Interesting item - the Royal Family of Nepal, Iran - all wanted to save
these ancient idols....

What did they represent to the destroyers - and who destroys false idols
such as the tall towers with gold at its feet?

Interesting item....someone wanted something on Afghanistan and have
some stuff was looking for and ran across this.

Note how tall these idos were.......tell me how did Osama stand on this


  "All we are breaking are stones": Afghan militia leader
Muslim leaders condemn Taliban destruction
What have the fundamentalists done with our heritage?
"Medival" Taliban lashed over Buddhist demolition
'Buddha statues destroyed completely'
Annan: Taliban doing disservice to Islam
Bamiyan relics up for sale in Peshawar
The tallest Buddha figure in the world,
55m;180 ft; created in the 3rd century A.D.
(2nd photo) (destroyed one)
Afghan Taliban leader orders destruction of ancient statues
AFP, Feb.26, 2001
KABUL, Feb 26 (AFP) - Taliban militia supreme leader Mulla Mohammad Omar
on Monday issued a decree ordering the destruction of all statues in
Afghanistan including ancient pre-Islamic figures.
"Based on the verdict of the clergymen and the decision of the supreme
court of the Islamic Emirate (Taliban) all the statues around
Afghanistan must be destroyed," said the decree.
The decree was issued as a team of western diplomats is visiting the
Afghan capital to check reports that senior Taliban officials destroyed
over a dozen pre-Islamic artefacts in the national museum.
Media reports have said zealous officials among the ruling Islamic
militia recently destroyed several ancient relics in Kabul Museum,
including an exquisite and priceless Buddha statue dating back some
2,000 years.
Taliban officials have categorically denied the reports but have refused
journalists' requests to visit the museum.
The team includes the ambassadors to neighbouring Pakistan from Greece
and Italy, the French charge d'affaires for Afghanistan, plus members of
the Islamabad-based Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan's
Cultural Heritage.
The delegation called on Taliban Information and Culture Minister
Qudratullah Jamal on Monday morning, a team member said.
But the source said the envoys were denied immediate access to the
"We talked with the minister. He called these reports baseless
propaganda and said he would ask the higher authorities for permission
(to visit the museum)," the team member said.
Taliban supreme leader Mulla Mohammad Omar has issued several decrees to
protect non-Islamic artefacts, which have in the past been targeted by
the militia's zealous commanders.
However there is concern that some hardline officials still see the
relics as idols which are forbidden under Islamic law.
Kabul museum has been closed to the public since 1992 after most of its
unique collection was looted during factional fighting between Afghan
The Taliban, or movement of religious students, seized Kabul in 1996 and
have imposed a very strict version of Sharia law.
"All we are breaking are stones": Afghan militia leader
AFP, Feb.27, 2001
KABUL, Feb 27 (AFP) - The leader of the Taliban Islamic militia in
Afghanistan Tuesday shrugged off international condemnation of his order
to destroy ancient Buddhist statues, saying "all we are breaking are
Mulla Mohammad Omar told the Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press (AIP)
that he had issued his order to destroy all statues in Afghanistan,
including those from the country's rich pre-Islamic history, in line
with "Islamic" beliefs.
"According to Islam, I don't worry about anything. My job is the
implementation of Islamic order," he said from the fundamentalist
militia's stronghold in southern Kandahar.
"The breaking of statues is an Islamic order and I have given this
decision in the light of a fatwa of the ulema (clerics) and the supreme
court of Afghanistan. Islamic law is the only law acceptable to me."
The order, announced late Monday on the official Taliban radio, was met
with shock from Tokyo to Paris, where UNESCO demanded the Taliban "halt
the destruction of (Afghanistan's) cultural heritage."
The Taliban's Radio Shariat said the ministry of information and culture
and the religious police would carry out the destruction.
"Only Allah, the Almighty, deserves to be worshipped, not anyone or
anything else," Mulla Omar's decree said.
Afghanistan, a Buddhist centre before Islamic conquerers invaded around
1,400 years ago, is famous for its two massive and ancient Buddha
statues in the central province of Bamiyan, dating back to the second
They are believed to be among the tallest standing Buddhas in the world.
Museums around the country host smaller but equally important Buddhist
figures and other priceless statues.
In Tokyo, Hokkaido University's professor emeritus of Buddhism Kotatsu
Fujita said: "I cannot believe the Taliban will destroy the big
"Even though the statues are in Afghanistan, they are really world
heritage sites now. I strongly doubt the Taliban's understandings of
cultural heritage."
All Japan Buddhist Association secretary general Kijo Nishimura said the
destruction "must be avoided as much as possible under any
"Once you destroy something, you can never get it back. We have an
important responsibility to leave these statues to our descendants ...
," he said.
Omar said Afghan history was secondary to the history of Islam.
"Whoever thinks this is harmful to the history of Afganistan then I tell
them they must first see the history if Islam," Omar told the
Pakistan-based AIP.
"Some people believe in these statues and pray to them ... If people say
these are not our beliefs but only part of the history of Afghanistan,
then all we are breaking are stones."
In deeply Buddhist Thailand, Foreign Ministry spokesman Pradap
Pibulsonggram said the loss of the Bamiyan Buddhas would be a "loss to
"It is their loss. I hope they could rethink their decision. It's a loss
to humanity," Pradap said.
"It's the loss of Afghanistan to destroy these (Buddhas). One day when
