³...two of the hijackers were former Saudi fighter pilots who had studied
in exchange programs at the Defense Language School at Lackland Air Force
Base in Texas and the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base in
Los Angeles Times
September 15, 2001 

Congress OKs Use of Force
On Day of Rememberance, a Nation Mourns

Two of them were American-trained Saudi fighter pilots. One graduated from
America's foremost flight university. One drank Stoli and orange juice and
one advertised for a Mexican bride.

The 19 men identified by the FBI as suspects in the World Trade Center and
Pentagon hijack attacks were largely anonymous young men from the Mideast
who entered the United States without notice and lived quietly within the
law for years.

They studied flying, lived in nondescript suburban apartments and seldom
called attention to themselves. Most lived for a time in Florida. Others
were scattered in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Arizona and Southern
California. S
They reappeared Friday on a list of suspects in the deadliest terrorist
attack in U.S. history. The FBI said it did not know for certain where most
of the men came from, exactly where they lived in the United States or how
old they were. Several had names so common in the Middle East that tracking
them down might never be possible. If the hijackers used false names when
they boarded American and United flights Tuesday morning, it might be even
more difficult to ever discover their true identities.

One law officer in New Jersey, where two of the suspects were said to have
lived, echoed the view of many struggling in the early days of the

To anyone looking for a quick explanation of what happened and why, the
suspects left a faint trail.

"I don't know if these guys were supposed to be here two months or two
years, but I searched and found no evidence that they were ever here," said
Det. John Loertscher of the Wayne, N.J., Police Department.

There were, however, some tantalizing clues left behind.

A defense official said two of the hijackers were former Saudi fighter
pilots who had studied in exchange programs at the Defense Language School
at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and the Air War College at Maxwell Air
Force Base in Alabama.

One law enforcement source said investigators had already uncovered credit
card charges for $50,000 worth of airplane tickets.

Three of the men lived as recently as last year in San Diego.

The FBI identified Nawaq Alhamzi as one of the hijackers on American
Airlines Flight 77. A man by that name moved to the Parkwood Apartments in
San Diego in 1999, according to manager Holly Ratchford. He settled into the
neatly kept 187-unit complex, many of whose residents are Middle Easterners.

The manager said Alhamzi, polite and an "attractive guy," was cleanshaven,
about 5 feet, 4 inches, with a thin build. He paid his rent on time and
never caused trouble. He lived in his apartment with another man from the
Middle East, Ratchford said. "There wasn't anything suspicious about him."

In the mornings, it was not uncommon for Alhamzi to stop by the rental
office and say hello. He often chatted a bit and had coffee and cookies.

Alhamzi said he was a student, the manager said, but never elaborated about
what or where he was studying. FBI agents visited the complex Friday
morning. The agents asked about three other men who moved out last weekend.

"They always came in together and always left together," neighbor LaBaron
Coker said of the three men. "I saw them moving out. They had a rental

They used the pool, but only when no one else was there, neighbor Freddy
Evans said. "They were strange. Three grown men playing in the pool like

Alhamzi apparently moved from the Parkwood to a home in a quiet residential
neighborhood just east of San Diego, where he and another suspect, Khalid
Al-Midhar, rented rooms from Abdussattar Shaikh, who has been a member of
the San Diego Citizens Police Review Board. Shaikh is a retired English
professor at San Diego State University .

He was co-founder of San Diego's Islamic Center. He lives in a two-story
beige house on a bluff overlooking Spring Valley in east San Diego County,
at the end of a long rural road with no sidewalks. It's filled with books
and pamphlets on Islam. It's a gathering place for young Middle Eastern men
who share their culture and faith.

Alhamzi and Al-Midhar often talked about Islam and were homebodies, he said.
Shaikh said Alhamzi lived with him from September to December.

"I met Nawaq at the Islamic Center in San Diego," Shaikh said. "He told me
he was looking for a place to live, so I rented him a room. He was a loner,
and he didn't talk much. I don't think he had any friends. While he lived
with me, I never saw him use a telephone. I wondered if he had any family at

Alhamzi said he was from Saudi Arabia, Shaikh said. "He said he came here to
[the U.S.] to learn English, but I didn't see him going to school very
often," Shaikh said. "He told me he was taking English classes at a downtown
language school.

"He told me that he wanted to marry a Mexican girl. He said that Mexican
girls made good wives and Saudi men have taken Mexican girls to Saudi
Arabia. The problem was that he didn't know any Spanish. So I taught him a
few Spanish phrases, like, 'Que pasa.' "

Alhamzi said he was leaving to attend school in San Jose but called in
January, saying he was in Arizona. "That's the last time I heard from him,"
Shaikh said.

Shaikh said the other hijack suspect, Al-Midhar, lived with him for about
four weeks last September. "Khalid hardly spoke any English. He said he was
from Saudi Arabia. . . . He and Nawaq were friends from childhood."

He shared a room with Nawaq Alhamzi.

