So my old MI6 friend Sybil Leek with whom I worked for over 12 years
according to this item was in on the MKUltra stuff; so this might
explain the hanky panky at the House of the Sun in Florida where I had
become a target and that plus a family member CIA/Joint Chief who did
about everything a man could do from missiles, to Thor Chief to Red
Stone Arsenal/

Noted this item was written in September of 1998 several months before
my son bought me a Web TV for Christmas - and who can have more fun at
her kitchen table or sitting in her living area, with a web tv....if
only I had had this when I went after J. Edgar - I would probably have
caused near panic for the portion of my FBI file I have been permitted
to see, they had censored my own letters?

Nicky once had sent me the Leek connection to MKUltra - she never told
me she was into it, but sure hinted at it when those witches and
psychics met at the House of the Sun - and oh so witches are the
loveliest of people.

So this stuff on witchcraft and Henry Potter - take it from me, this
stuff well put it this way, this witich named Sybil Leek was trained by
the master Ian Flemming and when she died on October 26 - in her
astrology column she gave me for lucky numbers, State Lottery number -
and it came in, after her death - she once gave me stock to buy (cheapie
stuff) that trippled in less than 2 or 3 weeks and Merrill Lynch Pierce
Fennder and Smythe (was Beane then I think) a Mr. Favor called and said
- okay, where did you get that tip - and I said would you believe, from
a real witch, who was trained by Ian Felmming, and Meyer Lansky's top
Lt. gave it to her, and said buy - for it was backed by Equitable.

So Witches bet could start a run on a bank if they had to like J P
Morgan;s old astrologers - but my favorite witch Sybil Leek, was the
only person other than the MI6 Colonel Ed Shannon (had served on tour
with UN in India and somehow landed in my office???)  but the Colonel
too, understood my bible calendar and Sybil claimed this Ogham code yet
to be deciphered was somehow connected.

It was then I took another look at the title of my manuscript which she
was working on at the time of her death (we got to keep the money paid
up front but the publisher said no go with this for Mafia had bought out
5 major ublishing houses) - so - the title of my manuscript was

THE VALLEY OF HAMON GOG........while at the time I did not understand
the full meaning of this in 1968....I do now.....especially when yo have
the Zionists claiming they own the pyramids?

So much for witches - and brother in laws who were CIA and did not tell
you - for ESP experiments in satellites, for psychics at a Mafia half
way house in Florida (later bought by Wendy King Dave Thomas for 3
million) - for at the House of the Son or Sun - and Apollo was born on
Isle of Delo - for the House of the Sun was a meeting place for the
psychics and when Elvis Presley said some sent and some received - well
I received and so did Elvis......and the real psychics with the more
powerfuly minds who experimented and dallied in esp-ionage is some
instances - well witches do make wonderful friends.

Have hundreds of letters from Sybil but thie one about Mark Lane - and
Jonestown, was when she really understand what she called "the evil
connotations of the bible calendar" and I do not mean that stupic
numerical thing and crap thie former Washington Post reporter cahoots with Israeli - this is the real thing used by
those who control the Master Plan for Murder Keyed to Astrology and the
Testaments and guess who is behind it all?

Put it all together, and it doesn ot spell Mother - but Zionist
Communists Nazis who still linger in the wings who were ready for grand
extrance in 2001 if Office of the President - Gore can thank his luckey
star he was not elected or it would have been the Late Al Gore - and
many songs of lamentations would be written if anybody could sing them,
with a straight face.


From: "Mark A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SNET: [Fwd:  Origins of CIA Mind Control Technology] Date: 24
Jun 1998 23:26:51 -0400

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Subject: [prj] Origins of CIA Mind Control Technology
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:50:01 -0400
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-----Original Message-----
From: alex constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 5:13 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Origins of CIA Mind Control Technology
                                            Caveat Lector!

