-Caveat Lector-


 The Chickens Come Home to Roost
by John Keller

              watching the dust from the World Trade Center buildings settle and
              the Pentagon burn, while the White House is evacuated. The FAA
              grounded all flights, as it now appears that three domestic
              airliners were hijacked and crashed into these buildings, and
              one other plane crashed before finding its target. What else could
              have happened but a well organized terrorist attack?
              here the script is set. The pundits on TV have already mentioned
Osama bin Laden. Retired General Wesley Clark maneuvered into his
favorite position, full frontal camera, and announced that only
              Ossama bin Laden had the resources to co-ordinate such an
              Newt Gingrich repeated basically the same thing. George Bush
              promised that the government will hunt the terrorists down and
              them. "Terrorism against our nation will not stand." Huh?
              Sadly, terrorism already did stand, the World Trade Centers did
              not, and the terrorists most directly responsible are already dead.

              to the TV where the anchor goes on about the previous bombing of
              the World Trade Centers, the bombing of the USS Cole, Oklahoma
              and the bombing of our African Embassies. Tomorrow the calls for
              a national day of mourning will begin. Somewhere in this formula
              of terrorism, mourning, Tomahawk-revenge, repeat, the news-media
              are failing to connect the dots. Where and why did the cycle
              Why do people hate the United States enough to come here and
              to wreck the maximum amount of death and destruction possible?
              why, why?
              gets its name from the type of attack designed to generate the maximum
              amount of terror. The terrorists responsible for these attacks understood
              psychology well, and used it to maximum advantage as they planned
              their attack. They also had a reason for choosing the targets they
              did. Lets start with the targets, The World Trade Center Towers
              and the Pentagon.
              World Trade Centers, besides the Statue of Liberty and the Empire
              State Building were two of the most widely recognized buildings
              in New York. They stood at the edge of the financial district, right
              on Wall Street. They were the two largest symbols of American global
              corporatism in New York City. They were also crammed full of people,
              with approximately 50,000 civilians working in the two every day.
              The terrorist messages, intentional or not, are fivefold. First, 
civilians are not sa
fe; they are fair game. Second, a highly secure building in the middle of America’s 
financial capit
al is not safe; therefo
re, no office building in any city is safe. The result: office buildings in New York, 
 Chicago, Boston, Washington,
              and other cities emptied within hours of the attacks. The UN and
              all government buildings in Washington were evacuated. Third, the
              airlines are not safe. The terrorists hijacked at least 4 planes,
              from four different airports, and two different airlines. Fourth,
              the terrorists attacked the symbol of International finance. Why?
              Fifth, the United States military is despised by whoever did this.

