-Caveat Lector-


"We were told that the real threat was not from some Islamic
fundamentalists who vowed to commit terrorist acts to bring us to our
knees. No, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno and their friends on Capitol Hill
and in the media spoke as one voice about the home-grown threat posed by
church-going Americans, protesting against partial-birth abortion. "

"Meanwhile, the "girly-men" liberals and their strident molls scratch their
heads and wonder how and why Tuesday happened. After all, weren't they nice
to these terrorists? Didn't they display the correct amount of tolerance
for another peoples' religious beliefs? Didn't Hillary Clinton actually
embrace and kiss Arafat's wife? "

[Note:   I would like to add these two qoutes for your consideration:

"They (radical Islam) have the will to destroy the West. They don't have
the power today. You have the power today, we all do, the power to crush
this terror network. What we must now show is that we have the will to do
--Binyamin Netanyahu

"Some commentators and so-called experts have been quick to suggest that we
will have to give up rights and freedoms in order to achieve greater
security against the terrorist threat. They are wrong. The liberties of
America's citizens do not facilitate terrorism - rather it is the liberties
we have wrongly allowed to non-citizens."
--Alan Keyes

The radial Islamic fanatic hates America, hates our God, the only true God,
hates Christianity, our prosperity and our culture, in part because their
pitiful false god cannot build a nation up beyond third world status, even
with assistance.  They hate the fact that we support Israel and they have
been unable to destroy that nation. I believe that several things factor
into our current sad situation, besides the obvious ones above.  For one
thing our government has been far too absorbed in attacking our own
citizens for political incorrectness to pay proper attention to the real
dangers, even ignoring warnings from other nations that something was in
the works.  Another factor is the fact that we as a nation have turned from
the God who blessed and built it, we have declared that abortion,
homosexuality, evolution and so on are correct, in direct contradiction to
the Bible.  We have outlawed God in this nation, forbidding Him even in our
schools, and I believe that God has removed His protecting hand from this
nation as a result.

The fact that God allowed this attack in no way justifies those who
perpetrated this evil, and the reasons that He did allow it are described
above and are not because of some delusional belief that something we did
to radical Islam justifies their actions.  The radical Islamic is NOT
innocent, is NOT justified.

-- Tony

Death by liberal


By Gary Aldrich
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Several days have passed since the most outrageous act of terrorism in the
history of the world. The clearance of the wreckage has just begun.
Meanwhile thousands of innocent victims lie beneath smoldering rubble. It
will take weeks until the last girders are lifted from the sub-basements of
the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

We weep for the victims and pray that more of them can be found alive.

But, there will be no peace and there will be no rest. Rescue workers toil
to bring to us what they can, but most victims were reduced to ash, or
destroyed beyond recognition by the compressions, the explosions and the
inferno that followed.

Fall rains will wash American blood and ashes down into the storm drains of
New York City, and the essence of American lives lost will move down the
Hudson River to the Atlantic Ocean, and be sent by the ocean currents
around the globe. Their innocent blood will someday reach the shores of
nations who nurture and harbor terrorists - to join the bombs that we'll
send there soon to extract our retribution.

We now learn that these animals were trained on our soil. They attended
flight training schools in the United States and, while they did, they
lived among us as our neighbors. Their children attended schools with our

They came across U.S. borders with "papers" that allowed easy entry, and
exit. There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of these terrorists here
today. About 50 of them have surfaced to do these evils acts. The rest
await orders from abroad.

I submit that these terrorists enjoyed more freedom and liberty than we
did. After all, while we were being questioned about our baggage, x-rayed
and searched, real criminals came and went as they pleased. And then, these
murderers boarded jetliners with their knives, phony bombs and threats.
Grandmothers and teenagers presented photo IDs and put their keys and
change in a dish, while extremely dangerous men carried on long-distance
conversations about jet fuel and potential body counts.

I hope, now, we will realize that combating terrorism with feel-good,
symbolic gestures won't work. Perhaps a significant number of our citizens
are fooled, but the terrorists are smart. They laugh at our feeble attempts
to create the illusion of safety.

They drive effortlessly through our cities and towns and eat our
cheeseburgers, while we dodge concrete barriers, and walk around black,
metal pylons. We must go miles out of our way so that we can get from one
end of the District of Columbia to the other. That's because Bill Clinton
closed Pennsylvania Avenue to achieve a symbolic security everyone knew was
as flimsy as your ordinary egg shell.

