from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 5, No 37, September 10, 2001 
Costa Rica, Past & Present
Part 4: The Onion Model of National Security
by Zola

North to Honduras
To begin with, we need to go, not south to Panama, but to the north, 
to the mountains of Honduras. Deep inside Honduras, between two 
mountain ranges, lies a key, highly-classified telemetry station in 
the U.S. Air Force-operated Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite 
network. The function of this network is to detect missile launches, 
space launches and nuclear detonations. Signals received by the 
network of satellites are transmitted to Honduras to be collated into 
a real-time picture of the earth's surface and ambient space below 
22,000 miles. 

That such a critical function is not performed within the territorial 
U.S. is a simple consequence of the fact that no U.S. territorial 
point is sufficiently near the equator. 

After collation into a real-time space picture, the signal is 
transmitted to Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base in 
Colorado, from where it is funneled to the 721st Support Group and 
U.S. Space Command at the NORAD defense post in Cheyenne Mountain, as 
well as to other relevant centers. The 21st Space Wing at Peterson is 
backed up by the Space Warfare Center and the 50th Space Wing at 
Schriever Air Force Base, which runs the Air Force Satellite Control 
Network. (Signals from satellites pertaining to the National 
Reconnaissance Office (NRO), whose functions overlap, but are not 
identical, with those of Space Command are forwarded to the 21st 
Space Operations Squadron at Onizuka Air Station in Sunnyvale, 

The 5,000-pound DSP satellites are built by TRW and Aerojet 
Electronics Systems (the same Aerojet started by Jack Parsons, as 
described by The Magician in his fictional account of the facts of 
Jack Parsons' life). 

The classified mission of Joint Task Force Bravo, stationed at 
Enrique Soto Cano Air Base (previously known as Palmerola Air Base) 
in Honduras, is to annihilate any threat to this key U.S. defense 
communication post in Honduras. (Click for Honduran air base map.) 

If you consider that the Germans, last century, were looking for 
Lebensraum, then you could say the U.S. military is looking for 

This was the secret within a secret of the "Iran-Contra" conflict. 
(The totally misleading term "Iran-Contra" was created by Attorney 
General Edward Meese to cover up the fact of the U.S. policy of 
arming Saddam Hussein's Iraq. As Oliver North was to put it 
later, "even the cover-up was a cover-up.") At the onion's core in 
the Central American conflict was a legitimate U.S. national security 
concern: protection of the vital Honduran hub in the U.S. defense 
satellite network. 

If you've ever wondered why Honduras is often treated like the 52nd 
state of the U.S. (considering Puerto Rico the 51st), this is the 
reason why. Nicaragua can fall to the Communists. But Honduras can't 
be allowed to. 

Onion Layers
The second layer of the onion, the one around the core, was, at least 
in the 1980s, Oliver North's arming of the groups arrayed against the 
Sandinistas in Nicaragua. North appealed to private donors in the 
U.S. under the standard rubric of "stopping the Communists in Central 
America." This also appealed to the military instinct to build 
a "buffer zone" around critical installations. 

In Part 2 of this series I pointed to the uncertain relationship 
between Oliver North, at the National Security Council, and Joe 
Fernandez, CIA Chief of Station in Costa Rica. This uncertainty in 
lines of authority is only apparent, however, for President Reagan 
had by Executive Order consolidated all Central American Contra 
operations under the Vice-President, George Herbert Walker Bush. 
George Bush was at the apex, seeing it all, controlling it all. 

On Dec. 14, 1981, Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 
Number 3 (NSDD-3) which authorized the Vice President to chair a 
Special Situation Group (SSG). The Special Situation Group received 
support from the staff of the National Security Council, and 
consisted of the Secretary of State, the Counsellor to the President, 
the Director of Central Intelligence, the Chief of Staff and Deputy 
Chief of Staff to the President, the Assistant to the President for 
National Security Affairs, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
and others designated by the Vice President. A second entity formed 
to support the SSG was the Terrorist Incident Working Group (TIWG), 
established on April 10, 1982 by NSDD-30. This group included 
representatives of the State Department, the Director of Central 
Intelligence, the Department of Defense, the FBI, FEMA, the NSC staff 
and others as required. Any "terrorist incident" would result in the 
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs convening 
the SSG, if directed to do so by the Vice President. 

The third layer of the onion consists of the private, extra-national 
deals that take advantage of the first two layers to make as much 
money as possible. The third layer, in the 1980s, consisted of the 
drug deals that financed the Contra operation. It is, of course, hard 
to separate what was "official" here from what was only private 
profit. But with George H. W. Bush in charge, it probably didn't make 
much difference. For Bush throughout his career had a habit of 
setting up "an operation within an operation." 

