My my - this might be a hate crime and this 20 year old kid had white
supremist literature?   Really?

He made a video tape also during his flight from justice but it seems he
would rather die fighting than go down like, say the man in Los Angeles
who burned to deaath with his dog?   Oh I bet he had white supremist
literature too.

Now take Littleton, the first report - Nazis, white supremists, hate
talk - and then the bastards had to finally report but did not tell the
whole truth, that little Klebold with his little Uzi and their propane
gas tanks which were to blow up entire block and murder everyone in the
building other than their hand picked all Christeam team of victims -
little Klebold was Jewish - his grandfather was let us say "family" and
with his "foundation" my oh my, what a spot to launder dirty money.

So a 20 year old kid decided to suicide out rather than to live in this
country anymore. Think he read about the Sheriff who said the plan went
well - for the man and his dog were burned alive - the man was to give
up but they refused to guarantee to him they would not shooot his dog?

Ruby Ridge, Waco - and the ADL this group of pigs in bed with murder
inc.  leading the choice - self appointed of course, but their day I
believe will soon be over.

Nice story here - and hey what about that other killer - the guy from
the Ukraine - tell me how do all these people get into this country and
the Miami Police force corrupted - what the hell do they expect, for
most of them pattern themselves after the Mexican police .....I remember
when Miami was a beautiful place to live and visit - now it is a cess
pool and next will come the black death no doubt.

So here is another "suicide".....kind of like the Davidians who
"murdered themselves".......they say rats are the first to leave the
ship - let us hope this applies to our Ship of State for to tell the
truth, there are just too many of these young kids who prefer death than
life in this once great country which was founded by great men who are
not being labeled racists by the cess pool infiltrating this country.

Racists?   To each his own.   Most people like to be with their own take the jews and Israelis and Zionists who run the show
time in Israel - they seem to prefer life over death and this is why
they are so well armed as they take on the Palestinians who too, prefer
death over life, in the present state of Israel.

Israel, the guiding light of corruption - greed, racism, pigs at trough
paid for by American taxpayers.....while their cup runneth over, the
wells they say, run dry.


Sacramento suspect kills himself
Gunman found dead
after frenzied chase,
shootout with policeJoseph Ferguson, 20, killed himself in this stolen
car after allegedly killing five others over the weekend. NBC's Chip
Reid reports.
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 10 —  A security guard wanted for killing
five people shot himself to death after a wild chase and shootout with
police Monday. "It was such a mess out there," said sheriff's dispatcher
Linda Casillas.
      'He described a very violent plan of attack on innocent
Describing video made by Ferguson         JOSEPH FERGUSON, 20,
who had vowed not to be taken alive, killed himself after leading
officers on a 40-minute chase along a freeway and through suburban
Rancho Cordova, shooting an officer and a bystander during the frenzied
pursuit, said Sacramento County Sheriff's Capt. John McGinness.
       The bystander, shot in the stomach, was in critical
condition Monday. The officer was in good condition with a gunshot wound
to the arm.
       After Ferguson claimed his fifth victim late Sunday, a
California Highway Patrol officer spotted him in Rancho Cordova, about
five miles from Sacramento, and began the pursuit. Ferguson was in a
stolen car and exchanged fire with officers during the chase, then
smashed into a light pole in front of a fast-food restaurant, police
       He remained sprawled in the car while authorities waited,
and when they approached they found he had shot himself, McGinness said.
       Authorities say Ferguson went on the rampage because he
was upset over losing his girlfriend and getting suspended from his job
with Burns Security a week earlier.
       His ex-girlfriend, also a Burns employee, and three other
former co-workers were among the victims.
       While holding the fifth victim hostage late Sunday,
Ferguson made a video in which he foresaw his fate, McGinness said.

       "He described a very violent plan of attack on innocent
victims," McGinness said. "He said if cornered he would take his own
life and that's exactly what he did."
       NBC's Chip Reid reported from Sacramento that Ferguson
was also said to have told his former co-workers that he intended to
kill people at random, possibly going into a movie theater or other
crowded area.
       Ferguson allegedly began the shooting spree late
Saturday, killing two people at an equipment yard and another two at a
nearby marina.
       He then handcuffed another former co-worker to a tree at
the Sacramento Zoo and fled in her car, police said.
       On Sunday, Ferguson shot a Burns Security supervisor to
death, police said, after keeping the man and his wife hostage for more
than 12 hours and making the video.
       It was the second deadly rampage in Sacramento in three
weeks. Joseph Ferguson
        On Aug. 20, Nikolay Soltys, 27, allegedly slashed his
pregnant wife's throat, then killed his aunt and uncle and their two
9-year-old grandchildren in Sacramento. Authorities say he fled with his
son, who was found dead in a cardboard box a day later. He was later
captured and charged with murder.
       Police said Ferguson told acquaintances in cell phone
calls during his shooting spree that he was plotting an even-bigger
       Ferguson said "he was going to outdo Soltys, something
along those lines," said Sacramento Police spokesman Sgt. Daniel Hahn.
       In the end, Ferguson's alleged death toll stood at five.
       They were his ex-girlfriend, Nina Susu, 20; George
Bernardino, 48; John Derek Glimstad, 19; the unidentified supervisor;
and a 32-year-old woman who also wasn't identified. All worked at Burns
except Glimstad.
 Crime and Punishment
•Full crime and courts coverage from
       Investigators were looking into the possibility that race
might have played a role in Ferguson's selection of victims. One of the
dead was black and another was Asian. They discovered white supremacist
material at his home.
       The deaths occurred about a week after Ferguson was
suspended from Burns. He had also vandalized Susu's car in an apparent
response to their breakup, authorities said.
       The suspect lived with his father and had no criminal
record, authorities said.
       In a search of his home, police also found two shotguns,
two assault rifles, two revolvers, a ballistic helmet, a flak jacket and
a gas mask.
       Sacramento's police chief, Arturo Venegas, expressed
relief that Ferguson was stopped before even more people were killed.
"He was bent on killing additional people," Venegas told reporters at a
press conference after the rampage.
       The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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