Mr. Miller - Jeta of Yugoslavia sent an item with name of Yosuf
Bardansky who works as guess a consultant, not part of government but on
Task Force - and this item defines essentially, the difference between

So many phoney Imams walking around of which even David Kore(sh) was
one....and that guy still Lives I am beginnign to believe he did get
away for this symbolism of this Fiery Flying Serpent is no coincidence.

Very nice article from Mrs. Jova and I thank her for same, but my sister
did work with an Arab Shiek once who told her the oil fields were ready
to blow if anyone tried to steal is not the oil, it is the
money from the oil......corn, oil, and the vino.

Thank you for your coments and thank you again Mrs. Jova.

For easier reading you may pull up on subject matter - maybe some of
these stupid, ignorant black like this Rabbi Washington of Black House
of Israel are still around here too - for they had had some radio saying the Pope is Jewish, is like saying those bums are

By Yosef Bodansky
HAMAS's Sheikh Mahmoud Zahar on the relationship between the PLO and the
HAMAS: "Like the wings of a bird, they must work together."
The series of terrorist bombs that rocked Israel in recent weeks have
again revived the basic questions: What is really happening in the
Middle East? Is true Arab-Israeli peace finally possible after
generations of war?
These are not illogical questions. It is in the course of "making peace"
with the PLO that Israel has been subjected to the worst wave of
terrorism in its history. It is at the time that the US claims to be
asserting prominence in the Middle East as the sole viable mediator of
Arab-Israeli disputes that the stability of pro-Western Arab states,
most notably Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain, is challenged by the
Islamists. At the same time, Washington's nemesis -- Saddam Hussein --
remains unchallengeable in Baghdad. A defiant Iran increases its
strategic influence throughout the region, including dissuading Syrian
President Hafiz al-Assad from accepting US offers for expanding the now
symbolic peace negotiations with Israel. How can Washington claim to
being to dominant superpower in the Middle East, shepherding the local
states toward peace and reconciliation, when a pariah state like Iran
repeatedly demonstrates more influence in Damascus than the US?
Indeed, the strategic dynamics in the Middle East is completely
different than the rosy "new Middle East" presented by the Clinton
Administration and the Peres Government. Significantly, it is the
existence of this "new Middle East" that is at the heart of the "peace
process" logic.
The real dominant trend in the Middle East is Islamist revivalism. The
population at large has given up on the whole process of Westernization,
let alone reconciliation with Israel. The radicalization of the Muslim
World is an indigenous grass-roots phenomena, driven and fueled by the
economic misery and destitute, arbitrary political oppression by a range
of despots, and overall loss of hope. This plight is transformed into a
political-military force by the terrorism sponsoring states -- Iran,
Syria, Sudan, and Pakistan.
Although ideologically driven, these terrorism sponsoring states are
also calculating and pragmatic. Under Tehran's undisputed leadership
they pursue realistic strategy that is built on their presumption of a
fateful struggle against the West and the process of Westernization.
Significantly, this struggle is against the US -- the Great Satan. In
the Islamists' vocabulary Israel is only an instrument of the American
onslaught on Islam -- "the illegitimate offspring of the Great Satan".
Israel's destruction is only a major milestone on the road to a
successful Islamist revolution -- an objective of crucial importance but
not the end of the struggle.
The near term objective of the terrorism sponsoring states is to
consolidate Islamist hegemony over the entire Hub of Islam -- from
Morocco to India, from Central Asia to Central Africa. Eliminating
Israel is but a component -- albeit a very important one. Presently,
with Saudi Arabia and Egypt under a mounting Islamist threat, Tehran and
its allies see a historical window of opportunity to surge and expand
their hold over the hub of Islam.
This strategic surge is conducted under the rallying cry "Islam is the
solution!" -- an all encompassing hope for a swift and divine solution
to the plight and misery of a population that had long given up on the
ability of the existing Arab states to provide them with hope and a
future. The myriad of social services and charitable work provided by
the various Islamist organizations serve as a proof that the daily lot
of the population will indeed improve in the Islamic State advocated by
the Islamists.
