Interesting item here - which I will reproduce along with one by Dr.
Pierce whom the ADl calls a Nazi?   See how the notes compare - Dr
Pierce wrote Turner Diaries and oh so dangerous for young people to
read......but the filth and garbage they see on TV and sodomists being
thrown at them on a dialy basis and little kids being given to lesbians
and queers for toys.....who is right and who is wrong?   Paula
Poundstone and Rosie O'Donnell - both have come out of the closet the
former charged with lewd and lascivicious behavior with a child and the
latter had long tale of woe and was a protected species.   Suffer little
Children?  I say NO - No More.


Factbook on Global Sexual Exploitation

There are no official numbers regarding the extent of prostitution and
the traffic of women in Israel, but there is a general consensus that it
is becoming more prevalent. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

There has been a steady increase in the numbers of foreign women
involved in prostitution who are arrested for illegal stays in Israel
and who are detained before being deported to their home-countries; in
over 95% of the cases, they were from the former USSR. The average time
these women spend in prison is 50 days. The women themselves are
supposed to pay for their expenses to leave Israel, but when their
resources are inadequate, the Ministry of Interior finances their
deportation from a special budget. (Authorities, Neve Tirza women's
prison, CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

Traffickers and pimps earned US$50,000 - 100,000 a year from each
prostituted woman, resulting in a US$450 million sex industry. ("A
modern form of slavery," The Jerusalem Post, 13 January 1998)
1,500 Russian and Ukrainian trafficked women have been deported from
1995-1997. (Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic
Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998)

Russian women are bought and sold by pimps in Israel for prices ranging
from US$5,000 to $20,000. (Police sources, "'Invisible' Women Shown In
Russia's Demographics," Martina Vandenberg, St. Petersburg Times, 13
October 1997)

A small brothel with ten women can make up to 750,000 shekels a month
(US $215,000). (Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic
Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998)

Women trafficked from Eastern Europe, were stripped and sold naked as
slaves to Tel Aviv traders for US$500-1,000. Smuggling, fraudulent
documents, collaboration between police and brothel owners are involved.
There are routine brutal beatings and sexual abuse. (New York Times 11
January 1998)

The non-profit Israel Women's Network estimates that 70% of prostituted
women  in Tel Aviv, Israel's commercial center, come from the former
Soviet republics, and that about 1,000 women are brought into Israel
illegally each year. At any one time, as many as 100 women may be
awaiting deportation in Neve Tirza women's prison near Tel Aviv's
Ben-Gurion airport, a prison spokeswoman said. (Elisabeth Eaves,

"Israel not the promised land for Russian sex slaves", Reuters, 23
August 1998)
A poll by the Women's Network showed 44% of Israelis believed all
Russian immigrant women provided sexual services for pay. Illegal
immigrants in Israel, who are mostly Russian, are often stereotyped as
having brought crime and prostitution while exploiting Israeli laws
enabling anyone with a Jewish grandparent to immigrate.(Elisabeth Eaves,
"Israel not the promised land for Russian sex slaves," Reuters, 23
August 1998)

Official Response and Action
While trafficked women are frequently arrested as illegal workers, the
men who brought them to Israel -- many of whom are Israeli citizens --
are not. Justice Ministry spokeswoman Etty Eshed said the government
would think about making legal changes to address trafficking in the
"near future" but had no date or plan for doing so. (Elisabeth Eaves,
"Israel not the promised land for Russian sex slaves," Reuters, 23
August 1998)

Police in Israel say they are powerless to stop the flow of trafficked
women until the laws change. "They (trafficked women) are very much
afraid to come to the police and complain, so the police really can't do
anything," said spokeswoman Linda Menuhin. "The problem is there is no
law against trafficking people, and no law against prostitution." Rachel
Benziman, legal adviser to the Israel Women's Network, said there are a
variety of crimes -- rape, abduction, battery, deceit and theft -- which
the authorities rarely bother to prosecute for, even though they have
the power to do so. "It's not a problem of finding the right section in
the criminal code. It is more a problem of finding the women who will
testify and finding the motivation. When it comes to drug dealing, the
police don't wait for someone to come into their office and say they
have found drugs. They look for it.

