What To Do In Response To The Anti-Israeli Suicide Bombings In The US
And Some More Info On Why The World Trade Center Was Targeted

9/11/01 4:44:40 PM
Bill White

Commentary -- People have been calling me today and asking me about this
bombing, what to do
and what to say.  Here are my recommendations and talking points.

1)  The reason the World Trade Center was targeted, I am told, is because
housed one of the US government's secret anti-terrorism courts, and that a
follower of Osama bin Laden was to be tried there tomorrow.  Recognize
that as
long as the US, under pressure from the Israeli lobby, denies "terrorists"
their civil rights and civil liberties, and subjects them to abuses, there
be retaliation against the forces involved.

2)  The reason for the attack was not innate hostility to the West by
The reason for the attack was the US subsidy of the Israeli murder of
Palestinian and Arab people in the name of Jewish national socialism and
Jewish theocratic state.  As long as the US maintains support for Israel,
will continue to be attacks on US citizens.

3)  The Israeli lobby, which has been a champion of the denial of civil
liberties in this nation, particularly the First and Second Amendment, is
working through the media to campaign for taking away the rights of
in the name of "security".  We should know that we would not be insecure
if our
government stuck to the principles of our Founding Fathers and ignored the
foreign entanglements in which the Israeli lobby has placed us.  The
lobby creates the situation that leads to our endangement, and then uses
endangerment to demand the revocation of our liberties.  What will save us
not taking away our civil rights, but taking away the Israeli lobby.

4)  We have murdered more than two million in Iraq.  More than ten
Muslims died in the Sudan from disease after we bombed their
factory.  We have bombed Afghanistan.  We bombed buildings in downtown
with the same irrational hatred that these buildings of ours have been
We have gotten what we deserve.  The chickens have come home to roost.

5)  The solution to this problem is not the continuing disintegration of
society in the name of imperialism and totalitarianism, but a return of
society to simpler times and honest government, and to do that, we must
by purging international capitalism, international social democracy,
internationalism period, and the internationalist desire for imperial
domination of foreign nations, from our power structures.

Let me also note that I have been touring the area today, and I have seen
US military personell (Marines) have been deployed to guard the County
Executive building (not the one near the courthouse, but the one on Shady
Road -- I haven't been near the courthouse), and that there is heavy
presence at all Islamic cultural centers in the area.  I saw Arab
installing American flags outside their businesses in several places in
country, and even 7-11 is keeping their Arab employees out of sight.  In
opinion, it is not Arabs we should be angry at, but Jews -- and not all
but only the small, elite, hyper-nationalist sect which has taken control
of so
much influence in our government.

There have also been regular flights of military jets overhead as far
North as
Southern Frederick County all day in the area.

I would encourage all LSN readers to call their local radio and television
stations, try to get on the air, and let people knoe that the only rogue
terrorist nation responsible for this attack is Israel and the traitors in
United States that have gotten us entangled in their foreign, alien,

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