Banksters to Discuss Phony Agenda in D.C.

What you read in the mainstream press is not what will actually happen behind
the closed doors of the upcoming IMF-World Bank meeting.

Exclusive to American Free Press By James P. Tucker, Jr.

You will read much about how Inter national Monetary Fund (IMF) and World
Bank officials are promoting de mocracy and addressing the issues of the
poor, but it's a phony facade.

What happens is the world bankers impose rules on poor but allegedly
"sovereign" nations to take direct control of their internal affairs. In most
cases, it leaves the internationalists with more control-and more profits-and
the target nation with more poverty.

In order for a poor country to receive either a loan or a grant, "reforms"
are required. The poor country obeys, like a dog to the whistle. The
financial rewards, with American taxpayers paying the lion's share, are
contingent upon following the international body's guidelines, said a source
at the IMF.

"The IMF compelled the Ghanaian government to gut the public transportation
system, increasing the dependence on private cars and the cost to the people
of getting to work, decreasing their real wages," said Radhika Balakrish
hnan, associate professor of economics at Mary mount Manhattan College. "The
IMF got the government to focus the economy on cocoa as an export, so when
the world prices for cocoa fell, it devastated the economy."

Najoki Njoroge Njehu, director of the "50 Years Is Enough" network, a
coalition of more than 200 U.S. grassroots groups dedicated to reforming the
IMF and World Bank, was unimpressed by the decision to cut the upcoming
week-long confab of IMF and World Bank officials to two days on Sept. 29-30
as a result of impending protests.

"The duration of the IMF-World Bank meetings does not matter to the hundreds
of millions of people impoverished by the institutions' austerity policies,
like user fees for primary health and education or abrupt increases in the
price of water in the name of market 'reforms,' " he said.

"Whether they meet for six days or two, the agenda remains the same: More
layoffs, less government spending on social programs, less credit for small
farmers and businesses, more privatization and higher corporate profits," he

"What matters is the devastating impacts of these institutions' policies on
the impoverished and on the environment upon which we all depend for life,"
said the Mobilization for Global Justice in a statement.

The Mobilization called for the IMF and World Bank to end "policies that
hinder people's access to food, clean water, shelter, health care, education,
and the right to organize" and to "stop all World Bank support for socially
and environmentally destructive projects such as oil, gas and mining
activities and all support for projects such as dams that include forced
relocation of people."

It also called for opening "all World Bank and IMF meetings to the media and
the public."

In last week's issue, American Free Press reported on new studies showing
that, contrary to what globalists say, international free trade pacts and
global organizations have severely damaged the Third World and widened the
disparity of the haves and have-nots in countries like Mexico. H


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