We meet the enemy and it is US????


Picture Here - Afghanistan a nightmare battlefield  U.S. would face
formidable guerrilla force, hostile terrain  Villager chops firewood
in front of a burned Soviet army armed personnel carrier, in Malaspa in
the Panjshir Valley on Saturday.

 By Molly Moore and Kamran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Sept. 16 —  In a war against Afghanistan, the
world's only superpower would be aligning the most sophisticated,
high-tech military weaponry ever developed against mud barracks,
mountain caves, a few hundred artillery pieces and a savvy foe able to
melt into the khaki folds of an already devastated landscape.
  'Doesn't the CIA remember they were the ones who gave the Afghans
the best lessons in the world in how to humiliate a great army?'
       IN ALL the war-gaming of military academies and Pentagon
planners, the U.S. armed forces would be hard-pressed to have invented a
more intractable military scenario than waging combat operations in this
impoverished, bedraggled land against a radicalized guerrilla force and
its most infamous resident - Saudi fugitive and accused terrorist
mastermind Osama bin Laden. U.S. officials have pointed to bin Laden as
the chief suspect in last week's terror attacks in New York and
       Afghanistan is an ethnically fragmented country with some
of the most rugged and isolated terrain in the world, an infrastructure
that has been almost completely devastated by two decades of continuous
war, and a population struggling to survive in the face of drought,
famine and endless cycles of violence and bloodshed.
       Unlike the multinational coalition attacks on Belgrade
and Baghdad over the last decade, fought with high-precision weapons
aimed at selected targets, there are few major command and control
networks to be hit in Afghanistan, where guerrilla battles are usually
fought with artillery barrages and mortar fire. Neither requires the
sophisticated orchestration of First World combat.
       The militant Islamic Taliban movement, which controls
more than 90 percent of the country, has amassed an eclectic arsenal of
aging tanks and other equipment left over from the Soviet Union's failed
occupation. It also nabbed some overused aircraft from various warring
Afghan factions defeated since the Taliban began its takeover of
Afghanistan in 1994. More recently, new weapons, mostly automatic
rifles, machine guns and mortars, have been supplied by bin Laden and
other wealthy Saudi benefactors.
       The U.S. military learned during the Persian Gulf War
that months of bombing destroyed only a fraction of the Iraqi military
hardware arrayed across a flat desert, a lesson that could apply to
Afghanistan as well. "Carrying out large-scale bombing of Afghanistan
would be a mistake," Nikolai Kovalyov, former head of the Russian
Federal Security Service, a successor agency to the KGB, said in an
interview in Moscow. "We must learn from the lessons of history - we
have not been able to solve the problems of terrorism by large-scale
       Vice President Cheney today identified Afghanistan as a
possible target for a reprisal attack. "The government of Afghanistan
has to understand that we believe they have, indeed, been harboring a
man who committed and whose organization committed this most egregious
act," Cheney said of the airplane attacks on the Pentagon and the World
Trade Center.
       But there are enormous logistical hurdles to an attack on
the Taliban and bin Laden.
       In Afghanistan, U.S. surveillance satellites will see no
sizable power grids, no vast military bases, no major bridges and
highway networks as targets: There are none. Special forces would land
in a war zone that has changed little from the desert country of nomadic
tribes and medieval-looking villages British troops invaded more than
two centuries ago. Land forces, with virtually no access to local
supplies, would be treading through one of the most densely mined
countries on the globe amid a hostile population.
       While Pakistan has given the United States permission to
use its airspace for missile assaults and aerial bombardment of
Afghanistan, the easiest military targets already have disappeared,
according to Pakistan intelligence reports.
       The Taliban has emptied its training bases, arms depots,
command and government headquarters and has scattered its military
hardware. Bin Laden has gone into even deeper hiding than usual and has
dispatched his family members to a variety of locations, Pakistani
intelligence sources said.
       The U.S. military failed to kill bin Laden on a previous
attempt in 1998 when it launched missile attacks on his training bases
and suspected hide-outs in Afghanistan in the aftermath of two U.S.
embassy bombings in Africa.
       The problems of locating useful targets and destroying
them in air assaults would pale when compared with the complexity of
trying to land special forces or send ground troops into the country,
according to U.S. and Pakistani military planners.
       "The first mistake would be a large-scale land
operation," said former Russian security chief Kovalyov. "In the
mountains there, it is impossible to determine where or what to destroy.
For every trainful of explosives, perhaps three guerrillas at most will
die. The country is filled with caves and crevices in which to hide."
       The Taliban is estimated to have no more than 45,000
troops, including up to 12,000 foreign troops - Pakistanis, Arabs,
Uzbeks and others, according to most estimates. Pakistani military
officials said they are uncertain how large an arsenal the Taliban has
assembled but said the militia is armed with Soviet T-59 and T-55 tanks
left over from the 1980s, as well as artillery guns, rocket-propelled
grenade launchers, antiaircraft and antitank missiles, aging Soviet MIG
and Sukoi fighter planes, mortars and thousands of small arms.
       But it is the guerrilla tactics of the Taliban that make
the militia more formidable than its numbers might indicate. Those
tactics were instilled in what is now the Taliban leadership by
Pakistan, with CIA backing during the rebels' successful attempt to oust
the Soviets, and more recently honed by bin Laden's Arab soldiers.
       Senior Pakistani military and intelligence officials -
whose officers have advised, coordinated and in many cases participated
in combat in Afghanistan with various factions over the past 20 years -
said they are warning U.S. war planners of the daunting challenges.
       "You yourself [the United States] trained them to be the
best guerrilla force in the world," said a former Pakistani intelligence
official who said he advised Islamic freedom fighters under
CIA-sponsored programs during the rebels' war with Soviet forces in the
1980s. "Some of these Taliban were the CIA's superstars."
       "Doesn't the CIA remember they were the ones who gave the
Afghans the best lessons in the world in how to humiliate a great army?"
said another former Pakistani intelligence official, who has advised the
Taliban in military operations for the past five years.
       Taliban leader Mohammad Omar fought under one of the
CIA's most prized rebel commanders, Yunis Khalis, according to the
former operative.

