-Caveat Lector-


Thoughts from New York

Ali Abunimah ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

September 17, 2001

NEW YORK -- I arrived in New York City on Friday night, three days after
the disaster. I drove all day from Chicago with a friend. As we crossed
the George Washington Bridge from New Jersey into upper Manhattan we could
see that it was really true. Down towards the end of the island, a huge
cloud hung, lit yellowish by the lights of the city, above the space where
the towers had once soared. It gave the impression of a mouth that had
just lost a tooth violently.

We passed through the checkpoint at Canal and Church Streets, escorted by
my sister and her family who live in the closed zone beyond. This
checkpoint has itself has become a destination. Opposite the barriers on
the north side of Canal a crowd of people are standing, some holding
candles, looking down Church street at the looming white
cloud. Floodlights bathe the scene making everything seem hyper real, or
hyper false -- like a movie set. Emergency vehicles, trucks and utility
vans are waved through. Below the checkpoint the streets are deserted.

Looking south on Church Street in the morning, I can count eight blocks to
the smoking remains of the Twin Towers. The only people in the street are
rescue workers, walking away from the scene in pairs or resting in small
groups. Franklin street is a staging area for diesel generators. I count
more than a dozen industrial generators parked where cars used to
be. There is a pallet with dozens of hard hats, and other supplies are
strewn about. I overhear one rescuer say to another "It's like Home Depot
down there, there's everything, food, water, tools, masks." For days the
radio has been announcing the items that people should donate. So
overwhelming was the response from the public that now they are telling
people to stop, and to give money to the American Red Cross instead.

Downtown Manhattan has always struck me as one of the places in the world
furthest from the cares and afflictions of the world. SoHo with its art
galleries, designer furniture  and fashion; Tribeca with its astronomical
rents, its restaurants and cafes. Now, it has been transformed. Violence
as brutal as anything that afflicted Lebanon or Bosnia has come here, and
it interacts with the city in incongruous ways. A cafe on a deserted
street in the closed zone featuring delicate French pastries from
Balthazar offers them free to rescue workers. The Eden Day Spa has posted
flyers inviting rescue workers to use all their facilities and services --
the showers, the lounge, the therapeutic massages. The closest store from
which we can carry groceries is the Gourmet Garage, offering everything of
the rarest and finest from all over the world. Things that mere days ago
represented the height of frivolity and luxury have now been enlisted in
the elemental struggle for survival as soldiers in combat gear patrol the
streets and military helicopters circle overhead.

Above the Canal Street barrier New York city life continues normally but
subdued. The Twin Towers were always a great attraction. They still are as
tourists now gathered snap photos down Church Street. The souvenir shops
along Canal Street are among the few businesses open, and they are doing a
roaring trade in Twin Towers T-Shirts and postcards. There is even someone
selling postcards of the actual aircraft collisions and explosions. It is
a safe bet that the proceeds are not going to the relief effort.

If you look at the lampposts, you begin to understand what five thousand
people look like. Everywhere there are flyers with photos of people who
are missing. Mark Rasweiler is 53, and weighs 185 pounds. One woman is
leaning up a against a car, hand on her hips with a broad smile. Another
women is talking on the telephone in her kitchen, a surprised and
mischievous smile on her face. Another is holding a fluffy white poodle. A
young man is wearing a tux; perhaps this was his wedding photo. Norberto
Hernandez is wearing a chef's uniform. One flyer declares hopefully and
heartbreakingly that the smiling, athletic looking man is "one of your
unidentified patients."  The marble facade at the United States Post
Office at Canal and Church has become a shrine, the wall covered with
these flyers, and candles and flowers adorning the steps.

