-Caveat Lector-


Cotterill Resignation Email
And More On Griffin's Alleged Financial Scams
9/4/01 10:36:18 AM
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Electronic Loose Cannon
London, England -- [Can you tell its been a long weekend yet. All these
press releases ...]
[LSN Note:  We don't know who this guy is.  He makes references to himself
the National Front, an anti-BNP Nazi group in Britain. However, he does share
some interesting details about BNP fund-related issues.]
Electronic Loose Cannon No. 10
Cotterill down the tubes
This is the brief e-mail circulated by Mark ('Chi-Chi') Cotterill to
announce his resignation from the leaderhip and membership of the American
Friends of the British National Party:
From: American Friends of the BNP
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:30 AM
Subject: Resigning from the AF-BNP
Earlier today I resigned as chairman of the American Friends of the BNP and
as a member of the organization. Below is part of the letter I sent to BNP
chairman Nick Griffin:
"Dear Nick,
I regret to have to inform you that as of today - August 28th, 2001, I am
resigning both as chairman of the American Friends of the BNP and as a
member of the organization. This was a very difficult decision to make and
one, which I did not take lightly. My reasons for resigning are both
personal and political, but I do not want to go into detail here and now."
Please note that no more mail for the AF-BNP should be sent to - PO Box
1746, Falls Church, VA 22041 - 1746. Any mail already there or on its way
will be forwarded on to either my successor or the BNP in England.
I am sorry to be so brief, but I will go into greater detail in the near
future, when I have a bit more free time and have had time to sort stuff
Yours Sincerely,
Mark Cotterill.
This sudden and completely unexplained resignation comes about as a result
of an American TV network having compiled an expose about Cotterill's
financial shenanigans, and BNP Chairman Nick Griffin's involvement in them.
I have been told that the programme was set to be broadcast by the CNN
network last night. CNN investigators have presumably "got the goods" on
'Chi-Chi' and so he has had to do a runner to escape the attentions of U.S.
Federal Immigration and Inland Revenue authorities as well as other
I have not yet had any account of the CNN expose. Whatever one thinks of
CNN, the facts it has compiled must have been sufficiently accurate in
relation to serious matters to cause 'Chi-Chi' to do such a sudden and
dramatic midnight flit.
Some hint of what was about to be broadcast was contained in an e-mail
bulletin which landed in my 'In Box' a week or so ago. Here it is:
Subj:   [Euro-Rebirth] CNN Launches Investigation Of Cotterill Fundraising
Date:   16/08/01 21:51:03 GMT Daylight Time
CNN Launches Investigation Of Cotterill Fundraising
Says Cotterill In Country Illegally, Sent Over $85,000 To Britain
8/15/01 2:57:24 PM
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Bill White
Atlanta, Georgia -- I just got off the phone with CNN producer Henry
Schuster,who called me regarding an article that CNN is doing on AF-BNP
Chair Mark Cotterill and the BNP's American fundraising.
I basically reiterated to Schuster the information LSN has already
published about Cotterill, and which was largely already in his possession.
tipped me off to a number of interesting facts, though.
According to Schuster, Cotterill raised over $85,000 for the British
Nationalist Party, including at least two large donations for $6,000 and
$10,000 each. Most of the money appears to have been used to pay
Cotterril's and BNP Chair Nick Griffin's salaries of $750/week and $1000/week
respectively. Further, it appears that by sending money to Griffin as
salary, Cotterill evaded (or used a loophole to evade) British election law
regulating donations to a political campaign from abroad.
Further, Cotterill is not in the country legally as Mark Cotterill. He
either entered the country under another name, possibly Mark Cierr, Mark
Cerr, or Mark Cerrow, or he entered the country illegally. He reportedly
has no driver's license, green card, or other valid identification.
Cotterill has also been reportedly spending lavishly at his contributors'
expense, including renting apartments and paying airfares for nationalist
leaders at home and abroad. As much as four fifths of the money he was raising
my have gone into his pockets, his lifestyle, and expenses for his guests.
Lastly, CNN suggested that Council Of Conservative Citizens member Carl
Knittle may have been raising money by fraudulently claiming to  represent
a 501-c(3) organization called the Western League, which  the IRS states is
*not* registered with the IRS as a 501-c(3) organization.
