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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

S20 RALLY AND MARCH!: 250 Anti-War Activist Meet Tonight at UC


With only 24 hour notice, between 200 and 250 anti-war students and
community members met tonight on the UC Berkeley Campus.  At this
meeting we agreed to 3 Unifying Points (I did not write down exact
1. Stop the War
2. Stop racist scapegoating.  Defend Arab/ Arab American and Muslim
3. Defend civil liberties

We called for a mass rally and march for Thursday, September 20 at
noon at Sproul Plaza as part of the nationwide student day of action.

We are planning a teachin Wednesday (details to follow)

We will be mass distributing ribbons:

Black Ribbons will signify support of the 3 Points of Unity

Green Ribbons will signify that the wearer is willing to be an escort
and provide support for Arab/ Arab American and Muslim people looking
for protection.

To assist in planning outreach/publicity join us Sunday night at 6PM
in front of Evan's Hall.  We will have an official press release
ready on Sunday night.  Two initial press contacts are Chris  at
510.845.4438 and Ronald at h:665.8459 c:593.7489.
Jonah Zern
NEW # 510.836.4069


A Couple Questions
Lenny Hall

It bothers me that the U.S. Government, including members of
congress, would be so quick to make some startling remarks about
retaliation toward governments which "house" terrorists.  Fingers
have been pointing to countries like Afghanistan because supposedly
Bin Laden resides there.  Although I have now heard he may be in

My questions to you are these - Do you know of any other reasons why
we would want to attack these countries?  For instance, what is the
drug trade like in these countries, and are we trying to gain control
of it? Is it possible this Bin Laden connection makes for a
justifiable reason for making an attack?

The anger this weeks tragedy has produced is incredible!   But, being
so quick to point the finger in one direction makes one question if
there might be more behind this.  After all, the dust hadn't even
settled and Bin Laden's name was all over the media as a possible
conspirator. Another thing that bothered me was when I heard that a
message, apparently sent to Bin Laden's people, was intercepted after
the incidents, and that they said something to the effect that "two
targets were hit."  First of all, how were these messages intercepted
so easily, yet they have no clue as to exactly where he is or where
the people are who sent the messages.  Plus, if you have these
messages on some kind of surveillance, why wasn't there some pre-
warning of the attack to begin with?  Even more troubling is the fact
that this portion of a message is not even a complete sentence.  That
reminds me of the David Koresh hype.  As you may remember, the media
was always flashing the video footage of Koresh saying, "You better
watch out, I'm God."  When the complete sentence, which was never
shown, was, "No I didn't get Ms____ pregnant.  If I had gotten a 70
[something] year old woman pregnant, then you better watch out, I'm
God."  For all we know, this "message" to Bin Laden's people may be
nothing more than someone letting someone else know what just
happened in the U.S.  They could have said something like, "Wow, some
people hijacked three passenger jets this morning and ran them into
buildings, and two targets were hit."  But, all we are told about is
the last portion of the sentence, which, by itself, sounds
suspicious.  Who's to say?  When all that's quoted is an incomplete
sentence, making it impossible to determine the intent of the
message, it raises red flags.  At least it does for me.

So, perhaps this quick reaction toward other governments is well
intentioned and well planned.  One thing is for sure, this event sure
has angered people into supporting the President and any aggression
he may deliver toward seemingly any of these countries.  Also, if the
economy suffers, there's someone else to blame besides the current
administration - namely terrorists.  And, everybody hates terrorists.
That is, the ones that aren't on "our" side.  Speaking of which,
isn't it funny how the worst "terrorists" on the planet were trained
by the CIA?  But, shhh, nobody wants to hear about that now.  We're
supposed to rally round the leader.

On the other hand, I could be blowing smoke here.  Maybe it was Bin
Laden and his groupies that organized this horrific tragedy.  Maybe
getting tough with the countries that harbor these terrorists is the
right thing to do.  I don't know and don't claim to have all the
facts.  But, with what I know of our nations history (i.e. Lincoln
assassination, Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, Waco, OKC
Bombing, etc.) I have learned not to believe everything I hear.  I
feel we're better off searching for the truth rather than trusting
the almighty news anchor.  What do you think?

