Want Some Justice in Your Coffee? Using the market to make social change. By Sam MacDonald REASON ONLINE

Millions of Americans kick their brains into gear each morning with a tall mug of steaming coffee. Until recently, the most important decision they had to make was, "one lump or two?" But now, the sleepy masses can bring their sense of economic fair play to bear as well: They can choose to gulp certified "Fair Trade" coffee. The product promises impoverished Third World growers a larger portion of the profits, while consumers get a more eco-friendly cup of java. There’s more at stake than what’s in the percolator, however. Fair Trade coffee may demonstrate that compassionate social policies don’t have to pour from Congress’s spout. They can be shaped by individual shoppers armed with a few spare coins and a little information.

more? http://www.reason.com/hod/sm082401.html

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