-Caveat Lector-

This is clearly conflict of interest and explains why Star was such
a shill of the Clinton Administration on Chinagate. He is lawyer
for a party to it and thus a part of it.  So much for independent
counsel. Most all political misconduct in recent years pales in
comparison to this.  Now we can begin to understand why Starr chose
to investigate the sex scandal while ignoring the much more serious
September 10, 2001

Ken Starr's New Case

During the struggle to impeach Bill Clinton, THE NEW AMERICAN
repeatedly asked why both Congress and Special Prosecutor Kenneth
Starr chose to focus upon Clinton's sexual misconduct and related
offenses rather than upon the bribery and treason involved in the
"Chinagate" scandal. This was even more peculiar in light of the
fact that Starr, whose original assignment was to investigate the
Whitewater affair, had a clear chain of evidence linking that
scandal to Chinagate. The odd prosecutorial priorities displayed by
Starr appear even odder in retrospect, now that the former special
prosecutor has turned up as a defense witness for Mark Jimenez, who
is among the scores of figures implicated in illegal fundraising
activities who have fled the country.

The Whitewater/Chinagate nexus inexplicably ignored by Starr was
Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubbell, a longtime crony of the
Clinton clique who had resigned from the Justice Department after
being charged with fraud in the Whitewater affair. In May 1994,
Hubbell agreed to cooperate with federal investigators in exchange
for a reduced sentence. Destitute and facing a prison term, Hubbell
suddenly received a lump sum of $600,000 in "consulting fees," the
largest portion of which came from Indonesia's Lippo conglomerate.
Lippo is tightly connected to the Communist Chinese regime, and
Lippo chieftains James and Mochtar Riady, according to a Senate
investigation, "have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese
intelligence agency."

The Riadys also had a long-standing relationship with Bill Clinton.
When Clinton's campaign faltered following the Gennifer Flowers
disclosures in early 1992, it was Lippo-connected banking interests
that provided a critical loan to keep the campaign alive. The
Riadys were also key donors to the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign
in 1996. The Lippo hush money thrown at Hubbell induced him to
remain silent, when he was in a position to testify against both
Bill and Hillary. In exchange, Bill Clinton personally saw to it
that Lippo employee (and identified Chinese agent) John Huang was
given a critical Commerce Department post. Huang used his position
to gather valuable intelligence for both Lippo and China, and to
help coordinate illegal campaign fundraising efforts.

The Lippo/Hubbell/Whitewater connection should have piqued the
interest of any competent investigator. Instead, Starr ignored the
issue, choosing to rack up a statistically impressive - but
ultimately irrelevant - record convicting minor Whitewater players.
After wrapping up his work as special prosecutor, Starr retreated
into anonymity - only to emerge as a defense attorney for fugitive
businessman-turned-Philippine Congressman Mark Jimenez.

Jimenez, a major figure in the Clinton fundraising scandals, fled
the United States in November 1998, just as Congress was preparing
to impeach Bill Clinton on Lewinsky-related charges. A resident
alien at the time of his flight, Jimenez had been indicted in
September of that year for making nearly $40,000 in illegal
campaign contributions to the Democrat National Committee in 1994
and 1996. Along with associates in his computer firm, Future Tech
International, Jimenez was accused of funneling donations to the
Clinton-Gore campaign through company employees. This practice,
called "conduit contributions," is a way of circumventing legal
limits on campaign contributions. As a citizen of the Philippines,
Jimenez was barred from making direct contributions to political

Jimenez, who first met Bill Clinton in 1994, gave over $800,000 to
various Democrat Party causes. He sank $100,000 into the
restoration of Bill Clinton's childhood home in Arkansas; he also
gave generously to Democrat Senators Bob Torricelli of New Jersey
and Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

He was an honored guest at the notorious February 6, 1996 White
House "coffee" that was also attended by Communist Chinese smuggler
Wang Jun. At that meeting, notes columnist Michelle Malkin, Jimenez
"lobbied the administration on behalf of Paraguay, where his firm
had major business interests." A month after that meeting, Clinton
allowed Paraguay "to continue receiving U.S. aid despite
restrictions on other Latin American governments that fail to
control cocaine smuggling."

Following his indictment, Jimenez fled to the Philippines, where he
became tight with Joseph Estrada, who was Clintonesque in his
corruption and arrogance. It was Estrada's belief, notes Philippine
journalist Mark Concepcion, that "a popular president could get
away with anything." With the help of Jimenez - who was eventually
elected to the Philippine House of Representatives - "Estrada
systematically looted the country." Like Bill Clinton, Estrada was
impeached - but unlike Clinton, he was also removed from office and
now faces criminal charges.

The Justice Department is pursuing the extradition of Jimenez under
a 1994 bilateral accord between the United States and the
Philippines. According to an August 19th report from Manila's
ABS-CBN News service, negotiations on a plea-bargain agreement
between the Justice Department and Rep. Jimenez are being "brokered
by the congressman's American lawyers, led by Kenneth Starr."


 © Copyright 2001 American Opinion Publishing Incorporated

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