       Invading forces have been attempting to conquer
Afghanistan and tame its feuding tribes for centuries. And in every
instance, it was the politically charged ethnic divisions that
undermined efforts to unify the country. It is a legacy that may not
only govern how the U.S. military would plot attacks, but also the
problems it would generate to fill the void created if the military
objective is to dismantle the Taliban government.
       Afghanistan's population, estimated to be about 25
million, is a volatile mixture of ethnic groups: about 38 percent
Pashtun, 25 percent Tajik, 6 percent Uzbek, 19 percent Hazara, along
with small numbers of Aimaks, Turkmen and Baloch. Most of the population
speaks an Afghan form of Persian called Dari, Pashto, or one of more
than 30 other minor languages. The language barriers alone offer a vivid
example of problems land forces would face in fighting or follow-up
efforts to rehabilitate the country, according to military planners.
•Cheney vows 'full wrath' in long, 'dirty' war, discloses military
pilots were authorized to down civilian planes  •Pakistan demands
Taliban to hand over bin Laden; bin Laden again denies responsibilty for
attacks  •Bush vows to rid world of 'evildoers'  •Second 'material
witness' arrest made  •Poll: 81 percent say wait to retaliate  •Most
airports open; National still closed  •Newsweek: 2 suspects were under
watch by FBI  •Newsweek poll: 89 percent back Bush  •WashPost:
Pentagon unprepared for terror attack  •FBI probes short-selling
before attacks  •U.S. stock markets ready to trade  •Submit tips at
www.ifccfbi.gov. Toll-free FBI hot line: (866) 483-5137. Family
Information: (800) 331-0075.
       The warlords and military commanders who controlled each
of these groups were united in their effort to dislodge Soviet forces.
But when Moscow withdrew its troops in 1989, a power-sharing government
composed of the former rebel leaders quickly disintegrated into civil
war, with the defense minister and president assembling their own army
to fight the prime minister.
       It was the brutality and destruction of those wars that
led to the formation of the Taliban in 1994, though the movement's rise
can also be traced to ethnic and religious animosities going back three
       While the Taliban easily won control of the largely
Pashtun southern deserts and mountains that border Pakistan, opposition
forces managed to cling to small pockets of territory in the more
isolated and beautifully rugged valleys and mountain lands bordering
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
       One commander was most responsible for fending off the
Taliban near the Tajik border: the rail-thin Ahmed Shah Massoud. Only
this year he had managed to persuade other ethnic commanders from the
anti-Soviet days to return to northern Afghanistan in a loosely
organized group called the Northern Alliance.
       On Sept. 9, Massoud, 48, was hit in a suicide-bomb attack
by two men posing as Arab journalists at his headquarters. Though
Pakistani and U.S. intelligence reports indicated he died within hours
of the explosion, his family only confirmed the death on Thursday.
       Now, it is unclear whether his successor will be able to
maintain the same loyalty commanded by Massoud, who enjoyed almost
legendary stature in his home Panjshir Valley.
       Pakistani military officials note that inserting ground
forces into Afghanistan from Pakistan would force them through the
region of Afghanistan that would be most hostile to foreign forces
attempting to drive out the Taliban.
       They say more sympathetic entry points would be along the
northern borders through Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. While the United
States has been holding an increasing number of joint military training
exercises with those and other Central Asian nations in recent months,
the Northern Alliance has been heavily supported by Iran and Russia, two
countries with strong concerns about the presence of Western forces in
the region.
       Correspondent Susan B. Glasser in Moscow contributed to
this report.
       © 2001 The Washington Post Company
 Sept. 11: Portrait of an ordinary day that turned surreal
 Bin Laden: Architect of new global terrorism
 Full Post coverage: News, views, graphics and more
 Panoramas near Ground Zero
 Slide show: A day of mourning
 Database of vicitms, some with bios

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