-Caveat Lector-

This is not new but it is the first time I have seen it in quite a
while. I am sending if along for any who have not read RuMill's
theory.  I find it interesting but neither endorse nor refute.  I
post/You decide.

Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:27 AM

>From Rayelan:

The following article was written in September of 2000, almost a
year ago. I am sending it out again because I was asked to edit it
so another researcher could put it up on his webpage. However, I
can't remember who asked me to do this!! So, if you are the one who
wanted to link to this article... it is now free of all the typos,
bad grammar, mispelled words, and never ending sentences!!

It was edited, by our new Rumor Mill News Editor, appropriately
named RU!! (And she didn't even make it up!!)

As I was reading the article, I paid special attention to the
information about the stock market and the gold backed Euro. It is
time for this article to be read again!!

Rayelan Allan
Publisher of Rumor Mill News


>From the Rumor Mill News Forum



Posted By: Rayelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 10 September 2000, 4:19 p.m.

  An Explanation Faction Two
  by Rayelan Allan

  There is a hidden group of men and women who are in opposition to
the New World Order. They call themselves Faction Two. Faction One
is the New World Order! Faction Two was created by German and
Austrian officers who were forced to flee Europe - BEFORE the end
of World War II - because they had been part of the conspiracy to
assassinate Hitler.

  The former Nazi officers who created Faction Two were members of
a conspiracy headed by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who headed the
German Abwehr, military intelligence. The Canaris Conspiracy sought
to assassinate Adolph Hitler and end the war. They knew the future
of their world depended on ending the war quickly, before their
"enemy" could totally destroy their bloodline. They knew that
Hitler was controlled by an evil cabal of black masters, who
masqueraded as international businessmen and bankers. The war was a
way for this evil cabal to make billions of dollars, producing the
instruments of war, while eliminating the bloodline of their
age-old enemy.

  The officers who made up the Canaris Conspiracy came from several
countries - Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria. They were
part of the royal families that had made up the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. They wanted to end the war and save their countries from
the total destruction and enslavement their enemy had in mind for
them. These men knew who the real enemy was. Their empire had been
destroyed in the late 1890's by the same power that now backed
Adolph Hitler.

  They knew Hitler had sacrificed his soul for power. They knew
Hitler was controlling and mesmerizing his followers by using the
dark secrets he had learned from the evil masters of the Society of
Thule. These occult adepts used black magic to control Hitler and
make him their puppet in their quest for world domination. The Dark
Masters who made up the Society of Thule have used their dark magic
throughout the ages and throughout the nations of the world, to
pervert, seduce, corrupt and control leaders. Once the leaders
were/are controlled, the Dark Masters could/can enslave the people,
and rape and pillage the land with no opposition. From Babylon to
Egypt to Rome - wherever this dark cabal raised its head - evil,
death and destruction soon followed.

  The Nazi officers who were members of the conspiracy to
assassinate Hitler were not only members of the Hapsburg royal
family. They were also members of an age-old Order that had been
destroyed, and whose memory had been maligned by the same evil
cabal that was now trying to enslave the world. This order is the
Knights Templars.

  The conspirators knew they had to end the war, and the only way
to end it quickly was to assassinate Hitler. They reached out to
England and America, and asked for help. Both countries refused to
help them. Winston Churchill was heard to say that he wanted
Germany "bombed into oblivion."

  The bankers in England have a long history of using wars not only
to make money, but also to destroy the bloodlines of countries.
Baron Amschel Rothschild is well known for the quote, "The best
time to make money is when blood is running in the streets." He
meant that war is a great way to make a killing on the market, by
investing in weapons of war and other things that will be needed by

  Even though the conspirators failed to secure the help of the
Allies, they went ahead with their assassination plan. Their
attempt failed. Hitler knew who was behind the assassination
attempt - members of the German and Austrian Royal Families. The
book "The Canaris Conspiracy" documents the royal bloodline of many
of the men who were involved in the assassination attempt.

  Hitler responded to the attempt on his life by killing at least
ten thousand suspected conspirators. The majority of the people he
murdered were not only innocent; their only crime was having a drop
too much Royal Blood. The families of the conspirators were sent to
concentration camps. Their children were separated from their
parents, tattooed and treated as if they were Jews. Many of these
children were sent to Israel as Jews!

