-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 25 August 2001/6 Elul 5761

"Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored;
Those who contend with you will be as nothing, and will perish. You will
seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them, those who war with
you will be as nothing, and non-existent. For I am the L-rd your G-d, who
upholds your right hand, who says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'"
Isaiah 41.11-13

Highlights Of This Week:


:: TERRORISTS STRIKE AGAIN: Two terrorists from a Palestinian Authority
[PA/PLO] military unit snuck into an IDF post in Gaza early Saturday
morning. Using rifles and hand grenades, they killed three IDF soldiers and
wounded seven more. Five of the wounded soldiers are still in hospital. IDF
soldiers managed to kill one of the attackers immediately. The other fled,
but was tracked down and killed several hours later. The murdered soldiers
are: Major Gil Oz, 30, of Kfar Saba; Staff-Sergeant Kobi Nir, 21, from Kfar
Saba; and Tzachi Grabli, 19, of Holon. The IDF entered Rafah in the
southern Gaza Strip and destroyed three Palestinian posts. At mosques in
Rafah, calls went out over the loudspeakers urging residents to join the
jihad ("holy war") against the Israeli forces. At around 3 a.m. Sunday, the
Israeli forces began withdrawing from Rafah.

On Saturday night, Yaniv and Sharon Ben-Shalom of Ofarim and Sharon's
brother, Tzion Sabiri were murdered and two children were wounded when
their car was ambushed by terrorists on a road just north of Jerusalem,
near Modi'in.

On Thursday night, two brothers, Tzviel and Matanel Meshulam, were standing
on their family porch in the Beit Schneerson building in Hebron, adjacent
to Beit Hadassah, when suddenly sniper fire rained down upon them from the
overlooking Abu Sneineh Hills.  Matanel, 21, an IDF soldier, was shot in
his hand. The same bullet also hit Tzviel, 11, in the chest; he is listed
in moderate/stable condition after the bullet miraculously missed hitting
vital organs. IDF forces responded a few hours later by moving onto the
PA/PLO-controlled hilltop, destroying two abandoned buildings that were
used to launch the shooting at the Meshulam family and many other shooting
attacks. The two houses were sources of Arab gunfire on Jewish
neighborhoods in Hebron for the past year. Deputy Chief of Staff Moshe
Ya'alon explained Friday morning that the strike into Abu Sneineh
neighborhood had been limited and was carried out in order to solve a local
problem. Ya'alon did not discount the possibility that the IDF would return
to the Abu Sneineh hilltop and stay there, should there be a need to do so.

:: AS IF THE TERRORISTS WERE NOT ENOUGH: A Hebron spokesman reported that
"Since the arrival of Hebron's new police chief, Hebron's police have began
a campaign of intention harassment against men, women and children. Police
are crawling around Hebron neighborhoods, and are stopping busses and
automobiles, demanding that people identify themselves, as if we were
living in Russia. However this is not Russia, this is Israel. And the year
is not 1951, it is 2001.  Rather than deal with the terrorists who attack
us and shoot at us, the police have chosen to harass us. But there should
be no mistake. They will not succeed in breaking us."

:: RECORD NUMBER OF OLIM THIS WEEK: 240 youngsters from the FSU (Former
Soviet Union) arrived in Israel this week as part of the Jewish Agency's
program to absorb young people.  This is the first group in the Selah
(students before parents) program to arrive in Israel this year. Over the
next few days 900 youngsters from the FSU will be arriving in Israel to
participate in the Jewish Agency's Selah program. This week, 1225 olim
arrived in Israel from all parts of the world - the largest number to
arrive in one week since the beginning of the year. It should be noted that
from the beginning of the year and the present time, 26,902 people have
made aliyah, 20,006 of them from the FSU. 43,000 olim [immigrants] have
come to Israel since the violence the beginning of the Oslo War last
October. The Jewish Agency's FSU Department revealed that about 64% of the
Jewish students living in the FSU who visited Israel since the Dolphinarium
terror attack announced at the end of their visit that they intended to
make aliyah. Of those, according to a survey published on August 12, 2001,
about 73% said they would not change their planned aliyah date, regardless
of the wave of terror attacks in recent months.