they resolve their problems, they'll want to attract tourism. This would
help them."
The decree was issued as a team of western diplomats visited the Afghan
capital, Kabul, to check reports that Taliban hardliners had vandalised
ancient statues in the national museum.
The Pakistan-based envoys from Greece, Italy and France left Tuesday
morning, saying only they were "very sad."
The Taliban, or movement of religious students, seized Kabul in 1996 and
have imposed a puritanical mix of Pashtun tribal and Sharia law in a bid
to create their idea of a true Mohammadean state.
Their regime is recognised only by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United
Arab Emirates, and is not represented at the United Nations nor the
Organisation of the Islamic Conference.
Muslim leaders condemn Taliban destruction
The Times of India, March 2, 2001
NEW DELHI: Leading Islamic clerics and leaders on Friday condemned the
destruction of Afghanistan's ancient Buddha statues in central Bamiyan
province by the ruling Taliban regime as "un-Islamic" and "an act of
cultural genocide against humanity."
"It is an outrageous act. It should be treated as a crime against
humanity. Bamiyan is part of the world's cultural heritage. The
destruction of Buddha statues is an act of cultural genocide against
humanity," Babri Masjid movement leader and former diplomat Syed
Shahabuddin said.
Declining to draw a parallel between the Taliban action and the
destruction of the disputed structure at Ayodhya on December 6, 1992,
Shahabuddin said, "here it was some groups whereas in Afghanistan, the
government itself is committing the crime."
"In the entire history of Islam, ancient and pre-historic sites have
only been preserved and not destroyed whether it be in Iran, Egypt,
Syria or India," Shahabuddin said.
The Shahi Imam of the historic Fatehpuri mosque here Maulana Mufti
Mohammad Mukarram Ahmed termed the destruction of the statues as
"Islam has always respected other faiths. It has taught us not to abuse
other faiths. The Taliban could have either veiled it or asked the
Buddhist countries to relocate it if they were so averse to the
statues," he said.
Christian leader Rev Valson Thampu said the Taliban action symbolised
"selective use of religious prescription". (PTI)
"Medival" Taliban lashed over Buddhist demolition
AFP, March 2, 2001
ISLAMABAD, March 2 (AFP) - Afghanistan's Taliban militia were
internationally lashed Friday as "medieval" vandals of the world's
cultural treasures as they rained rockets and shells on two ancient
stone Buddhas.
Already an international pariah recognised by only three countries, the
Islamic militia were condemned by governments and religious leaders
around the world for their move to destroy so-called "false idols."
They were also flooded with desperate ideas to save the ancient relics,
which include the largest standing Buddha statue in the world built
between the second and fifth centuries AD.
A senior Islamic leader, Egyptian mufti Sheikh Nasr Farid Wassel,
expressed astonishment and called for the Taliban to "act soberly and
weigh the opinions of experts without fanaticism or urgency."
UNESCO rushed a special envoy to Kabul to persuade the Taliban to stop
the destruction. "Words fail me to describe adequately my feelings of
consternation and powerlessness as I see the reports of the irreversible
damage that is being done to Afghanistan's exceptional cultural
heritage," the director-general of UNESCO Koichiro Matsuura said.
Deeply Buddhist Thailand proposed an international fund to buy the
precious relics and New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art volunteered to
shift them to a "secular environment."
The European Union condemned the Taliban's move as "deeply tragic." "The
EU strongly urges the Taliban leadership not to implement this deeply
tragic decision, which will deprive the people of Afghanistan of its
rich cultural heritage," the statement said.
Indian Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh, speaking before parliament adoped
a joint resolution condemning the destruction, said the Taliban regime's
campaign marked a "regression into medieval barbarism."
"The Taliban appear bent upon committing a grave wrong, indeed a
sacrilege to humanity, to the civilisational and cultural inheritance of
all mankind," Singh said.
"Even at this late stage, we would like to convey that the destruction
of these precious manifestations of the cultural heritage of humankind
should stop."
Singh said New Delhi, which does not recognise the Taliban regime, would
be happy to arrange for the transfer of all the artifacts in question to
India, "where they would be kept safely and preserved for all mankind."
Even neighbouring Pakistan, the Taliban's closest ally, called the
Afghan ambassador here to register a strong protest.
"These monuments are part of the world's heritage and we have again
requested the Taliban government to show tolerance in the true spirit of
Islam," foreign office spokesman Riaz Mohammad Khan said.
The Met in New York on Thursday offered to preserve the relics at the
museum's cost. "We deplore the destruction of major examples of the
world's cultural heritage," museum director Philippe de Montebello said.
"My offer to the Taliban is to please stop and since they find these
images objectionable, rather than destroying them, we the Metropolitan,
would be prepared to come with experts at our own cost and in
collaboration with them take pieces that are obviously portable and
preserve them in the Met," he said.
But the storm of protest has failed to stop the Taliban from destroying
the two Buddhas in central Bamiyan province, which stand 50 meters (165
feet) and 34.5 meters (114 feet) tall, and other historic statues.
Appeals to spare the Afghan relics were made by the United States,
France, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Nepal, Vietnam,
Pakistan, Germany, Russia, India, Malaysia, the European Union, UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan and many museums and Buddhist

