-Caveat Lector-

Caveat Lector:
       A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

 The news will never report this!!

 > From: www.indymedia.orgm and: www.counterpunch.org

       FINANCIERS WARNED! Congress left in the dark about WTC foreknowledge
       by relayed from counterpunch 4:06am Fri Sep 14 '01

           lots of stuff, MOSTLY THAT FINANCIERS WERE WARNED! and
 Congress left in the dark. Internal memo to Goldman Sachs distributed on
 SEPTEMBER 10 2001 warning emminent terrorism. Wonder why all the big
 CEOs they have been reporting were conveniently "out of the office" in the
 WTC that day? Talk about private and corrupt power, and Congresspeople
 are saying this.

       By Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair

       * Most revealing reaction

       Benyamin Netanyahu, former Israeli prime minister, on being asked
 what the attack means for relations between the US and Israel: "It's very

       * Least credible analysis

       New York Times columnist William Safire, claiming there was a terrorist
 mole in the White House, relaying to the kamikaze pilots the whereabouts of
 the President and the special coordinates of Air Force One. Safire's
 mission in that particular column was to explain why the President fled
 down a SAC bunker in Nebraska. * Least credible news footage

       CNN's videotape of Palestinians supposedly dancing in the streets of a
 West Bank town. CounterPuncher Marcio A.V. Carvalho at the state
 university of Campinas in Brazil tells us that he and his colleagues had
 compared this tape with one from 1991 showing Palestinian cheering, and
 found them to be identical. [a claim--though Canadian news footage shows
 mourning Arabs; U.S. media shows happy, celebrating Arabs. You put the
 pieces together on who is the enemy: THE U.S CORPORATE MEDIA!]

       America's Greens Rally to Flag, Run for Cover

       Hot to present themselves as staunch flag-waggers, some of America's
 premier environmental organizations have disgracefully ditched their

       The Sierra Club, America's oldest green group has abruptly turned off
 campaign against the anti-environmental program of the Bush
 administration. CounterPunch has secured an internal memo in which the
 club's high command explains to its staff why it suspending its campaigns.
 "In response to the attacks on America," the memo goes, "we are shifting
 our communications strategy for the immediate future. We have taken all of
 our ads off of the air; halted our phone banks; removed any material from
 the web that people could perceive as anti-Bush, and we are taking other
 steps to prevent the Sierra Club from being perceived as controversial
 during this crisis. For now we are going to stop aggressively pushing our
 agenda and will cease bashing President Bush "

       The memo then instructs club staffers on how to respond to the press:
 "If you are asked about what this terrorism does to the Sierra Club's agenda,
 please respond simply by saying that right now the public needs to focus on
 comforting each other and strengthening our national security to deal with
 the crisis at hand."

       Imagine if this craven posture spreads across the public interest
 movement. We could expect First Amendment defenders to say that they
 were abandoning efforts to protect the Bill of Rights. We could expect
 groups defending immigrants to say that henceforth the INS should be given
 free rein. Fortunately First Amendment defenders and defenders of
 immigrants have stronger spines and principles than the supposed
 defenders of the environment at the Sierra Club. Are we now to expect the
 Club to endorse drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve as necessary
 "for national security"?

       Even groups that we here at CounterPunch have admired are now in
 pellmell cowardly retreat.

       The Berkeley-based International Rivers Network, which has been the
 main bulwark against the Three Gorges dam in China, now announces that
 it is suspending its planned nationwide protest against Morgan Stanley, one
 of the dam's principle financiers. Morgan Stanley had 50 floors of offices in
 the World Trade Center. IRN has also announced that "out of respect for the
 victims of this disaster, with understanding of the strategic difficulties in
 conveying to a shocked media and public our messages regarding the
 World Bank and IMF, with concern for the integrity of security systems in
 Washington DC, and for the safety of all, we will refrain from participating
 activities surrounding the planned World Bank / IMF this month. We are also
 sharing our concerns with the leading organizations responsible for planning
 and coordinating these activities."

       The Ruckus Society, the direct action training group involved in many
 demonstrations at the World Trade Organization has simultaneously
 announced that it is canceling its training camp, to be held in Middleburgh,
 Virginia, scheduled as preparation for the next World Bank meeting. This
 camp was to be cosponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies, Jobs with
 Justice and Global Exchange. All these organizations have now backed out,
 saying that now is not the time for such activity.

       The Rainforest Action Network, based in San Francisco, has called for
 the cancellation of the protest and said that in the event it goes forward it
 will not participate.