In exchange for all this info I told him I disliked Cotterill and thought
he was dishonest with money, as a personal opinion. I also recommended he
talk to the other members of my "two men and a dog" show. Not a bad trade.
Also, amusingly, when I told him that CNN was unpopular among my sources
and that they probably wouldn't want to talk to him, he responded that "yeah,
if we were FOX News they'd probably love us" -- at which point I had to
inform him that they probably think FOX News is about as corrupt as CNN,
like I do, at which point he sorta  chuckled and went "yeah, they are a bit
further out than most conservatives" -- imagine that -- Nazis being a bit
further out than most conservatives! Ha!
So anyways, there's CNN future news report, today. No need to turn on your
TV, because you've heard it all here. Also, CNN is going to hunt down Nick
Griffin and Cotterill and Cotterill's wife for interviews soon (apparently
the one with Griffin is already scheduled.)
Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
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To the irritation of many, the 'Electronic Loose Cannon'  has devoted
itself during the past two years to exposing the dishonest personality of BNP
Chairman Nick Griffin. This dishonesty has manifested itself in the form of
unscrupulous political opportunism, sexual hypocrisy and, not least,
As regards financial corruption, I revealed that Griffin began extracting
ludicrous amounts of cash from party funds for himself  - and other members
of his family - from the moment he took office. He pulls out hundreds of
pounds a week in salary and doubles this up with "expenses" claims.
Griffin's mother, Jean, is on the payroll: £50 a week for taking telephone
calls (entered into the accounts as "Secretarial Services"). No doubt his
accountant father, Edgar, also derives a fee for "doing" - to put no finer
point on it - the party's books. (Edgar Griffin is also the accountant for
Roberto Fiore and the various scams run by Fiore's International Third
I gather Griffin's wife, Jackie, has also benefited from a transaction
involving the buying and selling and re-selling of one of her old cars via
a Griffin used-car sales operation knows as Affordable Cars, the profits of
which are claimed to be "shared with the BNP". Ha! Ha! Would YOU buy a
second-hand car from these people?
Needless to say, no reference to income from Affordable Cars was itemised
in last year's BNP accounts (which were published to the wider BNP membership
by me in the ELC - not by the BNP leadership!)
We pointed out that this Griffin family feeding-frenzy excited the
resentment of the man who is (for the moment) the BNP's second in command:
Tony Lecomber.
Lecomber derives a very much smaller income from the party than Griffin.
This low income qualifies him to claim various state welfare benefits to
help him support his family. Last year Lecomber's discontent was smoothed
over by Griffin giving him £1,500 from BNP's Trafalgar Club funds and
fraudulently itemising this transaction in the club's accounts as
of a Debt".
High Court barrister Adrian Davies (who has represented the party in a
professional capacity, but who is not a BNP member) reported on this affair
to the BNP Advisory Council last year. He pointed out that false accounting
and fraudulently claiming state benefits are both criminal offences.
Mr. Davies' report  was promptly misrepresented to the BNP membership by
Lecomber in a bulletin which announced that the party leaderhip had been
"cleared" of all allegations of financial impropriety in the matter of the
Trafalgar Club funds. I had to correct Lecomber's tissue of lies by
publishing Mr. Davies' report in full which, until then, had been kept from
the BNP membership.
How Lecomber has been kept sweet since then by means of other
under-the-table payments we have no way of knowing . . . for the moment.
I have also revealed in previous issues of the ELC the financial corruption
perpetrated by Griffin's man in the United States, Mark 'Chi-Chi'
Cotterill, the Anglo-Indian-Chinese boss of the American Friends of the BNP.
We pointed out that Cotterill was:
(a)    Working in the USA without a 'green card' - in effect, as an illegal
(b)    Acting as a representative of and fund-raiser for a foreign
organisation without registering himself as such in accordance with as U.S.
law (he was forced to commit this crime as a result of his status as an
illegal immigrant).
(c)    Raising large sums of cash "for the BNP" without the support of any
accounting procedures or even an AF-BNP bank account.