  The members of the conspiracy who survived the purge fled to the
United States. They came before the war ended, under the protection
of Cordell Hull, who was FDR's Secretary of State. Cordell Hull was
not a member of the Eastcoast Elite Establishment. This is the code
name for certain American families who work with and for the dark
cabal. These families created the Federal Reserve banking system
and use it to fund their evil plans. The Eastcoast Elite still
controls the United States. To grasp the full meaning of how they
do this, just ask yourself why Rhode Island and Delaware have two
senators apiece, while states with large populations, like
California, also have two.

  The mission of the Federal Reserve System in the United States is
to rake off as much American wealth as possible before destroying
the sovereignty of the United States and delivering it into a one
world government.

  When President Roosevelt, who was part of the Eastcoast Elite,
decided to create a United States intelligence service, Secretary
of State Hull lobbied to have it placed within the State
Department. He lost out to the sons of the Eastcoast Elite and the
International Bankers. Roosevelt chose to create The Office of
Strategic Services (OSS), making it a separate entity. It was
controlled and directed by the families who made up the Eastcoast
Elite, creators of the Federal Reserve system.

  Cordell Hull understood the nature of the real enemy. He had been
trained by men who could see the handwriting on the wall. Hull knew
that the enemy was not Germany itself, but the dark financial cabal
that controlled Hitler. When America's official intelligence agency
was formed and placed outside the State Department's control, Hull
created a secret intelligence and covert operations unit within the
State Department. This unit still exists. It is called Consular
Operations (ConsOps). Members of this unit sought out the survivors
of the conspiracy to assassinate Hitler. The survivors and their
families were smuggled out of Europe starting before the end of the
war. They were brought into the United States. Out of the survivors
of the Canaris Conspiracy, Faction Two was started.

  The conspirators arrived in America under the wing of men who
were completely trusted by Cordell Hull. The men who were chosen to
resettle the conspirators were actually distant cousins of the
conspirators themselves, and had lived in the United States for
generations. These men had many things in common. They all carried
Hapsburg blood. They all believed that English bankers, with the
cooperation of the British Royal Family, had destroyed the
Austro-Hungarian Empire. They believed that these were the same
ones who were "bombing Germany into oblivion" so that they could
control the World and implement their One World Government. But
they had one more thing in common. They were all members of a
secret order that had opposed the black cabal for centuries.

  When the conspirators arrived in America, they brought with them
documents which would prove to others the truth of what they said
about Hitler and his controllers. They began educating loyal
Americans as to the real reasons behind World War I and II. They
also alerted these Americans to what was going to happen to the
World if someone didn't stop the international bankers and business
elite from creating their New World Order.

  When loyal American military men were approached by the former
Canaris conspirators, they quickly understood how American
businessmen had sold out their country by creating a banking system
that stole the wealth of America and put it in the hands of the
same international cabal that was backing Hitler. The international
bankers were orchestrating the war, not for conquest of land, but
for accumulation of power and money on a worldwide level...AND as
another step in creating their New World Order.

  The State Department's ConsOps unit resettled the Canaris
Conspirators in places like Winnemucca and Wendover, Nevada. Others
were brought into Oklahoma. Still others were settled in San Luis
Obispo, California, near the famous castle built by William
Randolph Hearst. (Legend says that all the American members of the
secret order built castles.)

  In these out of the way places, the surviving members of the
Canaris Conspiracy were educated to be Americans. They were taught
to lose their accents. They were given new identities, and
sometimes they were even given new faces. While these men were
being "Americanized" they were teaching their American friends and
family the truth about the men who control the World from behind
the scenes.

  Once the former conspirators had been "Americanized", they and
the Americans whom they had educated formed the CIG, or Central
Intelligence Group. This union of like-minded nationalistic
patriots was short lived. The CIG was replaced within a year by the

  The CIG had been made up of men whose loyalty was to freedom and
liberty. They understood the international bankers and their plan
for a One World Government. They understood that a One World
Government would eliminate human rights all over the World.

  When the CIA was created, the CIG people were replaced by the
same Eastcoast Elite Establishment that made up the OSS. The CIA
was made up of the very internationalists that the original CIG was
trying to defeat.

  The founders of the CIG, however, were not without power or
intelligence. They did not lie down in defeat. They retreated to
the shadows and ran their covert operations under the cover of the
CIA Directorate of Covert Operations, or in Navy Intelligence.
Fifty years later, they and their biological and philosophical
descendants are still there.

