-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.blackopradio.com/";>Black Op Radio Site</A>
V4.0 of the CD-ROM
- "The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty is NOW AVAILABLE!!!

All of these sections are on one disc - over 648 megs !

This latest updated version has just been released as of March 1st/2000 This
is a much improved version with "MUCH" more Video and Audio added.
The Price for this collection is only $35.00 - including postage regular Mail

To order the CD-ROM send a cheque - $35.00 - made out to;
Len Osanic
814 20th St.
New West B.C. Canada
V3M 4W6

Please include your return address and e-mail address.

Len Osanic
(604) 525-3974
Web Site Administrator for Col. L. Fletcher Prouty


We now take Credit Card orders at the website!
 Purchase CD online!

Credit Card orders are shipped via Registered Mail!
CD-ROM including shipping is - $42.00


Click here to view the "Table of Contents" page
This page should be viewed at monitor resolution 800x600


Description of CD-ROM Contents
- This section features Digital Audio of Col. Fletcher Prouty.
We have looked through all of the important interviews, lectures, and radio
shows for the highlights of Col. Prouty on Audio
There is currently OVER EIGHT HOURS of Col. Prouty included. In order to fit
these onto the CD, they have been recorded in a format that requires you to
have a sound card on your computer. Selections range from a few minutes, to
over 35 minutes in length!
Here is a brief description of the titles found on the CD-ROM

*   Anatomy of an Assassination

*   The CIA and World Peace - Yale lecture 1975

*   MIA's and the Insurance problem

*   The story of Officer training - building a bridge

*   CIA infiltration of the HSCA

*   CIA Handbook

*   Elliot Roosevelt, Stalin, and the Churchill Gang.

*   Security Clearances

*   Is Fletcher worried that he'll say too much.

*   The resort outside Athens

*   Thoughts on the movie "JFK"

*   The High Cabal

*   Mr. President will you please define "it".

*   POW-MIA discussion

*   The Nugan - Hand bank

*   A discussion of NSAM 263 and NSAM273

*   Terrorism, the cold war, and "The Report From Iron Mountain"

*   The Defense Budget

*   Incident regarding Top Secret documents at the Pentagon.

*   UFO's

*   A discussion of the Report From Iron Mountain.

*   Lansdale being tagged as an operator in Vietnam.

*   Japanese Plans to change the economy to Hydrogen from Petroleum

*   Darwin, and global population and expansion.

*   3rd world debt, The TFX fighter, and Leonard Lewin.

*   The origins of the Vietnam conflict.

*   Trip to Antarctica, and nuclear power

*   Mind control, MKULTRA meetings, and Dr. Ewen Cameron

*   Gen. Ed Lansdale identified in photo in Dealey Plaza

*   A discussion of Allen Dulles

*   The Assassination of JFK (From the Dave Ratcliffe interviews)

*   The Tramp photos and Ed. Lansdale

*   Flight KE-007

*   More on Flight KE-007

*   ABC, Capital Cities, and economic intelligence.

*   Origins of countries, Vietnam, Malthus.

*   The Gen. who had enough and retired

*   The origins of the Cold War

*   Gary Powers U-2 flight


Jim Garrison Letters
Several letters between Jim and Fletcher discussing the assassination.
Documents supplied by Jim Garrison
Lots of Audio interviews with Jim discussing his trial. And of course Jim
Garrison on the Tonight Show with Johhny Carson.
Oliver Stone Letters
Correspondence and articles written by Oliver Stone.
Lectures regarding the "man X" character (text and audio) Video clip of Col.
Prouty discussing his role as adviser for the film.

- Personal Information
- Career Achievements

- More than 130 Essays, and Articles that Col. Prouty has written are on the
Every Article, Document, or Chapter can be printed out.
They are also stored seperately as .doc and .txt files. The different
subjects of material include:

-The JFK Assassination
-The CIA
-Air Travel and Terrorism
-Railroads and Transportation
-Petroleum and Energy
And much more.