The Islamist terrorism and subversion complement the Islamist reach.
Terrorism is the primary and most effective instrument of the sponsoring
states in their struggle against states and powers resisting the spread
of the Islamic Revolution. Unlike radicalism -- terrorism is not an
indigenous phenomena. It takes great amounts of expertise and money to
transform a bunch of agitated radicalized youth into a potent terrorist
cell. It is through the providing of ideological guidance, training and
expertise, as well as funds that the sponsoring states transform the
grassroots Islamist radicalism into a potent terrorist organization.
Because of the stakes at hand -- the ability of Iran and its allies to
consolidate hegemony over the Hub of Islam -- all the ostensibly local
Islamist terrorist movements are actually tightly controlled by the
sponsoring states. The current wave of terrorism in Israel conducted
under the banner of HAMAS is an integral component of this movement.
Israel's and US dealing with the Palestinian National Authorities (PNA),
and especially Yassir Arafat, should be examined against this overall
trend dominating the Muslim World, and particularly the Arab World.
Given the authoritarian nature of the PNA and the centrality of Arafat
to the "Peace Process", the real position of Arafat is a key issue.
The present Oslo process has emerged out of the Israeli left's
frustration with the Intifada -- the Islamist populist uprising that
shook the territories in the late 1980s. If the Oslo process succeeds,
Israel will withdraw from Judea, Samaria and Gaza almost back to the
1967 borders and a Palestinian state will be established in the
territories. Hence, the Oslo process centers on the future of the Arab
population living under Israeli rule since June 1967.
Arafat has never been their real leader. He rose to prominence in the
early 1960s, when Jordan and Egypt still ruled the territories, and
escaped from Ramallah in December 1967. Yassir Arafat represents the
older generation of the refugees of 1948 -- the people who escaped from
pre-1967 Israel. His natural constituency is expected to lose
everything, including the glimmer of hope of a "return", from the Oslo
process for it assumed that pre-1967 Israel will be recognized in return
for the Palestinian state in the territories.
At the same time Arafat is but a fading symbol to the young Arab
constituency in the territories. The genuine leadership of the very
young Arab population in the territories is radical Islamist. It is a
grassroots movement that had won admiration and loyal following in the
barricades of the Intifadah, the clandestine sermoning and confidence
building sessions in underground mosques, in the channeling of foreign
aid to social services to the destitute of the refugee camps (when
Arafat's cronies and other establishment Arabs amassed fortunes while
"under occupation"). Little wonder that HAMAS rules the street.
In contrast with the vibrant post-Intifadah young Islamist leadership,
Arafat was near extinction in the early 1990s after the collapse of his
terrorist empire to the Islamists and his all out support for Saddam
Hussein in the Gulf War. Thus, by empowering Arafat on a political
process (putting aside its overall logic and likelihood of success),
Israel and the US alienated virtually every major sector of the
Palestinian population -- except for the cronies lavishly bribed with
embezzled foreign aid. The Palestinian old guard in the "diaspora"
realizes that they had been sold. The despair among their youth leads to
terrorism abroad. As already discussed, Arafat lacks legitimacy or
genuine support in the territories. Having been enthroned by the hated
Israelis and Americans, Arafat symbolizes a Western effort to impose a
foreign-controlled leader in order to contain the rise of Islam and save
Yassir Arafat is fully aware of this dynamics and his doing his utmost
to prove his radical Islamist credentials. After all, Arafat comes from
the Husseini clan, a distant relative of Hajj Amin al-Husseini -- the
role model of the Islamist radicals. Arafat stresses this family
connection, as well as the fact that in his youth he was member of
underground Muslim Brotherhood (until he had to abandon them in order to
get support from Egyptian intelligence to the fledgling al-Fatah in the
early 1960s).
