-Caveat Lector-

Over the psst several days I have been listening to the Islamic leaders tell
us that Islam is a religion of peace and how they do not believe in violence
against anyone. This does not mesh with what the media has been reporting
over the past several years.

The Egyptian Coptic Church is under almost daily persecution from the
moslims. They raid the Christiian villages, killing the men. If the villagers
complain to the authorities, they are arrested for investigation.

The Christians in the south of the Sudan  are turned into slaves. This has
been well reported in the media.

The arab-christians living in the occupied lands next to Israel are
persecuted by the moslems for being christians. And if that isn't enough,
then the Israelis turn aroud and persecute them when they get a chance.

Look what has happened in Kosovo. The KLA has distroyed ancient regilious
shrines of the Serbian Orthodox Church. On purpose.

This is only the recent things that have been done by a regilion that says it
is a regilion of peace.

Don't bring up the things that Christianity has done. We should all be aware
of them. We are dealing with Isllam at the moment.


Logic—A means of terrifing liberals

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