-Caveat Lector-

Since you advocate using Google to find out about things, look at
this article which says a Michael Pugliese was charged with
stealing $100,000.  YOU are the one saying it is absolute proof of
things, not me.  So does this mean this is true about you or is is
some other person with the same name?  If it is an error, how can
you make the argument that Google is the way to really find out the
truth about people or organizations?  Because one organization of
whites is racist does not mean that they all are. More importantly,
they all have the right to exist as long as they are not breaking
laws, even ones outside of mainstream.

06/19/2001 - Updated 05:11 PM ET

By Greg Farrell, USA TODAY

NEW YORK - It wasn't a very successful case of identity theft, but
it appears to rank among the most audacious.

Court papers say that 32-year-old restaurant worker and four-time
felon Abraham Abdallah, armed with a copy of Forbes magazine's "400
Richest People in America," meticulously collected the Social
Security numbers, bank and brokerage account numbers, credit card
numbers and mothers' maiden names of 200 of the USA's wealthiest
men and women. On his hit list of intended victims, according to
court papers: Steven Spielberg, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey,
Martha Stewart, George Lucas, Ross Perot and Michael Eisner.

Abdallah's goal, police say, was to con financial services
providers into giving him access to his victims' millions.

His method, according to prosecutors, included "stealing" their
identities, renting boxes in their names at commercial mailbox
services and then ordering merchandise charged to their credit

By the time he and a suspected accomplice, Michael Pugliese, 47,
were arrested on March 7, they had gotten only about $100,000 in
goods using identities of some of the intended victims, according
to law enforcement sources.

But the potential for much greater damage was there, police say:

Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns were all billed for
credit reports they had not requested. That was an indication,
according to New York City police, that an identity thief was busy
collecting personal information on intended victims.
Last December, an e-mail purported to be from Siebel Systems
founder Thomas Siebel came to brokerage Merrill Lynch. It asked
that $10 million be transferred to an account based offshore.
Merrill Lynch contacted Siebel, determined that the request was a
hoax and called police.
Court papers say Abdallah rented mailboxes at a downtown Manhattan
location in the names of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and Bear
Stearns CEO James Cayne. They say he then ordered merchandise to be
delivered to those boxes.
"What this guy was doing was setting up mailboxes all over the
place," says Sandi Spector, a U.S. Postal inspector brought in to
monitor the mail drops.

Throughout January and February, Spector helped the NYPD keep watch
on various mailboxes. But, she said, Abdallah, who worked in a
Brooklyn restaurant, would not show up to take delivery. A courier
or other intermediary would redirect the merchandise.

"We were jumping from place to place," Spector recalls. "He was
everywhere and he was nowhere. We believe he could track delivery
of packages over the Internet."

Finally, on March 7, the police intercepted a shipment of $25,000
worth of equipment to manufacture and magnetize credit cards. Then,
posing as couriers, they delivered the goods to a drop-off location
in Brooklyn, where they say they found Pugliese. Abdallah was
arrested when he arrived.

The pair is now in custody, awaiting arraignment. Abdallah's arrest
is not his first brush with the law. Postal inspectors have
arrested him four times since 1986 on charges related to mail
fraud, for which he was convicted.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Pugliese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

-Caveat Lector-

   The Google search engine has a nice feature which let's you see
other URL's link to the page you are looking at.
   I(f you don't call these groups racist, you are even more
bamboozled by
the Capitalist Class, almost entirely still WASP, btw, than you
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Michael Pugliese

-----Original Message-----
From: Nurev Ind. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, September 09, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: Hitchens On Condit

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Pugliese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 1:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit
> -Caveat Lector-
> ...someone who is looking for a pseudo-
> scientific term will sometimes use the term 'Euro-American'...
>    Like these racists? http://www.eaif.org/
> Michael Pugliese
> How is this racist?  How is it different from the NAACP, the ADL
> any other organization established for the promotion of an ethnic
> group?

It's different because they are the MAJORITY and enjoy the benefits
But more importantly, it's different because THEY ARE THE ELITE
and always have been!!! Get it? This is what makes these groups
unless they think in terms of class. Which they are too stupid and
to do.

So to simplify it for you Amelia... when minorities struggle for
more power
serves as an equalizer. When White Guys struggle for more power,
it's a

That's the difference Amelia.


> See their statement of purpose below.  Is is solely because
> they are 'white' for what other difference is there?  Are you
> stating that it is racist for whites to do the identical actions
> other races or ethnic groups and that it is only racist for
> to do so?
> Amelia
> European American Issues Forum Purpose Statement
> European/American Issues Forum
> CW Kuhn, Secretary--M. Piercy, Treasurer--FP Williams, Sgt. at
> Louis Calabro, President------Aida T. Cordano, Vice President
> The Principal Purposes of the European/American Issues Forum are:
> 1. To offer a safe and comfortable place for European-Americans
> discuss social, economic, cultural, political and related issues
> that particularly affect European-Americans in Northern
> and beyond.
> 2. To promote the general welfare of our members.
> 3. To honor our heritage through celebration, recognition and
> education.
> 4. To minimize the effects of racial, ethnic and national origin
> discrimination and defamation on its members, and to likewise
> recognize an identical privilege in behalf of all other groups.
> 5. To educate European-Americans and other cultural and ethnic
> groups about the richly textured diversity, values, languages,
> cultures and contributions of European-Americans.
> 6. To protest unfair and biased descriptions of
> in educational institutions and the communications media.
> 7. To encourage and support the establishment of similar forums
> each city and county of northern California and beyond
> Adopted April 26,1997
> Louis Calabro
> President EAIF
> Home

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