But Arafat and his close confidants have never disengaged from radical
Islam. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Arafat and the PLO elite were
very active in supporting Khomeyni's forces in Iran, where they were
exposed to the power and zeal of the Islamic Revolution. In the mid to
late 1980s, al-Fatah developed and ran a very effective Islamic Jihad of
their own. Abu-Jihad, Arafat's closest confidant who was killed by
Israel in April 1988 because he worked to bring Islamist radicalism
under the PLO's banner, acknowledged the strength of Islamism already in
the early 1980s. He integrated elements of PLO into the then fledgling
international 'Afghan' movement (Arabs and other foreigners who came to
fight in Afghanistan). In 1988, Abu-Jihad and Arafat tried to convince
the fledgling HAMAS to join the PLO.
Indeed, in its August 1988 Covenant, the HAMAS did not rule out
cooperation with the PLO in the pursuit of their common goal -- the
destruction of Israel. In the Covenant, the HAMAS put the liberation
struggle in the context of Islamist jihad. "From the point of view of
the Islamic Resistance Movement, nationalism [wataniyya] is a
component/part of religious belief. There is no greater and profound
nationalism than a situation where the enemy occupies Muslim land. Then
the jihad becomes and obligatory duty for every Muslim man and woman."
The HAMAS identified the PLO as "the closest organization" to the Muslim
Brotherhood but emphasized their profound disagreement with the "idea of
secular state" adopted by the PLO. "The secular idea completely
contradicts the religious teachings," the HAMAS decreed. since then,
HAMAS leaders have repeatedly stressed that the main difference between
themselves and the PLO is not the on the fate of Israel -- its total
destruction and the establishment of a Muslim Palestinian state in its
stead -- but on which flag will wave over the liberated Palestine. HAMAS
insists on the Banner of Allah, while the PLO insists on the flag of
Now, once his leadership of the PNA has been acknowledged in the Oslo
process, Arafat is returning to the proven Islamist methods. His
commitment to the Islamist cause -- hence the complete destruction of
Israel -- goes far beyond his repeated invoking of Islamist themes in
speeches. It has not been lost on Arafat that some of the key military
units of the PLO most loyal to him turned Islamist. Thus, Arafat's
support for the Islamists is both ideologically motivated and very
pragmatic -- a quest for self-survival.
For example, Colonel Munir Makdah, the former protege of Yassir Arafat
and chief of his forces in Lebanon and commander of the Companies of the
Black 13 September [1993] organization (the reorganization of al-Fatah's
forces south of Beirut), now leads Islamist terrorist forces. On April
15, 1995, he inspected the training of 70 suicide-terrorists who are
finishing their training course at the Ain-Hilwe camp in southern
Lebanon. This new suicide-commando force has already been put under the
authority of Palestinian Islamic Jihad's military wing -- Al-Kuwa
al-Islamiya al-Mutakila (Fighting Islamic Forces) -- and is being
prepared for spectacular operations in both southern Lebanon and the
heart of Israel. This new force joins the HizbAllah-Pasdaran
reinforcements Iran allocated to the escalation in southern Lebanon, as
well as a host of Syrian-controlled Palestinian units now being prepared
for deployment into southern Lebanon.
Eager to remain in power and continue to amass fortune, Arafat goes out
of his way to ensure cooperation with Islamist leaders. Moreover, Arafat
himself has repeatedly assured the Islamist leadership at the highest
levels of his support for their struggle and terrorism. For example, in
early October 1994, Yassir Arafat wrote a letter to Shaykh Yassin, the
supreme leader of the HAMAS, and al-Ahdi Hunim, a leading Islamist
terrorist, both of whom are still in Israeli jail, confirming his
appreciation of, and support for, the Islamist armed struggle: "My
brother Shaykh Yassin, and my brother the sacred Shaykh al-Ahdi Hunim, I
admire your participation in the struggle for the liberation of
Palestine. It is because of you that Palestine is free. We've proven
with the blood of our martyrs that the Palestinian people is 'the strong
number' in the Middle East." Indeed, Arafat now even recognizes the
spiritual leadership of Shaykh Yassin -- the leader of HAMAS -- in his
public speeches. Little wonder, therefore, that both PNA and Islamist
activists know that Arafat's threats of an all out assault on the HAMAS
and Islamic Jihad, or even his promises of a crackdown, are empty
gestures. The occasional arrest of a few Islamists and the destruction
of property should not be confused with a thorough dismantling of the
Islamist infrastructure in the territories -- something that the PNA not
only cannot do but actually does not want to do.
