-Caveat Lector-

Under common law victimless crimes didn’t exist

tango -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

The FBI and its cronies are killing more people here than the KGB is
killing in Russia. Wake up and smell the coffee people.

My lawyer told me I had lost the case before I even walked through the
courtroom door, which is why I retained him because I like an honest man.

Sitting in court while back ago I witnessed an officer testify one way and
three civilians testify the other and the judge took the officer’s word over
three. The Mosaic code of justice says it takes the word of two or more
witnesses to convict; and yet, things have sunk so low here that the word
of two or more witnesses won’t even clear a man. The police are
extortionists and the court halls of plunder are the explanation here.

Common law among free men dealt with life, limb and property. Statute law
was intended to control and regulate. Today instead of a free people the
public is nothing more than state inventory to develop and utilize as the
politicians, court and/or social engineers dictate. Our business is their

Under common law victimless crimes didn’t exist and constitutional rights
were absolute applying to everyone even felons. In 1900 you could buy
marijuana, morphine, and opium over the counter at any drugstore and
Coca-Cola contained small trace of cocaine when first introduced.
Victimless crimes have never had anything to do with crime nor the
drug war anything to do with drugs. All its every been about is money
and control. This so-called drug war has been going on for half a century
or so and no closer to a solution today than at the beginning. The Bureau
of Prisons is big business with the U.S. containing 5% of the world’s
population and 25% of the world’s inmates; and so, they would seek no
solution to the so-called drug problem. Lawyers and Judges and the court
would lose hundreds of millions in revenue; therefore, they would seek
no solution to the so-called drug problem. The two sacred cows of the
federal government to trample the constitution and strip the public of
its right is drugs and public safety; and so, they too seek no solution.
Nor, obviously do the drug cartels want a solution.

The solution is simple: if the state would get out of people’s business
and the market (ain’t going to happen) these problems would work themselves
out. Let’s take the crack cocaine epidemic for example since the solution
is so simple: make it dirt cheap, cheap as chicken scratch and I guarantee
you in ten years there won’t be a crack addict in the U.S. Same with
oxy-cotin and all these other so-called problems. That is the big problem
with liberals is they deny natural law and survival of the fittest; and
also, artificially contrive problems and crisis’s to manipulate and
control and plunder a non-thinking and emotional public. The Republicans
do likwise but they just use different excuses. The law and court has robbed
and plundered so much for so long that it has done sent the economy into
a tail spin with a global depression looming just ahead. These evil and
greedy traitors had rather see the damn burst than open the floodgates and
release any water; and likewise, would sell the country down the tube just
to maintain their grip on power.

The political and social climate in this country today is unacceptable and
many times more oppressive than British military occupation of the colonies
was; and in fact, probably more oppressive than any military occupation in
the history of man. Suicide is projected to be the leading cause of death in
the U.S. by 2020 so it is obvious something is terribly wrong.

It has become crystal clear in recent years that those poor boys that died
on the beaches of Normandy and the Pacific did it all for nothing, sacrificed
their lives in vain.

Bobby Waddell
2272 Deheart Comm. Ctr Rd.
Hays, N.C,     28635
Grand Jury Oath

FEAR's report on the Rainbow Farm tragedy — Brenda Grantland, Thu Sep 6 14:25

About the killings at Rainbow Farm — Remy Chevalier, Sat Sep 8 12:52


Recent Rash of ***STAND-OFFS***

Final Rules:

Lawyer Asks Boies to Explain Misrepresentation

The Lawyers Secret Oath
Any Judge, Government Agent, or Bureaucrat Who Had Sworn to
Uphold the Constitution for the United States Who is
Violating that Oath is Guilty of Treason.
The Penalty is still DEATH BY HANGING.

The Letters of Thomas Jefferson:

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