- His rare book, "The Secret Team" is also included along with an 1996
updated preface. All chapters and sections from the book can be printed. -The
three Appendicies included contain very rare material.

JFK, Vietnam The CIA, and the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy
His 2nd book including up to date Preface and Afterword

-There is a large photo album section of over 185 photos at last count.

The Documents section include items from the Foreign Relations of the United
States, (FRUS) , VIETNAM Vol. IV Aug- Dec. 1963
Personal Documents - includes letters of those to Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone,
Vincent Salandria and others.

And there is lots more including;
A 113 page dcocument from the "Department Of The Army, Office Of The
Assistanant Chief Of Staff, Intelligence."
The document disscusses PACIFICATION and SPECIAL WARFARE.
This document was the blue print for VIETNAM. This is the first time it has
ever been made public!

Also documents "PROJECT EAGLE" which Col. Prouty and Ed Lansdale had worked
on for Africa
Video Clips

13 Video Clips of Col Prouty speaking ranging from 30 sec. to over 9:00 min
in length.

(Over 38 minutes total!)
These play on a 'Real Media' Player

The CD-ROM is written in HTML and needs a browser to view Please obtain the
latest version of Netscape or Explorer


About the CD Format

This (version 4.0) Fletcher Prouty CD-ROM is now available for PC and MAC.
The new HTML / ISO 9660 format runs on all platforms including Unix, DEC, and
others. This format does not require ANY hard drive space at all !.

This new version is written in "HTML" and needs a web browser to view, such
as "Netscape 4" or "Internet Explorer 4" These are available with upgrades
free on the internet.

The CD-ROM views best at a screen resolution of 800x600, so you should adjust
your Monitor resolution first. (under settings)


Open your web browser, (Netscape , Internet Explorer) select "Open" under the
File heading. Then select your CD-ROM drive by letter (e.g. D: drive , E:
drive) Next select the ProutyCD file. In the ProutyCD is a file called "
default.htm" Select this file to be opened by your browser.

The CD-ROM will open with the Title Page. After a ten second audio
introduction you can select "Go to Main Menu" at the bottom of the page. And
you're all set.

Just a note to mention that every file is listed the "Master File List"
section. If you print this list out first, you can make a note of the
articles your have already gone through. It will give you a good scope of the
entire contents of the CD-ROM.
Every article, essay, chapter etc. is also saved in a folder called
"docfiles". This is where "Word" documents. (.doc) are keep.
--- -- -- --
Mac: For Apple (built -in) CD-ROMs:

Extensions folder: Apple CD-ROM
Foreign File Access ISO 9660 File Access

These should all be installed by the system installer. For third party
CD-ROMs you may need different driver software (such as CD-ROM Toolkit) to
recognize IBM CDs.

If your system does not recognize a "non Mac disc", you will need the install
"PC Exchange" which will be on your Mac system installation discs (you may
need to do a custom install). This will allow your system to recognize
non-Mac discs. Before doing the installation, check the Extensions Manager to
see if this is already installed but disabled.

If you have any more problems, please contact the web site and let us know
the machine you are using and the system version, and amount of RAM. You
should be using system 7.1 or higher (7.5 or higher recommended).

If you have any problems at all please feel free to contact me.
e-mail Len Osanic at; [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 1 604 525-3974

Thank you for your support,
Len Osanic


Col. Prouty has come across some "Very Important Documents". These were his
comments in his latest fax;

To: Len Osanic
From: Fletcher Prouty
Subject: Document Collation, Review and Comment...This Document: NSAM 273 and
its Revision

I have been able to dig from my records a most important and fascinating
collection of copies of the McGeorge Bundy drafts of what became NSAM 273,
dated Nov. 21, Nov. 24, and Nov. 26. The Draft coding indicates that Mac
Bundy sent copies to no less than 9 key Kennedy people. In the process it was
modified several times by various other offices; and the Final, Nov. 26th,
LBJ copy is very different from the original JFK draft by Mac Bundy.