     The CIA's experiments in radio control of the brain are based on
the development of the EEG in the 1920s. In 1934  Drs. Chaffee and Light
published a pivotal monograph, "A Method for Remote Control of
Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System."4 Work along the same
lines allowed Dr. Jose Delgado of Cordoba, Spain to climb into bull-ring
and, with the push of a button, trigger an electrode in the head of a
charging bull and stop the beast in its tracks.
        Further groundbreaking advances were made by  L.L. Vasiliev, the
famed Russian Ph
Evaluation of the Hypnogenic Method." The article detailed the
experiments of Dr. I.F. Tomashevsky in remote radio control of the
brain, "at a distance of one or more rooms and under conditions where
the participant would not know or suspect that she would be experimented

 One such experiment was carried out in a park at a distance," Vasiliev
reported, and "a post-hypnotic mental suggestion to go to sleep was
complied with within a minute."
        By 1956 Curtiss Shafer, an electrical engineer for the
Norden-Ketay Corporation, could explore the possibilities at the
National Electronics Conference in Chicago. "The ultimate achievement of
biocontrol may be man himself," Shafer said. "The controlled subjects
would never be permitted to think as individuals. A few months after
birth, a surgeon would equip each child with a socket mounted under the
scalp and electrodes reaching selected areas of brain tiss perceptions
and muscular activity could be either modified or completely controlled
by bioelectric signals radiating from state-controlled transmitters."
The CIA had already rushed headlong into Shafer's EMR dystopia with the
founding of an experimental mind control clinic in Montreal, directed by
the notorious D. Ewen Cameron, M.D. on grants from the Rockefeller
Foundation and J.D. McConnell of the Montreal Star. Another pool of
funding was the Gerschickter Foundation, named for Dr. Charles
Gerschickter of Georgetown University Hospital, who had tested potent
drugs on mental patients and the terminally ill, and bombarded monkeys
with radar waves until they passed out, at the behest of the CIA.
        Allan Memorial was housed in a limestone mansion atop Mount
Royal, donated by Sir Hugh Allan and staffed with emigre psychiatrists
from war-crushed Europe.
        Cameron shared a bloodless, sadistic character with the Nazis h
analyzed early in his career. Allan Memorial opened in 1942. Three years
later he was invited to Nuremberg to evaluate the mental state of
Rudolph Hess. In Germany Cameron could dissect the aberrations of
fascist rule. Dr. Harvey Weinstein, a psychiatrist whose father was a
guinea pig for Cameron's mind control experiments, writes that Germany
was "a laboratory in which the issues of authority, powerlessness,
individual motivation and behavior could be examined." And ruthlessly
applied in Montreal. Cameron's early revulsion at Nazi violence gave way
to a growing elitist sensibility. His scorn for the weak, including his
own mentally-crippled patients, qualified him for the carnage to come.
        In 1992 retired Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, formerly a Pentagon
liaison to the CIA, told author Dick Russell that Allan Memorial "was
pretty well organized." Prouty:
              If you get ahold of a directory for the Ameri-
        can Psychiatric Association in arou
        you'll be surprised to find that an enormous percen-
        tage of the individuals listed are foreign-born.
        Mostly they came out of Germany and Eastern Europe
        in a big wave. They were all called "technical spec-
        ialists," but really they were psychiatrists. They
        went into jobs at universities mostly - but many
        were working on these 'unconventional' mind-control
        programs for U.S. intelligence.... These would go to
        people like Dr. Cameron in Canada.8

