
Day of terror casts shadow over Middle East

Today's terrorist attacks in the US could have disastrous consequences for
the Middle East, says Derek Brown

Tuesday September 11, 2001

Following today's terrorist attacks in the US, the finger of suspicion will
inevitably point at the Middle East, at Palestinian groups and at the wider
Islamist militant movement.

Even if that suspicion proves unjustified - as it was in the aftermath of
1995 Oklahoma bombing by Timothy McVeigh - the calamities which engulfed
America today are certain to send shockwaves through a region already in

It is, on the face of it, wildly unlikely that any of the known Palestinian
militant groups were involved. They may have the will to commit such
atrocities, but almost certainly lack the capacity or the organising ability
to do so.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) was said in an
early news report to have claimed responsibility, in a telephone call to a
television station in Qatar. That report was followed by a flood of denials
from the group's headquarters in Damascus, and from spokesmen in the West

Indeed, the idea of the DFLP carrying out such a series of attacks would be
risible, were it not for the tragic context. The group has been around for
some 30 years, and undoubtedly has a paramilitary apparatus. But it is tiny,
and for years the leadership has been more interested in political struggle.

Much more compelling is the case for implicating Osama bin Laden, the
renegade Saudi-born billionaire and Islamist zealot, who last month boasted
that he would launch an "unprecedented" attack on the US.

Bin Laden is based in Afghanistan, where he has the protection of the
regime in Kabul. Significantly, the Taliban ambassador in the Pakistan
capital, Islamabad, called a hurried press conference this afternoon at
he unequivocally condemned the New York and Washington attacks.

The condemnation could have been an attempt to pre-empt punitive attacks on
Kabul by US cruise missiles, as happened after the bombings of the American
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania just over three years ago.

If Bin Laden is identified as the mastermind behind today's carnage, the US
may be expected to go to any lengths to eliminate him. And if Palestinians
turn out to have been involved, even peripherally, there could be alarming
implications for the Middle East.

The Palestinians are already besieged in the occupied territories. An
undeclared low-intensity war is raging between militants and the Israeli
army, bringing almost daily fatalities.

The Middle East peace process is dead in the water. Relations between
and Israel are cool - between America and the Arab world they are icy.

Arab leaders were furious with Washington for siding with Israel at the UN
racism conference in Durban last week. Both countries walked out rather than
accept even a watered down version of a resolution equating Zionism with

At street level throughout the Arab world, America has never been so
despised. There were reports from Jerusalem this afternoon of spontaneous
celebrations breaking out in the West Bank. In the fraught aftermath of the
spectacular attacks, that appalling imagery could spark a violent reaction.

The most powerful nation on earth has been shocked to its roots. It has been
shown to be humiliatingly vulnerable. In the fraught aftermath of the most
spectacular act of terrorism on record, the temptation to lash out must be

It will be tempting too for the hawks in the Israeli government to press the
case for a "once-and-for-all" military solution to the year-long Palestinian

Should Israel unleash its full military might against the occupied
territories, it could do so without any serious fear of US disapproval, let
alone interference.

There is, of course, just a chance that the shocking events in America could
jolt the political leaders into a new push for a peace settlement. Precedent
points in quite another direction.

The dark skies over the Middle East have never been so menacing.

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