-Caveat Lector-


"John Taylor Gatto, in his book "The Underground History of American
Education," writes that in 1965, as a high school teacher in Manhattan, he
observed the replacement of basic discipline by a new "due process" system.
He states "I watched fascinated as over a period of 100 days, the entire
edifice of public schooling was turned upside down." Students prone to
trouble immediately understood that the teacher was no longer in charge and
that he was not likely to be disciplined, let alone expelled. All hell
broke loose as school violence and general chaos began to rise.

1965 was also the year of the government mandated the "Behavioral Science
Teacher Education Program (BSTEP)." Charlotte Iserbyt, in her book "The
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," points out that BSTEP, funded by the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, was set up to "change the
teacher from a transmitter of knowledge/content to a social change
agent/facilitator/clinician." Teachers who refused to conform to this new
"progressive" education would be purged from public education in the
ensuing years. "


By: Chuck Morse

Even Hitler and Stalin didn't specifically target school children for
murder while attending class; yet, this unprecedented phenomenon is being
visited upon our children today. As parents send their children off to
school this season they are distracted by the spectrum creeping on the
periphery of their consciousness that their child could be mowed down by a
gun-toting terrorist. Arafat may have sent the terrorist, he may have been
sent by Protestant extremists in Northern Ireland, or he may be a fellow
student, like at Columbine, who shows up one day in fatigues ready for mass
murder. Either way, we can all agree, this evil is a symptom of a sick,
depraved, and desperate trend.

The tactic of blowing up babies as a political statement was launched May
15th, 1974, when Arafat ordered his PLO to attack a kindergarten in Maalot,
Israel. Three terrorists shot at a van filled with Israeli Arabs,
commandeered the van, entered the school after murdering the housekeeper,
his wife, and child, and then took 100 children hostage. When rescuers
showed up, the terrorists threw bombs at the children and sprayed them with
machine gun fire. Twenty-five were murdered, 66 wounded.

The Israeli government responded as any sane government would by issuing
firearms to civilians and, like the Swiss, urged Army reservists to keep
firearms at home. Teachers, parents, and grandparents of students stood
guard at the schools and civilian militias, or "Mishmar Esrachi" were
formed. With an armed citizenry ready to defend life, Arafat would have to
change his tactics in his campaign to murder Jewish children. Hence, the
suicide bomber posting himself at discothèques and pizza parlors. Arafat
has put Israeli children on notice this season that they are military
targets and to expect a murder campaign.

In Northern Ireland, a group calling itself the Red Hand Defenders has been
targeting Roman Catholic schoolgirls with taunts and whistles as they enter
the Holy Cross elementary school in Belfast. On Wednesday, Sept. 5, a pipe
bomb exploded near the girls as they entered the school seriously injuring
two policemen. The girls were seen fleeing in the ensuing mayhem.

In the US, the problem of child murder in school is internal and societal.
Rather than being confronted with well trained, well financed, and well
armed men ordered to kill, American school children are facing down their
own fellow classmates. The murderers have been predominantly white,
suburban, and middle-class and have come from generally liberal families.
So far, every murderer on record has been on some sort of drug prescribed
by a psychiatrist. Many of the murderers were obsessed with a combination
of violent video games and satanic religious beliefs. Columbine, and
probably other schools attended by the murderers, offered a course that
used to be called "death education" but is now called "life education."

The education change agents have deliberately created the rotten atmosphere
that now threatens the lives of American children. John Taylor Gatto, in
his book "The Underground History of American Education," writes that in
1965, as a high school teacher in Manhattan, he observed the replacement of
basic discipline by a new "due process" system. He states "I watched
fascinated as over a period of 100 days, the entire edifice of public
schooling was turned upside down." Students prone to trouble immediately
understood that the teacher was no longer in charge and that he was not
likely to be disciplined, let alone expelled. All hell broke loose as
school violence and general chaos began to rise.

1965 was also the year of the government mandated the "Behavioral Science
Teacher Education Program (BSTEP)." Charlotte Iserbyt, in her book "The
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," points out that BSTEP, funded by the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, was set up to "change the
teacher from a transmitter of knowledge/content to a social change
agent/facilitator/clinician." Teachers who refused to conform to this new
"progressive" education would be purged from public education in the
ensuing years.

BSTEP called for the "development of a new kind of elementary school
teacher who...engages in teaching as clinical practice...and functions as a
responsible agent of social change." Iserbyt states that B.F.Skinner's
behaviorism is the basis of BSTEP. The program states: "Calculations of the
future and how to modify it are no longer considered obscure academic
pursuits. Instead, they are the business of many who are concerned about
and responsible for devising various modes of social change...We are
getting closer to developing effective methods of shaping the future and
advancing in fundamental social and individual evolution." By 1967, BSTEP
introduced "impersonal manipulation" where "few will be able to maintain
control over their opinions each individual receives at birth a
multi-purpose identification number" and "chemical experimentation" would
be performed on students. Columbine anyone?

American parents, teachers, and administrators should, no doubt, learn from
the Israeli example and consider arming themselves as a means of protecting
vulnerable school children. We shouldn't delude ourselves into thinking
that what's going on in Israel and Northern Ireland couldn't happen here.
The American problem, however, is systemic and spiritual. Perhaps America
is suffering from the weight of decades of success and prosperity. In our
security, we have moved beyond thinking about survival and, in our
laziness, we have allowed, under the color of law, an evil cabal of self
described "change agents" to seize control of our children's education and
souls. We are paying through the nose for our children's debauchment and

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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"Oh, my countrymen! What will our children say, when they read the
history of these times? Should they find we tamely gave away without
one noble struggle, the most invaluable of earthly blessings? As they
drag the galling chain, will they not execrate us? If we have any
respect for things sacred; any regard to the dearest treasures on
earth; if we have one tender sentiment for posterity; if we would not
be despised by the whole world - let us in the most open, solemn
manner, and with determined fortitude, swear we will die, if we
cannot live free men!"

Josiah Quincy, Jr., 1788  published in the Boston Gazette

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