-Caveat Lector-

>>He opens his analysis emphasizing the coincidence of the invasion of Cuba
and Puerto Rico in 1898 (the Spanish-American War) with a reorganization of
the sugar trust in the United States, towards a more oligopolistic

American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish Caribbean
Ayala, César

Published by EH.NET (October 2000)

César Ayala, American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish
Caribbean 1898-1934. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press,
1999. xii + 321 pp. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0-8078-2506-9; $19.95 (paper),
ISBN: 0-8078-4788-7.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Alan Dye, Department of Economics, Barnard College.

Surprisingly, there has been little comparative historical work published
that focuses on the sugar industries of the three Spanish Caribbean
countries, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo. César Ayala's book,
therefore, bridges an important gap in the literature. Ayala has constructed
a narrative of substantial breadth, combining a critical reading of the
secondary literatures on each country's sugar industry with primary evidence
and an emphasis on their links to their major twentieth-century market, the
United States.

Working within the tradition of world systems theory (of Immanuel
Wallerstein), he places each of these three countries within its world
context. The book is motivated as a challenge to the neo-Marxist "Plantation
School," which as he describes it, emphasizes the continuity of the
plantation as a fundamental unit of analysis by which plantation economies
occupy a common, peripheral position in the world system. Ayala challenges
the generality of such claims, arguing that the plantation systems in the
Spanish Caribbean were comparatively different, conditioned by different
historical contexts and different institutional linkages to the United

He opens his analysis emphasizing the coincidence of the invasion of Cuba and
Puerto Rico in 1898 (the Spanish-American War) with a reorganization of the
sugar trust in the United States, towards a more oligopolistic structure.
Some of the key personalities in the sugar-refining rivalry in the United
States were major investors in raw sugar companies in Cuba and Puerto Rico
after 1898. He argues that the "mechanisms" of the holding company and
interlocking directorates vertically integrated each of the local industries
to the U.S. sugar refining sector. Unified ownership of vertically related
segments of sugar processing and refining are demonstrated with great clarity
and detail. Differences in the character of vertical ownership in each of the
three countries are identified. Variations in patterns of ownership are
illustrated using case studies of the Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation, the Cuban
American Sugar Company, the Punta Alegre Sugar Company, the South Porto Rico
Sugar Company and a number of other companies within the American Sugar
Refining or National Sugar Refining groups. This portion of the book extends
and contributes substantively to the work of Oscar Pino Santos and others.

Most engaging in this broad narrative are Chapters 3 and 4, which focus on
the significance of the customs area and the vertical ownership, and Chapter
8, which has put together a description of the three countries' reactions to
the stresses of the Great Depression, the increased U.S. sugar tariff
(Hawley-Smoot) and the subsequent adoption of the U.S. Sugar Program. Each
country responded to the sugar crisis of 1930 in remarkably different ways.
With a few key insights, Ayala tells an interesting story about the contrast
in policy responses of each of the three. He gives some insight into the
political economic causes of each of these policy responses, but as the last
chapter of the book, it obviously is intended to raise questions and point
the way forward.

The central empirical theme of the book is "vertical integration," which is
not precisely defined; but clearly of interest to the author is its
transcendence of national borders. Evidence of vertical ownership is
presented to argue that foreigners controlled the sugar companies in the
Spanish Caribbean. Despite the reference to vertical integration, the author
approaches the subject as a socional differences, in his case studies,
between shareholder representation on the boards of directors and managerial
control are not examined. The reader interested in the governance structures
or contracting issues will not find them addressed here. This seems to matter
for the validity of his conclusions, since it leaves some alternative views
unaddressed. The vertical ownership structures might have developed to assist
in organization innovations or to underpin relational contracts, to reduce
transaction costs. If so, rather than unambiguously disempowering the
national industries, as he claims, they may also have brought material

Ayala's prognosis is that the vertical relationships headquartered in the
United States are evidence of U.S. imperial power. He argues that three
determinants of the U.S. system prostrated the Spanish Caribbean into a state
of dependent underdevelopment after the invasion of 1898. First, the vertical
ownership structure extending across the border to the north subdued local
interests or prevented them from surfacing. Second, the containment of these
sugar industries within a U.S. sugar customs area tied them to the United
States economy. And third, local class relations were transformed and the
workforce proletarianized by large-scale investments in sugar centrals. He
makes a strong case for the heterogeneity of the institutional make-up and
economic development of each of the three countries, and that the influence
of the United States was strong and differentiated. The analysis, however,
falls short of realistically considering the welfare consequences of the
plausible, proximate alternatives-a challenging but nonetheless important
exercise. For one thing, by 1898, Spanish Caribbean sugar planters had dealt
with the sugar trust for many years, selling most of their sugar to it. Why
then, at the turn of the century, was the C'rculo de Hacendados (sugar
planters' association) in Cuba eager to solidify its relationship with this
near monopoly? If they knew what they were getting into, they must have
preferred it to the alternatives. It would not be right to presume them
powerless or incapable of pursuing their own best interest. Without that
massive injection of capital and the preferential tariff treatment, where
would those economies have gone? One should not be blind to the possibility
of a worse outcome.

Alan Dye is Assistant Professor of Economics at Barnard College and author of
Cuban Sugar in the Age of Mass Production: Technology and the Economics of
the Sugar Central: 1898-1929 (Stanford University
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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