Indeed, several of Arafat's key intelligence and security senior
commanders now supervising the PLO's campaign against HAMAS, including
Jibril Rajub, the Chief of Internal Security, have repeatedly declared
their total support for the
HAMAS. Back in mid September 1994, Rajub stressed that there are "blood
ties and single fate" between the PLO and the HAMAS. Rajub rejected any
notion of his forces taking part in fighting Islamist terrorism, or even
limiting the activities of the HAMAS and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip
in order to prevent terrorism inside Israel. "We are not an insurance
company," he explained. "We are not responsible for the security of the
Israelis, but to the security of the Palestinians." The track record of
the security forces speaks volumes. The real mission of the Palestinian
security organs is to deal with the Islamists only when they are
implicated in conspiracies against Arafat.
The active preparations for the current terrorist offensive begun in the
aftermath of a PLO-HAMAS agreement that recognized the reality that the
Islamists are predominant among the younger generation. The spirit and
general attitude of the PLO toward the negotiations is important to
understanding the extent of Arafat's commitments to Israel. Freih
Abu-Medein, the PLO's Minister of Justice, was explicit in a speech
delivered in mid April 1995: "The PLO and the [Islamist] opposition
complement each other../... We regard HAMAS and Islamic Jihad as
national elements../... The main enemy, now and forever, is Israel."
The documented record of the evolution of the PLO-HAMAS negotiations in
the summer of 1995 clearly shows that it was the PLO that accepted the
majority of the HAMAS positions, and not the other way. The September
20, 1995, draft of PLO-HAMAS Agreement points out the two key provisions
that still dominates the relationship and co-existence between the two
organizations. Paragraph (3) of the agreement respects "the commitments
of the Palestinian Liberation Organizationensuing from the agreements
signed with the Israeli government which require the cessation of all
military operations in, or launched from, the areas under the
Palestinian National Authority". This arrangement only prevents the
HAMAS from launching operations from Zone A, which, as the recent HAMAS
strikes indicate, was not adhered to completely. (The PLO's commitment
to Israel to prevent terror, however, is not limited to attacks
originating from PNA controlled territory.) Paragraph (12) forbids the
PNA from taking preventive security measures. Both sides committed
themselves to undertaking "measures to enhance safety, confidence,
cooperation" between them. Specifically, "measures taken by the [PNA]
security forces for preventive purposes must be stopped, in order to
build up confidence between all."
In early January 1996, the PLO and HAMAS finally concluded their
agreement after about two years of on-and-off negotiations. This time,
the agreement was formalized in a joint statement. The key provisions
for enabling the HAMAS to continue its terrorist operations remained.
The HAMAS will continue to adhere to its principles regarding the
uncompromising Jihad for the destruction of Israel. Operationally, the
HAMAS will continue to strike at will except from Zone A to avoid
embarrassing the PNA. For its part, the PLO commits itself not to act
against HAMAS.
The HAMAS-PNA agreement reflects the reality on the ground, not the
self-delusions of politicians. In courting the "soldiers" of the
Intifadah, the PNA's leadership is aiming to reach cooperation with the
young leadership that grew inside the territories. Having been exposed
to intimate contacts with Israel, these young leaders are both aware of
the value of freedoms learned from Israel (far exceeding anything in the
Arab states) and have been radicalized by Islamism as the only
counter-ideology capable of stopping the spread of Western ideas coming
from Israel. Incapable of challenging, let alone reversing, these
trends, Arafat and his lieutenants put themselves under Islamist
guidance if not outright control. Even in order to survive, the PNA must
cooperate with the local leadership. Arafat's repeated efforts to get
Turabi's endorsement to key moves and finding compromise with the HAMAS
are indicative of this trend.