              method of attack, and the timing tells us these terrorists had coldly 
calculated how
to cause the greatest amount of grief for America.
              The flights were all domestic flights. The departure and arrival
              cities for the flights may have been only coincidental to the terrorist
              goal of hijacking the largest jets, but I don’t think this was the
              case. It’s easier to study a single airport for security weaknesses,
              get your people hired on the inside, and get weapons through, than
              it is to hijack planes from Boston, Washington, and Newark. That
              means security at three separate major airports was compromised.
              With end route cities in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Newark, Washington,
              and Boston, people across the entire U.S. have lost loved ones as
              a result of these attacks.
              of this writing, a group with the name "Palestine" in it is the
              only one to claim responsibility for attacks. Why would a group
              of Palestinians claim responsibility for the attack? Why
              would Palestinians be so happy about the attacks? Why would
              the terrorists attack military / government and banking targets?
              Could it be that Palestinian terrorists perceive the United States
              to favor Israel in the current Intafada. New York is renowned for
              its large Jewish population, and banking is considered a historically
              Jewish profession. I think the picture is becoming a little bit
              clearer. Maybe that’s why the World Trade Centers were targeted
              in New York City. Don’t get me wrong, they made good terrorist targets
              for logistical reasons alone: sheer height, the amount of media
              coverage in New York City, and the timing of the attack ensured
              that cameras would capture the murders and mahem, broadcasting live
              to an audience of millions.
              Johnson has theory. He calls it blow-back. It’s simple really. When a 
big strong coun
try uses its military or money to push around
              a smaller country, the smaller country can only fight back via 
terrorism. And provoke
d enough, the smaller country will fight back. The Pentagon
              folks call it asymmetrical war, as in, the two sides are not even.
              Our side has nukes, aircraft carriers, fighters, tanks, Tomahawks, and 
is considering
 missle defense. The other side has a minimum
              of 4 suicidal hijackers pilots, 12 suicidal hijackers with any kind
              of gun, some friends in airport security, maintenance, catering,
              or baggage, an agreed upon date, time, and target list, and enough
              money to buy a few dozen plane tickets.
              Nikolay Soltys or Joseph Ferguson goes on a murder spree in California,
              we shake our heads and dismiss it as the doings of a lunatic. When
              at least a dozen people carry out coordinated suicide terrorist attacks 
on specific t
argets in the United States, something besides,
              or perhaps in addition to, insanity is at work. What could stir
              and feed such a profound hatred? Dismiss the "jealous of America"
              idea. Jealousy is the petty hatred of small-minded gossips and 

              think that seeing members of your family killed by armaments supplied
              by the United States, bought with money supplied by the United States,
              and used with the support of the United States just might do it.
              If the cycle went on long enough, perhaps for years, hatred could set 
it. So the ques
tion is, who would do this? Here’s a partial
              list of countries the United States has recently (in the last 10
              years) bombed, invaded, supported overthrow of the government, or
              supplied arms to one side in a war: Palestine, Iraq, Macedonia,
              Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Sudan. China is an honorary member
              of the list, because of its embassy bombing, which was probably
              intentional. Well, we have the usual suspects, and we can bet that
              a terrorist from any of those countries will see this attack on
              the U.S. as retaliation for our bombing of their home soil.
              ironic that the initial response is to look to the military for
              protection after the damage is done, when military involvement around
              the world was probably the cause. It’s ironic to hear calls to hunt
              down and punish those responsible, when they already paid with their
              lives. The evil masterminds remain, and given the success of this
              attack, they will have legions of new fanatics, ready to die. Even
              if we eliminate those at the top of the organization, more will
              take their place. Why?
              we learn anything in the aftermath of this attack? The lessons seem
              clear enough: follow an isolationist foreign policy. Stop selling 
weapons and supplyi
ng monetary aid to foreign countries, period.
              Stop meddling in the internal politics of foreign countries, period.
              How much longer will we blindly support Israel, when it may have
              cost us thousands of lives instead of billions of dollars? How many
              more dead Americans do we need before we realize that our military
              is seen as an occupation force when viewed with foreign eyes, from
              foreign shores? Bring them home. How many more civilian lives will
              it take before we realize our government cannot protect us from
              harm, when it creates millions who hate us abroad? How much
              destruction will be wrecked on American soil before we realize that
              this is a faint reflection of the destruction we have wrecked on
              Iraq and Yugoslavia?
              list of countries we have antagonized is long. The names of the
dead in those countries run into the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. If
we do not change our ways, September 11, 2001 will
              be remembered as the first in a long string of the worst. I pray
              that it will be the turning point in the way we deal with the world.
              I pray that it will be the last, worst attack on the people of the
              United States. In his Gettysburg address, Lincoln said "that
              we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain".
              Let us resolve to understand why our countrymen were killed, that
              their deaths may not be in vain.
              12, 2001
              Keller lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
              © 2001 LewRockwell.com Back
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              Unknown Enemy
              Joseph Sobran
              was predictable. For years I’ve been writing that the U.S.
              has been making more enemies than Americans really need, all
              the globe, and that one of these days some of them would have a
              nasty surprise for us.
              fact it nearly happened a few years ago, when Islamic radicals tried
to blow up the World Trade Center. But of course they made a botch of it and
got caught.
              time, though, someone pulled off what must have been an
              cunning conspiracy, a criminal feat for the ages. They managed to
              execute a secret plan calling for four simultaneous hijackings of
              airplanes. Those who committed these coordinated deeds – in
              of all security measures – also had the determination to die in
              their targets.
              wasn’t "terrorism." This was war. It wasn’t a random attempt
              to scare people with an arbitrary atrocity, like the bombing of
              a pizza joint; it was a serious attempt to kill as many people and
              do as much material damage as possible at two strategic targets,
              the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
              as I write, hours after the attacks, we don’t know who is at war with
us. We may never know. Who has reason to hate this country? Only a few
hundred million people – Arabs, Muslims, Serbs, and numerous
              others whose countries have been hit by U.S. bombers.
              hating a country so much that you were willing to cross an ocean
              and carry out an elaborate revenge against its people, killing
              in the process. This is something far more than the sort of
              anti-Americanism that leads student mobs to throw stones at U.S.
              embassies abroad; that’s kid stuff. This is an obsessive, fanatical,
              soul-consuming hatred.
              aren’t quite real to Americans, and most Americans are unaware of
              how profoundly their government antagonizes much of the human
              We are easy-going people who generally have no idea how bullying
              we seem to foreigners. Until now, we have had no experience of
              the U.S. Government has so often inflicted on others. Now, at
              we have an inkling of what it feels like.
              spokesmen have responded with their usual cant of "cowardly
              attacks" by "terrorists" who "hate democracy
              and freedom." Rubbish. A fanatic who is ready to die is the
              opposite of a coward, and nobody can "hate" such abstractions
              as "democracy and freedom" with that kind of intensity.