:: TOURISM TO ISRAEL DOWN: Some 117,200 tourists and passengers in transit
entered Israel in July 2001, 56 percent fewer than in July 2000. The number
of tourists who spent at least one night in Israel was 112,900 - 52 percent
down on July 2000, data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics reveals.

:: JOIN US IN ISRAEL - SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! If you have ever wanted to go to
Israel, now is the time! Israel needs to see your support. Israel needs to
know that, as Christians, you support and encourage her. Fellowship Church
[of which Tzemach News Service is a ministry] is sponsoring a trip to
Israel November 4 - 17, 2001. The trip will cover areas in Judea and
Samaria as well as the Galilee. Areas to be visited include Ariel, Hebron,
Kiryat Arba, Megiddo, the Golan Heights, Beit She'an, Qumran and sites in
and around Jerusalem. You will see the Bible come alive. We will meet and
talk with people who live by faith in the land given to them by G-d.

Moshe Kempinski, of the Shorashim in Jerusalem [http://www.shorashim.net]
recently stated: "As heartbreaking as the funerals may be ... as stressful
as deciding which bus you will allow your child to go on may be ... as
frustrating as seeing the tourist business in this country floundering may
be ... nothing is as difficult as the feeling of abandonment. Nothing is as
eerie as seeing the empty streets of Jerusalem. The time has come to make a
stand. Those people who truly stand with Jerusalem ... the time has come
... the time is now. Now is the time to ... come for a visit."

Jeremiah was bold and declared: "If you have run with footmen and they have
tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a
land of peace, how will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?" [Jeremiah
12.5]. We will not be intimidated, we are not afraid. How can we speak of
faith and then be afraid to trust G-d in His own Land? I urge you brothers
and sisters to fast and pray and see if the L-rd would lead you to come
with us in November. For further information, send an email request to
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] or see our Web site at:

<http://www.shechem.org/itamar/eindex.html>. Yishuv Itamar is located in
the Gav Hahar region, or literally, "the Hump of the Mountain". It is hill
country, tremendously big, picturesque and mysterious. Gav Hahar is crowned
by two noble peaks that rise 3,000 feet above the surrounding country, the
mountains of the Blessing and the Curse - Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Eval [Joshua
8:33]. Itamar has just celebrated its 17th birthday.

:: "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO": Israel is observing a large wave of
Palestinian youths volunteering for suicide missions. The ISA [formerly the
GSS] estimates that there are dozens - and maybe more - of potential
suicide-terrorists, and many additional candidates are joining daily. The
leaders of Hamas, who are devotedly calling on young Palestinians to
sacrifice themselves for the struggle, are taking strict care to send their
children abroad. Only last month, Hamas's spokesman in Gaza, Abdul Aziz
Rantisi, openly called at a conference, "to follow the path of the
martyrs," but sent his son, Muhammad, away for a long period abroad.
Mahmoud Abu-Zahar and Abdul Nimr Hamdan (who said that, "The gates of
paradise will be opened to the martyrs") have done likewise and sent their
sons outside the territories for long periods.

:: US WILL VETO UN EFFORT: The Bush Administration has officially told the
UN Security Council that it would veto any attempt by the Council to get
involved in the current Middle-East conflict, especially if the much talked
about resolution condemning Israel for the military tactics used against
the Palestinians was brought up for a vote. After five days of back door
negotiations and two days of public debate in the Security Council by more
than 45 nations, the Palestinian drive to condemn Israel has stalled. The
US decision was not expected by the Palestinian UN delegation. For the last
week, the Palestinians hoped for a compromise with the US, but it never

Meanwhile, an Israeli team of experts spent eight hours in Geneva
Wednesday, viewing the UN videotapes dealing with the October 7, 2000
abduction of three soldiers from Israel's northern border. But they said
afterwards that many questions still remain, and that they were unable to
discern the extent of the soldiers' injuries and other pertinent
information. The team acknowledged that it was presented with evidence not
seen by Israeli officials at UN headquarters about two weeks ago, but they
did not elaborate. Meanwhile, the ASSOCIATED PRESS is reporting that there
may be yet a third UN-filmed video - possibly of the kidnapping itself. As
of now, the UN has informed Israel only about two video clips.