Thus, Arafat is not the "boss" in strategic terms. The overall course of
the Islamic revolution in Israel and the territories is determined in
Tehran. The escalation of the Jihad is guided by Iran -- directly and
through Syria, Sudan and Pakistan. Indeed the principles and strategy of
the present escalation of terrorism at the heart of Israel were debated
and decided upon in a major terrorism conference in Tehran in mid
January 1996. The key leaders of the Palestinian Islamist terrorist
organizations attended this conference. Significantly, the Palestinian
Islamists committed themselves to the current escalation not as a
distinctly anti-Israel Jihad, but as an integral part of an all out
breakout in the Middle East originally decided upon in the PAIC
conference in Khartoum in late March 1995. The bombing in Saudi Arabia
in November 1995, the attempt on President Mubarak's life in June 1995,
and the escalation of the Islamist subversion of Bahrain are also
integral components of this region-wide Islamist escalation.
The Islamists, led by Tehran and Khartoum, have embarked on this
onslaught because they are confident in their ability to overthrow, at
the very least paralyze, the conservative -- the so-called moderate --
Arab regimes. The Islamist leadership is convinced, and not without good
reason, that they can soon establish Islamist regimes throughout the
Middle East. Recent developments in the key Arab states testify that
their reading of the dynamics in the region -- the real mega-trends --
is very accurate.
Egypt is slowly overwhelmed by the Islamicization of society even as the
security forces continue to confront the Islamist terrorists.
Consequently, Egypt is increasingly on the verge of Islamist popular
uprising. The population demonstrate genuine desire for Islamic regime
(of some sort). The Islamists intensify their penetration of, and taking
over, society through what Adel Darwish calls "Islamicization by
stealth" -- a gradual domineering of society while conditioning the
population to an Islamic regime. The Egyptian population, having lost
faith in the ability of Mubarak's Cairo to resolve their economic plight
and reverse the overall deterioration of the situation in Egypt, is
ready for imposition of Sharia as a cure-all panacea. Meanwhile, larger
and more professional terrorist cadres are being trained and prepared in
Pakistan, Sudan, and Iran pending deployment to Egypt and the inevitable
escalation of the Islamist armed struggle. The escalation of the
Islamist armed struggle is bound to transform into a popular
insurrection, thus serving as a demonstration of the wide reach and
determination of the Islamists.
In Saudi Arabia, the main challenge facing the country is the
self-destruction of the House of al-Saud. "Like a rotting carcass, the
House of Saud is beginning to decompose," Said K. Aburish wrote. "If
nothing is done then we will have a revolution, if not in 1997, then
soon after." The population has given up on benefitting from the
country's immense wealth, seeking instead solace from the corruption and
dictatorship in the fold of revivalist Islam. The beginning of armed
Jihad is thus both an expression of the extent of desperation of the
majority of Saudis and the beginning of the Islamist final push to
overthrow the House of al-Saud.
Syria, though not subjected to Islamist violence presently, is fully
aware of the growing threat of revived Islamist insurrection. Syrian
apprehension of the growing Islamist threat to the stability of Damascus
has been recently revived by Iran and Sudan by parading Syrian Islamist
leaders (now in virtual arrest in Khartoum) in the April 1995 PAIC
conference. Now reminded of the Islamist option, Damascus got the
message. As of the summer of 1995, there has been a marked improvement
of the already intimate strategic cooperation and coordination with
Tehran -- still its closest ally. This development is expressed in the
escalation of HizbAllah and Palestinian terrorist activities in southern
Lebanon. Syria's continued dissemination of "super-bills" and drugs is
also an integral part of Syria's closer cooperation with Iran and the
Islamist leadership. Meanwhile, the further consolidation of the
Iran-dominated Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus axis only serves to bolster
Damascus' self-confidence in its steadfast position and the military
Under such circumstances, the fate of regimes in Riyadh and Cairo is far
from certain. Islamist regimes can be established there in the near
future. Far more dangerous, however, is the ramifications of efforts by
Cairo, Riyadh and even Damascus to reach compromise with the Islamists.