We expect them to do the same thing for the trafficking of women -- but
they don't," she said. (Elisabeth Eaves, "Israel not the promised land
for Russian sex slaves," Reuters, 23 August 1998)

Policy and Law
Israel does not have a specific law against the sale of human beings.
(Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women," New York
Times, 11 January 1998)

There is no law related to bringing women from another country into
Israel for prostitution. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

If trafficked and prostituted women are caught they are deported. Since
1994, not one woman has testified against a trafficker. (Betty Lahan,
director of Neve Tirtsa Prison, Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New
Cargo: Naive Slavic Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998)

One woman's story:
Lyubov, 17, arrived in Israel from a Russian coal mining city only to be
sold into prostitution. Now she sits in a prison cell awaiting expulsion
as an illegal worker. Six months ago, a man in Lyubov's hometown told
the young woman he could get her a plane ticket, a visa and a job
abroad. She entered Israel with a tour group and was met by a hotel
owner who befriended her and gave her a job as a cleaner in exchange for
a room. The hotel owner introduced her to friends, showed her around and
taught her some Hebrew until one day he told her to get out of his car
and into another. Then he drove away.

"At first I didn't know I had been sold. Then my owner told me he had
bought me for $9,000," Lyubov said in an interview in a prison office.
Her new "owner," as she calls him, told her she would work as a call

It was the beginning of a stint as an unpaid prostitute -- part of an
international crime phenomenon which women's groups see as a modern
slave trade. Lyubov's "owner" kept her and eight other women in two
apartments. He never paid any of them but instead said they were
indebted to him for their plane tickets and every expense incurred, from
doctors' visits to haircuts. Transported to clients by drivers and often
under guard, Lyubov had sex with an average of six men a day for about
$75 an hour. All she could keep were tips. She worked round the clock,
seven days a week, with no holidays except for Yom Kippur, the holiest
day of the Jewish calendar. "You have to have very strong nerves to do
this kind of work," she said.

Life in Russia was very difficult. "There were days when I had nothing
to eat," Lyubov said. She weighed 50 kg (110 pounds) when she left
Russia, and gained 20 kg (45 pounds) after arriving in Israel. She said
circumstances had made it hard for her to quit (leave her "owner"). "I
came into this circle and then it was very hard to get out. My papers
were fake, I had no money, I had no acquaintances and I was in an
enclosed place," she said. The nearest police station was across the
road from the apartment where Lyubov was kept but she never went there,
inhibited, like many others, by the double bind of fear of her owner and
fear of deportation.

"I kept hoping some day I would earn some money. But when they actually
caught me, I was relieved," she said. (Elisabeth Eaves, "Israel not the
promised land for Russian sex slaves," Reuters, 23 August 1998)

There are over 10,00 women in prostitution in Tel Aviv. (CEDAW Report, 8
April 1997)
Men pay for 25,000 acts of prostitution every day. There are 250,000
foreign male workers who help create a demand for prostituted women.
Women are held in apartments, bars and brothels where they are bought by
up to 15 men a day. They sleep in shifts, four to a bed. (Police
officials, Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic
Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998)

The Russian mafia has moved into Israel to profit from trafficking and
prostitution. Police in Israel have been keeping around 30 organized key
crime suspects under surveillance. (Kevin Connolly, "How Russia's mafia
is taking over Israel's underworld," BBC, 3 April 1998)
£2.5 billion (US$4 billion) of organized crime money from the former
Soviet Union has been invested in Israeli real estate, businesses and
banks in the past seven years. Gregory Lerner, who was arrested in 1997
for defrauding four Russian banks of £70 million (US$106 million), was
reputedly sent to Israel to head up one of the money laundering
operations. One highly profitable area in which organized crime thrives
is prostitution. Dozens of brothels and peepshows have sprung up in Tel
Aviv and Haifa in the last few years. (Former police chief Asaf Hefetz,
Kevin Connolly
"How Russia's mafia is taking over Israel's underworld" BBC, (3 April

Israel's demand for prostituted women may be bolstered by three groups
-- foreign workers, Orthodox Jews and Arabs. Many of Israel's nearly
200,000 legal and illegal foreign workers are young, unattached men
likely to buy sex. (Elisabeth Eaves, "Israel not the promised land for
Russian sex slaves", Reuters, 23 August 1998)

