The removing of the land marks?    False Idols?

Job, chapter 24

1.   Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that
know him not see his days?

2.  Some remove the landmarks; they violently take away flocks, and feed

 Kathmandu Monday March 05, 2001 Falgun 22,  2057.

Condemnable Act

DESPITE worldwide condemnation, Afghanistan's Taliban militia leader
ordered the demolition of ancient statues of Lord Buddha. Although these
statues of Lord Buddha happen to be in Afghanistan, because of their
priceless nature, they do not belong to any particular nation or

They are, in fact, the heritage of the world, which means these relics
of Lord Buddha are the property of the entire humanity.

Thus, the order for demolition of these statues shows a lunatic streak
of the Taliban's militia leader. Hence, the order is against the entire
human civilization.

Lord Buddha is recognised as an Apostle of Peace in the world and his
Message of peace is equally relevant in today's world. Irrespective of
religion, Buddha's teachings are well accepted by all communities in the
world. Nepal has joined with the world community to condemn the latest
edict and asked the Taliban militia leaders to withdraw their decision.

Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, on behalf of His Majesty's
Government and on his own, condemned the decision of Taliban militia to
destroy Lord Buddha's statues.

Addressing a function in Kathmandu the other day, Prime Minister Koirala
said that in the wake of increasing violence and disturbances in the
world, Lord Buddha's teachings of peace and non-violence have become
more important and relevant in the present context. Violence and
conflicts have afflicted the world, including Nepal.

Against this background, all people irrespective of their ideology,
religion and nationality, need to spread the peace message of Lord
Buddha in order to create and maintain world peace so that the world can
be a better and safer place to live in.

No religion in the world wants conflicts, war, and destruction.

Islam religion also does not believe in destruction of such an important
and historic relics.

Thus, the decision to demolish the ancient relics of Lord Buddha can by
no means be compatible with the basic tenets of Islam. Resorting to
destruction and subversion is an act of terrorism and crime against
humanity and civilisation.

Such fundamentalist acts would only defame Islam religion in the long
run. The recent decision of Taliban militia leaders to destroy the
ancient statues of Lord Buddha also needs to be analysed from this
perspective by the Islamic community of the world.

The world community, thus, needs to work concertedly in order to
discourage such acts and preserve the world heritage more effectively.
The Taliban leadership's lunatic decision should be an eye opener for
the world community to work for conservation of the world cultural
heritage monuments so that such events may not take place in other parts
of the world in the name of religion.

(shortly thereafter this statement,  the Royal Famly of Nepal was
murdered but the Astrologers had predicted this slaugther )

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