-Caveat Lector-

In this same publication a few words regarding the Pope - the man gunned
down in the streets who is supposed to be dead, and do not be too
certain the deed was performed by Arab Terrorists - just Remember the
USS Liberty - Zionism like Ztorm Zecurity Troopers had their own
particular style?   It has always been the battle between the Zonists
and the Pope, has it not?   Look to Ireland and see what happens when a
country is not disarmed  -  but then look to John F. Kennedy and the
vicious vendetta against him with tracks leading to door of Zonism and
the likes of a butcher rat faced humanoid like Meyer Lansky.

But the Zionist Wurlitzer plays on .......see Waco and say would this
have happened under John F. Kennedy, little children incinerated or
would he have permitted an evil NEA attempts to sodomize children
through their teachings?

know the Birch Society's ideal man for President was Zionist Barry
Goldwater.....and when they entered American Politics, things were never
the same and the slaughter of the Demorat Party began and now there is
no democrat party....

Remember that old line Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of their party?   Never was there such a time, as now........

And did God create Bill Clinton in the Image of John F. Kennedy?   No
Clinton attempted to assume the image..but then JFK did not murder
babies or promote sodomy and was a WWII war hero.....won a Pulitzer and
then they murdered his brother and son.......for the move is on and we
about to see and witness another mar to the Promised Land which is US
and always has been only under Bush at least Gay Pride won't be walking
the streets as boldly as they once did nor will Jesse Jackson again
threat white America threats he would loose his black savages in the
streets if Gore lost......

John F. Kennedy would have been pro life but abortion has always been a
lifestyle in America but do you think John F. Kennedy would have
permitted the Red Chinese to make little Abortion Pills to murder unborn
babies or permitted babies heads to be bashed in at first sign of
life......or permitted drugs to take over this country - remembre, it
was JFK who took on Meyer Lansky and his mob, for you know that Mafia -
hey not so Italian at that.

Pope is number one target as is the newly elected American President
.....note the people on this list who call anyone with whom they
disagree an idiot or stupid?   Isnt this the label the Zionist ADL Press
give to George W. Bush?

While American listens to trashy Wurlitzer moving on.........run by ADL
and Zionists......George Bush keeps out of the garbage and now fulfills
his obligation to make America safe for ALL Citizens, not just a shelter
for the oh so Rich and Clinton......

So while Albright the "unknown zionist" went to Putin begging for Mercy
- Bush rather nicely told Putin to go screw himself - for we are out of



For the Record
by Joseph Sobran

Nothing, it seems, can dispel the notion that Pope Pius XII maintained a
"shameful silence" about the persecution of Jews during World War II.
But Ralph McInerny, in his book The Defamation of Pius XII, quotes what
Jews, prominent and otherwise, were saying at the time.

"Only the Catholic Church protested against the Hitlerian onslaught on
liberty," said Albert Einstein in 1940.

In 1942 London's Jewish Chronicle remarked:

"A word of sincere and earnest appreciation is due from Jews to the
Vatican for its intervention in Berlin and Vichy on behalf of their
tortured co-religionists in France.... It was a step urged, to their
honor, by a number of Catholics, but for which we may be sure the Holy
Father himself, with his intense humanity and his clear sighted
understanding of the true and deadly implications of the assaults on the
Jewish people, needed no prompting."

Dr. Alexander Shafran, chief rabbi of Romania, wrote in 1944: "In these
hard times our thoughts turn more than ever with respectful gratitude to
the Sovereign Pontiff, who has done so much for Jews in general.... In
our worst hours of trial, the generous aid and noble support of the Holy
See ... has been decisive. It is not easy to find the proper words to
express the relief and solace which the magnanimous gesture of the
Supreme Pontiff has given us, in offering a large subsidy in order to
alleviate the sufferings of the deported Jews. Roumanian Jewry will
never forget these facts of historical importance."

After the Allies liberated Rome in 1944, a Jewish Brigade Group said in
its Bulletin: "To the everlasting glory of the people of Rome and the
Roman Catholic Church we can state that the fate of the Jews was
alleviated by their truly Christian offers of assistance and shelter.
Even now, many still remain in the religious homes and houses which
opened their doors to protect them from deportation to certain death."

One survivor, quoted in a Hebrew daily in Israel, said: "If we have been
rescued, if Jews are still alive in Rome, come with us and thank the
Pope in the Vatican."

A committee of the American Jewish Welfare Board, wrote to Pius himself:
"We have received reports from our military chaplains in Italy of the
aid and protection to Italian Jews by the Vatican, priests, and church
institutions during the Nazi occupation of the country. We are deeply
moved by this extraordinary display of Christian love – the more so as
we know the risk incurred by those who afforded shelter to Jews.... From
the bottom of our hearts we send you the assurances of undying

The elders of one liberated camp went to Rome and presented Pius with a
letter: "Now that the victorious Allied troops have broken our chains
and liberated us from captivity and danger, may we, the Jewish internees
of Ferramonti, be permitted to express our deepest and devoted thanks
for the comfort and help which Your Holiness deigned to grant us with
fatherly concern and infinite kindness throughout our years of
internment and persecution.... In doing so Your Holiness has as the
first and highest authority on earth fearlessly raised his universally
respected voice, in the face of our powerful enemies, in order to defend
openly our rights to the dignity of man.... When we were threatened with
deportation to Poland in 1942,

Your Holiness extended his fatherly hand to protect us, and stopped the
transfer of the Jews interned in Italy, thereby saving us from almost
certain death. With deep confidence and hope that the work of Your
Holiness may be crowned with further success, we beg to express our
heartfelt thanks while we pray to the Almighty: May Your Holiness reign
for many years on this Holy See and exert your beneficent influence over
the destiny of the nations."

A few months later the World Jewish Congress sent a telegram to the Holy
See thanking it for its protection "under difficult conditions to the
persecuted Jews in German dominated Hungary."

The chief rabbi of Jerusalem, Isaac Herzog, said: "I thank the Pope and
the Church from the bottom of my heart for all the help they have

Moshe Sharett, a leading Zionist, summed up his personal interview with
Pius: "I told him that my first duty was to thank him, and through him,
the Catholic Church, on behalf of the Jewish public, for all they had
done in the various countries to rescue Jews, to save children, and Jews
in general. We are deeply grateful to the Catholic Church for what she
did in those countries to help save our brothers."

Dr. Leon Kubowitzky of the World Jewish Council offered a large monetary
donation to the Vatican "in recognition of the work of the Holy See in
rescuing Jews from Fascist and Nazi persecutions."

Raffaele Cantoni of Italy's Jewish Welfare Committee said: "The Catholic
Church and the papacy have given proof that they have saved as many Jews
as they could."

These noble and moving words require little comment. I record them here
for the honor of Pius, the Catholic Church, and the good men who uttered

August 25, 2001
Joe Sobran is a nationally syndicated columnist. He also writes
"Washington Watch" for The Wanderer, a weekly Catholic newspaper, and
edits SOBRAN'S, a monthly newsletter of his essays and columns.

Get a free copy of Joe Sobran's lecture, "How Tyranny Came to America"
by subscribing to SOBRAN'S. See www.sobran.com for details. For a free
sample of SOBRAN'S or for more information, call 800-513-5053.
Copyright (c) 2001 by Griffin Internet Syndicate. All rights reserved.
Joseph Sobran Archives

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