The first Bush operation we know about is Bush's role as a money 
launderer for the CIA. He laundered payments through his Zapata Oil 
Company to the CIA pilots who were flying arms to Castro in the hills 
of Cuba in 1957-8. (Many have forgotten that the U.S. originally 
supported Fidel Castro.) Because the work was highly dangerous, the 
pilots were paid ahead of their flights, so a pilot's family would 
have the money in the event of his death. George H. W. Bush was the 

Sometimes payments would not arrive, and of course the pilots flew 
their missions anyway. But some of them became suspicious, noting 
that flights made prior to payment had an inordinate number of 
problems from Batista's air force. Those pilots did their own 
investigation and discovered that on those occasions (1) the CIA 
payments had actually arrived on time; and on those occasions, (2) 
George H. W. Bush was calling up Fulgencio Batista and giving him the 
flight plans. It was blood money indeed. 

A young hot-headed pilot of 23 named Charles Lawson put a .357 magnum 
down George Bush's throat and made him sign a confession to the whole 
set of misdeeds. (The pilot has become better known in recent years 
as Charles S. "Chuck" Hayes.) It is safe to say that no group hates 
George H. W. Bush more than the surviving members of this group of 
CIA pilots. 

We will return to the principle of "operation within an operation" 
later. Using the onion model will make clear, for example, that 
the "War on Drugs" even in its origin never corresponded to public 
perception. Beneath the PR aspects (the second layer of the Drug War 
onion) was the core which will be discussed later in this series, and 
wrapped on top of the second PR layer was again the money-making 
deals the Drug War provided and still provides. 

Nicaragua Today
Still keeping in mind our goal, which is to explain what is happening 
in Costa Rica today, let us move south from Honduras to Nicaragua. 

Nicaragua 2001 is not the Nicaragua of the 1980s. True, some things 
look similar. Having been voted out of power in 1990, the ex-
Sandinista Daniel Ortega appears poised to regain power in the next 

A Daniel Ortega win in Nicaragua cannot be viewed as a major threat 
to U.S. interests, however. This is not simply because Ortega has 
softened his rhetoric, has made friendly sounds about the U.S., and 
has indicated that socialist economics is perhaps not entirely the 
way to go. We have reliable information that Ortega has made a deal 
with the family of Anastasio Somoza to share power and represent 
their interests. In addition, Ortega has received an entourage of 
influential people from Central America, including a visit from the 
drug kingpin who is the U.S.'s main man in Costa Rica. All this 
suggests that Enrique Bolanos, the candidate of the incumbent Liberal 
Party, will lose to the Sandinista candidate Daniel Ortega Saavedra. 

A Substitute for Howard Air Force Base
Now let us return to Panama. It is clear that much of the U.S. 
military interest in a base in Costa Rica was initiated by the pull 
out from Howard Air Force Base in Panama. 

Howard Air Force Base (click here for picture; click here for a map) 
in Panama was considered the "jewel in the crown" of U.S. Southern 
Command. But the base ceased operations on May 1, 1999. (The 
headquarters of Southern Command moved from Panama to Miami, Florida 
in 1997.) Howard Air Force Base had an 8,500 foot runway used by the 
Air Force's 24th Wing. By the time the base closed, it had also 
become a center for U.S. "counternarcotics" detection, monitoring, 
communications, and intelligence-gathering. 

Howard Air Force Base had a distinguished history. The site was 
selected in 1939 by General Henry H. "Hap" Arnold, head of the Army 
Air Corps (the same "Hap" Arnold who gave the Suicide Club its first 
$10,000 contract for the development of jet-assisted take-off, as 
described by The Magician in the Jack Parsons series). 

In the 1990s the base became the headquarters of Joint Inter-Agency 
Task Force South (JITF-S), which was supposed to focus on the 
drug "source zone" (meaning, of course, Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru), 
while JITF-East (in Key West, Florida) was to focus on the "transit 
zone" of the Caribbean (the corridor to the US). When Howard closed, 
JITF-S was folded into JITF-East in Key West. 

When the U.S. pulled out of Howard AFB, it immediately announced that 
it was replacing it with three locations—temporary sites in the Dutch 
protectorates of Aruba and Curacao; in Manta, Ecuador; and was 
searching for a third site. According to the following Washington 
Post article, the U.S. was negotiating with Costa Rica, looking for a 
third base (near Liberia, Costa Rica) supposedly to wage the drug 


Handover of Panama Base Hinders Anti-Drug Efforts 

Pubdate: Sun, 30 May 1999
Source: The Washington Post Page: A19
Author: Douglas Farah, Washington Post Foreign Service 
The turnover of a U.S. military base to Panama earlier this month has 
left a gaping hole in American counter-drug efforts in Central 
America and the Caribbean, forcing the Clinton administration to 
scramble for new facilities that can be used to track drug shipments 
from South America. 