Amir, a Tel Aviv pimp, said a woman could cost up to $20,000, depending
on her looks. "It's like a car. It depends how valuable she is," he
said, standing on a street lined with flashing lights advertising
brothels near Tel Aviv's old central bus station. Arabs and Orthodox
Jews have "very strong taboos against sexual connections outside of
marriage and therefore go to a place where they can do it more
anonymously. It's a matter of supply and demand," he said. (Elisabeth
Eaves, "Israel not the promised land for Russian sex slaves," Reuters,
23 August

Health and Well-being
In Israel, there is a significant correlation between prostitution and
drug abuse. Of the 200 women prisoners in Neve-Tirza Women's Prison, 70%
are drug-addicts (mainly to heroine, which is the most common drug in
Israel);10% are in a process of getting treated. Of the 80% with drug
addictions, over 60% were involved in prostitution in order to finance
their addiction. (Neve Tirza prison's officials, CEDAW Report, 8 April

The Tropicana in Tel Aviv is one of the busiest brothels. The women are
all Russian. There are 12 cubicles where 20 women work in shifts, 8
during the daytime, 12 at night. Buyers are Israeli soldiers, business
executives, tourists, and foreign workers. The brothel owner said,
"Israelis love Russian girls. They are blonde and good looking, and they
are desperate. They are ready to do anything for money." (Michael
Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women," New York Times,
11 January 1998)

Policy and Law
Within the legal framework it is theoretically possible to criminally
charge the clientele of the sex-industry under at least one section,
namely section 210 of the Penal Law-1977, which states that approaching
a minor under 16 or an adult woman with indecent insinuations is
punishable by up to three months in prison. This section however, has
never been enforced against clients of prostitutes. (CEDAW Report, 8
April 1997)

The current Israeli legal framework for dealing with prostitution is
based upon the abolitionist approach. However, the current legal
arrangement and its method of enforcement suffer from inconsistencies
and lack of protocol for dealing with the reality of prostitution.
(CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)
Prostitution in itself is not, and has never been, a crime under Israeli
law, and the woman who engages in prostitution is not considered a
criminal. The legal system engages in selective prohibition, by
criminalizing exploitive conducts that surround prostitution, so that
both the exploitative and practical aspects of prostitution are
criminalized. Engaging in prostitution as a client or sponsor is a
criminal act, while prostitution itself is not. (CEDAW Report, 8 April

"Procurement," defined as living off the profits or taking all or some
profits from a woman who engages in prostitution, and solicitation of a
woman to engage in prostitution, are crimes according to sections
199-201 of the Penal Law-1977, punishable by 5 years in prison, and up
to 7 years under aggravating circumstances.

Such aggravated circumstances include the following: when the woman is a
minor under 18 years old; when the woman is the perpetrator's daughter,
wife, or when he is her custodian, teacher, or otherwise in charge of
her; when the perpetrator accused of soliciting was armed during the
act. Case law, however, had interpreted solicitation to mean proven
engagement in prostitution, thus making it much more difficult to
prosecute for solicitation. Under section 202 of the Penal Law,
soliciting a woman to leave her home with the intention of engaging her
in prostitution is punishable by 5 years imprisonment, and if the woman
is a minor - by up to seven years. Soliciting a woman to leave the
country for the same purpose is also punishable by seven years.

Section 207 imposes mandatory imprisonment on perpetrators convicted
under sections 199-202, with no possibility of a suspended sentence.
This is a highly unusual provision in the context of the Israeli
criminal law and indicates the gravity that the legislator had
attributed to these crimes. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

Laws against procurement and soliciting are rarely enforced. Instead,
the prostitutes themselves are often arrested, not for engaging in
prostitution - since that is not a criminal offense, but for related
practices such as the enticement of others to engage in indecent acts in
public places, a felony punishable by three months in prison, according
to section 209(a). Usually prostitutes are released after several hours,
but sometimes they are charged under section 209(a), which was never
intended to serve as a regulation of prostitution, or under section
216(a)(5) which prohibits "strolling."