The present regimes will be compelled to take strong positions that will
placate and satisfy their militant Islamist constituencies rather than
face violent overthrow. Active resumption of the military option against
Israel, with an explicit commitment to fight until the complete
destruction of the Jewish State and the establishment of a Muslim State
in its stead, is a major demand of the Islamists.
The dramatic escalation of the Islamist terrorism at the heart of
Israel, as well as the ensuing "oppression" of Islamists throughout
Israel and the territories, are intended to serve as the catalyst for a
wave of solidarity with the Islamist Jihad in Palestine and Islamist
revivalism as a whole throughout the Middle East. Such a popular wave
will bolster the Islamist resistance to US presence and influence
throughout the entire region, severely and adversely affecting local
It is very logical that the Palestinian Islamists have been chosen by
Tehran to play such a crucial role of a regional catalyst. These
organizations have closely cooperated with Iran since the late 1980s.
Iran finances and trains the key Islamist organizations in Lebanon, Iran
and Sudan. Several delegations of HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad
leaders have made pilgrimage to Tehran to receive instructions and
arrange for massive financial and professional support. The key
operational headquarters of the Palestinian Islamists (including HAMAS,
Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian HizbAllah) is located in Damascus and
run under close joint supervision of Syrian and Iranian intelligence.
The Iranian dominance is best demonstrated in the saga of Habibi's
visits to Damascus. Iran's vice-president Hassan Habibi is responsible
for regional strategy -- from the Trans-Asian Axis to Islamic Bloc and
terrorism. He was first scheduled to visit Damascus in late December
1995. Tehran canceled this visit suddenly and in insulting manner to
demonstrate its displeasure with Syrian propaganda on the desire for
peace. The cancellation caused hysteria in Damascus, prompting a series
of high-level assurances of Damascus' enduring commitment to their joint
struggle. Habibi finally arrived in Damascus in late February 1996. The
main objective of Habibi's visit to Damascus was "to achieve a
coordination strategy among HizbAllah, the Jihad and HAMAS." He also
held strategic discussions on future of Middle East with senior Syrian
officials. Damascus stressed that "the two countries' views were
identical" on all the subjects discussed. Meanwhile, veteran Iranian
expert on terrorism, Hussein SheikolIslam, visited Beirut and the Biqaa,
putting the still escalating ambitious Islamist plan into action.
Little wonder that Arafat's own vision of, and plans for, the
destruction of Israel are Islamist oriented. Arafat himself outlined his
plan in a secret speech after a dinner for 40 Arab diplomats in the
Spiegal Salon at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden, on January 30,
1996. Arafat remarks were titled "The Impending Collapse of Israel". "We
will take over everything including all of Jerusalem," he declared
Arafat's plan has two main components aimed to cause the Jews to abandon
Israel. "Within five years we will have six to seven million Arabs
living on the West Bank and in Jerusalem. All Palestinian Arabs will be
welcomed back by us." Arafat explained that this will be the beginning
of a pressure campaign resulting within a few years in Israel's ultimate
destruction. "You understand that we plan to eliminate the State of
Israel and establish a purely Palestinian State. We will make life
unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion;
Jews will not want to live among us Arabs! "
The two main components in Arafat's plan are Islamist dominated. The key
to making life unbearable to the Jews is through terrorism campaign. As
the Intifadah and the post-Oslo wave of terrorism have proven, only the
Islamists have the perseverance and eagerness to withstand the necessary
sacrifices. It is the Islamists, not the PNA, that will spearhead
Arafat's campaign. More important is Arafat's declared intention to
increase the Arab population to 6-7 millions. It has long been
established that the poverty and concentration of people in economically
deprived areas breeds Islamism. Arafat has already spent enough time in
the Gaza Strip to know where the HAMAS and Islamic Jihad grow. Hence,
the squeezing of 4-6 million additional Arabs into territories will
transform virtually the entire population into radical Islamists. They
indeed will be ready to burst against Israel virtually at all cost --
but under the banner of radical Islam!
