-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 09/06/2001 5:44:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << Nobody is making them stay are they? They can leave anytime.
>  Just like my ancestors did. Just like your ancestors did.
>  Just like all Americans' ancestors did whaen they didn't
>  like where they were.
>  Right? >>
> Well that depends.  My ancestors left England and Italy voluntarily.  They
> may have suffered from poverty, but no one was shooting at them or slapping
> them around just for standing there.  Do tell me about your ancestors.

My ancestors were slapped around and shot at and knifed by your ancestors.
Those who weren't killed were forcibly expelled.

My immediate ancestors were simply exterminated. They didn't really have the
option to leave because no country would take them in. As long as there is a
Jewish state of Israel, that won't happen again.

> My
> ancestors were accepted into the United States of course.  Perhaps we should
> invite any Palestinians who wish to leave the hallowed land of Israel to come
> here.

Great idea. They could move in with you.

> They could become U.S. citizens and visit Israel to vote in local
> elections.  Sounds good to me.  Prudy

Me too. They could move to Detroit and send suicide bombers to New York in
protest of that Zionist Entity.

Good job Prudy. Any more on this?


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