Another criminal offense directly applicable to women who engage in
prostitution, is section 215(c) which states that being in a place for
the purpose of engaging in prostitution, in circumstances which pose
disturbance to neighbors or obstruction of traffic is punishable by up
to one year in prison. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

Public Action
There has been a proliferation of sex industry advertisements in daily
newspapers. An ad-hoc public committee offered guidelines to publishers
regarding these concerns. The significant consequences of this
initiative were: 1) the cessations of advertisements that specifically
mentioned or alluded to the age (under 18) of the women whose
sex-services were being advertised. 2) The moderation of the overall
tone of these ads and the pictures which accompany them. (CEDAW Report,
8 April 1997)

There is a growing market for child-pornography in Israel. It is not
produced in Israel, but is imported and sold freely in response to
growing demand. The use of child pornography is explicitly dealt with
under the section 214 of the Penal Code, which prohibits the publication
and presentation of obscene materials. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)
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Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Factbook on Global Sexual Exploitation
Donna M. Hughes, Laura Joy Sporcic, Nadine Z. Mendelsohn and Vanessa

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Free Speech  -  November 2000  -  Volume VI, Number 11
There Will Be Hell to Pay
by Dr. William Pierce
I've spoken with you on several occasions about the international
White-slave trade: that is, the enslavement of White girls and women
from eastern Europe who are lured to Israel under false pretenses and
forced into prostitution by Jewish organized-crime gangs from the former
Soviet Union. I have pointed out that the White-slave business
flourishes in Israel because in that country slavery is not illegal, as
long as the slaves aren't Jews. White slavery is, in fact, sanctioned by
the Jewish religion.
There are several aspects of this Jewish trade in White women in
addition to forced prostitution in Israel that we still haven't
discussed: child pornography, for example. And a few weeks ago I
mentioned the child-prostitution operation in Brazil being run from the
Israeli consulate there. Brazilian girls as young as 10 years old were
being recruited to entertain Israeli tourists at sex parties in the
consulate. That, fortunately, got excellent coverage in Brazilian
newspapers, although there wasn't a word about it in U.S. newspapers.
The Jews have a tighter grip on the news media in the United States than
almost anywhere else in the world and are quite successful at keeping
most Americans from hearing about their shenanigans.
One affair that has been getting some news coverage in Italy and a few
other places in Europe during the past few days, though not at all in
the United States, is the breakup of a child-pornography ring operating
in Moscow, which sells videotapes, CDs, and digital video discs to
wealthy customers around the world through the Internet. On Wednesday of
last week Italian police raided 600 homes of wealthy Italians and seized
child pornography that had been purchased from suppliers in Moscow. At
the same time, the three Jews who ran the business were arrested in
Child pornography is an almost unimaginably filthy business. I'm not
talking about videos of well-developed 15- or 16-year-old girls having
sex. I'm talking about things so perverse and sickening that most
Americans can't imagine them. I'm talking about men being filmed having
sex with two- and three-year-old girls. I'm talking about small children
-- White children -- being sexually tortured and raped to death in front
of a camera for the titillation of the sick freaks who are sexually
excited by such horrors.
The freaks, I am sorry to say, are not all Jews, although Jews are
disproportionately represented among them. The majority of them, in
fact, are Gentiles. I don't know what makes people become so perverse
that they enjoy watching a film of a five-year-old girl being raped and
sexually tortured. I think that in many cases, perhaps the majority of
cases, it is not so much a sexual thing as it is a manifestation of the
extreme individualism which has been promoted by the media ever since
the Second World War: that's the egoistic mind-set which holds that the
individual can and should do whatever gratifies him, that he has no
obligation to anyone or anything but himself, that he is the only thing
in the universe that matters, that his gratification should not be
limited by any moral or community or racial considerations. These jaded,
individualist freaks get a buzz out of seeing or doing what is beyond
the pale. If they can pay $20,000 for a video of a little girl being
raped to death, they have proved to themselves that they are special,
that they are like gods, that they are not held back by the moral
constraints that bind ordinary mortals.
My view is that such people should simply be killed on the spot whenever
and wherever they are found. More than that, the people who promote and
