I still remember an Arabian Prince who would have been King had his
father not been murdered sitting at our table who said (and at the time
I had little interest in such matters) in 1967 - the domestic jews and
arabs would live in peace, but the Zionists will not let them.

Aren't all Kings supposed to be brothers? With all the little masonic

Why does it take billions of dollars from the USA to Israel to fight off
a handful of Palestinians?   Seems to me there is Sharon with the match
as he so stated, and the Arabs with the oil - but who is attempting to
light this match to trigger holocaust in which all would be killed?

Isn't it all in the game plan - to kill all in Holy Land to make room
for the Hotels, Motels, Gambling Houses, High Rises for the Rich and
more Affluent?

Cannot have beggars in the streets as Castro did for when they show
their teeth - well at Waco they did not even show their teeth to have
wrath of God upon them....and then came Timothy McVey with words "Wrath
of God" carefully circled in a Gideon Bible?????

Note - in this story once again

Note Israel to be the Light Unto All Nations - a light unto my feet  and
I remembered the lamp of Gideon on the front of the Gideon placed
bible....a lamp unto my feet but people are blind to the light?

This September my bible calendar goes through Isaiah -the lamp, unto our
feet about to be trampled under?   The date of September 27th (as Amelia
pointed out) is a very important date.....

Have you seen the pictures of the young Israeli soldiers being sent to
slaughter?  As a result they are put into a very particular problem for
life is cheap - we gave them the means to destroy every Palestinian in
the area.......

They have a slaughterman in Sharon - he is an old man, whom the
Palestinians refer to as "the fat slob" who is no longer a "romantic"
figure, they say - but since when is a slaughterman ever a romantic
figure unless it would be Jack the Ripper who made love like - maybe
Bill Clinton?

Hitler said a country is like a woman - likes to be beaten into
submission......some say this is why some women marry truck drivers -

This is a good item here worth reading - but then while some have seen
this great light who was it they said turned it off?

Could it have been Satan?

Nothing worse than a big bully defending himself against sticks and
stones with panzer tanks and flamethrowers and Uzis.....



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