This can be very important; so I am going to make a special report of this
document to reveal the possiblility that Mac Bundy, among others may have
known that JFK was going to be killed.

I have a copy of a letter signed by Bundy from his office with the Carnigie
Foundation in 1991 in which he writes that he was not in Honolulu on Nov.
20th , 1963. Also, I have government papers that list his name as a member of
that important group. Then I have a copy of another personal letter from
Bundy, later saying that he now recollects and that he was there. What is he

Because this is so important, I shall keep working on all of this and will be
able to provide you with copies of all of these most interesting items. Take
time; but it is worth it.



Information never seen or heard before on the Kennedy assassination alone
will make this a must have!
Fletcher is searching through his numerous files for articles on other
topics, as well. He has also written extensively on Banking and Railroads. If
you are at all interested, please leave me a message via Order CD-ROM.

The Price for this collection is at an introductary price of only $34.95
including postage

To order the CD-ROM leave a message here - Order CD-ROM.
Or send a cheque -$34.95 - made out to;
Len Osanic
814 20th St.
New West B.C. Canada
V3M 4W6

Please include your return address and e-mail address. Thanks,

Len Osanic
Web Site Administrator for Col. L. Fletcher Prouty

----Here's what people are saying about the CD-ROM-----

I'm very impressed. This is important subject material.
I was surprised at the amount of information contained on the CD.

Best Regards,
Oliver Stone

Subject: It Came, I saw & heard, It conquered!
Dear Len and Col. Prouty,

Yesterday I received the CD -- beautifully constructed, superbly organized
-- and put 'er up just like that -- SMOOTH AS SILK!!!!.

I'm literally shaking with excitement and anticipation.
Words cannot adequately describe my feelings
but I tell you true...My gratitude to you,Len, and to you, Col Prouty
and to the ENTIRE TEAM that made this CD possible is simply unlimited.
Please let everyone know that. THANKS VERY MUCH, indeed.
The QUALITY of the SOUND is fantastic...both that associated with the
Daniel E. Reynolds

CD-ROM: The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Not very often does a CD-ROM materialize down here in the Probable Cause
office that makes everyone, and I mean everyone stand up and take notice. But
The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty did just that! You name it,
this CD has it.
Documents, articles, photographs, the full text of Prouty's hard to get THE
SECRET TEAM and even eight hours of audio - that's right folks, 8 HOURS!, is
enough to keep any researcher glued to the screen till well past bed-time. We
highly recommend this CD-ROM to everyone interested in not only the JFK
Assassination, but also other world events. It all makes sense when put into
The CD is easy to load, use and navigate through and is pleasant on the eye.
(unlike some others we haven't mentioned...). You wanted the best, then this
is it.
Buy it or be left out in the cold! Head on over to The L. Fletcher Prouty
site now and order a copy
before the CIA does!

* * * * - Highly Recommended

Steve Gerlach -Probable Cause

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Mauro
To: Len Osanic
Date: 12 December 1997 14:36
Subject: Re: Thank You

At 01:10 PM 12/12/97 -0800, you wrote:

Hello: I received my Col. Prouty CD today and I only have
one word to describe it ..... E X C E L L E N T !!!

I really appreciate your "OUTSTANDING" job in putting
all this information together

Thank you,
Charles R. Mauro.

Dear Len Osanic,
Just got it yesterday (and wrote about it in the public a.c.j group).
Wow!!! What a fabulous compilation. I showed it to Jim DiEugenio
You are wonderful to have put all that together in one place. I'm terribly
As the proud owner of this new CD, I'm amazed and inspired by the collection
There are whole speeches in wav format, lots of articles, the text of the
book THE SECRET TEAM, and so much more.
Len Osanic has done all of us a huge favor both by putting up the Fletcher
Prouty web site which has such good info,
and by helping put so much of Prouty's important work together in readily
accesible format.