encourage this extreme individualist mind-set through their control of
the media should be exterminated root and branch as a class. Does that
sound extreme?
Well, let me read you a few sentences from a Reuters news dispatch. This
is datelined Naples, Italy, September 27:
Police said on Wednesday they had arrested eight Italians suspected of
belonging to a child-pornography ring that traded videos over the
Internet, including films of Russian children who were abused to death.
Police specializing in Internet crime told reporters that their 19-month
investigation had given them enough information to begin investigations
into 1,700 people suspected of buying the material over the web. . . .
They said three people in Moscow ran an operation to kidnap children
from orphanages, circuses, and public parks and film them while they
were forced to commit sexual acts. Police said they had intercepted some
3,000 tapes and CDs and digital video discs of child pornography,
including some involving children only several months old. The packages
were intercepted at the Italian border when they arrived by mail and
were repacked. They were then delivered to the addressees by undercover
police officers disguised as postal workers and carrying hidden cameras.
"Three people in Moscow" ran the operation: three members of a Jewish
organized crime gang. And because they were Jews, you didn't see the
news on American television or read about it in most U.S. newspapers. In
fact it was just a fluke that any news at all of this Jewish operation
was allowed to be published. A few courageous Italian newsmen -- and I
mean real Italians, not Jews residing in Italy -- took the extraordinary
step of televising some horrifying excerpts from the Jewish videos the
day after the raids. In a news report viewed by 11 million Italians the
newsmen bypassed the regular TV news directors and broadcast on
prime-time television video footage showing Russian children being
raped, tortured, and killed. This was on Thursday of last week. Have you
seen or heard even a word about it here in the United States? I doubt
Immediately after the Italian TV broadcasts last Thursday, the Jewish TV
news director of the government-run television network, Gad Lerner, came
on the air and apologized to the powers that be, explaining that the
material had been included in the news program without his knowledge,
and the Italian news executives who had made the decision to broadcast
the shocking video footage were forced to resign. But the beans had been
spilled, and after that even the Associated Press felt obliged to report
something about the affair.
I'll read now from an Associated Press report of September 29, two days
after the police raids and the day after the Italian TV news exposure of
the affair:
. . . [P]olice said they had broken up an online international child
pornography ring, arrested eight Italians and three Russians, and seized
thousands of videos and photographs. The Russian-run ring, which
distributed an explicit catalog on the Internet, catered to clients in
the United States, Germany, and Italy. Its inventory included films of
children being tortured and killed. . . . Investigators say the
pornography ring produces and distributes images showing children as
young as two years old being sexually abused. Some of the victims
reportedly were stolen from orphanages, others from families. Its
catalog offers films of killings for about $20,000 and images of people
having sex with children for about half that.
Twenty thousand dollars for a film of a little blonde, blue-eyed Russian
girl being raped to death; 1,700 customers for such films. Well, I guess
there must be some pretty rich Jewish filmmakers in Moscow. And you
haven't heard a word about any of it before my broadcast today, have
you? Can you imagine what it would have been like if real Russians
instead of Jewish gangsters had been kidnapping and murdering little
Jewish children in Moscow so they could film the murders and sell copies
of the film to rich Gentile perverts? It would have been non-stop news
through every news medium in America. Bill Clinton and Madeleine
Albright would have been on television grimly warning the Russian
government that it must do more to catch the Gentiles responsible and to
protect the Jews from them. The Jews would be moaning about the
"Holocaust" again and holding out their hands for reparations from the
Russian government.
You know, the Jews have complained for centuries about what they call
the "blood libel." "Blood libel" is the blanket name they have applied
to all the many reports which have repeatedly cropped up, over hundreds
of years, in every nation of Europe, from England to Russia: reports of
Jews kidnapping Gentile children and ritually murdering them. The 14th
century English writer, Geoffrey Chaucer, told in his Canterbury Tales
the story of little Hugh of Lincoln, reportedly kidnapped and ritually
murdered by Jews in England 150 years earlier. Shortly after that
murder, King Edward I expelled all of the Jews from England. The reports
of Jewish ritual murders were still coming in from other countries
throughout the 19th century, 600 years after the murder of Hugh of
The Jews have denied all of these reports, claiming that they were the
