initiatives on school vouchers and
charter schools.
    The transfer prompted a state investigation. Ultimately, the NEA and
Washington Education Association were fined and the state affiliate was
forced to refund some union dues to members.
    NEA officials contend the state law was ambiguous.

Copyright © 2000 The Associated Press. Used by permission.

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