Arafat Donates Blood for U.S. Victims Photos

GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)
donated blood Wednesday for the victims of the terror attacks in New York
and Washington while other Palestinians held a vigil in Jerusalem in
sympathy with the United States. ''God bless them,'' Arafat said as
medical staff prepared to draw his blood in Gaza Shifa hospital. Palestinian
officials said his donation would be the start of a blood drive for the
casualties of Tuesday's attacks.

It was unclear if arrangements had been made to transfer the blood from
Gaza and the West Bank to the United States. Thousands of Israelis donated
blood Wednesday, health officials said.

Dozens of Palestinian men, women and children gathered in front of the
U.S. Consulate in East Jerusalem, lighting candles and placing flowers along
its walls.

Some of the placards they carried read: ``Terror is our common enemy'' and
``We are victims too.''

Tuesday, some in the West Bank city of Nablus and Arab East Jerusalem
rejoiced publicly after hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon (news - web sites).

Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi told a news conference the celebrations
were ``misguided'' and ``aberrations'' motivated by a feeling among
Palestinians that they have been victims of U.S. backing for Israel.

At least 569 Palestinians and 165 Israelis have been killed since a
Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation began last September after
peace talks stalled.

Israel has used U.S.-made weapons, including F-16 warplanes and Apache
helicopters, in some of the fighting.


Many Palestinians spent a sleepless night glued to television sets as they
followed the developments in New York and Washington.

``I thought I was watching a Hollywood horror movie...I couldn't believe
my eyes,'' Mohammad Khaled, 20, a student in Ramallah in the West Bank, told

``We the Palestinians are human beings and we don't celebrate when others
are mourning,'' 42-year-old housewife Amal Qassem told Reuters from

``Although Israel hits us every day with American Apache helicopters and
uses American weapons to kill our people, we send our condolences to the
families of the victims,'' she said.

Arafat condemned the attacks as a ``terrible act'' Tuesday and said he
would help track down those responsible if asked by the Americans.

Palestinians have slammed the United States, alleging bias toward Israel
in the Middle East conflict. They have burned U.S. flags during the nearly
year-old revolt.


Many who spoke to Reuters Wednesday said they feared Israel would exploit
the events in the United States to portray the Arabs and Muslims as

Arafat delayed a planned visit to Syria Wednesday in the aftermath of the
attacks. Palestinian officials said he put on hold all plans and meetings
and his office was monitoring developments with concern.

For some Palestinian officials the attacks dealt a heavy blow to hopes for
direct U.S. involvement to end the bloodshed and revive the peace process.

``Of course we have differences with the Americans because America
supports Israel but we do not accept this tragedy against the Americans. This is a 
terrible terrorist act,'' said Nadia Hamadan, 33, from Nablus.

Palestinian analyst Ghassan al-Khatib said the ``human tragedy'' in the
United States should not be exploited for political gains by making
Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims look like the ``bad guys.''

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