"When Khalid left, he told me he was returning to Saudi Arabia, where he had
a wife and children. After he left, I never heard from him again. . . . I
never had any hint that they were going to do something this terrible. They
never expressed dislike or hatred for America. I am very shocked."

In all, 12 of the 19 suspects named Friday, one more than in previous
reports, were said by the FBI to have lived at one time in Florida. They
appear to have lived in three separate locations. Members of the groups in
each of the locations appear to have been separately responsible for
individual hijackings. There is little at this point to tie one group to the
others. This is in keeping with the common view among investigators that
Islamic terrorists typically operate in individual cells, largely uninformed
of other cells.

U.S. officials said all of the suspects appear to have entered the country
legally. An emerging view within the intelligence community was that the
hijackers had not arrived with the hijack plan intact but were recruited
later or came as terrorist sympathizers pledged to help when asked.

Many of the suspects were Saudi nationals. Osama bin Laden, a Saudi fugitive
believed to be harbored in Afghanistan, remains the prime suspect as the
mastermind of the attacks.

Many of the best clues came from Florida, where several of the men received
flight training and where they appear to have holed up in the weeks before
the attacks. FBI agents worked along a 30-mile stretch of South Florida's
Atlantic coast, collecting motel registrations, rental car records and other

At the Panther Motel in Deerfield Beach, they found an apparent treasure

When owner Richard Surma took out the trash Monday morning, he discovered a
stack of flight manuals for Boeing 757s, detailed aeronautical maps of
Eastern states, a flight school tote bag and a protractor.

Surma, a graphic designer, rescued the discards, figuring he could use the
protractor for his drawings. "The binder looked brand new and the tote bag
was nice."

He assumed the stuff came from a room where two men, who had left abruptly
Sunday, had been staying. When police canvassed the neighborhood following
Tuesday's hijackings, Surma called an officer to tell him what he had found
the day before.

Investigators searched the room, dusting for fingerprints. They took the
aeronautical materials, the linens and other items. "It was like they didn't
even need to take anything to the lab, because the lab came here," Surma

Twenty miles north in Boynton Beach, agents searched the room at the Homing
Inn where Waleed M. Alshehri had stayed.

Alshehri, identified by the FBI as one of the hijackers on American Airlines
Flight 11, spent a month and four days at the hotel, said the owner, who
requested anonymity. "Every time he came to pay, it was, 'Hi, how are you?'
He was a normal guy. When he checked out, the room was clean and neat."

Alshehri's driver's license listed a permanent address at a seaside motel in
Hollywood, Fla., the Bimini Motel. Joanne Solic, one of the Bimini's owners,
said that one of the suspects shown in an FBI photo had stayed at her hotel
with another Arab man all of May and a few days in late April.

"We don't get many from Saudi Arabia," she said. That country was listed on
the registration card.

"They were nice kids--clean cut, nice looking and courteous," she said.
"Lots of hellos and thank yous, though I don't think they spoke English too

The men had only a couple of suitcases, and the room they stayed in didn't
have a phone, she said. They used the one down the hall.

In Pompano Beach at Warrick's Rent-a-Car, owner Brad Warrick said his
company had rented cars to Mohamed Atta three times, beginning Aug. 6. The
FBI said Alshehri and Atta were hijackers aboard the same American Airlines

Atta showed a Florida driver's license with a Coral Springs address, a Visa
card and an Allstate insurance card, Warrick said. Over the next month, he
drove that car and another rental more than 3,000 miles.

Warrick was watching the news Wednesday when he saw authorities towing a car
at Boston's Logan International Airport that they said was rented from a
Coral Springs, Fla., address.

"I saw the picture on the screen and said, 'That guy looks familiar,' "
Warrick said. "I called my office and asked if we had a customer named
Mohamed Atta."

They did. He had the contract faxed to him at home and he called the FBI.
The car had not been touched since it was returned by the suspects because
it was due for an inspection and could not be rented again. "It was a clean,
perfect item for the FBI to lift prints from.

"He [Atta] just seemed like a businessman--everything about him, his
demeanor, the way he looked," Warrick said. "He would wear nice slacks and a
polo shirt. He was articulate, spoke English very well. He seemed like he
had been in the country for some time. He just seemed like an everyday,
local guy."


Reza reported from San Diego and Halper from Florida. Times staff writers
Bob Drogin, Alan C. Miller, Judy Pasternak, Paul Richter, Eric Lichtblau,
Richard A. Serrano and David Willman in Washington, D.C.; Carol J. Williams
in Hamburg, Germany; Edwin Chen and John-Thor Dahlburg in Florida; Phil
Willon in San Diego; Tony Perry in New York; and Edward J. Boyer, Rich
Connell, Robert J. Lopez, Matt Lait, Scott Glover, Greg Krikorian, Anna
Gorman and Terry McDermott and researcher Nona Yates in Los Angeles
contributed to this story. 

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