Sincerely yours,
- Len


Acharya S

"Attack on America" - Questions and Comments

First of all, let's not jump to conclusions, but consider several
factors that raise questions, so that we may scientifically
investigate this nightmare, rather than simply believing one way or
another. Suffice it to say that there is reason to investigate such
an enormous catastrophe.  Some of the issues in this "Attack on
America" are as follows:

1. The disintegration of the buildings, which had to be one of the
most astonishing and mindboggling sights of all time.  The official
explanation is that the intense heat from the plane-fuel fire
destabilized the steel frames, which buckled under the weight of the
destroyed upper floors.  At least one independent engineer, David
Rostcheck, thinks this scenario is implausible, raising a number of
issues and concluding that the destruction resembled a planned
demolition. Indeed, it did, as did that of the third building (WTC
#7), which, presumably, also disintegrated because of the heat.  The
WTC architect is said to be "puzzled" over the buildings' reaction
(appalled and horrified is probably more like it).

2. The hijackers were Arabs and, ostensibly, devout Muslims; yet, at
least a couple of them were known to have been getting drunk in
Florida bars days before the crime, an act that is against Islamic
law and a capital offense in Saudi Arabia.

3. One of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was a suspect in a 1986
terrorist attack - yet apparently no intelligence agency was keeping
tabs on him, even though he was using his own name.  During the WTC
bombing in 1993, the FBI had a mole or moles in at least one of the
top positions within the "terrorist cell" for a year or so.  It is
possible that there were up to 50 plotters in this current crime (so
reports the LA Times) for over a year, yet not a peep was heard by
American intelligence?  Just what do gov't intelligence and terrorist
squads do?

4. The "prime suspect" Osama bin Laden was a CIA-trained operative,
as were the Afghan mujahadeen (now the Taliban) - when did he become
a "rogue" and just what were the Soviets and CIA fighting over in
Afghanistan?  Could it be the lucrative opium trade, and is this why
the likes of Richard Armitage are now being invoked?  Or is there
some other profitable natural resource or strategic positioning in

5. What happened to the truck bomb found on the Geo. Washington
Bridge outside of Manhattan?  Who was driving the truck, and why
aren't we hearing anything about it now?

6. How did the gov't know that the White House and Air Force One were
also targets?

7. Did the passengers of United 93 deliberately bring down the plane,
or was it shot down?

Just some things to consider, among other disturbing thoughts.

Acharya S




LA Times & 50 Terrorists:

bin Laden/CIA:
Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
Donate cash, emergency relief information


Andrew Shilcock

    A good question, not answered by the following lot of pap, which
seems to be predicated on the assumption that America is so
invincible that only Americans can even come close doing something
like this. Suicide missions are not bought with money. The only
surprise is that it has been so long coming. No bombs were needed to
bring the WTC down - thanks should be given that it stayed up so
long. The airspace around the Pentagon is horribly congested - the
same invincibility guff used to be talked about the White House (and
Red Square) till people flew planes into them.

    Answers are needed to these questions:

    The airline industry rumour is that seven planes were taken, BBC
news reported five. Where are the others?

    Whither the State Department car bomb?

    Like so many, we have friends we have not heard from yet.
Everyone here is shocked, feels for the dead and wounded, is
unimpressed by Bush, worried by what comes next. If Bill could bomb
to distract from his blowjobs, what comes from this?

    Keep up the good work,


"It was in the early days of the fighting in Vietnam that a Vietcong
officer said to his American prisoner: "You were our heroes after the
War. We read American books and saw American films, and a common
phrase in those days was 'to be as rich and as wise as an American'.
What happened?"

