Prime Directives

1. All prime directives are of equal importance regardless of how they are
listed (There are some deep secrets behind the reasoning for these
directives, only made available to Illuminati Members).

2. Humanity must survive at all costs

What this means, is that all measures must be taken to ensure this, and this
is a need which outweighs the rights of the individual/individual rights.

3. Planet earth must be protected at all costs.

Same as above.

4. The most intelligent and educated humans are superior to all others and
they must reproduce with others at all costs and must be protected at all

Basically, all this means, is that we seek to establish a hybrid human race,
devoid of nationalism and racism. Studies show that children of mixed races
are more intelligent and healthier overall.

5. Logic and reason must be the foundation of all speech and teachings at all

This means that no fairy tales must be permitted to be taught to children or
anyone. Opinions must be stated as being such, and the idea of ghosts and
spirits are concepts based in irrationality and stupidity. There must be
supportive evidence for everything involving education and higher learning.
Society must be cleansed of superstition etc.

6. No human may hold a superior position unless he or she has obtained
degrees in physics and biology.

This is because those whom are educated in these fields, posses a higher
understanding of reality, and thus posses an advanced/developed mind.
Education breeds education and enlightenment.

7. The population of planet earth must be reduced to 3 billion and maintained
at approximately that number(until such time when our Enlightened Society is
in place and all the family names of our enemies are wiped off the planet).

The basis for this is, prosperity, security and well being of not only
society, but all life forms on our planet, and our beloved planet itself. The
reduction in population is to be done through education of the need for this.
Of course there are other means, and mother nature and diseases will help us
in this regard.

8. All human females should have their tubes tied as soon as they reach
puberty, to protect them from premature and unwanted pregnancies..

Unlike some uneducated fools think, women can still have babies, even with
their tubes tied, but not accidentally. Why only women? Because semen is good
for human consumption, it contains a rare form of protein, and matter unlike
anything else, which has strong healing powers...

9. All criminals must be used for productivity science research and
experiments. Criminals are to be given options to choose if they wish to work
or which scientific experiments they are willing to be part of.

This is self explanatory.

10. Science and scientists must be the only governing body of planet Earth
and humanity.

This is so that intelligent people compose the ruling class, not religionists
and politicians. What we will achieve with this, is a system of law and
order, not political and religionist mind games.

11. Politics and politicians must be eliminated at all costs.

This is because in a society of Objectivists, there is no room for
politicians. The society of the future will be ruled by the enlightened,
together with society, which too will be enlightened and highly educated.

12. Farmers may own up to 10,000 acres of land and must never be taxed as
long as they utilize their farms for farming (until all is set in place).

This is because they provide the essentials of survival, and is to be
considered a sacred matter. Farmers are not to be belittled in any way. Not
all fields require degrees in physics, and it does not devalue any one human
being, overall.

13. Genetic engineering must be one of the most supported fields.
If you do not understand this, it is not for you to understand.

14. All governmental bodies must be under the command of persons with degrees
in physics and biology and chemistry.
Read above.

15. All lower life forms must be protected at all cost and scientific
research must take this into consideration.
Self explanatory.

16. Humans must not be permitted to consume any type of flesh.
Killing other life forms, simply because we like the taste, is barbaric, and
is rooted in savagery. Furthermore, consuming other animals introduces all
forms of bacteria, diseases and microbes into the human body, which can
eventually produce a soup of the most deadly viruses. There is no need to
kill other animals, to eat, or for any other reason. The only exception is
when one's life is endangered by an animal, and even then, alternative
measures should be seriously considered or to save a human life.(There is a
great secret behind this directive, only available to Illuminati Members).

17. Should an alien being(s) visit our planet or should we encounter other
aliens humanity must consider them superior to us and must protect and never
harm them unless they pose an obvious threat and immediate to our kind.
Self explanatory. Furthermore, if such is to take place, chances are, they
would be superior to us in both knowledge and evolution.

18. Nationalism, religion and racism must be eliminated at all costs.
Self explanatory.

19. All types of humans (nationalities) must procreate with each other at all
This simply means that when one does decide to have children, it should be
with people of another "race" (lack of a better word). This does NOT mean
everyone should immediately do this. Just if and when.

20. Anyone who is against the Prime directives must be neutralized at all
This is an internal matter, and for the digestion of the Illuminati Order,
and its members.

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