In 1991, a blind Muslim cleric named Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was on the
State Dept's list of the Top 200 Known and/or Suspected Terrorists. That same
year, the Sheik applied for and was given a B-2, Non-immigrant
"Visitor-for-Pleasure" visa, to enter the US for a 6-month visit, at the US
Embassy (run by the State Dept) in Khartoum, Sudan, with the help of a CIA
    Once here, the Sheik began preaching his incendiary gospel of hatred of
the West, in mosques in Brooklyn, Queens, and Newark. One of his followers,
Ramsi Yousef, engineered the first World Trade Center (WTC) bombing. A man
named Salem had the Sheik's trust and confidence, but was informing on Yousef
and the Sheik, to the FBI. He reported, in December 1992 (just weeks before
the Feb. 23, 1993, bombing), that Yousef's group was going to engage in a
Jihad (holy war), targeting certain landmarks in NYC, including the WTC,
Holland Tunnel, UN Building, and Statue of Liberty, and that the attack would
take place in late winter or early spring of '93. What was done to avert the
bombing? Nothing.
    But wait, there's much more. In the mid-'80s, the CIA paid US Marine
Recon Rangers, and US Army Green Berets, to train a bunch of Arab guerillas
in Pakistan. Their paychecks were drawn on a CIA account at BCCI. The
"Spiritual Leader" of the guerillas, who prayed with them each morning, was
.... Omar Abdel Rahman!
    If you think for one minute that the CIA and/or the FBI had no clue
whatsoever as to what was going to happen this morning, you're a fool.
Somebody knew something, but, just as was the case in '93, nothing was done.
The question is ... Why? My guess is, as it has been since before I wrote
about these things in my book "Circle of Death" (Huntington House, 1995),
that we're being set up to become subject to some form of martial law.

    Richmond Odom

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