Zionists Turn Against UN
NY Post Editorial Demands US Withdrawal
9/21/01 2:13:26 PM

LSN Staff
New York, NY -- American Zionists are turning against the United Nations.

Sine the UN condemned Israel as a racist state, and since much of the rest of
the world is refusing to support the US neo-conservative position that the US
much launch, on behalf of Judaism, a "holy war" or "crusade" (Crusade is
English for "holy war" and is roughly equivalent to the term "jihad") against
Islam, the conservative Zionist press in this country is beginning to demand a
US withdrawal from the UN.

For years, the UN served as the cornerstone of an internationalist-globalist
scheme, in which Zionism plays a key role, of a "New World Order", in which
international boundaries would blur and the globe would come under the control
of one united financial elite.

But with the contradictions of capitalism reaching a frenzied peak, the
domination of the "have-nots" in the pseudo-democratic body threatens the
legitimacy of the financial class' and the Zionist's order -- and so the
financial classes and the Zionists are seeking to de-legitimize the UN.

These internal contradiction within Zionism, which have also been highlighted
by LA Times and Washington Post articles attacking Ariel Sharon, in an attempt
to reign in the rogue Israeli state and have it show the Bush administration
that it is not a liability, are beginning to rend the New Order, and the false
reality, that the united financial democratic media have spent the past five or
more decades creating.

"IT'S time for the United Nations to get the hell out of town. And take with it
CNN war slut Christiane Amanpour," wrote New York Post columnist, and Zionist,
Andrea Peysner, today, "The once-shiny beacon of peace has devolved into a
cancer, where all manner of anti-American lunacy is hatched."

Later in the piece, the NY Post columnist reveals it is not "anti-American"
but "anti-Israeli" "lunacy" that enrages her, quoting Armanpour as
saying, "hatefully" that "... the United States' close alliance with
Israel, ... is a key reason for the anti-Americanism on the rise in the Middle
East", and then reminding Armanpour that she has "Jewish in-laws."

Though Zionism is not the total ideology of the ruling class, and it is not the
ideology of the total Jewish community (the NY Post is owned, for instance, by
an Australian Zionist, the same man who owns FOX News), it has become a
dominant ideology among the various factions that come together to form the
ruling class, and has been manifested by the theft of $5 billion dollars each
year in tax revenue for the purpose of "military and economic aid" to Israel.

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