It reminds me of pictures I have seen of the Amariyah bomb shelter in
Baghdad. The same photos and flowers line the wall of the memorial to the
more than four hundred women and children incinerated by two "smart
bombs" that destroyed the facility in a middle class neighborhood of the
Iraqi capital on February 12, 1991. Kathy Kelly wrote about an encounter
she had when she visited the site in March 1991 with the Red Crescent, in
the book "Iraq Under Siege":

"Single family homes surrounded the cavernous remains of the
shelter. Stretched across the brick facade of each house was a black
banner bearing in graceful, white Arabic letters the names of the family
members from the home who had died in the massacre. Staring at the scene,
I began to cry. A beautiful Iraqi child smiled up at me. "Welcome," she
said. Then I saw two women dressed in black cross the street. I thought
surely they were coming to withdraw the children who now surrounded us. As
they drew closer, I spoke the few Arabic words I knew: "Ana Amrikyyah, wa
ana aasifa" --I'm American and I'm sorry. But they said, "La, la,
la," --No, no, no. And they explained. "We know that you are not your
government and that your people would never do this to us." Both women had
lost family members to the American Bombs. Never again do I expect to
experience such understanding."

But such understanding does exist and survives even the most colossal
catastrophes. The day after September 11, I wrote an essay that I called
"A Few Words," giving my reactions to both the bombing and some of the
hate mail and threats that I and other Arab Americans and Muslims were
receiving. Never has anything I have written produced such a reaction. To
date I have received over seven hundred personal emails in direct response
to this essay, the overwhelming majority of them expressing solidarity and
the strongest condemnation of any scapegoating of Arabs generally. Yes,
there were some serious incidents of violence against Arabs, Muslims and
anyone else who appeared too 'foreign,' and countless incidents of
harassment have been reported. But the overwhelmingly decent side America
has let it be known that this is not done in its name.

Lisa wrote " I for one will not stand for people making disgusting
generalizations and judgements, spreading more fear in the face of this
attack. No culture or heritage is clean and innocent. We all carry the
burdens of our ancestors, but we are all here because of their sacrifices,
good or bad. Life is a messy thing and we must strive to be our best and
do our best for everyone and everything. Hate, discrimination, and
intimidation will lead no
one to freedom."

Geoff from Mississippi sent a message typical of hundreds I received: "Of
course, I am filled with rage and hatred at whoever carried out the
attacks on Tuesday, but I am also very concerned about the anger that some
people in the United States have directed against Muslims, Arabs, and
Arab-Americans all over the world. Please understand that most of us
Christian and Jewish Americans have no negative feelings toward you, and
we deplore the scapegoating and violence that some of our stupid
countrymen have perpetrated in response to the tragedy."

The media says that America wants retribution. I am sure that sentiment is
out there, but I personally have not encountered this, and many of the
messages I got displayed a thirst for understanding, not a desire for
blood. I sense that many people are asking questions and searching for
answers that CNN is not equipped or willing to give them. Karen  from
Illinois wrote "I don't know what kind of military response would be
appropriate and just, but I firmly believe that any U.S. response MUST
INCLUDE a  sincere and concerted effort to reach out to our Arab and
Muslim brothers.  It  is all well and good for politicians to stand up and
instruct Americans  not to type cast Arabs as terrorists, but if we don't
start looking each other in the eye and listening with our mind and heart
to the stories of injustice our Arab friends have to tell, we will always
remain US and THEM.  Without this effort, we will never be able to stand
united against terror and injustice."

Brock wrote: "I don't understand a few things about Islam.  How is it
these guys like bin Laden think of this as a holy war.  What in Islam
suggests to suicide bombers that their acts will deliver them to Allah or
make Allah smile on them? I have heard that Islam encourages revenge.  I
know in the Bible there is the passage about an eye for an eye... is there
something like this in the Koran that these fanatics embrace? I suppose it
is as if the weird fundamentalist Christians of Ruby Ridge and Waco were
to get control of a country, but I got tell you that if these things about
Islam aren't true, honest Muslims aren't doing a very good job telling the
rest of the world what Islam is really about."

