-Caveat Lector-

Bin Laden Congratulates Tower Terrorists - Denies Involvement By Anton La
Guardia Diplomatic Editor The Telegraph

London 9-13-1


Osama Bin Laden yesterday congratulated those responsible for the terrorist
attacks in America. But with characteristic evasiveness, he denied that he
was involved.

"Osama bin Laden thanked Almighty Allah and bowed before him when he heard
this news," said Jamal Ismail, the Islamabad bureau chief of Abu Dhabi
Television, who spoke to one of bin Laden's senior lieutenants by satellite

Bin Laden said the onslaught was "a punishment from Allah" for America's
attempt to "control the entire world by force". The journalist added: "But
he had no information or knowledge about the attack."

Bin Laden has been blamed for the bombing of American embassies in Africa
in 1998, and Western intelligence agencies believe that he is behind the
latest terrorist onslaught.

But as American security officials decided on how to respond, Washington
gave notice that it would also target "rogue states" who sponsor those
responsible for the attacks.

If bin Laden was responsible, the first target for retribution will be
Afghanistan. The Taliban, the militant Islamic rulers in Kabul who are
already under United Nations economic sanctions, are closely allied to bin
Laden's network of Muslim extremists and have given him refuge in the

American missile strikes against his bases in Afghanistan in 1998, and a
series of subsequent arrests, have apparently not weakened the group. The
Americans will also have to look at elements within Pakistan, which
recognises the Taliban regime and whose intelligence services have a web of
contacts with Afghan groups.

However, Pakistan is a long-standing ally of the United States and
destabilising its military ruler, President Pervez Musharraf, may destroy
the last bulwark against a takeover by Islamic militant groups.

Sudan has in the past harboured bin Laden and was also the target of US
missile strikes in 1998. But in recent years it has tried to distance
itself from him and to improve relations with Washington.

Beyond these countries, it becomes more difficult to identify "state
sponsors" of bin Laden. Libya, Iran and Syria - countries usually regarded
by the West as Middle East "rogue states" - have strongly denounced the

Libya's leader, Col Muammar Gaddafi, the target of American bomb strikes in
1986 and the man suspected of ordering the bombing of the Pan Am aircraft
over Lockerbie in 1988, has been largely rehabilitated.

Now he has offered condolences. "Everyone should put human considerations
above political differences and stances and offer aid to the victims of
this gruesome act," he said.

In the chorus of official Arab condemnation, Iraq stands out for its
official gloating. Baghdad's state television described the carnage as the
operation of the century. "The American cowboy is reaping the fruits of his
crimes against humanity.

"It is a black day in the history of America, which is tasting the bitter
defeat of its crimes and disregard for peoples' will to lead a free, decent
life," said a commentary.

Western intelligence agencies will be scrutinising every scrap of
information to see whether Saddam Hussein has had a hand in the attacks as
a means of exacting revenge on America.

Nevertheless, Iraq has in the past had close relations with Sudan and
Yemen, where militants believed to be linked to bin Laden crippled an
American warship in Aden in a suicide bombing last October.

Bin Laden's network of a few thousand Islamic militants has become a kind
of Islamic international brigade. It goes by the title of "International
Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and Crusaders" and includes armed
groups from Pakistan, Egypt, Kashmir and Bangladesh.

It was forged in the war against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Many
of the Afghan mujahideen received the support, weapons and finance of
America's Central Intelligence Agency.

But after the defeat of the Soviet Union, some of these "freedom fighters"
turned against the West, in particular America. Bin Laden has said his
priority is to expel US and other foreign forces from Saudi Arabia - "the
land of the two Holy Places" - and to act as the catalyst for Islamic


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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