-Caveat Lector-

I'm going to go out on a limb -- what the hey?  This IS a conspiracy
THEORY list...

So here goes...what if, if we accept that at least Levy and Chiang were
'taken out' for what they knew, what prompted their murders wasn't
anything related to McVeigh or South American drug lords or Chinese
immigration scandals, but instead was knowledge regarding what has
happened this week?

Bear with me here -- Levy may have indeed uncovered something fishy
regarding McVeigh and people he associated with, but what if that
information was in regards to a bigger network he was involved with, a
network which is still in existence and perhaps had a hand in bringing
about the terrorist events of this week.  Also keep in mind that in
regards to anything to do with drug traffiking, that bin Laden is said to
be very much involved in it, and indeed Afghan itself has been a major
supplier of opium (although it is said that the Taliban has cracked down
on this trade).

And perhaps Chiang's murder isn't related to any supposed Chinese
immigration scandal, but perhaps rather that she uncovered something
highly questionable regarding certain men of Middle Eastern background,
many of whom either are associated with known terrorists, or have
actually been linked to certain acts of terrorism, being able to obtain
passports, etc., and freely admitted to the U.S. so that they could start
attending U.S. flight schools.

It has been reported this week that some of the hijackers on the 4 planes
that crashed were known terrorists or associates of known terrorists, and
should never have been admitted to the U.S.  So one has to wonder just
how, and why, they were able to be admitted.  And keep in mind that they
have apparantly been working on this for at least the past 5 years (I
suspect that it actually started being planned right after the 1993
attack on the WTC failed), during the Clinton Administration...so did
Chiang uncover a network that was helping these terrorists?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 23:19:39 -0700
From: John Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

By Jim Rarey
September 16, 2001
‘What a tangled web we weav
When first we practice to deceive."
Robert Burns


This is the story of three young women who went to the nation’s capital
to learn about government. What they learned may have been the cause of
their deaths. The three, Chandra Levy, Joyce Chiang and Mary Mahoney had
interned in various departments of the executive branch of the federal
government. As scandal after scandal swirled about them, they may have
become privy to information that made them dangerous to powerful people.
This article is about those scandals that likely ended up destroying the
young women.

This writer, in several previous articles, has documented the odyssey
of Chandra Levy ending with her job at the Bureau of Prisons. As a result
of her duties there, the author believes she came into possession of knowledge
on one or two subjects that made her dangerous to some in Washington D.C.

The subjects were Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing and
the CIA/drug connection possibly through the controversy regarding the
whereabouts of Carlos Lehder, cofounder of the Columbian drug cartel. Sometime
after the articles were written, Chandra’s interest in those subjects was
confirmed by no less a person than Gary Condit. He told a Newsweek reporter;
"They talked about the upcoming executions of Oklahoma City bomber Tim
McVeigh and drug trafficker Juan Raul Garza. "She seemed to have a lot
of interest in those two things," said Condit, "a lot more interest in
them than I did."

The work and death of the second intern, Joyce Chiang, may very well
also tie into the McVeigh and OKC bombing tragedy.

Joyce, a graduate of Smith College interned in the office of California
Democrat Representative Howard Berman while a student. After graduation,
she worked in his office while attending law school at Georgetown University.
She became Berman’s expert on immigration law and later, in 1995, took
a position as special assistant to the director of the Office of Congressional
Relations at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).

During Timothy McVeigh’s Denver trial, the immigration status of on
Andreas Strassmeir became an issue. Strassmeir was a German citizen with
counter intelligence experience in the German army who was active in the
Elohim City compound of a white supremacist group outside of Oklahoma City.
According to Carol Howe, a paid BATF informer, Strassmeir had been agitating
for direct action against government buildings. Phone records showed that
McVeigh had tried to contact Strassmeir at Elohim City a couple of weeks
before the bombing.

After the bombing, the BATF notified the INS that it wanted to detain
Strassmeir and he was put on the INS’s watch list. Also, the FBI and INS
had scheduled a raid on Elohim City in February, two months before the
bombing to apprehend Strassmeir for alleged weapons and immigration violations.
The raid was abruptly canceled with no explanation to date. When Strassmeir
turned up in Germany he was taken off the INS watch list.