All U.S. forces are scheduled to leave Panama, formerly headquarters 
for the U.S. Southern Command, by the end of the year under terms of 
the Panama Canal treaties. On May 1, Howard Air Force Base was turned 
over to Panama, depriving the United States of a base for 22 
surveillance aircraft and causing a sharp drop in anti-drug coverage 
of the region. 

To maintain a presence in the area, the Clinton administration has 
hastily negotiated a short-term agreement with the Netherlands to 
station aircraft at the airports in the Dutch Caribbean protectorates 
of Aruba and Curacao. It negotiated a similar agreement with Ecuador 
to station airplanes in the Pacific coast city of Manta. 

Washington is seeking a third such agreement in Central America and, 
to that end, is currently negotiating with Costa Rica. All of the new 
airfields, however, will require substantial improvements -- 
including new maintenance facilities and housing -- that will cost 
more than $100 million, Pentagon officials said. 

U.S. aircraft flew about 2,000 surveillance missions out of Howard 
last year, gathering intelligence for the United States and for 
counter-drug forces in other countries in the region, officials said. 
Pentagon officials said that even under ideal circumstances it will 
take two to three years to regain the surveillance capability that 
existed in Panama. 

All the cocaine and most of the heroin used in the United States is 
produced in South America and moved north by airplane or ship through 
Central America and Mexico or through the Caribbean. 

In a May 20 letter to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen, four 
Republican congressmen warned that the loss of Howard has presented 
the United States with "one of the worst disasters in our U.S. 
counterdrug history." 

"These counterdrug flights are essential for information sharing with 
other countries in the region, for eradication and narcotics 
interdiction," said the letter from representatives John L. Mica 
(Fla.); Benjamin A. Gilman (N.Y.); Mark Edward Souder (Ind.); and 
Robert L. Barr Jr. (Ga.). "Without these essential flights the 
department is creating a wide open door to drug traffickers and 
destroying the first line of defense against illegal narcotics 

The letter said that "failed negotiations" with Panama and "the 
absence of adequate advance planning" had endangered the drug war. 

Barry R. McCaffrey, the administration's national drug policy 
director, said he was "worried" by the loss of Howard but blamed the 
delay in getting the new bases operational on then-Panamanian 
President Ernesto Perez Balladares, who, he said, had agreed 
privately to extend the U.S. presence in Panama, then backed out last 

"I'm very disappointed," McCaffrey said. "It has put us in a 

Ana Maria Salazar, deputy assistant secretary of defense for drug 
enforcement policy, said at a congressional hearing May 4 that the 
Pentagon could not approach other countries about hosting U.S. 
surveillance aircraft until after the talks with Panama formally 
ended. This left very little lead time to put other agreements 
together, she said. 

The opening of the centers in Aruba and Curacao will eventually allow 
the United States to fly about 65 percent of the surveillance 
missions flown out of Howard last year, Pentagon officials said. That 
level will increase to 110 percent following the opening of the 
center at Manta and a third location in Central America, the 
officials said. 

The agreement with the Netherlands runs through September, and the 
agreement with Ecuador expires next May. But U.S. officials expressed 
confidence that the host countries would agree to long-term 
arrangements because each of the new locations would require only 
eight U.S. soldiers, although that number would fluctuate as air 
crews rotate through the bases on temporary assignments. 

"We think we have a good strategy," said one Pentagon 
official. "While the arrangement is different, it's a more productive 
way of engaging other countries." 


What makes the Drug War explanation suspect, however, is the simple 
fact that the only reason the U.S. military wasn't allowed to 
maintain a presence in Panama was that it insisted on being able to 
conduct ordinary non-drug-related missions. 

True, the U.S. military had originally envisioned staying in Panama 
by turning Howard Air Force Base into a "Multilateral 
Counternarcotics Center". But these negotiations fell through when 
the U.S. insisted that such a base be allowed to perform other 
military functions besides counter-narcotics. As testified Acting 
Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Peter 
Romero before a House subcommittee, "our needs for a cost-effective 
presence—by which we meant one that permitted a full range of 
missions at Howard—could not be reconciled with Panama's political 

Meanwhile, the search to return to Panama goes on, as indicated by a 
secret visit made to Panama by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell 
in at the end of August 2001. Among other places, Powell visited the 
former site of Howard Air Force Base. 