Not one of Cameron's patients was ever cured in the Radio Telemetry
Laboratory, a makeshift torture chamber assembled in the cellar of his
own private Bedlam. The financial underpinnings for the experiments came
from the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, a CIA front.
Cameron's right-hand man was Leonard Rubenstein, an electrical whiz of
Cockney descent who lacked medical bona fides, but passionately
exercised a fascination with remote brain control. He f the foundation
of a sprawling psychopolitical Apparat "that will keep tabs on people
without their knowing," as he told a fellow staffer.
  Cameron's left hand was Dr. Walter Walter Freeman, who had
performed no less than 4,000 frontal lobotomies in 20 years of practice
-often on patients suffering only mild depression or paranoia. Dr.
Freeman went on to become a respected San Francisco brain specialist.
        The psychotronic heart of the laboratory was the Grid Room, with
its verticed, Amazing Tales interior. The subject was strapped into a
- involuntarily, by force - his head bristling with electrodes and
transducers. Any resistence was met with a paralyzing dose of curare.
The subject's brain waves were beamed to a nearby reception room crammed
with voice analyzers, a wire recorder and radio receivers cobbled
together by Rubenstein.11 The systematic annihilation, or "depatterning"
of a subject's mind and memory, was accomplis sleep for 65 days at a
stretch and ECT shocks at 75 times the recommended dosage. Psychic
driving, the repetition of a recorded message for 16 hours a day,
programmed the empty mind. Fragile patients referred to Allan Memorial
for help  were thus turned into carbuncular jellyfish.
  Yet Cameron, before his death in 1967, was president of the American
and Canadian Psychiatric Associations.
        His work in brain emissions was balanced elsewhere by
experiments in reception. Honeywell, Inc., for instance, launched into
"a method to penetrate inside a man's mind and control his brain waves
over long distance." The Scientific Engineering Institute in Boston,
another CIA cover, was established in 1956 to study radar. In 1962 the
SEI set up a "Life Sciences" lab to study the effects of electrodes deep
within the brain. At the National In stitutes of Health, Dr. Maitland
Baldwin beamed radio signals into the brains of lobotomized monkeys.
His CI noted weird excesses: in one experiment, Baldwin decapitated a
monkey and transplanted its head to the body of another, then attempted
to restore it to life with radar saturation.
  At Langley the experiments were presided over by Dr.Stephen Aldrich, a
patron of occult research, foreshadowing the use of mind control
technology by satanic cults in the 1980s and '90s, according to Julianne
McKinney, director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the
Association of National Security Alumni.16 Dr. Aldrich, a graduate of
Amherst and Northwestern, took control of The Firm's Office of Research
and Development (ORD) in 1962 upon the departure of Sidney Gottleib. The
occasion marked the birth of Operation Often, an investigation of the
occult. With Houston sorceress Sybil Leek as their guide, CIA
behaviorists studied the arcana of the occult underground. [Saba Note:
Sybil was one of Ronald Reagan's astrologers - Kitty Kelly mentions her
in her book on Nancy Reagan, but Kelly at this time did not really known
who Sybil was.......her boa constructor kept nosey people like Kelly out
of her state room......and served a useful purpose - Frank Sinatra
should have had a pet snake too.....]
        The SEI contributed a social laboratory to
Often in 1972 at the University of South Carolina
        Aldrich's interest in the occult (shared by scores of others in
the intelligence world.) may explain his penchant for remote brain
manipulation, based as it is in "psychic" technology. Under the
direction of Aldrich, writes John Marks in The Search for the Manchurian
Candidate, ORD technocrats "kept probing for ways to control human
behavior, and they were doing so with space-age technology that made the
days of MKULTRA look like the horse-and buggy era."20 Particularly
useful to CIA scientists were advances in stereotaxic surgery,
simplifying the implantation of electrodes in the brain to wipe out a
subject's memories in preparation for hypnotic reconstructive
- Alex Constantine

From: Psychic Dictatorship in the USA

     Postscript: Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) was perfected
by the CIA in 1960. The first "alien" abduction, the Hill case, occurred
a year later. Once the intelligence sector had the means of pulling off
the perfect crime - by erasing short-term memories - the abductions
could take place without fear of exposure. "Hypnotic reconstructive
surgery" swapped the desired cover story for the victim's recollection
of illicit medical experimentation.
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