  The CIG founders, who disappeared into the shadow World, were a
well orchestrated and disciplined group. Even today, from behind
the scenes, they fight the New World Order. These men refer to
themselves as Faction Two. Many of the leaders of Faction Two are
in Navy Intelligence. Their group is so secret most other people in
Navy Intelligence don't know it exists.

  Among themselves, they refer to this secret unit as the "Secret
Navy" or the "Nebraska Navy." This is because it receives its
covert funding out of a Naval Reserve and/or Recruiting District in
Omaha, Nebraska, or used to until 1990.

  The men and women who make up Faction Two are working for one
thing: Their goal is to destroy the New World Order and the
international bankers behind it. They seek to restore sovereignty
to individual nations and to the individuals who make up the

  The main thing the Canaris Conspirators had in common with their
American cousins was not their royal blood, but rather their
membership in a secret order. To be a member of this secret order,
one had to be born in the proper bloodline, although being
legitimate was not a requirement. In fact, this order actually
"bred" its members in order to create people who were naturally
adept at certain skills.

  The secret order to which all of these people belonged was the
Knights Templars.

  The Knights Templars

  During the Middle Ages, a group of monk-knights, all of noble
birth, humbled themselves before God and the Pope, and dedicated
their Order of Temple Knights to the service of the Church of Rome.
They became known as "The Protectors of Christ."

  The Popes of Rome were beguiled by their service and their
humility. The poor and meek welcomed their protection. Using the
technique of "protect and serve," the Knights Templars benevolently
controlled Europe for almost 300 years. During these 300 years,
Europe progressed from the Dark Ages into the Renaissance.

  A well-informed Templar insider, who happens to be a Source for
RMNews, expressed the concept of "protect and serve" this way:

  "When you protect something, you control it. When you continue to
serve the people you control, they are lulled into complacency. In
this Edenic complacency, that group which is being protected never
realizes it is controlled. Therefore, to control something, you
must protect and serve it very well. You must be sure that what and
who you are protecting stays so happy and complacent that they
never think about freedom... let alone seek it."

  This knowledgeable Templar insider went on to talk about the
Praetorian Guard that protected the Emperors of Rome. He explained
that by controlling access to the Emperors, the Praetorian Guard
controlled Rome. His group, he said, had learned this secret from
their enemies. He further stated that they had to use it because
"sometimes you have to fight fire with fire."

  The Original and True Charter
  of the True Knights Templars

  The men who created the original and true order of Knights
Templars did so to protect the common man from the excesses of evil
or ignorant Royal families. The Original Templar Charter set down a
list of basic human rights for ordinary people. These were based on
God-given rights... rights that are given to each and every human
being, by virtue of their birth on Earth.

  The Monarchs of Europe during the middle ages were bleeding the
peasants dry. All land, animals, plants and trees belonged to the
King. The peasants were not allowed to hunt, gather food or build
shelter to provide for themselves or their family.

  Had there been no sovereign, the peasants would have used the
things God provided in nature to feed, house and clothe themselves.
With the King ruling all property, (just as the government controls
most property in America) the peasant could not survive unless the
King decreed it. This massive injustice to the common man was the
reason a benevolent group of minor royals and clergy created the
original Knights Templar.

  A Templar from Salzburg, Austria wrote:

  "On a rain swept, desolate day, at Larambique, in the foot hills
of the massive Mt. Blanc, a group of dedicated monks and their
worldly brothers gathered on September 24, of the year of our
Sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ.... we are writing the year Anno
Domini 938.

  "They gathered to form a New Order to keep alive the words which
God had granted Solomon, in a dream.

  "Although the drenching rains continued, a large beam of light
filtered down to the statue of the Christ child, securely carried
in the hands of his Godly Mother, Mary. The fright and silence were
awesome as those gathered beheld the sight. All present began to
speak at the same time, each in the language of his birth. Within
minutes the babble ceased and they began to work on the plans to
form a new charter, granting that each living being had diverse
basic rights. When they were finished, they had created the
following charter.

  "Each living being possesses basic divine rights. The most basic
right is the right of self determination. Each and every being upon
Earth is divinely given the right to control his own life. Other
inalienable* divinely granted rights include food, shelter,
clothing and fair compensation for work well done."

  * "in-a-lien-able", meaning incapable of having a "lien" placed
on them. Look up the words 'alienable" and "inalienable" in your

  The Knights Templars were a secret sect which started sometime
during the middle ages. The dates given in history books range from
the 8th century to the 12th century. The Templars are shrouded in
secrecy, and much of this secrecy was created by the Templars
themselves. They even went so far as to create several versions of
their origins and their demise.