It's more than worth the money. Please support this!!

Lisa Pease
Let me say what a terrific piece of work this is. Of the materials I own,
this is a real jewel. It could even out shine Oliver Stones effort to bring
this information to people.

Also it brings to life Mr. Prouty's whit and charm, in an amazing format. I
admire him more all the time. To hear him speak with such clarity and
intelligence does my heart good.

I have to laugh out loud, you've made it very difficult for those who try to
discount Prouty's views and make lite of him.

-Frank Werner

Subject: Re: Col. Prouty CD-ROM comments?
To: Len Osanic

Hi Len
Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond. The information contained in
the CD is overwhelming.
It provides the previously unknown perspective needed to understand events
which occured in this country
and around the world. Along with the understanding comes an even greater
sense of tragedy concerning these events.
Also, current events, are perceived with greater clarity when the same
pattern emerges again and again.

Thank you, Len, Col. Prouty and all involved in the production of the CD.
Jan Stephens
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 14:36:58 -0400
From: "Tracey O'Hearen"


When I first found this site, I read the praise that visitors had heaped on
Col. Prouty, and one of them stood out because this person called him a
"national treasure." At that time, while I admired Col. Prouty's courage and
integrity, I thought that was a bit of a stretch. Since reading much of the
information on this site, and slowly going through all the information on the
CD-ROM I bought from you, I must say I now believe that assessment of Col.
Prouty is an understatement. The Colonel is more like one of "God's
treasures." I just had to say that because I'm overwhelmed by the breadth of
his knowledge and understanding of American history. Even more impressive is
his organization -- how he has kept all these little pieces of information --
and can access them as the need arises.

Subject: Fletcher Prouty CD
I just got my copy of the Col. Fletcher Prouty CD ROM
It loaded in effortlessly. The graphics are great and the sound is superb.
The matterial on the CD is layed out very well and the information is very
eye opening.
I could go on and on about all the wonderful asset about the CD,
but I guess I want to say is Thank you for putting out this information in a
concise, easy to read format.
Pierre Moizo

Subject: Prouty CD-ROM

The work you and your colleagues have compiled on this CD is remarkable.
I've gone through various sections and believe what you've done is truly
remarkable and a service to all willing to better understand the TRUTH.

I congratulate you all for your hard work. Col. l. Fletcher Prouty is
to be congratulated as well for his cooperation and contribution to the
extremely important work in this CD.

I will donate a copy to Pacifica Radio Station KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles
to Roy of Hollywood. I will make every effort to share the othertwo with
that may be interested in purchasing this valuable piece of work.

Best wishes to you all, your work is quite Honorable.

John Burns
Los Angeles
Hi, Len.
Just wanted you to know that I received the cd-rom yesterday and it is great.
Congrats on putting together such an informative package.
Take care,
Mark Aiello
I've just received the CD and I want to tell everyone on the list that this
CD is pure gold. The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty is a piece of
history no fellow buff should be without. This give a great look into the
workings of the military and the CIA (our friends and protectors ) as well as
his knowledge of the JFK assassination.
It contains plenty of text, pictures, audio interviews and Col. Prouty's book
"The Secret Team" which you will have problems finding on your neighborhood
book store.
- Len Osanic and friends are responsible for this collection and deserve a
big round of applause. No, I wasn't paid for this and I get nothing from it.
It's one of those great things in life you come across on rare occasion and I
wanted to tell all of you about it.

: From:
: Gary L. Green, B.Sc., D.C.
The CD came today from Col. Prouty, and I couldn't be more pleased. It is
truly a comprehensive work, and should be on the shelf of anyone interested
in history. The fact that it is so complete is astounding in itself, as Mr.
Prouty must be the most organized man in the world to maintain such records
of his work.
In the meantime, please pass along that I am ecstatic over the disk.

Brad J. Parker
Bethany College
Lindsborg, Kansas

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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