work of Christian anti-Semites who just wanted to stir up hatred against
them. And I must confess to you, I have tended to believe the Jews
rather than the Christians in this matter of "blood libel." I have asked
myself, "What would the Jews have to gain by ritually murdering Gentile
children? Why would they take such a terrible risk of being found out
and punished, as they were in England?" Well, of course, that's not
taking into account the absolutely breathtaking arrogance of the Jews:
chutzpah they call it. And now I am forced to reconsider my former
judgment on the matter of Jewish ritual murder.
I mean, what is this business of Jewish gangsters kidnapping Russian
children from orphanages or snatching them from public parks in Moscow
or St. Petersburg when their parents aren't looking and then sexually
torturing them to death in front of a camera if not ritual murder? Of
course, these days the Jews usually don't have to scream about "blood
libel" when they're caught committing these horrible atrocities, because
they usually are able to keep the news suppressed. I suspect that if you
ask your favorite Jewish media boss why this report of the police raids
in Italy and the arrest of the child-pornographers in Moscow didn't get
more news coverage in the United States, he'll tell you that such news
would only generate hatred against the Jews.
And you know, he'd be right. If there's any group of people on this
planet who have valid reasons for hating the Jews it's the Russians: the
real Russians, not the so-called "Russians" you occasionally hear the
media here mention when they're reporting on organized crime in Russia.
Those aren't Russians; they're Jews living in Russia. The Jews bled
Russia dry with 70 years of Marxist rule and murdered tens of millions
of Russians -- the best Russians -- in the communist slave labor camps
or in the basements of the secret police headquarters or beside the
shooting pits in forests all over Russia and Ukraine; they have forced
thousands of the prettiest young Russian women into prostitution and
slavery after the fall of communism; and now they kidnap Russian
children and rape and sexually torture them to death in front of a
camera in order to make child-porn films for rich perverts in the West.
The Jews are lucky they still control most of the television and other
mass media in Russia -- because if the Russian people ever are fully
awakened to what the Jews are still doing to them, they will rise up and
kill every Jew in Russia -- every Jew -- and they will be fully
justified in doing so.
And I'll tell you what I'm going to do without waiting for that to
happen. I'm going to gather, publish, and distribute every piece of
historical evidence I can find relating to Jewish ritual murders during
the past 800 years or so. I'll publish a book on the subject. It'll be
the best, most accurate, and most complete account of Jewish ritual
murders I can make it. I'll advertise it and sell it in Russia and
everywhere else. It might take me two or three months to get the book
into print, but I'll tell you when I do. And meanwhile, those of you who
have access to the Internet or to a large library, look up for yourself
the news reports I've cited today about this Jew-run ring of child
pornographers in Russia. That's the September 27 Reuters report and the
September 29 Associated Press report. Read them and tell everyone you
know about them. You might also send a letter to both these news
agencies and ask them why they persist in referring to Jewish organized
criminals in Russia as "Russians" instead of as Jews.
You know, there are some things I really get steamed about, and this
business of kidnapping and raping and murdering little White children
for the amusement of rich perverts and the enrichment of Jewish
filmmakers is one of those things. And listen: don't try to tell me that
this is just a few Jews who do such things, that most Jews aren't
responsible for such horrible atrocities.
But they certainly are responsible, because the ones who don't run the
child-porn business cover for the ones who do. This latest story of the
child-porn raids in Italy last week will never be generally known in the
United States, of course. The lemmings won't know about it, because they
won't hear about it from Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather, and Oprah certainly
won't be talking about it. Only those of you who listen to these
American Dissident Voices broadcasts, and a few tens of thousands of
other independent thinkers, out of 275 million Americans, will ever hear
about it.
But if by some miracle this affair were pounded into the consciousness
of the American lemmings -- if, for example, some of those 11 million
Italians who saw on television last week a few unforgettable images from
the seized child-porn films have enough contact with Italians in America
to make it difficult for the media bosses here to keep the lid on the
news -- if that happens, the mainstream Jews will cover for their
brethren in the child-porn business. Jewish solidarity will prevail, and
we'll be hearing all of the respectable Jews, from Al Gore's buddy Joe
Lieberman, "the conscience of the Senate," down to the Jewish news
director at your local television station, moaning about "blood libel."
