This is an item worth reading as it alludes to many different areas; one
in particular this guy named Pope....

Now my old friend with whom I worked for 12 years Sybil Leek, MI6
trained by Ian Fleming when young worked for the National Enquirer and
told me Pope was CIA which I did not find too strange; however, she
neglected to tell me he was in with Meyer Lansky through Lucky Luciano?

So in this article you find reference to this Pig Michael Jackson now on
comeback trail - the pedophile who pranced on the democrat stage with
the children like a little peter pan?

See the connections here - and consider Los Angeles, now pig stye with
Larry Flynt and Dr. Irving Moskowitz into the gambling and pornography -
their casinos are nothing other than laundering points for drug money
for strange other casinos go busto out there.

Strange too how some of these sick twisted perverted sickos thrive in
such hard times.....note in Israel pornography, prostitution, white
slavery, child porno and child prostitution on rise - they try to blame
the Russian Mafia but what are they - they are the Jewish Mafia, one and
the same.

Look at the pictures of little beautiful JonBenet dressed like a
showgirl with her hair pieces and bleached hair and lipstic painted lady
- and then consider the Santa Claus who was there who wrote the book
describing such a murder before it happened - like the FBI agent who had
son who made video of Littleton before it happened?   Well that's show

If people are going to let this piece of shit Michael Jackson come back
- they will get what they deserve.   I still remember that kiss between
Jaco and Elvis little girl, where she almost choked - but when the mob
tells you to do something, you do it and this was not exactly a marriage
made in heaven, but a NWO Mafia Marriage as sick as they are.

This item is worth reading......note how the National Enquirer protect
little lesbian fatso Rosie O'Donnell and Paula Poundstone - oh Paula,
she was drunk - she ws drunk okay and performed lewd and lascivicious
acts upon her hcildren?   While Rosie's little girl with the knocked out
teeth and damaged nose who she said on air, was "accident prone" and
when comparing her other child to the child of a guest - she said oh how
smart her beautiful child was while her child, was "duhhh"   and that
duhhhh stuf is about as stupid as somebody can get with fatso Rosie's
mouth, the duhhh was - well she is so cutsie pooh and she plays the male
role, I understand and claims she was used by this little blonde who now
has gone back to a man.....poor used Rosie.  Wonder what the police
really found those 3 nights they were called to her house.

So much for the National Enquirer - still run by organized crime for I
cannot blame the CIA......this Pope might have been contract CIA, but
doubt they would let a perverse piece of garbage like that into
the famly.

This article too long to reproduce but anyone wanting to read about
conspiracy it is a good one....and by the way INRI and Joshua your
petticoats are showing again.   What an asshole you are Joshua2.


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