       Let's get this straight. If all resisters to the Bush political
program were
 to follow this shameful exhibition by these green groups, we would see
 peace groups declining to protest against nuclear attacks on Iraq and armed
 invasion of Afghanistan. We would see civil rights sitting on their hands as
 racial and religious profiling is used to persecute people of Middle Eastern
 descent. Defenders of Palestinian rights would say that for the time being
 they wouldn't protest the use of US Apache helicopters against civilians in
 West Bank towns and villages. What nonsense! Principles are never more
 important than when it is inconvenient or dangerous to stand up for them.

       Big Oil's Kamikaze

       Rep. Don Young, the wild man from Alaska, was one of the few
 members of congress who didn't completely buy into the notion of Osama
 bin Laden as the mastermind of the attacks on the World Trade complex
 and the Pentagon. There's some possibility, Young told the Alaska Daily
 News, that the attacks are linked to the protests against the World Trade
 Organization, another of which is scheduled for later this month in
 Washington D.C. "If you watched what happened (at past protests) in
 Genoa, in Italy, and even in Seattle, there's some expertise in that field,"
 Young said. "I'm not sure they're that dedicated but ecoterrorists --which
 really based in Seattle -- there's a strong possibility that could be one of

       Young doesn't believe any of this. But he smells weakness in the
 environmental movement and, like the old fur-trapper that he is, he is poised
 to exploit it. Young is not beneath using the carnage of the World Trade
 Center as a launching ground for his own agenda: oil drilling in the Arctic
 Wildlife Refuge, logging in the Tongass rainforest, passing laws against
 environmental protest and construction of new missile bases in the Alaska
 tundra and on the Aleutian Islands.

       Chemical War in Manhattan As the environmentalists are putting
 themselves into a state of suspended animation, the citizens of Manhattan
 and the thousands of volunteer rescue workers mulling through the rubble at
 the World Trade Center complex may well be in the whirlwind of a toxic
 event, which has received little media attention and almost no precautionary
 aid from FEMA or other federal agencies coordinating.

       Early reports from the Environmental Protection Agency described the
 destruction of the World Trade complex "an environmental catastrophe": the
 air of Manhattan clotted with asbestos, dioxin and other poisons. Yet,
 rescue workers found themselves without little more than surgical masks
 between their lungs and the poisons emanating from the smoldering ruins.

       For years, the Pentagon and other terror pundits had been warning of
 the vulnerability of American cities to attack by biological and chemical
 weapons, the so-called asymmetrical warfare. These apocalyptic scenarios
 held that terrorist groups would unleash anthrax or sarin gas attacks in
 subways, water supplies or mega-office buildings, such as the World Trade
 Towers. Well, it turns out that the attackers didn't need to pack any
 chemicals, the buildings themselves proved to be quite toxic enough. The
 attackers used American planes as missiles and the buildings as chemical

       Built during the height of the asbestos boom, the guts of the World
 Trade Center may have been one of the world's largest repositories of the
 carcinogenic fiber, used as insulation in the giant towers.

       Underneath the rubble, thousands of tires continue to burn, sending
 plumes of pitch black smoke down the canyons of Manhattan. This smoke
 is contaminated with dioxins and assorted other poisons of the
 petrochemical age.

       Early Warnings

       Reports keep coming in to us of advanced warnings that an attack of
 some sort was eminent. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was booked to
 fly from the Bay Area to New York City on the morning of September 11. But
 Brown says that late Monday evening, a full 8 hours prior to the attack, he
 received a call from a person Brown described as his "airport security man"
 telling him that he should be extra cautious about air travel on September

       In addition to what we have previously reported about heightened
 security at the World Trade Center itself in the weeks leading to the attack
 and at the Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, CounterPunch has
 also learned that an internal memo was sent around Goldman Sachs in
 Tokyo on September 10 advising all employees of a possible terrorist
 attack. It recommended all employees to avoid any American government

       That said, according to Rep. David Bonior, the Michigan Democrat, the
 Congress was the last to know. Even after two planes had struck the World
 Trade Center towers and another had smashed into the Pentagon, Bonior
 says congressional officials were not warned by the CIA or any other
 intelligence arm of the federal government that the 30,000 workers in the
 Capitol might be at risk of an attack. Bonoir has been one of the few
 members of Congress to openly question the value of bowing to the
 demands for more money made by CIA and other intelligence agencies. "If
 they can't even warn members of Congress about an ongoing attack, you
 really have to wonder what good they are," Bonior said. CP

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