The McVeigh’s defense team tried to introduce evidence of participation
in the bombing conspiracy by Strassmeir and Dennis Mahon through the testimony
of BATF informant Carol Howe. Special Prosecutor Beth Wilkinson flat out
lied to Judge Richard Matsch. She told the judge that Strassmeir was "A
mere wisp of the wind." She said Strassmeir’s only problem was that he
might have overstayed his visa. She falsely stated that the letters "A"
and "O" on Strassmeir’s immigration record stood for "admitted" and "overstayed"
respectively. (See this author’s article "Levy/Condit Amazing Coincidences"
for background on Wilkinson’s role in providing cover for intelligence

Wilkinson also falsely told the judge that Carol Howe had been fired
by the BATF as mentally unstable and untrustworthy. She falsified the date
Howe left the service of the BATF.

Wilkinson’s lies were exposed during a trial of Carol Howe. The government
had indicted her on weapons violation charges. Her BATF handler, Angela
Finley had to admit that Howe was in possession of the weapons at the request
of the BATF. She also confirmed that the BATF had given Howe a raise from
$25 a day to $400 a day and sent her back into Elohim City for further
undercover work after the date Wilkinson said she had been fired. Howe
was easily acquitted.

The INS later corrected the record on Strassmeir’s immigration status
showing that "A" stood for diplomatic passport and "O" for highly qualified.
It was also discovered later that Strassmeir had applied for positions
with the DEA and CIA.

Later, an appeals court judge gave only mild criticism to Judge Matsch
for accepting the word of government prosecutors when contradicted by defense
records. Matsch himself has an interesting background.

Judge Matsch was in military counter intelligence during the Korean
"conflict." In 1987 he presided over the trial of four white supremacists
who were convicted of assassinating radio talk show host Alan Berg. In
1992 his 24-year-old daughter, Betsy, died after accidentally falling into
a steam vent at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. He obviously had no stomach
for further involvement with white supremacists as he granted the prosecution’s
motions to suppress the evidence without hesitation.

There were other discrepancies between the representations made by prosecutors
about INS records that were the opposite of the truth. Space does not permit
listing them.

As an expert on immigration law and department policies and procedures,
it is quite likely that Joyce Chiang became aware of the government’s duplicity
in the trial.

On January 9, 1999 Joyce Chiang disappeared after being dropped off
by a friend about three blocks from her apartment with the intention of
stopping at the nearby Starbucks coffee shop (a location that would also
figure in the murder of Mary Mahoney).

Three months later her body was found in the Potomac River. The body
was so badly decomposed that no cause of death could be determined. Because
some of her clothing had been found near a bridge over the river, her death
was ruled a suicide. Some of her friends doubt that verdict and her brother,
Roger, to this day believes she was murdered.

The murder of Mary Caitrin Mahoney and trial of her alleged killer,
while probably not tied to the OKC bombing nevertheless involves an almost
unbelievable cast of characters at a time large amounts of illegal campaign
finance money were being raised and serious breaches of national security

Mahoney had landed an internship working in the office of the Secretary
of Commerce, Norman Mineta (the Current Transportation Secretary) for Doris
Matsui. Matsui is the wife of California Democrat Representative Robert
Matsui. However, she had political connections of her own having served
as a trustee of the California Economic Advisory Council with Public Official
Executive Board members, Gray Davis, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

Matsui worked closely with John Huang, with the title of deputy assistant
to President Clinton. Together they raised over $3 million in campaign
funds from Asia and Asian-Americans. $1.2 million had to be returned because
it came from corporations and non-citizens.

It was in this time frame that Charlie Trie worked first in the Commerce
Department and then transferred to the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
but kept his high security clearance. Trie had been attending CIA briefings
and then immediately went across the street to the Washington office of
Jackson Stephens, the Arkansas broker who was a financial angel of Bill
Clinton and placed phone calls to his Chines handler in the Lippo Group
in Indonesia.

Stephens was a partner with James Riady of the Lippo Group in the Worthen
bank in Little Rock. The bank was alleged to have been involved in laundering
CIA drug money. The bank (and Stephens) were involved (along with the Rose
Law firm and partners Hillary Clinton, Web Hubbell and Vince Foster) in
the takeover of First American in Washington D.C. by BCCI. Robert Bartlett,
the then Editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal said he first
starting keeping his eye on the Rose Law firm when he heard of its involvement
with BCCI.

And there sat intern Mary Mahoney in the midst of all that activity.
The Clinton’s had another reason to keep an eye on her. Mary was an open
lesbian and aggressive supporter of gay rights. She had become something
of a "den mother" for younger interns who claimed to have suffered sexual
harassment at the hands of the president (not including Monica) She had
been threatening to do something about it.