              dangerous to belittle your enemy, especially when his courage and
cunning have already proved as formidable as his hatred and cruelty. The first
question you should ask about your enemy is why he is
              your enemy in the first place.
              may be deluding and flattering yourself if you assume he hates you
              for your virtues. But our "leaders" assure us that our
              enemies are unnaturally evil people who hate us only because we
              are so wonderful. And they manage to utter this nonsense with an
              air of tough-minded realism.
              realism, on the other hand, doesn’t mean blaming Americans for
              these horrifying and truly evil acts on themselves. It does mean
              trying to imagine alien perspectives from which our government’s
              conduct might appear so intolerable that some people might be
              to take atrocious revenge.
              understand all is to forgive all," says the French aphorism.
              Not true. But understanding all can at least teach you how to avoid
              making enemies, and avoiding making enemies is the best defense
– better
              than a $300 billion "defense" budget that didn’t defend
              the World Trade Center.
              great director Jean Renoir was once asked why there were no
              in his films. He answered simply:
              has his reasons." Your bitterest enemy may have his reasons
              for hating your guts. You may not think they are good or sufficient
              reasons, but you’d better take them into account. If he has any
              brains, he may find a way to hurt you.
              United States is now a global empire that wants to think of itself
              as a universal benefactor, and is nonplussed when foreigners don’t
              see it that way. None of the earlier empires of this world, as far
              as I know, shared this delusion; the Romans, the Mongols, the
              the Russians and Soviets didn’t expect to rule and to be loved at
              the same time. Why do we?
              12, 2001
                Sobran is a nationally syndicated columnist.  He also writes
                Watch" for The Wanderer, a weekly Catholic newspaper, and
edits SOBRAN'S,
                a monthly newsletter of his essays and columns.
                a free copy of Joe Sobran's lecture, "How Tyranny Came to
                by subscribing to SOBRAN'S. See www.sobran.com for details.
For a free sample of SOBRAN'S or for more information,
                call 800-513-5053.
                (c) 2001 by Griffin Internet
                Syndicate. All rights reserved.

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