
Grotesque and Pathetic “War”Sep. 18, 2001

About 281 Million against One!

- No war is pretty.  But the one that George W. Bush and his warmongering cohorts are promising the nation will probably take the cake in terms of ugliness.  It will be the most grotesque and pathetic war in mankind’s history.  It will be a war fought by honorable American men and women who have been duped into wasting their lives for a losing cause.  President Bush is painting himself and our troops into a corner with his no-win scenario.

Even before the first shots are fired, we will have lost that war.  Why?  Because Bush wants to lead America, a nation of 281 million people, the greatest power in the history of the world, into war against ONE man?! 

Such an act would only underline our WEAKNESS, not to mention inanity.  Dead or alive, Osama bin Laden is guaranteed to end up a martyr.  And we, the victims of the September 11 attack, are sure to look like aggressive fools in the eyes of the world.  We will continue to be despised, hated and attacked whenever possible. 

Way to turn a victim into an assailant, and an assailant into a martyr, Mr. Bush!  Now, that’s “leadership;” that’s “wisdom;” that’s “farsighted foreign policy”… But such an outcome would befit a self-infatuated and self-indulgent dozing giant (America) which has allowed its government to be taken over by the fools and dilettantes working for the New World Order..

Fools and dilettantes?  Is there any other epithet that befits our Washington leaders and the folks in our “intelligence community” (what an oxymoron!) on whom we’ve been spending $30 billion a year?  What happened on September 11 was an example of their (and, therefore, America’s) impotence and incompetence.  Nineteen audacious terrorists, armed with plastic knives and hearts as big as mountains, tore to shreds America’s high tech-based folly; a self-perpetuated myth of impenetrable security.

At the start of NATOs bombing of Serbia in 1999, we reminded the “NWO Uebermenschen” (supermen) of an old Serbian proverb.  It says, "Bitku ne bije svijetlo oruzje no srce u junaka" ("Battle is not fought by shiny weapons but by the hearts of heroes" - see “Kosovo War: Serbs Outnumbered 97 to 1 by NATO Countries”).  In the end, the bombing also exposed the frailties of the high tech-driven wars (see "How Serb Dummies Fooled NATO Dummies"). 

What did we learn from that?  Evidently very little.  For, even if we turn the mountainous Afghanistan into a pancake while trying to flatten bin Laden with it, how is that going to protect us from another group of fanatics armed with plastic knives and hearts as big as mountains causing another tragedy like the WTC and the Pentagon?  It won’t, of course.

So what should we be doing?  Well, we should be waging war… a war on all inside intelligence moles, leaks and weak links in our government who have allowed the September 11 crimes against humanity to take place.  They are the ones we should be “taking out” first and foremost.  What the determined terrorists did to us was bad; what our own "intelligence services" didn’t do was worse.

If the heads of the NSC, the CIA or the FBI were men of honor, they would have submitted their resignations within hours of the disaster.  If they were Japanese men of honor, they would have probably hung themselves, as some JAL executives did, for example, after a 747 crash in Japan in the 1980s.

It has now been a week, and all three government officials are still behind their desks, as far as we know.  And no wonder… An Eastern European proverb says that, “fish always stinks from the head.”

Harry Truman reminded Americans that “the buck stops here,” meaning at the White House.  Not so in Bush’s White House.  Which is why Bush and his cohorts in the federal government are now trying to deflect our attention and scrutiny away from themselves and their failures by moving straight to retaliation against third parties. 

The President and his advisors have been telling us that they want to “take out” Osama bin Laden no matter what; even if it takes taking out Afghanistan as a country.  And some other countries that allegedly harbor terrorism.  Never mind that they have not yet produced any EVIDENCE of bin Laden’s sponsorship of the September 11 attack.

By advocating an “eye-for-an-eye” approach (we can kill more of you than you can kill of us), our President and his advisors are stooping down to the level of the terrorists they are condemning.  Rather than follow such a leader, Americans should be ashamed of a President and the “hawks” around him who want to (ab)use our military to “take out” an unindicted suspect and the country in which he lives, rather than bring him to justice and prove his or that country’s guilt first.  The latter is what a civilized leader of a civilized country would be saying to the civilized world. 

By trying to arouse war fever and hatred of Islam among some jingoistic Americans, Bush and his administration are only further illustrating their arrogance and impotence.  And it is the former that led to the latter.  Arrogance breeds hatred and resistance, not fear and respect.  Had it not been for Washington’s arrogant and murderous foreign policy, starting with the Bush Sr. administration (1988-1992), there would not be so much hate for America around the world, especially among the Muslims (see “Collateral Damage” Hits Home - Item 1 of this Bulletin).

The fact that in the 1980s, when Washington wanted fanatical Muslims to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, bin Laden and Taliban were valuable CIA assets, further weakens Bush’s call to war against them.  (Saddam Hussein was also a western darling at about the same time because Iraq was at war with Iran, a sworn U.S. enemy since the 1979 Islamic revolution).

Nor do bin Laden ties to the Muslim terrorists in Chechnya, or to the U.S.-supported Muslim Albanian terrorists in Kosovo (KLA), help Bush’s credibility (for more on that, see other stories in this report).  They make his call for war sound grotesque and pathetic; no less so than was the warmongering of our infamous draft-evader (Bill Clinton) and Madeleine Albright (a.k.a. Madam Halfbright).
TiM Ed.: As you know, the TiM editor has been traveling lately through the western mountain states.  This report, for example, is being filed from Northern Idaho.  In driving around the area, one can see that at least one-third of the homes are flying American flags, some at half-mast.  Interestingly, the wealthier the neighborhood, the higher the percentage of the flag-waving citizens. 

To the extent that such a public display of “patriotism” is an indication of the American’s support of Washington’s and the establishment media’s unceasing warmongering pitches, George W. Bush’s war fever propaganda seems to be working.  But as Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for the London-based daily, The Independent, wondered in his Sep. 17 report, “Is Bush Walking into a Trap?”  And the flag-waving Americans are following him right in, like the lemmings walking off the cliff. 

Until the body bags start coming home.  That’s when the cold reality of war quickly drains off the early enthusiasm to fight, and gives rise to war resistors.  Anybody still remember the Vietnam era chants in front of the White House: “Hey, hey LBJ, how many did you kill today?”

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