Now Kissinger was a KGB Agent, Code Name Bor - was alleged to be Counter
Intelligence in WWII - now see here, this man was excommunicated and now
I had never heard this story for it most certainly is nothing of which
to be proud.   Might add this jewish Mafia Doctor involved in all the
murder in our area was kicked out of his synagogue and his little friend
used to tell me they were sending the Brown Shirts to get me and at the
time, I didn't even know who the hell they were.

Henry Kissinger ah so - has Three Faces...KGB and what else - Mossad -
but I can see this - America wanted to get the missiles into the right
hands......von Braun took us to the moon, he could have gone to the KGB
Communists - he had once said he wanted to go to the moon more than win
the war, and he did make a choice.

Henry Kissinger - and this was not his real
name - I forget what his real name was - Avraham ben something......

Masters of Deceit?   Kissinger was a Nazi and a Communist - it is as
simple as that - he double Eagle?  But this man, has three faces - will
the real Dr. Kissinger please stand up?

Also Hugh Hefner is a Zionist....but then Larry Flynt was your typical
front man for Mafia - and born again Christian for that bunch of
thieves,  like Jimmy Swaggart  really believe they are Christians - and
do not forget Billy Graham once took $25,000 from Mickey Cohen, the
Jewish Mobster to save his soul - and got caught.     When it comes to
drugs and pornography - well, one can draw own conclusions as to why our
children are being destroyed and exposed to filth and garbage and sodomy
committed by Clinton and Barney Frank is suddenly overlooked as
something "natural"?????

interesting item here - note, the Rockefeller family was not Jewish; and
Japeth, is mentioned a long forgotten biblical figure - my family tree
descends from this man Japeth, whoever he was - a son of Noah?

Gues Gomer and Gog were his kin.

This item I reproduce but for easier reading - well pull up under
subject matter.

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