We, as a nation were led to believe that the liberals' way of dealing with
terrorism was preferable to the conservatives' gut feelings. My friends
know that the only effective way to deal with a obvious threat like the one
we're facing is to squash these bugs like a farmer would apply his boot to
a scorpion - and for the same reasons.

That's because if you don't kill the damn thing, sooner or later, you or
one of your loved ones will be bitten.

We were even given a new set of "enemies" to consider. Call it a
distraction. We were told that the real threat was not from some Islamic
fundamentalists who vowed to commit terrorist acts to bring us to our
knees. No, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno and their friends on Capitol Hill
and in the media spoke as one voice about the home-grown threat posed by
church-going Americans, protesting against partial-birth abortion.

And then they demonized well-organized militia groups with - gasp, actual
guns! - who were complaining about Clinton's liberal agenda. They were
considered suspicious because they expressed absolute disgust for our
commander in chief.

I submit these same bearded, flannel-shirted "suspicious characters" are
now running the backhoes and girder cutters in New York City, working
around the clock until they drop from exhaustion, attempting to do what
real Americans have always done.

Meanwhile, the "girly-men" liberals and their strident molls scratch their
heads and wonder how and why Tuesday happened. After all, weren't they nice
to these terrorists? Didn't they display the correct amount of tolerance
for another peoples' religious beliefs? Didn't Hillary Clinton actually
embrace and kiss Arafat's wife?

Yes, she did - and this is the thanks that she gets! Why, Hillary even
helped release Puerto Rican terrorist bombers in a symbolic display of
healing and forgiveness! Talk about being blindsided after you've gone out
of your way to be nice!

Liberals are not the only ones blindsided. Apparently, the FBI and CIA were
absolutely clueless that the terrorists were here and had a well-organized,
well-funded plan to commit the worst act of terrorism in our world's

Is it possible that the FBI was too busy keeping an eye on so-called
"domestic terrorism" to notice? Could it be that the CIA was unable to
penetrate this awful plan because a former Clinton appointee who happened
to be the CIA director, decided that CIA agents could no longer recruit
spies who were suspected of illegal activity?

We are a country confused about our enemies, or what to do about them.
Until now, we have not been able to distinguish a real threat from a paper
tiger. Even when our embassies have been bombed, our Navy attacked, and our
allies terrorized by the same religious fanatics, we have been unable to
come to a solution. That is, until now. Now we get it. Now we see what's
real vs. what's concocted for political gain. Somehow the terror of "air
rage" takes on new meaning. So, now, we will do the real work - of men - to
protect our citizens "against all threats, foreign and domestic."

For eight long years, the liberals partied - and they have run up an
enormous tab. Thousands of American lives have been cashiered for the
liberal's asinine, childish approach to national security. The warnings
about their "Age of Aquarius" approach to the protection of our lives were
being sounded as early as 1993. Clinton's participation in the unraveling
of our nation's national security was well known by the summer of 1996.
Still, so many of our citizens wanted to believe Bill Clinton.

There were many terrorist events along the way, some of them terrible to
behold - but nothing was as horrible as this past Tuesday. Nevertheless,
many Americans had already died at the hands of religious fanatics residing
on foreign shores, coming and going from the U.S. whenever they pleased,
photo IDs in hand.

The liberals' solution was always to make nice with terrorists, while
whittling away at our liberties and freedoms with symbolic rent-a-cop
check-points, laughable metal detectors and meaningless photo-ID checks.
Thank God, adults have returned to our White House. Now, if only they can
find a way to keep the liberals at bay while a man's work finally gets
done. Too late for the victims in New York and Virginia, I'm sorry to say.

Excuse me if I absent myself from the national political group-hug that's
going on. You see, I believe the liberals are largely responsible for much
of what happened Tuesday, and may God forgive them.

My job and the job of all conservatives now, is to keep liberals out of
power as long as humanly possible. Our country is not safe when liberals
are in power. How much more evidence do we need?

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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"No agreement with a foreign nation can confer power on
Congress, or on any other branch of government, which is
free from the restraints of the Constitution. . . . It would be
manifestly contrary to the objectives of those who created
the Constitution, as well as those who were responsible for
the Bill of Rights, let alone alien to our entire constitutional
history and tradition to construe Article VI as permitting the
United States to exercise power under an international agreement
without observing constitutional prohibitions."

Reid vs. Covert (1957)
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