[LSN Note:  There is an AF-BNP bank account;  we have seen checks that were
drawn on it.  However, much of the money raised by the AF-BNP was not hitting
that account.]
All these matters were known to Nick Griffin from the outset of Cotterill's
Because of 'c', it was impossible to verify how much cash 'Chi-Chi' had
raised; how much he had skimmed for his "expenses", how much he had
remitted directly to Griffin - and how much Griffin had skimmed and trousered
before depositing any remainder into BNP funds.  No reference at all was made in
last year's BNP accounts to cash received from the AF-BNP.
Prior to this year's U.K. general election I revealed in the ELC that
Griffin and Cotterill were planning to circumvent a new British law
regulating foreign donations to British political parties by routing AF-BNP
cash via Northern Ireland where, they believed, different regulations
Griffin used this Northern Ireland scheme as a device to explain to senior
members of the party why there could be "no formal accounting of money sent
by the AF-BNP". These idiots were persuaded that this absence of accounting
was necessary to fool the U.K. authorities when in fact THEY - the Dear
Leader's "close comrades" - were the primary targets for fooling! The dolts
swallowed this explanation with the same bovine lack of comprehension that
they swallowed Lecomber's lying "Clean Bill of Health" bulletin about the
Trafalgar Club swindle.
It's like a scene from George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'  when the stupid
animals drift away from the barn feeling distinctly uneasy, apprehending
that, somehow - in a way that they are too stupid to comprehend - they had
been subjected to yet another swindle by the clever pigs led by Napoleon.
Boxer, the plough horse - soon destined for the knacker's yard - rallies
his fellow dullards with his all-purpose maxim: "Napoleon is ALWAYS right! I
will work HARDER!"
The difference between the dullards in 'Animal Farm'  and the dullards in
the BNP is that Orwell's livestock had at least an inkling that they had
been conned, whereas no such awareness seems to have unsettled what members
of the BNP's Leadership Council are pleased to call their "minds".
How soon will the trail of corruption from 'Chi-Chi's' (now deserted)
office lead journalists, law-enforcement agencies and Inland Revenue and
Benefits investigators to the doors of Nick Griffin and Tony Lecomber . . . and
also to the door of their accountant, Edgar Griffin? If past form is anything to
go by, nothing will happen.
The authorities are quite happy for Britain's major "racist" political
party to be run by the likes of the Nick Griffin, his family and the small
circle of cronies who are all - in one way or another - on the payroll and on
the take. In fact, under Griffin, the BNP poses more of a threat to its
subscription-paying and donation-giving members than it does to the
Establishment! In this regard, the BNP mirrors Establishment parties in
A Griffin-run "racist" party is no threat to the Establishment - especially
since it announced that it was dropping its foundation policy of
repatriating coloured immigrants compulsorily (if necessary) in favour of a
new policy which advocates a wholly voluntary repatriation scheme. In
making this change the BNP has, in effect, run up the White Flag and signalled
its acceptance that Britain will be, forever,  a multi-racial society!
Yes! That's what the "Voluntary Repatriation only" policy means, folks - or
didn't you realise that?
Griffin family enjoy South of France holiday
IMPORTANT! Did any of you notice that Nick Griffin was uncharacteristically
very quiet during his father's five minutes of fame in connection with the
Conservative Party's leadership election campaign? If you did notice, did
you wonder why?
The answer was buried away in a report by Oliver Wright ["Defiant Griffin
vows to join 'moderate' BNP"] published in The Times  on 25th August:
"Last night Nick Griffin was unable to back his father up as he was on
holiday with his family in the South of France . . . "
The South of France is Europe's - and one of the world's - most expensive
holiday destination. Where did Griffin find the money to treat his wife and
their four children to such a luxury vacation? Or was he given a 'freebie'
as is given to Tony Blair and his family. If the latter, who was the
I remark somewhat ruefully that in the 13 years that I was an employee of
the National Front I had only ONE 'holiday': a long weekend in Cornwall in
August 1978 during which I toured branches and addressed a S.W. Regional
rally. My return rail fare was paid by NF HQ and my bed and board was met
by hospitable Cornish members. My spending money came out of my weekly wage of
(as I recollect) about £35 a week.