Collin Powell realiza discreta visita a Panamá
El Panamá América 
September 3, 2001 

El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Collin Powell, realizó una 
visita "discreta" a Panamá la semana pasada y mantuvo breves, pero 
importantes reuniones con funcionarios panameños, según informó una 
fuente gubernamental. 

No se dieron detalles de los temas de las reuniones. Sin embargo, de 
acuerdo con la información, el canciller estadounidense se trasladó 
algunas de las antiguas instalaciones militares de Estados Unidos en 
Panamá, entre las cuales resaltó su visita a lo que fue la base aérea 
de Howard. 

El Panamá América dejó un mensaje en el buzón del teléfono celular 
del vicecanciller, Harmodio Arias, para conocer la versión oficial 
sobre la supuesta presencia de Powell en Panamá. Pero, el funcionario 
no respondió. Por su parte, la Embajada de Estados Unidos negó que 
Powell haya estado en territorio panameño durante la semana 
pasada. "Si podemos confirmarte que el señor Powell no estuvo en 
Panamá", dijo un portavoz de la embajada estadounidense. 

De acuerdo con los informes iniciales, la visita de Powell puede 
estar relacionada con el viaje que realizará a Colombia para reiterar 
el continuado apoyo del gobierno estadounidense a los esfuerzos 
colombianos para combatir el narcotráfico, fortalecer las 
instituciones democráticas y promover el desarrollo social y 

Cabe señalar que Powell no estará presente en la conferencia sobre 
racismo que la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) realiza en 
Durban, Suráfrica, desde el viernes pasado, debido a las críticas 
contra Israel. 


The Political Show in Costa Rica
Powell isn't the only Bush (GHWB) man to be replayed in Central 
America. There are others still here, and even more coming. 

They're coming to enjoy the political show. 

The current Costa Rican President, Miguel Angel Rodriquez, of the 
Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC) won a narrow victory over the 
National Liberation Party (PLN) in 1998. He did not, however, win a 
majority in the legislature. 

The current PUSC candidate, for the election coming in February 2002, 
Abel Pacheco, won an easy victory over his party rival Rodolfo Mendex 
Mata. Pacheco's running mate is Luis Fishman, the former President of 
the Legislative Assembly. (In Costa Rica there are two vice-
presidential running mates. The second one has not been selected.) 
The PUSC has no objection to American soldiers in Costa Rica. 

Rolando Araya won the National Liberation Party primary. The PLN does 
not want American soldiers in Costa Rica. 

Monitoring all this from the sidelines is the corrupt U.S. Embassy in 
San Jose. Now there has been no U.S. Ambassador in Costa Rica since 
Thomas Dodd left March 1, 2001. Thomas Dodd, appointed by President 
Clinton in 1997, is the brother of Democratic Senator Chris Dodd of 
Connecticut. The interim envoy has been Linda Jewell, the Embassy's 
Charge d'Affaires. 

U.S. President Bush has announced his intention to nominate one of 
his father's men—John Danilovich—to the post. Danilovich was 
appointed by the former President George Herbert Walker Bush to be a 
member of the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Commission, and 
was Chairman of the Commission's Transition Committee. Yes, Costa 
Rica is now surrounded by the Panama Canal. 

Meanwhile, Danilovich may face a show in his own house. 

A "notorious alien smuggling kingpin", a woman named Gloria Abigail 
Nino Canales, was arrested in Costa Rica on November 1, 2000, on 
corruption and fraudulent document charges. Gloria Canales, a native 
Peruvian, had been previously arrested in Ecuador in December 1995, 
and deported to Honduras to be tried for smuggling immigrants. 
(Honduras was the only Central American country where smuggling 
immigrants was illegal.) According to CNN, Gloria had smuggled as 
many as "10,000 people a year into the United States from India, 
China and Latin America, charging as much as $6,000 per person." But 
Gloria, using her own network, escaped while waiting trial in 
Honduras, and continued her operations until her recent arrest in 
Costa Rica. 

Naturally there was (or should have been) some curiosity how she 
managed to move people across national borders, including into the 
United States. How did Gloria get the visas and passports? The 
answer, in the case of Costa Rica, appears to be corruption at the 
U.S. Embassy in San Jose. But the U.S. Embassy doesn't want to hear 
about it. Neither does the local "Regional Security Officer", which 
is what they now call the CIA Chief of Station. 

This could turn out to be embarrassing for the new Bush man coming to 
town, not to mention the one running for office in Costa Rica. 

(to be continued) 



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