They will cover for each other, and that's why child pornography is
still a billion-dollar business.
That's why tens of thousands of the prettiest young White women from
eastern Europe are still forced to work as prostitutes in Israel and
elsewhere. It's because the Jews cover for each other. That's why little
Russian girls are being kidnapped and raped in front of video cameras.
It's because the Jews who are not actually in the child-porn business
themselves cover for the ones who are. It's why little Russian girls
will continue to be kidnapped and raped to death in the future, even
after the arrest of the three Jewish ringleaders in Moscow last week.
If the people in the news media gave this affair the coverage it
deserves, just as a news story, the public would demand such severe
action that child pornography no longer would be a profitable business
for Jews or anyone else. Even the politicians would insist on a
crackdown. But the bosses of the news media will not give this affair
any coverage at all, because they know who the guilty parties are, and
they are determined to protect those guilty parties, who are their
fellow Jews.
I'll say that again: instead of news coverage we get only silence from
the media here in the United States. The rich perverts in the United
States who were among the customers of those Jews in Moscow will be
permitted to continue building their video collections of child
pornography without interference or publicity. And you know as well as I
do why there has been only silence from the mass media in the United
States: it's certainly not because the breakup of this operation in
Italy last week isn't newsworthy; it's not because the American public
wouldn't be interested; it's not because there's any doubt about the
facts: it is because child pornography is essentially a Jewish business,
and the news media who should be exposing it are controlled by Jews who
cover for their fellow Jews. That is why I hold them all responsible --
and not just the Jews, but also those of our own people who collaborate
with the Jews and make excuses for the Jews.
And it's why I recently have begun reexamining the whole subject of
Jewish ritual murder -- because, you know, it worked in the past the
same way it works today. Some little group of Jewish perverts or Jewish
religious fanatics carrying out some hate-filled injunction in the
Talmud gets caught for murdering a Gentile child, and the other Jews try
to buy off the authorities. That's the way it was in 1913 when Leo Frank
raped and murdered little Mary Phagan in his Atlanta pencil factory. He
was caught, tried, convicted, and sentenced to die, but his fellow Jews
paid off the governor of Georgia and had his sentence commuted. I have
no doubt at all that if the citizens of Georgia had not taken the matter
into their own hands and hanged Frank themselves, he eventually would
have received a pardon and been released.
Well, despite their bad luck with Mary Phagan and perhaps also their bad
luck with little Hugh of Lincoln, the Jews are surprisingly confident
about their ability to get away with everything. Certainly, they have
gotten away with vastly more than they have been punished for. But, you
know, their luck will change one of these days, and then there will be
hell to pay. They thought they had Italian television news safely under
their control, and then a few rebellious Italian newsmen blew the
whistle on them last week and gave 11 million Italians an eyeful of what
the Jews in Moscow have been up to.
They believe they have the news media in America so tightly under their
control that the American lemmings never will have a clue. Well, they
have kept the American lemmings from learning anything at all about the
child-porn bust in Moscow last week, but they also had a bit of bad luck
in Palestine last week, when a courageous French cameraman caught on
film their deliberate, cold-blooded, sadistic murder of a Palestinian
child. That made such a ruckus in Europe that even some of the Jewish
media in the United States felt obliged to carry it -- briefly.
Did you see it? A 12-year-old Palestinian boy, returning from the market
with his father had the misfortune of passing near a group of Israeli
soldiers who were shooting at some young Palestinians who had thrown
rocks at the soldiers. The rock-throwers were able to take cover, so the
Israelis took out their hatred of Palestinians on the boy and his
father. As the two unarmed Palestinians crouched against a concrete wall
and begged for their lives, the Jewish soldiers deliberately pumped four
bullets into the boy, killing him. They also shot the father, who
survived. And when a Palestinian ambulance arrived on the scene, the
Jews shot and killed the ambulance driver. And the French cameraman
filmed it all.
And you know how the news media in America reported last week's clash
between the Palestinians and the Jews? They said: "Israeli soldiers
responded to Palestinian violence." Really! "Israeli soldiers responded
to Palestinian violence."
Well, as I said, one of these days there will be hell to pay, and that
day can't come too soon.
© 2000 National Vanguard Books · Box 330 · Hillsboro ·WV 24946
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