A Day That Will Never Be Forgotten!
By Jon Nowinski

“This is the worst attack since the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and like our
reaction to Pearl will not go unpunished!”

as many others in the United States woke up this morning to what I hoped was
going to be a relaxing and normal day, but what we would soon realize would
be far from that. While I prepared breakfast I received the first call of the
day, it was from my mother. She works just outside of New York in Connecticut
and had just gotten word in through her work that there was a plane crash in
the city. The city is big, and there is a great deal of air traffic so it
didn’t surprise me to hear that, but I flipped on the news just to see if
anyone was reporting on it yet. The time was 8:50am.
                My jaw dropped and my eyes bulged as I stood there looking at
an unimaginable sight. Something that seemed right out of the pages of a
Hollywood script. The North Tower of the World Trade Center Complex in lower
Manhattan stood tall and majestic as always, but a huge hole could clearly be
seen in the upper floors. I stumbled around nearly falling into my couch,
never taking my eyes off the screen as so many thoughts went through my head.
“What a horrible accident,” I thought. I have spent a lot of time in the
city and always looked up as sightseeing planes darted overhead. I always
wondered what would happen if they ever hit a building… now I knew. But
something was not right. The fireball engulfing the tower was huge, far too
big to be caused by a small aircraft. Suddenly the news began to report new
developments, a large air carrier had flown right into the building. I
thought that surely there must be some mistake. No one would do that. But
then suddenly the world witnessed something that extinguished all hope that
this incident was a horrible accident.
                At 9:15am news cameras covering the tragedy from rooftops
suddenly zoomed in on something in the skies… another aircraft. The other
aircraft piled into the second tower (the South Tower) as debris fell to the
ground. It was clear now that this was no accident. The United States had
just been deliberately attacked by a terrorist organization. News quickly
spread of an FBI report across the Associated Press (AP) News Wire that two
hijackings had occurred on aircraft out of Boston’s Logan Airport. My heart
sank as I realized with the rest of the world that we had just witnessed
those two aircraft being used to ravage the buildings. By now the first
street reports were coming in from news anchors and cameramen brave enough to
be close to the buildings. At 9:30 the unimaginable happened again, one of
the 110 story towers collapsed. As the news continued to report breaking
details another bit of information came out. At the same time the tower
collapsed another passenger jet crashed into a side of the Pentagon Building
in Arlington, Virginia. The terrorist attack had crippled not only a civilian
target, but also the heart of the US Military forces… a big mistake. But
there was more.

Suddenly the cameras turned once again to New York City where there was
rough, unedited, footage of people scrambled to escape a massive cloud of
dust that could only be best described as though you were watching a movie
being made. People ran, screamed, and escaped as the second tower came
crashing down. And when the dust settled emergency crews would move in on the
scene once again, this time not only to rescue victims of the first accident,
but friends and fellow emergency workers from this second disaster.
People want answers, and not only answers but actions. In light of this
horrific crime against the United States we have witnessed the heart and will
of people in the third largest city in the world. People helping each other,
ordinary citizens caring for EMS workers until ambulances could arrive to
help. Lines for blood donations stretched blocks and volunteers joined
hospital efforts to help with anything they could. On the action side people
are pushing for retaliation by the United States. Tonight’s bombing in Kabul,
Afghanistan, whether or not it was part of the Civil War going on over there
it was a relief to watch. As summed up best in one quote, “the enemy of my
enemy is my friend.”
- Jon Nowinski Reporting for the Smoking Gun Research Agency and Other Media

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