Was Levy Offed By A Secret Intelligence Agency
No Mention Here -- But Some Say She Was Spying For Israel

9/10/01 10:35:00 AM

Commentary -- Conditlocks and the Three Security Agencies

by Kenneth Gregg


For Immediate Release (February 22, 1999)

Condit Named to Intelligence Committee

Washington, DC- Rep. Gary A. Condit (CA) announced today that he has been
appointed to a position on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
the U.S. House of Representatives.

"This is an opportunity for me to serve our country in a capacity that
get headlines or grab attention but is nonetheless one of the most
committees in the Congress," Condit said. (from Condit’s congressional

I do love a good story. I’ve been telling stories to my children since my
oldest (who is now 25) was a toddler. My girls, ages 9 and 11, love it
story time comes around. I have always enjoyed a good story teller as
well. A
mentor of mine and wonderful teller of tales was a radio and newspaper
journalist, who became editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph
went on to become president of a small, private college and a syndicated
columnist for the Freedom Newspapers under the great libertarian, R.C.

Bob (Robert LeFevre was his name) would regale me with stories of
missing the mark, failing to catch the importance of a story, gladhanding
government agents in the hopes of currying favor, and getting a tiny
tidbit of
slanted news before the next journalist in line grabbed a morsel. I always
found it amazing how journalists let vested interests become their vested
interest, how journalists spin and twist just the way government agencies

An interesting consideration comes up with the Condit-Levy affair which
to escape the media and various commentators. I find this very odd, and it
reminds me of stories Bob would tell me about his fellow journalists.
to all reports, Representative Gary Condit, Blue Dog (conservative)
has been accused of having an affair with an intern, Chandra Levy, who
disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

I give you the following outline for contemplation. Perhaps it leans too
toward conspiratorial theory, but it does seem to provide an explanation
of the
events. Consider:

(1) Condit is a member of the House Intelligence Committee with access to
wide range of black box agencies like the CIA, NSA, etc. and their
secrets. The
disagreements, debates, interest group battles in this committee will,
likely, never become public. But we know they exist. Here are institutions
unknown and unidentified multi-billion dollar budgets overseen by a
of seasoned (meaning bought and paid for) politicians. Vested interests
are on
every side, in every direction, with no opportunity for public overview.
powerful committee is at the very center of the secrets held by the
government, holding the purse-strings of each clandestine agency.

"At issue here are the security interests of the United States in their
basic and concrete forms," Condit said. "There are very sensitive issues
immediate and long term national security, and I look forward to playing a
constructive role in addressing these issues." (ibid.)

(2) Perhaps Condit was on the wrong side of an issue within the committee.
could his vote be gained or lost? How best could Condit’s decision-making
on the committee be controlled? Blackmail? Does Condit have some little
some Achilles heel?

Condit’s appointment from House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt is for
duration of the 106th Congress. Condit is eligible to serve a maximum of
consecutive two-year terms on the committee. (ibid.)

(3) The disappearance of Chandra Levy leads one to speculate that it might
been professionally orchestrated. Who, or what agencies, have the greatest
experience in murder and cover-ups? Hmmm? Could it be that some agency
to get information on a member of the Intelligence Committee for leverage
some favored program? Was it a botched pickup for purposes of
interrogation and
eventual blackmail? Would nervous agents, in a panic, have decided to
up" their mistake?

"We can not afford to be lax in our vigilance." (ibid.)

(4) Could this "disappearance" have been effected at the behest of
Condit? This is doubtful. Condit would be the last person in DC to have
this decision, as it would be all too clear that every finger would be
at him. His connection with Levy was probably the scuttlebutt in offices
throughout DC and, if not, was certainly filed in numerous unnamed and
unnamable government agencies throughout Byzantine, DC.

It has the makings of a fine story, doesn’t it? Alas, my imagination takes
scenario only so far. Perhaps others will fill in the details – long after
Condit’s career is thoroughly destroyed.

Qui Bono? Who benefits from the destruction of his career? We may never
Which brings us to my final point.

(5) Have the mass media become such sheep that public questions about
other than Condit’s private sex life are ignored? The Washington Post, the
York Times, CBS, NBC, CNN, and other major media outlets and their inbred
cliques of journalists love obsessing on the sex lives of the fallen,
Democrats or Republicans. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, go Molly Ivins and
Dionne, as the drool slides down their aging chins, onto the flat screens
their computers and into their columns.

We will never hear any substantive concerns from the likes of these. The
managers of the news win with sex. Connie Chung’s interview with Condit on
ABC’s Primetime topped the weekly ratings race with 23.7 million viewers.

This part of the story is the sad conclusion, for not all good stories
have a
happy ending. Certainly not for Condit. Certainly not for Levy. Certainly
for the consumers of news.

September 10, 2001

Kenneth Gregg (send him mail) is an independent writer living in Las
where fairy tales can come true.

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