  They did this to hide themselves and their descendants from their
enemies. It was necessary to hide, because they had access to
secret information which had to be kept hidden until people were
ready to use it... and not abuse it. They had to protect this
information until the World was mature enough to handle it
properly. Needless to say, the World still awaits the Knights
Templars' secret information.

  The Knights Templars called themselves the Protectors of Christ.
Most Templars, but not all, were descended from the Merovingian

  One version of history states that after the Templars were
defeated in the early 1300's, they fled to Scotland and formed the
Masons. This is one of the false histories. The Templars are NOT
the ancestors of the Masons. The surviving Templars fled to
Salzburg, Austria. From there, they slowly infiltrated the
Austro-Hungarian bloodline and created the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

  The Templars' reason for including the Hungarian bloodline as
part of their lineage was a legend, which says that the Royal
Family of Hungary is descended from the star Sirius. The Templars
were Merovingians. Merovingians believe they also are descended
from Sirius through the Royal House of David, father of Solomon.

  The name of the Hungarian Royal Family is Esterhaszy. "Ester"
means "star" and "haszy" means either "house of" or "descended
from". The Esterhaszys believed they were descended from "the
star". The star was Sirius.

  The ranking Esterhaszy female was said to have been a Priestess
in the temple of Ishtar, which translates as the Temple of the
Star. In Babylonian scriptures, Ishtar was called the Light of the
World, Lawgiver, Goddess of Goddesses and Queen of Heaven.

  The Goddess Ishtar was one of the many names given to the Goddess
Diana. In other words, the ranking Esterhaszy female is a Priestess
in the Temple of Diana, as well as being descended from the star

  The Templars were mostly Merovingians, and so they knew that the
Esterhaszy's, like themselves, were descended from Sirius.
According to the Templars, a true Hapsburg and a true Templar will
have Esterhaszy blood.

  The Templar Mission

  The Knights Templars were called "The Protectors of Christ." The
Pilgrims who traveled to the Holy Lands during the time of the
Crusades believed that the Templars went with them to protect them
on their way to worship Jesus, their God and Savior, at the place
of His birth and death.

  The Knights Templars understood their mission a little
differently. According to Templar beliefs, their holy mission was
to protect the Holy Blood from which they all were descended. The
Templars went to the Holy Lands to find the records of birth and
marriage. They did this not to prove they were descended from Jesus
and Mary Magdalene, as some have purported, but to find the records
of all the bloodlines from the House of David.

  But there were additional reasons the Templars went to Jerusalem.

  The Templars Went to the Holy Lands
  To Excavate King Solomon's Temple!

  During the Crusades the Templars, who take their name from the
Temple of Solomon, erected the stable for their horses on the very
site where King Solomon's Temple lay buried! The Knights Templars
came to the holy lands and to King Solomon's Temple for three
things. They came to find the records of births and marriages. They
came for the gold that was stored in secret underground chambers.
And they came for the ancient manuscripts, which were preserved in
hermetically sealed chambers deep below the original temple.

  With these three things in hand, the Knights Templars went back
to Europe and became the undisputed Rulers of Europe. They ruled
until King Phillip the Fair of France conspired with the Catholic
Pope Clement III to destroy the Templars. But even their
destruction was part of a hidden agenda.

  The Templars had accomplished what they set out to do. They had
accumulated enormous wealth and knowledge. Now they needed to
establish an empire whose descendants would carry out their
benevolent plan for the World.

  The Austrian Connection

  The surviving Templars moved to the mountains above Salzburg.
They went on to create the Austrian Empire and ruled Europe for
hundreds of years. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was built and
financed by Templar wealth and information. Through
shortsightedness, assassinations, insanity, ego and stupidity, the
Empire was eventually lost to the age-old enemy of the Knights
Templars, an evil cabal which now masqueraded as English bankers
who controlled the British Throne from behind the scenes.

  Even though the Templars lost the Empire from which their
creators had planned to serve the World in benevolence, they did
not disappear.

  Admiral Wilhelm Canaris

  During World War II, the head of the true Order of Knights
Templars was Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Admiral Canaris was descended
from northern Italian and Bavarian royalty. (In 1776, the year of
America's Declaration of Independence, Bavarian Royalty alerted
Europe to the Illuminati plan to create a New World Order.)

