-Caveat Lector-


Reform on hold
Sep 6th 2001 | TOKYO

>From The Economist print edition

Junichiro Koizumi flounders as the economy worsens

 AN AUTUMN of reform is what Junichiro Koizumi promised Japan's desperate voters. Yet 
two weeks after the new
prime minister returned from his holidays in the cool of the mountains, there is no 
sign that one is on the
way. Like so many of his predecessors, Mr Koizumi seems to be gently subsiding into 
Japan's familiar political

Central reforms are being abandoned, say his critics, or neutered. In anticipation of 
a mountain of
legislation, the Diet (parliament) was supposed to have reconvened in August. Now, it 
will not start work
until the end of September. There is still no word from Mr Koizumi about his policy 
priorities, despite a
promise that he would draw up a list by August. The stockmarket is plunging, the banks 
are weakening by the
day and the economic recession deepens. But half of the government's most crucial 
ministers are travelling
abroad. As for Mr Koizumi himself, he is holed up in his official residence, say 
political gossips, listening
to opera.

Something Wagnerian would go well with the terrible news outside. Big exporters, like 
Hitachi and Toshiba, are
announcing huge layoffs. Small-firm confidence continues to plunge. Output is falling 
rapidly and deflation is
deepening. Statistics due out on September 7th may, it is feared, show that between 
April and June the economy
shrank by 4% or more at an annualised rate. With confidence in the government's 
policies ebbing rapidly, the
markets are abuzz with talk of a fresh financial crisis. Since Mr Koizumi's return to 
Tokyo, the stockmarket
has fallen by nearly 10%, a drop so far interrupted only by hopeful rumours that Hakuo 
Yanagisawa, Mr
Koizumi's minister in charge of the bank clean-up, will soon resign.

Mr Yanagisawa is now Mr Koizumi's number-one problem. Mr Koizumi went to the voters 
before the election in
July for Japan's upper house with a promise to clean up the banks within two to three 
years. But the plan for
doing so that Mr Yanagisawa has been touting round Europe and America this week looks 
almost identical to the
one he drew up in April, under the discredited administration of Yoshiro Mori. The 
markets condemned it at the
time. Not surprisingly, they are passing the same judgment now.

At the heart of the matter lies the fact that no one believes the government's figures 
for the amount of bank
loans that could turn sour. Goldman Sachs, an American investment bank, thinks the 
true number may be an
eye-popping ¥170 trillion ($1.4 trillion), seven times the official figure. By pushing 
bank shares ever lower,
the markets are saying that the banks are short of capital and need public money. But 
Mr Yanagisawa will not
countenance that. His staff are back in siege mentality, railing at Goldman Sachs and 
suchlike and furious
with the IMF, whose request last week to inspect Japan's financial system got a dusty 

Even by Japanese standards, Mr Koizumi has shown himself to be remarkably insensitive 
to these market signals.
It took him a whole week to "correct" Mr Yanagisawa's all-too-honest gaffe that it 
would take not three years
but seven to clean up the banks, by which time the damage had been done. Among cabinet 
members, only Heizo
Takenaka, Mr Koizumi's economics minister, retains the confidence of the markets. But 
Mr Takenaka is an
academic economist, and is not faring well among the insiders of Nagatacho, Tokyo's 
political district. Mr
Takenaka wants Mr Yanagisawa sacked. But Mr Yanagisawa has far more political clout

Damaging cabinet divisions are appearing elsewhere. Despite the awful economic news, 
Mr Koizumi is still
trying to push ahead with his dubious plan to tighten government spending. In fact, as 
cabinet heavyweights
like Takeo Hiranuma, the economy, trade and industry minister, have defied the prime 
minister and called for a
big emergency budget, Mr Koizumi has been upping the stakes. Now Mr Koizumi says he 
wants to bring forward his
plan to cap government bond issues at ¥30 trillion from next year to this year, which 
would tighten public
finances almost immediately. In recession, however, Mr Koizumi will have to issue more 
bonds simply to cover
the government's tax shortfall. Already the Ministry of Finance is indicating that 
this year's tax revenues
may fall below target.

Other battles that Mr Koizumi persists in fighting look less wrong-headed than simply 
irrelevant. While the
banks burn, Mr Koizumi has been prodding his minister in charge of public-sector 
reform, Nobuteru Ishihara
(also travelling abroad), to crack the whip over the government's hugely ambitious 
privatisation programme.
The true scale of this task became a little clearer this week. Of the 74 public-sector 
corporations that Mr
Koizumi wants abolished or privatised, the bureaucrats agreed to part with just four, 
all of which the
government had previously earmarked to get rid of anyway.

How much of Mr Koizumi's dithering reflects a change of heart is not yet clear. The 
talk in Nagatacho is that
Mr Koizumi has begun to cosy up to the dinosaurs of the Hashimoto faction in his 
Liberal Democratic Party
(LDP). On the election trail, Mr Koizumi strongly suggested that he would take on 
these anti-reformists in a
straight fight. His ardour cooling, say some LDP insiders, Mr Koizumi has become more 
interested in cutting
the sorts of political deals that would secure him a longer period in office.

Most damning of all, the Hashimoto faction's big cheeses no longer seem threatened by 
Mr Koizumi's reforms.
Let Mr Koizumi labour away, is their judgment, because he is unlikely to be around 
long enough to upset things
too badly. Whatever the reason, "Jun-chan" already seems a shadow of the man who led 
his party to victory in

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