'Buddha statues destroyed completely'
The News, March 13, 2001
ISLAMABAD: The destruction of the two massive Buddha statues in Bamiyan
was completed on Thursday and Friday with dynamite, an official source
in Islamabad confirmed on Monday.
"The plan of demolition by dynamite, established in advance, was
implemented on the 8th and 9th (of March)," said the source, who asked
not to be named. "There is nothing except a few pieces of the Buddhas,
left clinging to the cliff," he said.
"This crime against culture was committed while all the world's voices
were raised to prevent it. The Taliban paid no attention to the
unprecedented international protests, nor of the conflicting views
expressed by the highest religious authorities of Islam," Matsuura said.
The delegation, including Egypt's top religious leader, Mufti Sheikh
Nasr Farid Wassel and two top scholars, Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi and
Mohammad al-Rawi, returned empty-handed from Afghanistan on Monday.
PARIS, March 12 (AFP) - UNESCO's special envoy to Afghanistan has
confirmed that the ancient Buddha statues at Bamiyan have been destroyed
by the ruling Taliban militia, the agency's director general said
"I was distressed to learn from my special envoy, Perre Lafrance, that
the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas has been confirmed," Koichiro
Matsuura said in a statement released at UNESCO's Paris headquarters.
Annan: Taliban doing disservice to Islam
UPI, March 12, 2001
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, March 12 (UPI) -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi
Annan, in Pakistan on a tour of the region, expressed outrage Sunday
over the demolition of 1,500 year-old Buddha statues by Afghanistan's
Taliban rulers.
Annan called the destruction of two ancient Buddhist statues in central
Afghanistan as "a disservice to both Afghanistan and Islam."
The Taliban rulers, he said, were also harming themselves by indulging
in such activities, the British Broadcasting Corp. reported.
Reports from Afghanistan said the demolition of the ancient monuments
near Bamiyan - one thought to be the tallest of its kind in the world -
was overseen by the Taliban's defense minister.
The larger, 53-meter (175-feet) statue was reduced to rubble on
Thursday, and the 38-meter (120-feet) statue was destroyed the following
"I think no one will accept" the Taliban's argument that Islam allowed
them to destroy the Buddhist statues, Annan told reporters after the
meeting, adding that the demolition would also harm fundraising appeals
for aid for the Afghan people. Countries with a large Buddhist
population -- such as Japan, Sri Lanka and Thailand -- were more
passionate in their appeals to save the relics.
Islamic Iran offered to buy the relics "for safe custody" with a promise
to return them whenever the Afghans wanted. The Taliban's closest ally,
Pakistan, sent a high-level delegation to convince the Taliban to change
their mind.
A delegation also came from the world's largest Muslim body, the
Organization of the Islamic Conference on Saturday to help protect the
statues but failed to prevent the destruction.
What have the fundamentalists done with our heritage?

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