Zionism is Racism, Get it Right 

by Sarah Waheed

Recently, a documentary called History Undercover: Attack on the USS Liberty,
finally aired on the History Channel, after being delayed twice. The
documentary detailed the experiences and stories of the surviving
crew-members of the reconnaissance ship, the USS Liberty, who said that their
ship, which was in international waters at the time, was deliberately bombed
by air and torpedoed by sea, by Israel, during the six-day war in which
Israel captured the Golan Heights in contravention of the UN brokered
cease-fire. 34 American crewmen died, and over a hundred were wounded.
Following the attack, there was an intense cover-up by the US government and
refusal to investigate, after accepting Israel’s apology for the “error”. If
the United States, despite having lost its own men to an “ally”, has stilled
covered up this incident at the behest of Israel, and the history program was
delayed from being aired twice, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the United
States would defend Israel yet once again.

As the US-UN proposals deadlock nears the deadline for the upcoming UN
Conference on Racism, Intolerance and Related Xenophobia, the US media
continues to be over-saturated with justifications for Washington’s stubborn
attitude. But the truth is, while the US still refuses to apologize for
centuries of racism and slavery in its own history, Washington is also
condoning the racism of its staunchest ally, Israel. Upon Israel’s request,
the United States refuses to agree to wording that equates Zionism to racism.
The wording of the charter isn’t a propaganda tool that Arab nations are
throwing about, as the US corporate media would have one believe. In fact,
most of the world’s countries have accepted that Zionism is tantamount to
racism. Interestingly enough, Zionist leaders themselves call this
“anti-semitism”, a charge often thrown about to ward off critics of Israel’s
apartheid-like policies towards Palestinians.  

Already, Israel is hard at work trying to rebuild its image in the face of
international condemnation. Prime Minister Sharon, indicted for war crimes in
Belgium, has hired a New York PR firm, Howard J. Rubenstein Associates, to
improve its image. In fact, the Jerusalem Post reported that Foreign Ministry
Deputy Director-General for Public Affairs Gideon Meir, has said that Israel
intends to conduct a “back-to-basics campaign” in the US. So, already public
opinion makers (and die-hard, loyal protectors of Israel) such as columnists
Thomas Friedman, William Safire, (New York Times) or Charles Krauthammer
(Washington Post), are hard at work doing the image-building, and PR work
that Israel has always relied on the US to do for her.

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, that cited neither statistic nor
historical fact to support any of his arguments, columnist George Will
stated, “Zionism, an especially defensible nationalism, holds that Jews,
having had a uniquely hazardous history, deserve a common future.” George
Will who hides behind calling Zionism Jewish pride, is as wrong as David Duke
who calls his organization one committed to White pride. Besides, as for
being uniquely hazardous, what of the indigenous tribes in the Americas who
no longer exist because of extermination by Europeans? What about the
systematic rape camps (the first in human history) set up in Yugoslavia
during Milosevich's ethnic cleansing? What about the extermination of
hundreds of millions of black slaves? Genocide and holocaust cannot, and
should not, be monopolized by one group only, when history has indicated
otherwise, and Israel would be better off to heed the words of holocaust
survivors themselves when they said, “Never again”. Besides, what George
Will is implying is that it is ok to be a Jewish supremacist because of the
historical atrocities visited upon the Jews of Europe. Interestingly enough,
Will’s words “especially defensible” and “uniquely hazardous history” do
not apply to any other group.

The truth is, Zionism did at first, emerge in response to anti-Semitism in
Europe in the late 19th century, as a politically secular movement whose goal
was the liberation of Jews from persecution. However, Zionist ideology also
implied the separation and “transfer” (or expulsion) of the Arabs, by
envisioning the “spirit[ing of] the penniless population across the border by
procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any
employment in our own country,” in the words of Zionism’s founder Theodore

Zionism then, is the colonialist ideology that brought the state of Israel
into existence by expropriating the land of indigenous Arab population as its
own. Furthermore, it was European settlers, not native Jews, who came to the
Middle East, claiming the land as their own. Zionism has become a form of
Jewish nationalism that preaches Jewish superiority, excludes non-Jews, and
is responsible for today’s political, racial, and economic apartheid of
Israelis and Palestinians. Besides, as many Rabbis and Jews attest to,
Zionism has no more of a place in Judaism, than does the Taliban ideology in
Islam, or the exclusivist claims of RSS and Hindutva in Hindu sacred texts or
history. Zionism’s impact upon the Jewish elite in America has been so
vociferous and influential, however, that anyone (including Jews) who
criticizes Israeli policy (which is in contravention of international law and
has been condemned by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B’tslem,
Peace Now, and others), is accused of anti-semitism.