:: SYRIAN TANKS ENTER LEBANON: Fifteen Syrian tanks entered Lebanon Monday
headed toward the Beka'a region, a stronghold for the thousands of Syrian
troops in Lebanon, witnesses said. The daily AN-NAHAR newspaper reported
the deployment of Syrian troops into Lebanon overnight. One hundred
military trucks, carrying soldiers and equipment, left the Beka'a valley
and headed toward Beirut, the newspaper said.

Meanwhile, a top Israeli defense ministry official said Hizb'Allah has
taken control of a former UN peacekeeping position in Ghajar on the
Lebanese border. Hizb'Allah has consolidated its grip on the northern
outskirts of Ghajar, with fighters setting up a command post in an old bomb
shelter, restricting access to the village, and discouraging visiting
reporters from contacting the Alawite residents. On the previous Saturday
Israel sealed off Ghajar and declared it a military zone. The following day
Hizb'Allah official in the south, Sheikh Nabil Qaouq, visited the village.
The people of Ghajar are mainly Syrian with Israeli citizenship.

:: EGYPT TO PLO: "KILL YOUR ENEMIES": The editorial of the Egyptian
government daily AL-AKHBAR (Aug. 17), titled "A Message to the People of
Palestine" calls on Palestinians to kill Israelis wherever they can be
found: "Kill your enemies wherever you may find them. This is a life and
death conflict between you and them and it will not be over through calming
attempts. The only thing that will force your enemy to surrender and to
accept your demands is force, whatever the sacrifices may be." Egypt has a
"peace" agreement with Israel and has been one of the partners in the Oslo

In other news, The Egyptian Air Force (EAF) celebrated arrival of its first
four F-16s of its sixth F-16 program during ceremonies at Gianaklis Air
Base on August 19. The F-16s were produced earlier this year in the United
States and are the first of the 24-aircraft Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
program named Peace Vector VI.

:: ISLAMIC CONFERENCE CALLS FOR JIHAD: The 10th World People's Islamic
Conference was held this week in Baghdad to discuss conditions facing
Muslims all over the world. High on the agenda was the "Palestinian issue".
The conference called for a Jihad, a holy war, to liberate "Palestine" from
the Israelis. More than 350 Islamic delegates representing leaders from all
continents took part in the conference.

:: ANTI-SEMITISM ON THE RISE WORLD-WIDE: In the latest report of
anti-Semitic attacks ahead of the UN conference on racism in Durban, a fire
was set in the basement of a synagogue in a Paris suburb some ten days ago.
Some 250 anti-Semitic incidents have been reported in France since the
outbreak of the Oslo War last fall.

Romania's Jewish community on Wednesday accused an ultranationalist
lawmaker of inciting anti-Semitism with his new book. "The Nationalist," by
Vlad Hogea, a member of the Greater Romania Party, contains the phrase:
"Whoever fights the Jews, fights the devil." In an interview published
Wednesday by the daily EVENIMENTUL ZILEI, Hogea said he borrowed the phrase
from Julius Streicher, a leading member of the Nazi Party, executed for war
crimes in 1946. Hogea denied being anti-Semitic, but said that in Romania
"the tentacles of Jewry," had spread into political life and that Romania
"should be run by Romanians."

The prolonged Palestinian Intifada continues to fuel a growing wave of
anti-Semitism worldwide, as Jew haters are becoming ever more brazen in the
build-up to the United Nations World Conference on Racism in Durban next
week. The UN conference was originally designed as a forum to address the
lingering ills of racial hatred, but has now become a rallying point for
those who seek to vilify the Jewish people. The Durban conference, slated
to begin next week, is shaping up as a real magnate for anti-Semitic and
anti-Zionist forces.

[Sources: Jerusalem Post, Arutz-7, Ha'aretz, AP, Global Jewish Agenda,
israelinsider, Ma'ariv, CNSNews, Murr Television]


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not
rest." Isaiah 62.1

 Lee Underwood

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