  Adolph Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and stole the Austrian
treasury, which was transferred to Swiss banks by Hitler himself.
Much of the gold in the Austrian treasury was Templar gold taken
from King Solomon's Temple. During World War II, even though
Admiral Canaris was the head of German Military Intelligence, he
made two trips a month to Switzerland and then to the Catalan
region of Spain. He was stealing back the Templar gold and storing
it in Spain!

  The Templar gold stayed hidden in Spain until it could be
transported by submarine to Paraguay. In 1955, its location was
discovered and the gold was moved to the Philippines. In 1994,
members of Faction 2, who are Knights Templars, arranged for the
Philippine gold to be returned to Austria. In December of 1994, the
largest gold transfer in history entered Germany from a gold
smelter in Greece. This was the Templar gold.

  Sources have said that this gold will be used to back the new
monetary unit of Europe, the Euro. When the Euro is finally backed
by gold, it will become the currency of choice for the business
World. This will cause the dollar to fall, and according to my
sources in Faction 2, the fall of the dollar will mean the end of
the Federal Reserve Banking System and its member banks. Hopefully
this will also end the international bankers' plans for creating a
New World Order.

  Admiral Canaris Was Resettled in Oklahoma

  After the assassination attempt failed to kill Hitler, many of
Admiral Canaris' closest allies fled to the United States. The rest
were horribly tortured and murdered. According to history books,
Admiral Canaris was jailed and was about to be tortured to reveal
the truth of the conspiracy when he swallowed cyanide and died.
According to sources who are sons of the men of the Abwehr,
however, Admiral Canaris escaped to the United States and lived in
Oklahoma under the name of Samuel Randall Pittman, a lawyer. The
men who told me the story of Admiral Canaris say he died in 1973,
in Oklahoma.

  The men who survived Hitler's purge and came to the United States
were the ones who formed the CIG. When the CIG was replaced by the
CIA, these men retreated to the shadow World where their Templar
ancestors have lived for hundreds of years. In modern day parlance,
they formed a covert spy network and continued to work against
their age-old enemy, the men who make up the New World Order.

  These men are now members of intelligence communities around the
World. They call themselves Faction 2. The Saudi Royal Family works
with Faction 2. Several Faction 2 individuals, who were exiled
members of the Austrian and Czechoslovakian Royal families, were
the pilots for the Saudi Royal Family.

  Many of the royal family members who were exiled to the United
States had been sent into exile because they would not sign
agreements with the allied victors of World War II, stating they
would not plot to restore the monarchies of central Europe. The
royals who did sign the agreement not to restore the monarchy were
given back their money and lands. Those who refused to sign had
everything they owned confiscated.

  The highest-ranking members of the Austro-Hungarian family were
sent into exile. Some of the children of these highest-ranking
Royals were taken from their parents and placed in ordinary middle
class American families. Usually the "adopting" father was part of
Faction 2. The children were never told their true identity. This
was done to hide them and their future children until the time was
right. In 1995 their exile ended. Many members of Faction 2 have
now started to move back to their homelands.

  Since 1995 a war has been going on in the financial world. Most
people are so naive about the way the financial world works that
they do not even begin to understand how the war is being fought.

  One of the ways it is being fought is by sucking as many naive
investors into the stock market as possible. Once the powers who
are fighting this war believe they have sucked up as much money as
they possibly can, they will try to engineer a stock market crash
in a way that will leave as much money as possible in the hands of
their group. In other words, both groups are working to crash the
market, destroy their enemy, and leave themselves in the driver's
seat. The real losers in all of this are the innocent people who
put their life savings in a rigged stock market!

  If Faction One - the international bankers who we call the New
World Order - wins, a one world government will be implemented and
humanity will become slaves... at least the ones who survive the
purge... and I will bet you that YOU and I won't be amoung the

  If Faction Two wins, there is a plan to take the money that has
been stolen from the people of the world, and give it back to the
people of the world. These plans are drawn up and can be
implemented at any time the funds are released.

  There is a new faction, one that has labeled itself Faction
Three. This new faction is not aligned with either of the two older
factions. Some members are the children of Faction One, others are
the children of Faction Two. The job of dispersing the money that
has been stolen from the nations of the world has been given to
this Faction. It appears that the people who make up this Faction
are ALL Knights Templars or live according to the same standards.

  According to Sources, the time for the distribution of this money
is toward the end of 2001!

  © 2000 Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews
  for more information on RMNews go to:


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