Mary also held a part time job as assistant cashier at the local Starbucks
coffee shop. In July of 1997, she and two other employees were gunned down
around closing time by what police claimed was a robbery although no money
was taken. Mahoney was shot five times. One of the shots was to the back
of her head gangland execution style.

In March of the following year, FBI agent Bradley Garrett arrested Carl
Derek Cooper for the three murders. After 54 hours of questioning by Garrett
and another agent, Cooper signed a confession that he immediately repudiated
as soon as he got to court. Garrett is currently in charge of the Chandra
Levy "missing persons" case and was the lead agent on the Vince Foster
death determined to be a "suicide."

Judge Joyce Hens Green set a trial date for April 10, 1999. This is
the point at which the cast of characters becomes bizarre starting with
Judge Green who was first appointed as a federal judge by President Jimmy
Carter in 1979.

In the last year of President Reagan’s second term, Green was appointed
to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to serve a non-renewable
seven-year term.. That court deals exclusively with national security and
with international terrorism, and involves approving applications for electronic
surveillance. Judges on that court require the highest security clearance
available. In 1990, then President George Herbert Walker Bush appointed
Green presiding judge of that court and she handled all emergency matters
during the remaining five years of her term.

Judge Green also presided over the BCCI trial that had resulted from
indictments obtained by New York Assistant District Attorney Robert Morgenthau.
Morgenthau’s investigation was stopped when the FBI stepped in under the
direction of Robert Meuller (currently the new FBI Director) and no further
investigation ensued. Judge Green approved plea bargains that resulted
in BCCI forfeiting its assets in the United States. Two defendants had
been indicted, Roger Altman and Clark Clifford an influential power broker
in the Democrat party. The two men had accepted the two top spots in First
American after the BCCI takeover but claimed they had no idea BCCI was
involved in the nearly nine years they functioned in those capacities.
Altman was acquitted and Clifford never stood trial because of ill health.

Back to the Cooper trial. Before the trial even started, a controversy
arose when Janet Reno announced she was going to seek the death penalty
for Cooper. D.C. officials were furious claiming Reno was overstepping
her bounds. The district had never asked for the death penalty in any murder

Reno held a hearing on the matter. At that hearing, defense attorney
William Martin (not connected with the Cooper case) urged Reno to ask for
the death penalty. Yes, that’s the same Billy Martin who represented Monica
Lewinski’s mother, Marcia Lewis, and currently represents Chandra Levy’s

To complete the cast, Judge Green then appointed attorney Francis D.
Carter to represent Cooper. Carter is the Frank Carter to whom Vernon Jordan
took Monica Lewinski. Carter prepared the false affidavit for Monica’s
signature which put her at risk for perjury when she later testified in
the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. Monica escaped prosecution when
she was granted immunity my independent counsel Ken Starr.

With Carter as his defense counsel, Cooper was convicted despite a weak
circumstantial evidence case. There were, of course, no eyewitnesses and
Cooper’s fingerprints were not found at the murder scene. During his 54
hours of interrogation, Cooper had consistently denied the crime and volunteered
several times to take a lie detector test. Most of the testimony against
him was by FBI agent Garrett based on Garrett’s representation of what
Cooper had said during the interrogation. The questioning was not recorded
or videotaped although another agent took notes.

One wonders at the array of a high powered Washington judge with ties
to the intelligence community and an attorney who barely escaped being
disbarred (in another high profile case) in a case claimed to be a routine
robbery murder case by a career criminal.

We may never know what information these women possessed that may have
led to their demises. Certainly if they confided in any friends, it would
take a tremendous act of courage for those friends to come forward given
what happened to Chandra, Joyce and Mary. May they rest in peace.

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a free lance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is
a former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs
administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S.

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"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not
as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public
justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." -- John Adams

"The American culture is journeying through muck and smut, looking for
lower ground, not of necessity but of depravity. Unless we change course,
and soon, our destination is either moral anarchy and social chaos, or
the surrender of all our freedoms to Big Brother in exchange for his promise
to protect us from ourselves." --Linda Bowles

Agents of the government, the FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF make bombs, cause death
and destruction, practice and teach others to torture and the assassination
of leaders: this is a government? More likely it is the largest criminal
conspiracy in the history of planet Earth.

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