No doubt I was a fool in those days and the old NF got everything wrong ...
'Flatmates' fall out at Bexley
During the last month or two, BNP publications - in support of its new
"moderate"and "respectable" line on race have been giving much publicity to
Lawrence Rustem of Anglo-Turkish ancestry. This publicity has been
reflected in the Establishment's media, as this example illustrates:
The Observer - Sunday July 22, 2001
[extract of report]
Anglo-Turk fights for 'pure white' England
The BNP's 'secret weapon'
by Paul Harris
Right-wing extremists have dubbed him their secret weapon. He is meant to
be the answer to critics who have labelled the British National Party a racist
threat to democracy.
By this time next year Lawrence Rustem, 27, could even be a BNP councillor.
That outcome would be shocking enough, but what is more strange is this:
Rustem is half-Turkish.
Unveiled last week as the newly appointed head of the BNP's Ethnic Liaison
Committee, Rustem seemed a little unsure concerning his new role when The
Observer interviewed him in a rundown south London semi that was once owned
by a Hell's Angel.
Asked what actions the committee would take, he paused before making a
suggestion. "Lightning demonstrations?" he said. He might just be tired.
Working nights as a security guard all last week has taken a toll. Cue an
entry by Paul Golding, the BNP's head of publicity, who is monitoring - and
recording - the interview.
"It is going to reach out to those [immigrants] who need some form of
assistance," Golding said. Assistance means agreeing with the BNP's basic
aims of making Britain an all-white nation once again, which would include
voluntary repatriation schemes. . . .
I have been given to understand that the "rundown south London semi" is a
property in Bexley inhabited - until shortly after the weekend of 4th/5th
of August - by Lawrence Rustem and Paul "Goldilocks" Golding, the gilded youth
whose reputedly enormous talent is said to be very greatly admired by Nick
Griffin, who considers it almost as big as his own.
All manner of (no doubt mendacious and malicious) ELC readers have been
sending me e-mails asserting that there was some kind of a "tiff" between
Goldilocks and Rustem, initiated - it is said - by some bitchy comments
from Rustem on the "favouritism" which Griffin bestows so lavishly on his
No doubt these comments were inspired by jealousy (and perhaps also by
drink) and should have been ignored - but they goaded Goldilocks now madly
butch Goldilocks into a terrible rage. It is said that Rustem required the
ministrations of the local hospital's Accident & Emergency unit for a lot
more than hurt feelings. As a result of being red, black and blue poor
Rustem was not able to enjoy the following weekend's 'Red, White and Blue'.
Meanwhile, Goldilocks packed his bags and went home to Mummy. (He must
remember not to run up her phone bill in the way that he did when he last
at home!)
This eruption of alcohol-stimulated hormones may have marked the end of one
affair, but sparked another. It seems that jealousy prompted by Griffin's
patronage of Goldilocks has not only affected Rustem, but also Griffin's
closest collaborator, Tony Lecomber.
Gossip is circulating from several sources to the effect that Griffin has
acknowledged on several occasions that Lecomber's record of criminal
convictions for bomb-making and serious assault makes his position as a
senior officer of the party "untenable in the long term if the party is to
build up its new moderate and respectable image".
This gossip has reached Lecomber - who has also formed the opinion that the
promotion by Griffin of Goldilocks in the area of the production of party
literature (once an exclusive Lecomber preserve) is an indication that the
Blond Bombshell is being groomed for higher things: specifically,
Lecomber's things. Lecomber knows all-too-well how readily Griffin can ditch the
closest of "close comrades". Take his betrayal of Joe Pearce as just ONE
example . . .
So on hearing news of the great bash-up at Bexley, Lecomber - in his role
as party discipline supremo - placed Goldilocks on a disciplinary charge
without first consulting Griffin. How will Griffin help is young friend out
of this tight corner? All it now needs is for some malignant imp to report
the incident to Assistant Commissioner John Grieve, boss of Scotland Yard's
"Hate Crimes" squad as a "racial attack" for a highly entertaining saga to
I will report developments with my usual sensitivity and tact . . . and
all in the best POSSIBLE taste!
Martin Webster
Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)
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