An American might have been asked something similar by a Guatemalan,
an Indonesian or a Cuban during the ten years previous, or by a
Uruguayan, a Chilean or a Greek in the decade subsequent. The
remarkable international goodwill and credibility enjoyed by the
United States at the close of the Second World War was dissipated
country by country, intervention by intervention.

William Blum"

Thursday September 13 12:01 PM ET
FBI Does Not Rule Out Shootdown of Penn. Airplane

   SHANKSVILLE, Pa. (Reuters) - Federal investigators said on
Thursday they could not rule out the possibility that a United
Airlines jetliner that crashed in rural western Pennsylvania during
this week's attacks on New York and the Pentagon (news - web sites)
was shot down.

``We have not ruled out that,'' FBI (news - web sites) agent Bill
Crowley told a news conference when asked about reports that a U.S.
fighter jet may have fired on the hijacked Boeing 757. ``We haven't
ruled out anything yet.''

``It's kind of a loaded question. We're basically at the infancy (of
the investigation),'' Crowley added. ``We haven't certainly come to
that conclusion either.''

The Defense Department on Tuesday vigorously denied reports
suggesting the U.S. military could have downed the hijacked flight in
an effort to prevent it from reaching a target, perhaps in Washington.

United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed with 45 people on board, had
been en route to San Francisco from Newark, New Jersey, when it
veered off course over northeastern Ohio and headed back southeast
toward Pittsburgh. It crashed 80 miles southeast of that city.

Pennsylvania state police officials said on Thursday debris from the
plane had been found up to 8 miles away in a residential community
where local media have quoted residents as speaking of a second plane
in the area and burning debris falling from the sky.

Crowley said authorities have not yet found the plane's crucial voice
and flight data recorders, but that teams were still searching.
``We've not located the black box,'' he said. ''We're confident and
we will keep working on it.''

The wooded crash scene was likely to provide investigators of
Tuesday's deadly airliner attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon with their best chance of recovering working data recorders.

The data recorders could provide an invaluable account of what
occurred in the plane's cockpit after the flight turned southeast on
Tuesday morning.

Flight 93, which crashed near a strip mine, was the only one of four
hijacked aircraft not to hit a U.S. landmark.

Federal officials believe hijackers planned to crash the plane into
the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland or a target in
Washington. But passengers who managed to call out on cellular phones
and on-board airphones suggested they were about to thwart any such

``I know we're all going to die -- there's three of us who are going
to do something about it,'' passenger Thomas Burnett told his wife
Deena just before the crash, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

``He then said, 'I love you, honey,' and that was the end of
conversation,'' the Burnett family's priest, Rev. Frank Colacicco,
told the newspaper.

The National Transportation Safety Board (news - web sites) was
expected to conduct a flyover of the scene to verify the full extent
of the debris field, which was sealed off to outsiders and the media
by an army of Pennsylvania state troopers. UAL Corp


September 11, 2001

Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says
By Olivier Uyttebrouck
Journal Staff Writer

    Televised images of the attacks on the World Trade Center suggest
that explosives devices caused the collapse of both towers, a New
Mexico Tech explosion expert said Tuesday.

    The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a
chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van
Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining
and Technology.

    "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes
hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside
the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

    Romero is a former director of the Energetic Materials Research
and Testing Center at Tech, which studies explosive materials and the
effects of explosions on buildings, aircraft and other structures.

    Romero said he based his opinion on video aired on national
television broadcasts.

    Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of
controlled implosions used to demolish old structures.

    "It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an
event like that," Romero said in a phone interview from Washington,

    Romero said he and another Tech administrator were on a
Washington-area subway when an airplane struck the Pentagon.

    He said he and Denny Peterson, vice president for administration
and finance, were en route to an office building near the Pentagon to
discuss defense-funded research programs at Tech.

    If explosions did cause the towers to collapse, the detonations
could have been caused by a small amount of explosive, he said.

    "It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives
placed in strategic points," Romero said. The explosives likely would
have been put in more than two points in each of the towers, he said.

    The detonation of bombs within the towers is consistent with a
common terrorist strategy, Romero said.