These are honest questions from honest people. This decency and sense of
fairness is America's greatest strength, but it has also been a
weakness. Americans want to think of themselves as a benign nation that
stands for the downtrodden against the strong, and for right against
wrong. This has sometimes made it much harder to make people see the
distortions that their government's policies have produced over decades in
the Middle East and other parts of the world; that the America that they
believe in and strive for --the America of decency and freedom -- is not
the same America experienced by millions of people whose lives are ruined
by US-backed dictators and despots, who see their loved ones incinerated
by "smart bombs" and wasted by sanctions. People are sometimes unwilling
to see an image in the mirror that they do not like. The America that
wrote to reassure me and other Arab Americans that I am safe at home here
is not the same America that with unconditional support sentences my
cousins to a life of brutality and violence under endless Israeli
occupation. But it is the America that can and must act to stop it.

There is nothing on earth that the United States could do anywhere that
would ever justify or excuse what was done on September 11. Whoever did
it, if they did have links to the Middle East, did not do it in the name
of peace or in the name of Arabs and Muslims. It was an act of pure,
unremitting evil. But this horrifying act must not now be used to silence
or delegitimize criticism of US policy in the Middle East. It will be more
important than ever for Americans to interrogate and understand their
relationship to a region of the world of which many of them have little
knowledge or interest but in which their government is deeply mired. Arab
Americans and Muslims must be ready to be a part of this discussion and
with patience and forbearance face increased hostility from some quarters
and increased questions from others.

Nothing will ever be the same after September 11. That can be for good or
bad. I do not expect the coming "war" being advertised by President Bush
to be the conventional type. If Ussama Bin Laden and his followers are
indeed behind this outrage, sending an American army into Afghanistan
would be both useless and suicidal as well as a gift to those who would
welcome the opportunity to kill more Americans on their terms and
terrain. Listening to President Bush ratchet up his promises is
worrying. Unless the goal is simple retribution against anyone or
anything, there is no obvious conventional war scenario that would be
anything but counterproductive, do anything but feed a cycle of death and
violence with no logical end.

Bombs and cruise missiles raining on Kabul will likely do nothing but
cause suffering to more innocent civilians and may simply radicalize many
more people. If there were any targets to hit that could effectively
damage the ability of people like Bin Laden to operate, the United States
would not have resorted to bombing an entirely innocuous pharmaceutical
factory in Sudan in August 1998 in response to the bombings of two US
embassies Kenya and Tanzania. That bombing likely contributed to thousands
of civilian deaths in Sudan, one of Africa's poorest countries, as a
population struck by an epidemic of meningitis and other diseases lost
half of the country's supplies of medication. It may be less satisfying
for some, but there will have to be an aggressive law enforcement effort
to pursue the perpetrators and those who supported them.

There are enormous dangers ahead. In such a charged atmosphere, law
enforcement could stray into violating civil rights at home, especially of
immigrants and citizens with ancestry in the Middle East or South
Asia. Abroad, the US may repeat its policy mistakes of the past rather
than learning from them.. "Friendly" countries under pressure from the US
to stamp out "fundamentalism" and extremism may be rewarded for even
greater repression of their citizens' rights.

Americans will need to look their government squarely in the face and
recognize that many of the most demonized foreign figures against which
America has launched all out wars -- General Noriega of Panama, Saddam
Hussein, and now Ussama Bin Laden -- were once close allies if not actual
creations of the United States (For more on the US role in supporting Bin
Laden and his ilk, see The Atlantic Monthly; May 1998; Blowback; Volume
277, No. 5; pages 24 - 36, by Mary Anne
Weaver. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96may/blowback.htm)

The secret government agencies that helped create what is now apparently
the greatest threat to US security are the same agencies that failed to
detect and prevent the biggest non-governmental crime in
history. Americans need to ask whether these same agencies --probably
showered with more money and even greater powers -- ought now to be in
charge of fighting this threat.

On the shoulders of the decent America that emerged from the destruction
of September 11 is an enormous responsibility to this country and to the
world. It is a responsibility made all the harder to bear when the smoke
literally has not yet cleared from the skies of Manhattan, the grieving
has barely begun, and the hounds of war are straining at the leash.

Ali Abunimah

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                         DEFINING APARTHEID

Article 2 of the "International Convention of the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid" of 1973 clearly defined the
term "crime of apartheid." This includes similar policies and practices
of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living conditions
calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
with the full support of the USA.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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