However hard they try, Zionists cannot deny (but only try to justify) that
Israel today is a religiously exclusive state—even though the majority of
Israeli Jews don’t consider themselves religious—where non-Jews are second
class citizens. In addition, the Palestinians of the occupied territories,
who, under the pretext of “security” and as legitimized by the “Peace
Process,” (a farce that had initially long excluded Palestinians) are locked
into disconnected and crowded bantustans on their own land (from which the
vast majority of its natural resources, such as water, has been given to
Israel under the Oslo Accords) provide Israel with its cheap slave-like
labor. All this accurately fits the description of an apartheid state. Yet
Zionists project “the Jews made the desert bloom” image of Israel, and with
the help of U.S. media, drill into the worlds’ minds an Israel that is a
model state imbibing the ideals of democratic equality and justice, while
totally ignoring the mistreatment of Palestinians by Israel, (and even the
mistreatment of native and Oriental Jews by European ones).

Reknown Zionists in Israel’s history have stopped at nothing to expand
Israel, sometimes on the basis of biblical claims, and have exploited,
dispossessed, and suppressed an entire Arab population to do so. David
Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, told the World Council of Poale
Zion in Tel Aviv, in 1938 “The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include
Southern Lebanon, Southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan (The West
Bank), and the Sinai.” In fact Ben-Gurion was so adamant about the future of
Israel, he was once quoted as saying, “If I knew that it was possible to save
all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by
transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for
before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical
reckoning of the people of Israel.” Meanwhile, some Zionists refused to even
acknowledge the existence of their victims, such as Golda Meir, Israel’s
Prime who once told the The London Sunday Times, “There is no such thing as a
Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took
their country. They didn't exist.” Menachim Begin, Israel’s Defense
Minister, called Palestinians, “beasts walking on tow legs”, Israeli Chief
of Staff Rafael Eitan said as recently as 1983 that “the only good Arab is a
dead Arab” adding that “When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be
able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a
bottle.” Also in 1983, Chairman Helibrun of the Committee for the Re-election
of General Shlomo Lahat, mayor of Tel Aviv, has said, “We have to kill all
the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.” Well, how?
Israel Koenig answered that by saying, “We must use terror, assassination,
intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to
rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” While criticizing Arab countries who
have not absorbed the Palestinians with much sympathy, Israel continues to
dispossess them and refuses to give them equal status as minorities in the
state of Israel. Despite the atrocities committed under Zionism, the US is
not willing to concede that Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of
extermination and expropriation against a native civilian population; the
ideology is racist at its core. In fact, the US has made it abundantly clear
that it absolutely refuses to agree to this equation on the UN convention
charter. In response, some Arab leaders and representatives have been
“forced” (or have rather succumbed) to remove clauses that pointedly
criticize Zionism. Not only is truth being curtailed by the US, but it is
also dictating censorship of such truths.

Meanwhile, the blame by Israel and its supporters for the Zionism’s resulting
displaced Palestinian refugees, who today number a staggering 4 million,
however, has been laid upon the Arab states for not absorbing them. But, as
human rights groups, international observers, and the UN has seen repeatedly,
is that Israel’s problems with the Palestinians stem from denying them not
only their share in the land, but also their own Palestinian national
identity, rather than a general Arab one; ironically, these are the very
rights the Zionists ask of the world for the Jews. Ultimately, the story is
that of the persecuted becoming the persecutors. To realize how much Zionism
has perverted the Jewish religion for political ends and given Israel little
credence, one only has to remember Rabbi Ya’acov Perin’s famous words in his
eulogy at the funeral of terrorist Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who opened fire in a
mosque while Palestinians were praying: “One million Arabs are not worth a
Jewish! fingernail.”

Sarah Waheed is a freelance writer and media contributor to Media Monitors
Network (MMN)
, in Chicago, Illinois.

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