Thus, Arafat would not have adopted these steps if he was not committed
to an Islamist solution of the Israel-problem. Indeed, Arafat's own
conclusion in Stockholm are befitting HAMAS, not the PNA: "I have no use
for Jews; they are and remain Jews! We now need all the help we can get
from you in our battle for a united Palestine under total Arab-Muslim
One should not be surprised by these developments. Ever the pragmatic
and opportunistic survivalist, Yassir Arafat adapts to reality. He is
not the only one recognizing the predominance of the Islamist
A far more sophisticated and lucid observer is the eloquent Egyptian
journalist and commentator Mohamed Heikal. In early 1996, Heikal
stressed that the Arab World has always regarded the mere presence of a
Jewish entity in the region as a "taboo". The Arab World is motivated by
"a bled of fury and revulsion" toward Israel that the present "peace
process" is yet to breach. The Arab leaders promoting any sort of
reconciliation are perceived as traitors breaking the sacred taboo.
Moreover, the mere existence of the "Peace Process" is driving the wider
Arab World into the fold of radical Islamism where the destruction of
Israel is a sacred duty. "No one can say how long the unjust peace of
Oslo will last, but the strength of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad should be a
signal. Islam is the only fortress of the old structure of the taboo
still functioning. If Islam is being radicalized, it is because the Arab
soul has been deprived of other defenses, leaving faith as the last
redoubt of a taboo broken but not appeased. And therein lies the portent
of coming dangers," Heikal concludes.
Under these circumstances, a genuine legitimization of Israel --
accepting the existence of non-Muslim entity on any part of the land --
is an illusion. The question of recognized borders, or the extent of
Israeli withdrawal toward the 1967 borders, is completely irrelevant
considering that the ultimate objective has remained the complete
annihilation of Israel.
Now, as the socio-economic plight and misery of the "liberated"
Palestinian population grows as a direct outcome of the implementation
of the Oslo process and the Israeli imposed separation -- the popular
commitment to militant Islamism surges. Any effort to crack down on the
Islamists only increases the popular spread of Islamism -- because it is
the dominant trend in the region dedicated to finding refuge from
oppressions by Israel or the Arab leaders claiming reconciliation with
it. Just to survive, Arafat knows he must cooperate with the Islamists.
But the Islamists are the key to any effort to realize Arafat's real
dream of destroying Israel, and, as Arafat articulated, the PNA is
accepting the principles of their strategy for the destruction of
Israel. This Islamist dominated struggle is at the core of a dynamics
completely opposite to the vision of "new Middle East" upon which the
"peace process" is based.
Yossef Bodansky is the World Terrorism Analyst with the Freeman Center
for Strategic Studies (Houston TX), He is a contributing editor of
Defense and Foreign Affairs: Strategic Policy, the author of Freeman
Center Research Papers (Pakistan, Kashmir & The Trans-Asian Axis, and
Beijing's Surge for the Strait of Malacca), four books (Target America,
Terror, Crisis in Korea, and Offensive in the Balkans), several book
chapters, entries for the International Military and Defense
Encyclopedia, and numerous articles in several periodicals including
Global Affairs, JANE's Defence Weekly, Defense and Foreign Affairs:
Strategic Policy, Business Week. In the 1980s, he acted as a senior
consultant for the Department of Defense and the Department of State.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the views U.S. Congress, or any other
branch of the U.S. Government.

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