Here is item on the Kamikazi and Roosevelt's promise to Zionists of

But did he give that which was not his to give away?

Regardless, false Islam and why would Booth used words of Ismael - for
he avenged the South of the great slaughter....

Remember something too by Blavatsky - it is said (according to Truman
Capote) that her words and works were used to trigger off Sirhan - that
it was her teachings....she used to refer to White Towers but said a
country could be brought to its knees by the systematic assassination of
its leaders.

Flying serpents - wonder if Japanese Doomsayers or whatever - these
attacks do have that oriental touch and will be avenged...but September,
October and November according to Stellar's Masonic Astrology - RED STAR
rules.....and I imagine the Scorpion with its sting is the flying
serpent in disguise.

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