    "One of the things terrorist events are noted for is a
diversionary attack and secondary device," Romero said.

    Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion that
attracts emergency personnel to the scene, then detonate a second
explosion, he said.

    Romero said that if his scenario is correct, the diversionary
attack would have been the collision of the planes into the towers.

    Tech President Dan Lopez said Tuesday that Tech had not been
asked to take part in the investigation into the attacks. Tech often
assists in forensic investigations into terrorist attacks, often by
setting off similar explosions and studying the effects.


F-16 Pursued UA93
Ian Goddard


"The employee also told the newspaper that FAA air traffic
controllers in Nashua learned through discussions with other
controllers that an F-16 fighter stayed in hot pursuit of another
hijacked commercial airliner until it crashed in Pennsylvania."

Full report:

September 13, 2001
Hijacked jets nearly collided

NASHUA, N.H., Sept. 13 (UPI) -- Two hijacked passenger jets that
crashed into the World Trade Center nearly collided with each other
before reaching New York City, the Nashua Telegraph reported Thursday.

Quoting an unnamed Federal Aviation Administration employee at the
Nashua control facility, the newspaper said it was told, "The two
aircraft got too close to each other down by Stewart" International
Airport in New Windsor, N.Y.

Both Boeing 767s, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines
Flight 175 had taken off from Boston's Logan International Airport on
Tuesday morning within 15 minutes of each other.

Heading west to Los Angeles, both planes turned south toward New York
City where they crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers in
massive fireballs.

One air traffic controller in Nashua, along with an assistant,
monitored the flight patterns of both jets. It appears that hijackers
gained control of Flight 11 around Gardner, Mass. The employee said
the aircraft "was just flying around, doing what it wanted."

The employee said Flight 175 remained in the hands of its pilots
until Albany, N.Y. The air traffic controller then noticed that the
American Airlines plane had encountered difficulties when its
transponder was shut off, the employee told the Telegraph. At that
point, the plane veered from its course west.

Soon after, the controller realized a hijacker was in Flight 11's
cockpit because the plane's captain -- John Ogonowski of Dracut,
Mass. -- turned on his microphone, the employee said. Ogonowski
activated the microphone so the Federal Aviation Administration could
hear the terrorists' threats, the employee said.

The controller heard someone instruct, " 'Nobody do anything
stupid,'" and no one would get hurt, the employee said. After that,
the controller heard no more conversations, the employee said.

"That's all that was heard," the employee said. When it became
apparent the plane had fallen into the hands of hijackers, a third
controller began helping the controller and his assistant and
notified appropriate government agencies.

The controller spoke with Flight 175 for quite some time after
terrorists took command of Flight 11, the employee said. FAA
controllers never expected Flight 175 to hit the second World Trade
Center tower because of that sustained contact with the crew, the
employee said.

"It's not in anyone's mind they're hitting a target," the employee
said. "When somebody takes a plane over, they try to negotiate a
release with money," the employee said.

"After the first plane hit, nobody imagined it would happen again,"
the employee said. "We all thought that was it. It (the crash by the
second jet) totally caught everybody off guard."

The controller is "pretty disturbed" that he lost both planes, the
employee said. He handled both flights because they shared similar
routes on their intended journey to Los Angeles, the employee said.

The employee also told the newspaper that FAA air traffic controllers
in Nashua learned through discussions with other controllers that an
F-16 fighter stayed in hot pursuit of another hijacked commercial
airliner until it crashed in Pennsylvania.

By 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, the military had taken control of U.S.
airspace, the employee said. Hijacked United Airlines Flight 93
crashed into a field in Pennsylvania at 10:37 a.m.

Although controllers don't have complete details of the Air Force's
chase of the Boeing 757, they have learned the F-16 made 360-degree
turns to remain close to the commercial jet, the employee said.

"He must've seen the whole thing," the employee said of the F-16
pilot's view of Flight 93's crash.
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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